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I stayed up the whole day and five hours driving, getting to Raven's around eight thirty due to getting gas, coffee, and food. When the coffee didn't work, blasting music in my car and turning on the air kept me awake somewhat. It took me a day and two hours to get to LA, the last three hours, I went to Mark's house to take a nap as he recorded. I woke up due to laughing, making me groan and rub my eyes before covering my face after Chica started licking it. "Oh, thank you fluffy puppy," I said before sitting up. Mark smiled at me as I flipped him off when I saw the camera in his hand. I flipped over the couch and landed on Ethan, not knowing he was there before. The blue haired boy let out a scream as I landed on him.

"AHHH! I was supposed to attack, not the other way around!" Ethan yelled as I laughed. Mark appeared from the other side of the couch and recorded us. I got off of Ethan and stood up, laughing harder at the look on his face. Ethan stood up slowly and I hugged him, apologizing for landing on him. I hugged Mark before leaving afterwards.

When I got to Raven's house, I saw a few other cars and stared at them before parking in the driveway. I grabbed both of my bags before turning my car off, getting out and closing the door before locking the car. I put my keys in my backpack and walked into the house, seeing Captain America playing on the full screen in the living room. Closing the door quietly and dropping my bags beside it, I grabbed an apple from the fridge and took a bite out of it, watching the movie from where I stood. Hands landed on my shoulders quickly, making me scream and throw my apple. I saw Tom falling to the floor, holding his crotch on the way down.

"Who got shot?" I heard Raven ask, making me turn around to see her on Craig's lap. I raised my hand slowly before putting the other one on my chest. "Shouldn't you be dead if you got shot?" she asked, making me shrug.

"All I saw was Tom get hit square in the testicles by an apple," I heard Tyler say before hearing him laugh. I turned around to see Tyler, Kelly, John, and Tom standing by the stairs. I looked at all of them with a confused looked on my face.

"Where the fuck did you guys come from?" I asked. I heard Raven laugh from behind me, making me flip her off without looking at her. The other began laughing, making me groan and turn around to see Craig on Evan's shoulders, trying not to fall off. "Evan!" I yelled and ran towards him, jumping onto his side. Craig screamed as I wrapped an arm around his leg. Evan began to sway with all the weight on him. "Don't fall and crush me!" I yelled.

"I'm trying my best, Jace!" Craig began to fall off, his head landing on the carpet. I began sliding down Craig's leg, making him scream again.

"Get your hand away from my dick!" he yelled, making me laugh and fall off beside him. "Jesus Christ! Pushing up my pants leg and shit oh my god." I slapped the side of his head before getting up.

"I just drove twenty six hours to get here with three hours of sleep. You need to calm the fuck down," I said before getting up. I grabbed my bags and walked up the stairs to my room, seeing an air mattress on the floor. "I don't trust this air mattress!" I yelled to everyone downstairs. I heard a yelp and a scream come from Tyler before I saw Raven.

"Air mattress should be good. Evan was in there with Jahn," she said, making me groan. I threw my bags onto the floor and landed on the air mattress. I took a shoe off and threw it at the door, trying to close it. The shoe landed in the hallway, making me groan loudly.

"FUCK MY ENTIRE EXISTENCE!" I screamed before getting up and slamming the door shut.


"What the fuck is her deal? She pregnant or something? Bipolar?" Tyler asked after the door slammed shut. I kicked him in the shin hard, making him look at me. "What? Worried Ohm knocked up your girl?" I looked at Kelly, who was glaring at her boyfriend.

"Jace had one of those night terrors the night before last. She's usually very easy to upset after those," I told Tyler, watching as his shoulders slumped over. "She's not going to be able to sleep for a while."

I walked up the stairs to Jace's room, knocking on the door before opening it, seeing Jace drawing on the painted wall. I closed the door quietly and admired all of the drawings that covered the wall. She looked back at me for a few seconds before looking back at her drawings. "I draw the nightmares. I don't know why, but every time I do, I don't have one for a while," Jace said. She put the colored pencil down and backed away from the wall, looking at the drawing.

"Feet on glass?" I asked as I moved closer to the wall. I looked up and saw a rag with the Greek letter Omega. "Ohm?" I asked again, looking at Jace. She closed her eyes and nodded.

"When I first moved in. I asked for the second biggest room, which turns out to be the biggest room without my setup in here," Jace said, grabbing a silver sharpie to trace and color in the rag. "I moved in after... after my mom died. I was seventeen, I think." I sat on the air mattress and looked at the drawings that were beside it.

"Jace," I said softly. She put the lid back on the sharpie after finishing the rag. She put the sharpie in a tub and sat beside me, looking at her hands that were shaking. "You have to sleep. I know that you're scared that the nightmares will come back if you sleep-." I said before Jace stood up quickly.

"I'm not just scared, Evan. I'm petrified in a way. When I wake up after them, I can barely breathe. Sure, I live at someone's house for a few months or maybe even a year, but the same thing always happens," Jace told me, her voice shaking as tears ran down her cheeks. She slid down the other wall and hid her face in her hands. Jace's body shook as she cried quietly on the other side of the room. "I'm so scared that those nightmares will actually happen, Evan."

"Come here," I said softly before standing to turn the small lamp on and the overhead light off. I sat beside Jace and pulled her onto my lap. I laid down on my side with her beside me. "Sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." I told her softly.

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