Just Getting Warmed Up

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      Everyone's attention immediately focused on the middle-aged blonde woman standing in the doorway, gazing intently at Aerin, and their surprise and confusion morphed into concern at the bride's reaction to the party-crasher. The color immediately drained from her face, and she proceeded to curl into her seat, prompting her new husband to start rubbing her back in an attempt to calm her.

      All of the other men rose from their seats, and Rikki snapped, "Who the hell are you, and how did you get in here?"

      When there was no response, Ashley snarled, "Answer the question, lady! You're upsetting my sister, and that's the last thing she needs right now, especially on such a happy day."

      The intruder still refused to respond, continuing to stare intently at Aerin, until Bobby inquired, "Aerin, sweetheart, who the hell is she?"

      "That's my bitch of a mother," she replied, which seemed to surprise everyone else except Aidan, who had pinned her own glare on the older woman, her face wearing an expression that caused Bret's girlfriend Kristi, who was seated across from her, to eye her somewhat warily and edge her chair slightly back from the table. 

      Answering her husband's question seemed to help Aerin regain a bit of her composure, and after responding to young Lucy's admonishment regarding her language, she engaged in a verbal exchange with the older woman, in both English and Italian, before springing up from her chair and dashing from the room, with Bobby in hot pursuit. The older woman watched them leave, then turned to glower at everyone, demanding, "What are y'all looking at, anyway? Is it some sort of a crime to come to my own daughter's wedding?"

      "It might not be a crime, but barging in somewhere that you haven't been invited, and clearly aren't wanted, pretty much makes you the poster girl for bad manners," Ashley retorted. "So I highly recommend that you turn yourself around and head back to wherever it is that you came from."

      "And preferably before my dad gets back," Zach added. "Because I'll guarantee that you won't enjoy being on the receiving end when he finally loses his temper."

      Completely ignoring Zach, she turned a sneer toward Ashley, saying, "And what was that bullshit you were spouting about Aerin being your 'sister', hmm? Cuz unless there's something about her useless, deadbeat daddy that I haven't heard about, you sure as hell aren't any kin of ours."

      Ashley opened his mouth to reply, but was startled into silence when an icy, measured voice hissed, "You have about five seconds to shut your pie-hole before I take care of it myself, you obnoxious, self-absorbed, money-grubbing cow." 

      Everyone's jaws dropped in surprise as Aidan stood up so abruptly that her chair tipped backward onto the floor, and started moving toward the unwanted guest, the brass tips on her heels ringing out like gunshots on the marble tiles. As she stalked across the room, CC leaned toward Ashley's ear and inquired, "Should you maybe, I dunno..., go head off your chick or something?"

      "Not a chance in hell," Ashley responded. "No way I'm getting in the middle of that. I have no desire to go back home with fewer parts than I had when I left."

      Bret chuckled, saying, "Oh, c'mon, dude, it can't be that bad, can it? Don't tell me you haven't had to bust up a cat-fight or two in your time."

      Without even turning to look at the older man, Ashley replied, "Lemme tell you somethin', dude; the last time I saw that look on her face, she was folding some guy's index fingers over the backs of his hands. Piss her off, and she'll do just as much damage as Aerin will, it just takes a bit more effort to set her off"

      "Seriously?" Zach queried. "Never woulda guessed. Anytime I've seen her, she's always seemed pretty laid back."

      "Most times, yeah," Ashley agreed. "But from the way her family and her roommate explained it to me, where y'all refer to Aerin's temper as a 'firecracker' or a 'volcano', Aidan's is more along the lines of 'nuclear winter'. If she's yelling and slamming shit around, she's just blowing off steam, but if she suddenly becomes calm and quiet... run, because you're within an ass-hair of getting the first thing she can lay hands on upside your head. And it's not that she won't know what she's doing, she simply will not give a flying fuck."

      They realized that they weren't speaking as quietly as they had intended when Aidan called back over her shoulder, "Geez, y'all take a flucking chill pill, why don'tcha? I have no intention of laying a hand on Ms. Thingy here unless she's dumb enough to take the first swing. First of all, I have no interest in traumatizing the various young'uns in attendance, and secondly, I really like this dress, so I'd rather not risk getting bloodstains or anything like that on it. I actually have something very different in mind."

      "Such as?" Bret questioned.

      "Such as an Olympic caliber reality check." She then turned her full attention to the older woman, who was looking back at her with an expression that seemed to be equal parts annoyance, confusion, and unease as Aidan loomed over her.

      She quickly recovered herself, though, and through clenched teeth demanded, "Who the hell do you think you are to tell me anything? I don't know you from Adam, anymore than I do that jackass over there."

      "Honestly, I never even thought to ask Aerin if she'd said anything to you about me or not, but I actually know quite a bit about you," Aidan informed her. "As a matter of fact, I know a number of things that I'm sure you wouldn't want to become public knowledge, so you might think about toning down the attitude." 

      A look of comprehension spread across the older woman's face, and she retorted, "Then I guess you must be that Adrian bitch that was always listening to her piss and moan online all the time, and encouraging her with her drama-queen bullshit."

      "Hey, watch who you're calling names, lady!" Ashley growled through clenched teeth.

      "Don't worry about it, babe. Kind of a waste of energy to be pissed at someone for stating a fact," Aidan declared. "I freely admit that I'm fully engaged in bitch mode right now; as a matter of fact, I'm just getting warmed up." She then turned her attention back to Aerin's mother and said, "Really, the only thing you got wrong there was the fact that my name is Aidan, not Adrian. And I'm relatively certain that you've just told everyone here all they really need to know about you."

      "And just what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

      "That means yes, I did, as you so eloquently put it, let her 'piss and moan' about the fact that she had a mother who apparently cared more about a dog than she did her own flesh and blood, and who, after claiming that you didn't have the money to buy any more pain relievers to help with her hips and her migraines, somehow found the funds to pick up an extra-large bottle and hide it in your room."

      Kat seemed stunned to hear these facts essentially being thrown back into her face, and questioned, "How the hell do you know that?"

      "Like I've already said, I know a lot more than you probably think I would. And I'm pretty sure we both know the answer to how. But right now, I think we should deal with what you've pulled here today before we get into any of the really unsavory crap," Aidan taunted her, earning looks of surprise from several of the other wedding guests.

      "First of all, anybody at this table has been more 'family' to Aerin in the past couple of years than you've ever attempted to be. And don't even try to start spouting the line about how much you love your kid, because no parent who really gives a damn about their child denies them medical care until something that could have been mitigated with treatment, if not completely eliminated, turns into a permanent disability. And then threatens to kick said child out into the streets if they try to claim benefits, just because you don't think they're 'old enough' to deserve it."

      "She's no more disabled than I am," Kat scoffed. "She's just looking for attention, hoping she can find somebody else to take care of her. And it looks like it worked, didn't it?"

      "Don't even go there, you miserable old bat," Zoe warned. "Aerin has done more for my dad than I actually even want to think about, so if he's taking care of her, then it's no more than what she does for him. Although it doesn't sound like that's something you'd have any experience with."

      "Exactly," Aidan calmly stated. "Now, I assume that you found out that Aerin was engaged to Bobby because of that interview he did when he left the band, but I will admit to being completely stumped as to how you managed to find out the wedding date, let alone the location. But obviously, you did, because nobody with a lick of sense would believe that crap you were spouting earlier about 'stumbling onto' the ceremony, because the odds of something like that happening by coincidence are roughly the same as Kim Kardashian winning an Oscar."

      "So what!" the older woman shrilled. "That's my daughter, and I had every right to be at that handfasting!"

      "Wrong answer, lady," Ashley interjected. "Like I already said, you weren't invited, and I'm pretty damn sure that she made it obvious to everyone in this room that you're not welcome, so the way I see it, you don't have any rights at all on this score."

      "Nope, not a leg to stand on," Aidan agreed. "If she'd wanted you here, she would have sent you an invitation, or called to invite you. But she didn't, and even a half-blind idiot could see by the way she reacted that you being here wasn't anything remotely resembling a heartwarming mother-daughter reunion. So let me tell you what I think is going on here."

      "Oh, this oughtta be good!" Kat sneered. "By all means, please enlighten us."

      "Thanks, I believe I will. Considering some of the things that Aerin has said about your attitude towards money, I'd be just about willing to wager a body part that you decided to scurry down here because you figured that with her marrying Bobby, that she'd have access to his bank account, and that you could just bulldoze your way back into the picture and put yourself on Easy Street for the rest of your life, or at the very least convince them to fork over some cash to get you out of their hair," Aidan speculated. Then, waving a hand toward the rest of the group behind her, she added, "And that's assuming that you didn't have something a bit more devious in mind, at least until you got a gander at the guest list."

      "What do you mean by that?" Zach inquired.

      "One of the first things I remember Aerin ever telling me about her mom was that she was basically more of a raging fangirl than Aerin has ever thought about being, but Mommy Dearest here doesn't have the hots for Bobby. Her attention is focused on another member, and I'm absolutely certain that if this individual hadn't brought his significant other with him, she most likely woulda been on him like the face-sucker in 'Alien'. Which, of course, could also have gotten her a nice, cushy setup if he'd been dumb enough to fall for it."

      "Not sure which of us you're talkin' about, but I'll definitely take a hard pass, thank you very much," CC announced. 

      "Ditto for me," Rikki chimed in.

      "Even if I wasn't attached, that'd be a definite 'No' for me," Bret drawled. "I can't imagine any situation where I'd ever even think about putting myself ahead of my girls, and I wouldn't have any part of someone who's actually that inconsiderate and self-centered. If you have kids, they come first. Always. And if you have an issue with that, lady, then for God's sake, don't call yourself a Poison fan, because that kinda fan we can do without."

      Kat's face turned crimson at his words, but she didn't seem to be able to form a response to these statements, so Aidan continued speaking, saying, "So now that we've established that you won't be getting any handouts from Aerin and Bobby, and you're not hooking yourself a band member, you might as well give up."

      "And if I don't? Then you'll try to beat me up, I suppose?" 

      "Nope, nothing of the sort. I already said I have no interest in laying a finger on you unless you come at me first, but I have absolutely no problem making your life miserable in other ways," Aidan clarified. "Now, I realize that you'd have no way of knowing this, but I'm actually a pretty open-minded person, and I have no interest in making judgments of people based on things like their religion, or their sexual preferences. However, I also know enough to be aware that a lot of other people aren't quite so accepting; like the ones in your career field, for example. So tell me, how do you think your co-workers would take it if someone filled them in on some of your... 'extracurricular activities', or about the way you treated your kids before both of them had the sense to bail on you? I can't imagine that turning out well; even if they didn't kick you to the curb, they'd prolly be constantly talking about you behind your back, and I doubt youd ever be seriously considered for any sort of advancement again. Especially if they happened to find out that you're not necessarily above breaking the laws you're supposed to be enforcing."

      "I don't know what the hell you're talking about!" Kat squalled. "If she told you that I was doing anything illegal, she was lying her melodramatic little ass off!"

      Aidan leaned down and spoke quietly in the other woman's ear, which caused her eyes to widen as the color drained from her face. "That's bullshit!" she sputtered. "That may be what she told you, but if you believe her, you're not as smart as you seem to think you are."

      "Oh, I'm not nearly gullible enough to accept something like that from anyone without some sort of verification," Aidan assured her. "But I've actually seen the proof with my own eyes. Apparently, you're the one who's not as smart as you think, or you would have been a bit more careful about where you put documents that prove you've been playing fast and loose with other people's money. Didn't think to check on any of that when she left, did you?"

      As the older woman stood silent but visibly fuming, Aidan informed her, "So here's how this is gonna work: You're gonna go back to North Carolina, or wherever you're living now, and butt out of Aerin's life. If she changes her mind at some point and wants to contact you, that's entirely up to her, but unless that happens, consider yourself persona non grata. The first time you try to contact her, or do something stupid like trying to sell some sort of sob story to the media, your bosses will get a full detailing of what sort of shenanigans you get up to on your off hours, and I will personally do my damnedest to make sure that Aerin provides that paperwork to the proper authorities, and then whatever happens at work will probably be the least of your worries."

      "Fuck, no! I came here to talk to my daughter," Kat declared, "I'm not going anywhere until she and I have it out, and there's not a damn thing any of you can do to change that."

      At that moment, a new voice came from behind her, announcing, "That's where you're wrong, ma'am." Everyone turned to see the restaurant's new owner standing in the doorway, along with two of the waiters, both of whom were intimidatingly tall and muscular. "My friend and his wife, who have booked this room for their wedding reception, have made it abundantly clear that you were neither invited or welcome, as have several of their guests. So you can either allow these gentlemen to escort you to your vehicle and see you on your way, or I can call the police and have you charged with trespassing and being a public nuisance. The choice is yours to make, as long as you do it quickly, otherwise, I'll opt for the second choice."

      Her face reddened even more when everyone in the room began to applaud, and Ashley chuckled, "Somehow I get the feeling that an arrest record wouldn't do much to endear you to your CO either. How 'bout you?"

      The restaurant owner lifted his arm and made a sweeping motion toward the door, while holding a phone in his other hand, his thumb hovering conspicuously over the screen, so she lowered her head in defeat and followed him out of the room, trailed closely by the waiters. Ashley, Aidan, Zoe, and Zach decided to follow along, so they would be able to confirm her departure for their friend, while everyone else waited at the table, and soon returned to confirm that she had left the premises. At that point, everyone took their seats again and waited until the newlyweds rejoined them shortly thereafter, visibly calmer and ready to pick up where they had left off before the interruption.

      Aerin then learned that Bobby had another surprise in store for her; the fact that, in place of a standard, run-of-the-mill wedding cake, he had supplied the kitchen staff with another of her favorite recipes, a chocolate/caramel/toffee concoction that she called the "Better Than Sex" cake. This proved to be so rich that even though each slice was shared between two people, none were completely finished, and Bobby finally directed the waitstaff to offer the remainder of the cake to anyone else who might want some. 

     Once the table had been cleared, the new couple exchanged gifts between themselves, necklaces with pendants that held meaning for each of them: A caged red rose for Aerin, which Bobby had chosen because of her fondness for Disney movies, particularly "Beauty and the Beast", and a skeleton key surmounted by a bejeweled crown and a heart, which Aerin referred to as "the key to her heart". They then spent some time enjoying the company of their guests until they had to leave the restaurant to allow other customers to be served, and so the West Coast guests could make their way to the airport to fly back home.

      Before the three members of Poison departed with their families, Ashley called them aside and informed them that, as much as he appreciated, and was flattered by, their offer, he was declining their invitation to become the newest member. He explained that since his exit from Black Veil Brides, he had become accustomed to being able to follow his own path, to essentially be the captain of his own destiny, and that he wouldn't be able to give as much attention to his own music, or his clothing line, if he committed himself to an obligation to the other band. He assured them that he was fully willing to step in temporarily for the dates they were already committed to over the next few months, to give them time to find a permanent member without a time-crunch, but he couldn't commit to anything beyond that.

      The older men were obviously both surprised and a bit disappointed, but they agreed to his terms, thanking him for at least giving them a bit of breathing room to check out potential bassists without having to settle for someone who might wind up not fitting into the lineup, a situation that they had become all-too-familiar with in the past. After making arrangements to meet later to settle the details, the band and their families left for the airport, and not long after, Bobby and Aerin excused themselves to spend their last night in Bobby's house, while his kids went to crash with friends so they could have some privacy.

      This meant that Ashley and Aidan were the last ones to leave the parking lot to start their trip back to Nashville, and as they made their way onto the expressway, Ashley remarked, "Say, babe, I know we'd decided to just spell each other at the wheel and drive straight through, but I've been thinking that maybe we should just go ahead and stop somewhere for the night, if you don't mind."

      "Of course I don't mind, but why? Are you not feeling well or something?"

      "No, I feel fine, but we did have company last night, if you recall" he replied, referring to the fact that Aerin had slept in the other bed in their room in order to observe the tradition of the groom not seeing the bride before the wedding. Glancing over briefly to offer her a devilish grin, he added "So I was thinking that maybe we could have ourselves a bit of alone time before we get back and have to worry about when we might get interrupted."

      Aidan returned the smile, replying, "Oh, yes, I definitely recall. And I'm more than okay with the idea of 'alone time'. Do you want me to check for rooms on my phone, or do you wanna just take our chances on whatever comes up?"

      "Always check the phone. I'd rather not risk winding up at 'Motel Hell', thanks just the same."

      Aidan managed to find and book a hotel room a couple of hours away from their current location, so as Ashley drove she contacted everyone who might be concerned, such as her mother and roommate, and his house-flipping partner, Jeremiah, to let them know about the change of plan, and sent a text to Aerin and Bobby, because even though they might not see it until later, they wouldn't be able to complain that they hadn't been kept in the loop.

      Once they finally reached the hotel and checked in, both were definitely looking forward to some "rest and recreation" after the eventful day they'd had, and didn't even think about stopping at the hotel's attached restaurant, reasoning that they would order room service later, if they found it necessary. Almost as soon as the door closed behind them, Ashley dropped his bag and reached for the laces of Aidan's dress, remarking, "Babe, you look great in that, but I think it'd look a whole lot better on the floor right now."

      "That's not gonna happen," she retorted. "As I said earlier, I'm rather fond of it, and I'm not gonna chance having it get stepped on if one of us goes to the bathroom half-awake tonight. However, I am willing to let that chair over there wear it for the night."

      "Works for me," Ashley muttered as he loosened the garment enough to allow her to step out of it and drape it over the chair. "Just as long as it's not in my way."

      This caused Aidan to giggle as she said, in a teasing tone, "Oh, my! Someone is impatient tonight, aren't they?"

      "Damn straight I am!" he exclaimed. "I mean, not only did I basically get cock-blocked last night, but I've been at least half-ready since that blowup you had with Aerin's mom. I case I haven't told you before, badass chicks are a serious turn-on for me."

      "Hmm, I'll have to remember that for future reference," she purred, as she unbuttoned his shirt, then moved to his belt as he tossed the shirt onto a second chair. "So, since we've actually got the time to indulge ourselves without worrying about interruptions for once, we can make this a real night to remember."

      This remark earned her a brilliant smile from Ashley as he eased her onto the bed, and as he knelt beside her, he whispered the last coherent words either of them would manage for quite some time:

      "With you, darlin', they always are."   

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