The Nigerian Prince

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I was packing my things to go for a world tour, just kidding, I don't have that much budget, dude. So, back to the topic, I was packing my things for a three day-two night trip to a nearby camping site.

I work as a cashier, and sometimes waiter if there's not enough staff, in a nearby grocery store and I earn enough for us, me and my younger brother who's in college right now, to survive.

"Flora, you ready?" My best friend, Nia, yelled from outside of my room. I yelled back a 'yes' and hurried packing. Soon I finished the packing and went out of the room. Nia was sitting on the small sofa I owned and she stood up when she saw me.

"Ready, bestie?" She asks with the loudest voice and I reply 'yes' with same volume.

We went out of the house and I locked it behind me. As our budget wasn't so high so we just decided to take a bus till there. It was a six hour ride. We sat on our seats and the bus begin to move.

The scenario outside were so beautiful. I was constantly clicking pictures of them. Nia was sleeping soundlessly beside me. After an hour I got tired too so I decided to sleep.

I checked my phone and I saw an email in my mail box. I opened it to see it was from a Nigerian Prince. Such a bad joke.

I read what was written in it.

'Hello, I am Prince Jared, the Prince of Nigeria. I know it might be strange for you that I'm emailing you out of blue but still, I need some money. I'm lost here at some place and I'm not able to contact anyone. Luckily this mail got sent to you. Help me, please.'

Even if this message was a scam, that person might really need my help. I debated with myself. Should I or not?

I decided to help him, anyway I was going to give some money in charity case so I guess I'll help this person. I sent him almost all of my money which I had saved with a text saying 'It's all I have right now. Hope it'll be helpful for you.'

I didn't receive any email from him so I just left it thinking that maybe this was a scam.

I and Nia enjoyed our trip but I was left with not enough money to return so Nia payed for my trip and I promised to pay her back soon.

Eventually I earned and payed Nia back, totally forgetting about the money I sent to that Nigerian Prince.

Five years later, one day there was a knock on my door at 10 in the night. I opened it to find two men fully looking like bodyguards. I mean, whole black costly suits, red ties, black sunglasses, no smile on face, earpiece in their ears, and walky-talky in hand. I stared at them in confussion.

"Are you Ms. Flora Meyer?" One of them asked and I nodded. They said something in their walky-talky and then went away with a nod. Then appeared another man.

"Hey, remember me?" That young handsome man, maybe one or two year elder than me, stood in front of me. I looked at him from head to toe. His perfect jet black hair looking so soft, his brownish eyes sparkling with laughter, his dashing smile showing a bit off his white teeth, his lean body covered by a black hoodie and black jeans which looked pretty costly, his spotless white Nike shoes. He looked so perfect as if he just jumped out from a book.

"Um, sorry but no. Who are you? And what are you doing here?" I asked the man not able to take my eyes off him.

"Maybe you forgot, obviously you would, how dumb of me. It's been five years already. So let me introduce myself. I am Prince Jared, the prince of Nigeria." He finsihed with his heart stopping smile and reality struck me.

"Yeah, I do remember you. You're that Prince who I gave money to." I said with a smile and he nodded.

"True, and I'm here to repay you." He said as he turned to one of those bodyguards and they gave him an envelope. He took it and extended it to me.

"I'm sorry but I don't wanna accept your money, it wasn't much, so that's okay." I said shyly as he laughed.

"I know you won't accept money and hence here's some things for you." He said as I took the envelope and carefully opened it.

"There is a ticket from which you would be able to enter any disneyland in the whole world for free, then there are a few coupons which range from 90-99% off and will work for any clothe stores, then you have a pass that'll allow you to enter our palace whenever you visit Nigeria and lastly you have a ticket that'll allow you to buy 100 books from any library for free." He completed and true to his words, all things were present there.

"I'm sorry I did a research on you to give these things. Hope you like them." He said with a shy smile and I just smiled back at him.

"But you don't have to do this, the money wasn't that much to be repayed like this. I can't accept it." I said but he just shook his head.

"That money maybe didn't meant much to you but they saved me in my worse and you deserve this because of your kindness." He said and I accepted the envelope.

"So, um, coffee?" He asked and I looked at him blushing furiously.

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