6- Secrets

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     It's the first day of a brand new school year for Marinette, and needless to say she's quite excited. On one hand, she will be getting a (somewhat) fresh start and be able to make plenty of new friends and show off more of her designs, but on the other she wants to see how Lila and the others would react to the new her.

     Call Marinette 'salty' as you would, but she's quite curious to see Lila dig herself into an even bigger hole now that her lies have backfired on her (thank you very much, maman). From what Marinette has heard from her friends, things haven't been going out well for the rest of her former classmates; Alya's grounded for making her babysit Ella and Etta without getting paid, Nino and Adrien's friendship is slowly deteriorating (as well as his relationship with Alya), Alix sucker-punched Lila in the face after finding out about all of the lies she's been feeding everyone (Marinette forgives Alix for everything that she's done, but she's going to have to work harder in gaining back her trust and friendship), and Kim is attending some much needed anger management classes after getting akumatized for the third time after loosing a bet. Marinette finds amusement at the thought of her former friends crawling back to her after everything they've put her through (the uncomfortable plans revolving around Adrien, the horrible messages, the voicemails...). After all, weren't they the ones who sided with a liar who only spins the narrative to cater to their fantasies,

     Either Lila is a compulsive liar or there could be a very good reason as to why she acts the way she does. Could it be neglect? Past experiences with bullying? A mental disorder? The possibilities are endless, but regardless Marinette still thinks that Lila has a shot at redemption...if she doesn't screw it all up in the end....

     Regardless, Marinette is positive that today will be a good day. One could only hope that Hawkmoth will be merciful and not akumatize someone for once...She would like to at least have one day where she doesn't have to transform, thank you very much.

     Putting on a new design she had just created a few days ago, brushing out her hair, and grabbing something quick to eat for breakfast as well as making sure Tikki had a macaroon to snack on, Marinette confidentially walked towards school (which ironically enough was right across the street from her house). Heading towards her new classroom, Marinette looked around and noticed there was a girl sitting in the back all alone..who looked eerily similar to Chloé....Either she must be Chloé's secret long lost sister or Chloé herself.

     Knowing what it's like to be alone, Marinette decided to walk over to her and sit down at the table. Flashing a warm smile and holding out her hand, Marinette introduced herself to her.

     "Hi, my names Marinette. What's yours?"

     The girl smiled a bit, "Zoé, Zoé Lee."

     "Zoé? That's such a pretty name," Marinette complimented.

     "Thanks, your outfit looks absolutely stunning. Are those embroidered paw prints on the shirt?" Zoé asked her as she pointed at Marinette's shirt.

     "Yup, I made it myself! You could say I'm a huge Chat Noir fan," Marinette chuckled at the mention of her feline partner, who inspired her to make several outfits based off the two of them.

     Zoé giggled, "My half-sister is a huge Ladybug fan. You know Chloé Bourgeois, right?" 

     Marinette nodded, "Yeah..I know her all too well...We don't exactly get along, but I can say that she's not a bad person."

     "She's actually pretty nice to me, which is strange considering that we had just recently found out about each other. Chloé may seem very cruel at times, but I believe that she has the potential to be a better person with the right guidance," Zoé smiled at the thought of her sister being included in group activities, "Our mom isn't exactly a nice person, and my step-father is a huge pushover...I'm forever grateful that Ladybug stepped in when she did, or else my sister probably would've went down the wrong path."

     Marinette's heart fluttered at the thought of her alter-ego being one of the major reasons as to why Chloé had changed.

     "So what exactly are your favorite hobbies, Marinette, asides from seeing?" Zoé asked her.

     "Oh, I like drawing, writing, baking..."

     The school day flew by relatively quickly, only three more hours left until Marinette had to go see Master Fu about the situation with the temporary holders and Chat. Currently she was sitting at a lunch table with Zoé, Rose, Juleka, Ivan, Mylene, Mark, and Nathaniel, talking about the latest song Rose has written for the band when all of a sudden Marinette overheard Lila and Alya talking about someone from a nearby table.

     "Yeah, I can't believe her mom snitched us out," Alya rolled her eyes, "I didn't even send anything mean to Marinette, all I did was tell her to get over herself and stop acting all high and mighty."

     Oh, they were talking about her..and it seems the others have picked up on that too.

     "Don't worry, Alya, I'll make sure that she doesn't get away with this. All it takes is a quick call and she and her friends will be no more," Lila smirked as she held up her phone for Alya and the others to see, "After all, I do have connections."

     "That little bitch," Juleka mumbled underneath her breath.

     "I knew you guys had given me the heads up about Lila, but I didn't know she was this bad," Zoé said as she looked Marinette in the eyes, "My sister did mention that I should avoid her and that Tsurugi girl at all costs...I guess I can partially see why."

     "Kagami isn't a bad person, Zoé, she's just a bit on the....antisocial side. She's very nice when she's outside of her 'ice queen' persona," Marinette responded as she glanced over at where Kagami was sitting at (Adrien and a few others in their year), "Besides you shouldn't let Lila's threats get in the way of having an enjoyable school year. Nine times out of ten she's normally bluffing."

     "Bluffing?" Zoé tilted her head in confusion.

     "She's been targeting Marinette ever since she first arrived here. All Marinette did was call her out on her lies and the next thing you know she's slowly getting isolated by everyone. I'm thankful me and the others snapped out of it before we became too engrossed in her 'stories'," Mark said as he gestured over to where Alya was sitting.

     "Thank god Alix managed to figure it out too; Lila was making false claims about her brother and dad, once Alix found out she punched Lila right in the face. Now that poor girls a social outcast, hell her family put her in a new school just to avoid any future run-ins with the liar," Nathaniel added on as Zoé looked at her in shock.

     "We snapped out of it once she started lying about why Marinette hasn't been speaking to any of us, saying that she didn't want to be associated with the likes of us anymore. As someone who's known Marinette since elementare, she's never been the type of person to act all stuck up and mighty," Ivan explained as Zoé nodded her head, "So Rose called and checked up on her, hence how Marinette found out that Lila was spreading false information about her."

     "And needless to say I was rightfully mad. It only gotten worse at the class picnic a few months ago that caused Marc and Nathaniel to leave," Rose clenched her fist tightly.

     "Sending someone you used to be friends with harmful messages while they're going through something serious is just beyond fucked up. I'm surprised Chloé hasn't told you about the picnic incident," Mark said as Zoé shrugged.

     "She said it really wasn't important for me to know."

     "It really is actually. Your sister didn't get invited, but her best friend did. Asides from not only having to endure their trash talking about Marinette, they decided to include your sister in it as well. As soon as we started defending Marinette and (surprisingly) Chloé, they started throwing food at us and we ended up getting chased out of the park. Sabrina recorded the whole thing and sent it to Chloé, who actually sent us all asides from Marinette a message asking if we were okay," Juleka explained as Zoé looked at them with a disgusted expression on her face.

     "No wonder Chloé decided to eat lunch alone today..."

     "It's probably going to get worse as the school year goes on," Mylene heavily sighed as she got up from her seat, "Where exactly is your sister eating lunch at?"

     "The hotel, why?" Zoé asked her.

     "I was going to go and ask her if she would like to hang out with us on the barge this afternoon, if she wants to that is. Nobody deserves to be left out, not even Chloé," Mylene responded as she exited the lunchroom.

     "You're invited to hang out with us too if you would want to come," Juleka said as Zoé smiled warmly.

     "I'd like that."

     "5:00, bring whatever kinds of snacks you have," Rose chuckled as she put her journal in her backpack, "Band practice might end a little bit later than normal this afternoon."

     "Okay, I'll ask Jean when I get back to the hotel for some snacks to take," Zoé said as she got up from the table, "I'll see you guys later!"

     "Bye!" Rose responded in a cheerful tone before looking directly at Marinette, "So, what exactly is the takedown plan?"

     Marinette grinned, "Oh trust me, Rose, it's going to be a bit more complicated than just taking her down..."

Mylene opened the door to the Grande Paris Hotel and looked around the place. As in its name, the hotel was big in size, with sparkling chandeliers on the ceiling, marble flooring, and a grand staircase right in the center of the room.

She has been here twice in the past (when they were having the class presidential elections and when Chloé decided to throw a party for the class), and remembered bits and pieces about how the hotel was laid out. Mylene remembered that there was a dining room on the third floor of the hotel, but one of the two ways for her to her there would either be the elevator or the emergency staircase...neither of which she would prefer to use....

Deciding that using the elevator would be the best option, Mylene walked over to where the elevators were at and entered one, pressing the third floor button and watching the door close in front of her. Gripping on the handrail tightly and trying to not internally panic, Mylene exited the elevator and looked around the room in search for her classmate. Noticing Chloé sitting by herself at a nearby table sighing, Mylene walked over and sat down at the spare seat across from her.

"Haprele? What the hell are you doing here in my dads hotel?" Chloé looked at her in a mixture of shock and confusion.

"I came by to see how you're doing," Mylene responded as she looked Chloé in the eyes, "I met your sister today at lunch."

"My half-sister Zoé?" Chloé's eyebrow raised.

Mylene nodded, "She looks very similar to you, Chloé."

"Yeah, blonde hair and blue eyes runs in the family. You can blame mother dearest for having to put up with two mini versions of her," Chloé jokingly said as she threw a reference in to her moms infidelity, "What is the real reason as to why you are here?"

"My friends and I wanted to invite you to come over and watch the band play at the barge this afternoon. Your sister will be there as well, if the idea of joining us interests you?" Mylene smiled warmly as Chloé looked at her in shock.

"Well I-uh...I don't understand why you're inviting someone like me to your party? After everything I've done to you, our classmates, Dupain-Cheng..."

Mylene's smile still remained on her face, "I can guarantee that you'll have more fun hanging out with us than staying here at home listening to your mothers tangents."

Chloé rolled her eyes, "Let me guess, Sabrina told you about that whole one hour rant we had to endure regarding my sister staying here in Paris with us?"

"I take it as that wasn't the first one?" Mylene asked her.

"Oh trust me, it wasn't. She tried to force my sister to sleep in the fucking basement when she first moved here. Of course me and my daddy didn't budge on it, and thank god she left back for New York yesterday....I didn't know if I had it in me to argue and listen to her again..." Chloé heavily sighed, "To think I ever wanted to be like her..."

"Unlike her, you're making an effort to change your ways. I've seen the way you acted in class today, Chloé; you protected Adrien when Lila tried to worm her way beside him, you defended your friend Sabrina, and I overheard you apologize to Mrs. Bustier after class for all of the trouble that you've caused. Recognizing your own faults and putting in an effort to change your ways makes you a very strong person, Chloé, and that is the type of person I would like to hang out with regardless of what happened in the past," Mylene confidentially said as she unclipped her sunflower pin from her hoodie and gave it to Chloé, "Regardless on rather or not you even want to hang out with us this afternoon, I would still like you to have this."

"Your sunflower pin? But why?" Chloé asked her.

Mylene smiled as she got up from her seat, "Because you're a very strong and loyal person, Chloé, and I believe you have the potential to change if you just believed in yourself."

Chloé nodded, "I guess I'll see you later, Hap-I mean Mylene?"

"You know where to find me," Mylene responded as she exited the dining room.

After Mylene left the hotel, Chloé looked down at the sunflower pin she had been given. Someone other than Ladybug and Zoé told her that she has the potential to change and break out of the circle of abuse her incompetent parents have trapped her in for all these years....

Perhaps they were right, she does have the potential to change as a person. Of course she would have to take baby steps and attend some much needed therapy sessions, but Chloé is confident that she can do all that...starting by apologizing to Sabrina for everything she's out the poor girl through.

     Before heading over towards the barge, Marinette headed over to Master Fu's house in order to get answers to her questions. Is Adrien really Chat Noir? Can she possibly use her powers to create something to temporarily prevent someone from getting akumatized? Will she be able to tell her parents about her secret identity? And what about the temporary heroes?

     Keeping those questions in mind, Marinette knocked on Master Fu's door and waited outside the house. A few moments later, Master Fu opened the door and gestured for Marinette to come in, quickly closing the door behind them.

     "Ah, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, it's so nice to see you again," Master Fu said as he sat down on the floor, "What brings you here today?"

     "I think I know who Chat Noir is," Marinette bluntly said as Master Fu gasped, "And I came here to see if you can confirm my suspicions."

     Master Fu nodded, "I'm sure you're heavily aware of the risks by now."

     "Yes, and I have came up with a plan to prevent me and everyone else from getting akumatized; Tikki mentioned to me last night that my powers as well as all of the other miraculous' are unlimited, which would explain why most of the grimoire pages are empty. So I was thinking that maybe the only reason as to why our powers are restricted is because we are restricting ourselves from achieving our full potential," Marinette explained as she sat down in front of Master Fu, "After all, the only restrictions we have are the ones we place on ourselves."

     "And where does knowing Chat Noir's identity factor in to this?" Master Fu asked her.

     "I have a theory that he is one of my classmates, a friend of mine actually...but I don't want to say his name because I don't want his miraculous to get taken away. Chat Noir is an excellent partner and I couldn't think of a more suitable person for the Cat miraculous than him," Marinette responded, "If I can manage to use the Ladybug miraculous to create some sort of charm that can reduce the risk of getting akumatized, then maybe there could be a way for the both of us to know each others identities without having to worry as much about getting akumatized."

     Master Fu nodded in approval, "Your plan sounds like a good one, Marinette, and I trust your instincts, but are you sure that this plan could possibly work?"

    Marinette smiled, "I am fully confident that the plan could work, but I would need some proper training beforehand."

     "Then I will be the one to train you," Master Fu responded.

     "Can we also include Chat Noir?" Marinette asked him.

     Master Fu smiled, "Depends on how busy his schedule is on Saturdays."

     "That sounds good with me," Marinette responded.

     "Is there anything else you would like to talk to me about?" Master Fu asked as Marinette hesitantly responded.

     "I would like to permanently retire all of the temporary miraculous holders, with the exception of Chloé as Queen Bee if she agrees to change her hero name and costume."

     "Did something happen between you, Rena Rouge, and Carapace?" Master Fu looked at Marinette as her facial expression changed from serious to irritated.

     "Lets just say that they're no longer suited to be temporary heroes due to a certain stunt they've decided to pull on me while I was grounded," Marinette said as her left eye started to twitch.

     "The messages and phone calls? The picnic incident?"

     "How do you know about that?" Marinette asked him.

     Master Fu smiled as he got up and headed towards the window, "Your kwami as well as Chat Noir's informed me about those incidents,  as well as your intentions on revealing yourself to your parents."

     "My parents are very trustworthy people. They were there for me when everyone else wasn't, and they are 100% supportive of the decisions I make (excluding the whole Adrien situation I'm sure Tikki informed you about)," Marinette responded as Master Fu sighed.

     "I think it's about time for your parents to finally know that your Ladybug, considering Hawkmoth is getting stronger by the day. As the leader and future guardian, you are going to have to construct a circle of people that will help you along the way. There will be the risk of Hawkmoth targeting them if he finds out that they know your secret identity, but I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to prevent that from happening."

     "Are you sure about this?" Marinette asked him.

     Master Fu smiled as he stared out the window, "I'm sure that everything will work out fine in the end. Now go along Marinette, have a good day!"

     Marinette nodded as she headed out the door, "You too, Master!"

     Moments after Marinette left, Master Fu unlocked the Miracle Box and retrieved the fox miraculous out from it.

     Wayzz came out from behind him and looked at Master Fu with concern in his eyes, "Are you sure about this, Master?"

     Master Fu responded as he slipped the turtle miraculous off of his wrist, "I think it's about time I bend the rules a little bit."

     Tom Dupain is a very protective and hardworking man, especially when it comes to his family. When he found out what Lila Rossi and her daughters former friends have been doing to Marinette had really pissed him off. His daughter didn't deserve to be mistreated and discarded like garbage in favor of a lying harlot, and when Tom found out that she had done the same to Marinettes friends made him want to go find the liar and throw her into the Seine.

     The same could be said for Sabine, who is currently working with the family lawyers on pressing charges against the liar for harassment and defamation (smearing Marinettes name in the mud). After all, nobody should ever mess with her beloved daughter like that.

     When a strange man appeared at the balcony with a staff in his hand, Tom looked at Sabine with confusion written on his face before opening the door and allowing the man entry to their house.

     "Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, what a pleasure to be finally meeting you," The man said as he sat down on the couch.

     "Who are you and what exactly do you want with us?" Tom asked as he eyed the man down cautiously.

     "It's about your daughter Marinette," The man said as he gestured for the two to sit down with him.

     "Marinette? What does this have to do with our daughter?" Sabine asked him as she and Tom cautiously sat down on the couch with him.

     "I will explain everything, but allow me to introduce myself first; my name is Master Fu and I am the guardian of the miraculous'," The man responded as Tom and Sabine looked at him with confusion written on their faces.

     "Isn't the miraculous what gives Ladybug and Chat Noir their powers?" Sabine asked.

     Master Fu nodded, "Indeed they are."

     "And what exactly does this have to do with our daughter....unless...." Tom paused for a quick second before coming to a grim conclusion, "Marinette is Ladybug...."

     "Yes, your daughter is in fact Ladybug, and that is why I came here today. You see, Hawkmoth is getting stronger and stronger as he continues to figure out how to further unlock his powers. He has also gotten himself a new ally too, a woman who goes by the name Mayura. Your daughter as well as Chat Noir has been fighting against Hawkmoth since the beginning," Master Fu explained as Tom and Sabine gasped in horror, "Unfortunately the temporary heroes your daughter has picked out to help aid the duo has been permanently retired as of today, and that is why I came here to ask if you're willing to help aid your daughter and Chat Noir in the fight against Hawkmoth."

     "But how?" Tom asked.

     "And that is where I come in," Master Fu said as he held out two boxes in front of him, "Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain, here are the miraculous' of the fox and turtle, which will grant you two the power of protection and illusion. You both will use your powers for the greater good."

     "Would we have to return the miraculous' back to you?" Sabine asked as she cautiously took the box that contains the fox miraculous.

     "No, as of today you two will be permanent heroes on Ladybug and Chat Noir's team, but you both will have to swear that you will not let anyone find out your secret identities," Master Fu responded as Tom accepted the box.

     "Don't worry sir, we won't let you down."

     "We'll do our best to protect the citizens of Paris and provide unconditional love and support to our daughter and her chosen, if the time ever comes for her to need any additional help," Sabine added on as Master Fu warmly smiled.

     "I'm pretty sure you both know the rules by now (don't reveal your secret identities and use your powers for evil), so I wish you both the best of luck and I hope that with your help we will be able to put a stop to Hawkmoth soon," Master Fu said as he walked over towards the balcony, "I'll make sure to inform Chat noir about the new arrangement, as I'm sure Marinette will be able to explain everything when she gets back from band practice."

     "When exactly will we be able to see you again?" Tom asked as Master Fu shrugged.

     "There is a time and place for everything, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. You may see me soon or you may see me in the distant future. Regardless, I'm sure Ladybug will contact me if you two are having any trouble adjusting to your new powers, so there is nothing for you two to be worrying about," Master Fu responded as he exited the residence, "Goodbye."

     A few moments after Master Fu left, Tom hesitantly walked over and closed the balcony door and locked it. He didn't know what to think about this whole superhero thing, his daughter turning out to be Ladybug, and the whole 'secret identities' rule. Of course keeping a secret isn't a big problem for Tom, as he's pretty good at keeping things on the down low, but the fact that his daughter has been suffering for so long makes Tom angry that he couldn't do much to protect her then.

     Sabine felt the same way her husband did, but to a lesser extent. She knew that Marinette was more than capable of protecting herself (especially as Ladybug), but at the same time someone has to be there for her just in case something went wrong. That is why she is willing to do her best to make sure that Hawkmoth is defeated quicker so that her daughter and the rest of Paris can finally be safe again.

     Suddenly Tom and Sabine heard something smashing against their house. Turning around and looking out the window, they noticed their daughter alongside Chat Noir fighting what seems to be a spider-like monster wearing a boxing helmet.

     "Isn't that Marlena and Otis' daughter Nora?" Sabine hesitantly asked as Tom grimly nodded.

     "From what I remember seeing on the news a few months ago, she got akumatized into Anansi because of something Alya, Marinette, and Nino did. Oh god...our daughter is fighting against a professional wrestler....again..."

     "Not without us she isn't," Sabine said as she opened up the fox, a flash of light surrounding her as a creature shot up at her face.

     "Oh, you're not Alya?" The creature looked at Sabine in confusion.

     "From what I've gathered from that Master Fu guy, it seems I'm going to be your new permanent holder," Sabine said as she held out her hand, "I'm Sabine Cheng, Ladybug's mother."

     "The names Trixx and I'm the Kwami of Illusions," Trixx shook Sabine's hand and smiled, "Glad to know you're not a hero-crazed fangirl."

     "No, I'm just a mother who's trying to protect her daughter and the rest of Paris...alongside bringing down a certain liar and her flock of sheep," Sabine smiled warmly as Trixx snickered.

     "You're going to be fun to hang around with, I can already tell that just by the way you word things. Anyways, if you haven't picked up on what I said my power gives you the ability to create whatever illusion you'd need to get the job done. My phrase to transform is "Trixx, let's pounce" and to detransform is "Trixx, let's rest." Got it?" Trixx asked her.

     Sabine nodded as she put the necklace around her neck, "Okay, let's do this. Trixx, let's pounce!"

     Suddenly a flash of light engulfed Sabine as she transformed into a fox-like heroine with white tips at the end of her shaggy hair, small white fox hears donning each sides of her head with red inside them, white Chinese inspired armor with red trims, a grey and gold chest piece with a red and white sash around it, grey and gold arm gaunlets that lead down to a pair of red gloves, black leggings that lead down to black combat boots with red laces on them, and a flute that compliments her outfit. A red mask with white at the bottom covered the upper half of her face as Sabine struck a serious pose at the end of her transformation.

     Tom gawked at the sight of his wife, amazed at what the powers of a miraculous can do to change one's appearance. He looked down at the box in his hands and carefully opening it, a different flash of light surrounding him as a turtle-like creature appeared in front of her.

     "Ah, I suppose you are the used my master has chosen for me," the creature said as Tom looked at him and then his wife in disbelief.

     "I'm still new to this whole thing, and I will need some time to adapt to these new changes...but right now my daughter and Chat Noir is in danger and I need to go and protect them from getting injured," Tom explained as Wayzz nodded.

     "I completely understand, Mr. Dupain. Allow me to explain; My name is Wayzz and I am the Kwami of Protection. My transformation phrase is "Wayzz, shell on" and my resting phrase is "Wayzz, shell off.""

     "Okay, I'm ready," Tom said as he put the bracelet on his wrist, "Wayzz, shell on!"

     A flash of light engulfed Tom as he transformed into a turtle-like hero with an olive green bodysuit with dark green sides, black elbow and knee pads, olive green boots with dark green trim at the ends, and a turtle shield acting as a hat. Tom's mask appeared as he finished up his transformation, taking the same pattern as the rest of his hero suit. 

     "Well, this is pretty odd," Tom said as he looked Sabine in the eyes.

     "Yes, it is..." Sabine responded before turning around as they hear someone scream, "Perhaps that hat of yours could act as a sled of sorts?"

     "Considering most of Paris is now covered in webs, I think that would be our best option," Tom said as he took the shield off of his head and jumped up on the fence of their balcony, "Are you ready for this?"

     Sabine smiled as she jumped up beside him, "With you, always."

     The two jumped on top of the shield and slid down the ramp of webs, making sure not to get caught in the remaining ones. Eventually the two arrived as they say Ladybug use her yo-yo to deflect one of Anansi's attacks. Using his shield as a boomerang, Tom swung it at Anansi and hit her on the head, knocking her back as he caught the shield in his hands.

     "Need any help?" Tom asked as both Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at them in shock.

     "Wait, that isn't Rena Rouge and Carapace?" Chat looked at them confused before dodging another hit from Anansi.

     "No, they've been permanently retired as of today," Ladybug responded as she used her yo-yo to throw Anansi into a nearby building, "The master saw them unfit to be temporary heroes."

     Chat Noir nodded as Sabine ran over and drop-kicked an oncoming Anansi to the ground.

     "Thanks uh..."

     "Húlí," the heroine responded as she used her martial art skills to flip Anansi over onto the ground.

     "Do you got a plan, Ladybug?" Tom asked as Ladybug nodded.

     "What is your name?"

     "Sternotherus," the turtle hero responded.

     "Okay then, lucky charm!" Ladybug said as a bag of marbles appeared in her hand, "Here's the plan; Anansi is keeping two girls held captive at the Effie Tower. Chat Noir and Húlí are going to act as a distraction while you and I go up there and rescue them. Then I'm going to have Húlí create an illusion of the two girls running off into the street and have Anansi chase them. While she is distracted I'm going to empty this bag of marbles onto the street and have her trip and fall over. Chat Boir will then pounce and cataclysm the akumatized object and I will purify the akuma and cast the cure."

     Sternotherus nodded.

     "Okay, let's go," Ladybug took off running as Sternotherus used his shield to glide alongside her.

     Eventually the duo arrived at the Effie Tower where Alya and Lila were trying to come up with a way to get themselves free from Anansi's webs.

     "Seriously, this is the second damn time my sister has gotten akumatized already! Can't she ever just understand that I don't want to be stuck in the house all damn day with extended family members?" Alya loudly exclaimed as Lila rolled her eyes before noticing Ladybug and a new hero's presence.

     "Oh my god, Ladybug! You came to save us!" Lila said with a fake excited expression on her face.

     "Where the hell is Carapace at?" Alya asked as Ladybug rolled her eyes.

     "Carapace has been permanently retired as of today. Sternotherus is going to be the new turtle miraculous wielder from here on out," Ladybug explained as Sternotherus raised his shield up.


     Suddenly the group was incased in a large turtle-like dome that instantly destroyed the webs that Lila and Alya were trapped in, sending them flying to the ground. Deactivating his shield and putting it back on his head, Sternotherus gestured for the two girls to follow behind him as Ladybug rushed off to help Chat and Húlí take care of Anansi.

     Chat Noir used his staff to trip Anansi to the ground as Ladybug used her yo-yo to tie Anansi up.

     "Húlí, I need you to create an illusion of Lila Rossi and Alya Cesaire running, and Chat I need you to find a place to hide and pounce on Anansi when she least expects it. The akumatized object is her helmet just like last time. Got it?" Ladybug asked as both Húlí and Chat Noir nodded.

     Spinning her flute around, Húlí casted an illusion of Lila and Alya peaking around the corner before taking off into a nearby alleyway. Chat Noir used his staff to help him get on top of the food and into a hiding spot where he can't easily be seen.

     Ladybug facepalmed for a second before Anansi managed to free herself and chase after the illusions.

     "You flyweights are going to be so dead when I capture you two!" Anansi angrily exclaimed, too blinded by her own rage to notice that Ladybug threw an open bag of marbles at her feet, causing her to trip on them.

     Chat Noir jumped out of his hiding spot and called on his cataclysm to destroy the helmet, freeing Nora from Hawkmoths control.

     "No more evil doing for you little akuma," Ladybug smiled as she used her yo-yo to capture the akuma, purifying the butterfly back to its original form, "Bye bye little butterfly!"

     Picking up the empty bag, Ladybug looked up and eyed Húlí in the eyes, "The original plan was for you to have the illusions run off into the streets of Paris, but I didn't exactly specify that, did I?"

     Húlí smiled warmly, "I'm still new to this whole superhero thing."

     "I know, and I'm sorry for not clarifying that part of the plan to you more clearly. You did a fantastic job out there, so did you and Sternotherus, Chat," Ladybug responded as she threw the empty marble bag into air, casting the miraculous cure.

     Chat Noir looked at Ladybug in awe as he helped Nora get back onto her feet, Sternotherus landing beside the two.

     "Pound it, M'Lady?" Chat asked as he used his unoccupied arm and turned his hand into a fist.

     Ladybug smiled as she fist bumped him, "Pound it."

     Nora looked at the four heroes with a confused expression on her face, "What happened?"

     "You got akumatized Ms. Cesaire," Sternotherus responded as he walked over and stood beside Húlí.

     Nora groaned, "Ugh, I can't believe that butterfly bastard managed to take advantage of me again! I swear Alya is so going to get her ass beat when she gets home!"

     "What exactly did Alya do to piss you off?" Chat asked her as Ladybug mumbled something under her breath.

     "She snuck out of the house during the middle of a family reunion to go hang out with that damn Rossi girl. I've told her hundreds of times already that she's a bad influence, but you know how Alya is, she's about as stubborn as me and our dad," Nora heavily sighed as Húlí patted her on the back.

     "I'll make sure Ms. Cesaire gets home safely."

     Ladybug nodded, "Okay, we will. Thanks for helping us out today, you too Sternotherus."

     "It's the least I could do," Sternotherus responded as he ran off to go detransform somewheres.

     "Who are they, M'Lady?" Chat asked as Ladybug shrugged.

     "I don't know, but I'm sure Master Fu must be behind it."

     "Either way, it would've been nice if he sent both of us a 'heads up' beforehand," Chat said before checking his messages, "Oh, he did....TEN MINUTES AGO!"

     Ladybug chuckled as she patted Chat on the head, "Silly kitty."

     Chat huffed, "Wish my kwami knew about notifications, that would've been helpful."

     "You know how Plagg is," Ladybug responded before using her yo-yo to transport herself across the city, "Bug out!"

     Chat waved before using his staff to get back to the Agreste mansion, where boredom will eventually await him.

     Meanwhile Ladybug landed safely back into her bedroom and detransformed, not knowing that her parents were waiting there for her.

     "Oh fuck," Marinette looked down and noticed the surprised expression on her parents faces.

     "Don't worry, that Master Fu guy already told us," Tom said as Marinette walked down the stairs.

     "Wait, you guys are Sternotherus and Húlí?" Marinette looked at her parents with a shocked expression on her face.

     Sabine nodded, "We're going to be working alongside you and Chat Noir for here on out."

     "So you're not mad that I hid my secret identity from you guys for over a year?" Marinette asked them.

     "I'm more pissed off at Hawkmoth and that Master Fu guy than I am at anyone else. Who thinks it's a good idea to give two fourteen year olds superpowers to fight some middle-aged old man in a butterfly suit?" Tom responded as Marinette shrugged.

"Well since you guys know my secret identity (admittedly at both the worst and best timing possible), I guess it's safe for me to inform you both on my plans to take down Hawkmoth once and for all."

Sabine pulled a huge whiteboard out from behind Marinette's desk, "So that's what this is."

Marinette nodded, "Mhm, and if all goes to plan Hawkmoth will be taken down sometime within the next year...and I have a theory that Hawkmoth is secretly related to the Gabriel brand."

Marinette pointed at the different images of butterflies embedded within some of the clothing and shoes, "You see what I mean?"

"I always thought Gabriel Agreste was a strange man..." Sabine pondered for a bit before realizing, "Didn't he get akumatized into the Collector?"

Marinette nodded, "Well I think it was a plan he made to throw me and Chat off his tracks. It was all too much of a coincidence that he had the grimoire too...."

"I'm so confused..." Tom rubbed his head as Sabine patted him on the back.

"You two should go get some rest, I'm going to head back to the barge where hopefully some spider monster won't try to capture us all," Marinette said as she walked down the stairs, "Oh, and Tikki likes sweets, so anything sugary will do!"

"Got it," Tom responded as he heard his daughter exit the house.

"Tom, what exactly did we get ourselves into?" Sabine asked as she put the whiteboard back behind her daughters desk.

"I don't know, but I sure as hell want to do everything in my power to protect Marinette and bring that bastard Hawkmoth to justice," Tom clenched his fist determinedly.

"I'm with you all the way," Sabine smiled as she looked at a framed picture of Marinette and her friends.

"For Marinette and the rest of Paris?" Tom held out his fist.

Sabine fist bumped him, "For Marinette and the rest of Paris."

     "Hey Marinette, did you hear about the new fox and turtle heroes that arrived on the scene today?" Zoé said as she showed the news footage to her, "Sternotherus and Húlí are so cool! I wish I can be a superhero too!"

     "Trust me Zoé, it's a lot of hard work," Chloé filed her nails as she looked up at her sister, "And I mean a lot of hard work."

     "Hey, aren't you wearing Mylene's sunflower pin?" Marinette looked at Chloé with a confused expression on her face.

     "Don't worry, I gave it to her," Mylene walked up beside her and placed a box down beside Chloé.

     "Sorry, I just didn't notice it beforehand,"   Marinette chuckled as she scratched the back of her head, "I was too busy running away from Anansi."

     "What trouble did Alya get herself into this time? Ditched school? Ran away from home?" Nathaniel sarcastically asked as he painted Marc's fingernails.

     "It's hard to tell with her these days. I missed the old Alya, you know before she got involved with the likes of Rossi?" Rose tilted her head as she let out an exasperated sigh.

     "Let's not think about those two right now," Juleka placed a hand on her shoulder, "Hey Zoé, didn't you mention that you wanted to dye a strand of your hair pink?"

     Zoé nodded, "Yours and Lukas just looks so cool, besides I want to distance myself from my mother...she's not exactly the nicest person in the whole world."

     "She ain't joking, our mom will literally throw  an even bigger hissy fit than me if she doesn't get her way. Why does my daddy-kins put up with her ass is beyond me," Chloé added on as Mylene nodded.

     "Well at least you have us to hang out with, and Sabrina too if she wants to join."

     "Speaking of which, I need to call Sabrina and apologize for everything that I've done to her. I really did take our friendship for granted," Chloé said as she dialed Sabrina's phone number, "Oh and have fun making a huge mess of things below deck."

     "Will do," Juleka grinned as she dragged Zoé and Luka down below deck.

     "Oh boy, let's just hope Juleka doesn't go crazy with the hair dye again," Mylene muttered under her breath at the memory of Juleka dyeing her hair strands a few months ago.

     "Well Luka's down there with her, so I'm sure he'll keep Juleka in line....I hope," Marinette cringed a bit.

     Rose gently shoved Marinette down below deck, "Have fun down there!"

     "Rose!" Marinette cried out before tripping down the stairs, "Ow..."

     "Sorry!" Rose said as she looked down at the sight of Marinette's body sprawled out like she face-planted into a swimming pool.

     "It's fine, you guys continue cleaning up, I'll just lay here for a little bit," Marinette managed to get out before relaxing her body against the floor.

     Rose nodded before muttering, "I'll make it up to you tomorrow at school" underneath her breath.

     "Sir, are you sure about going through with this plan?" A feminine voice asked.

     "I'm 100% positive that this plan will work, Nathalie. I just need a bit more time to finalize the details. Once everything is all done and handled, Marinette Dupain-Cheng will soon become the worst akuma Ladybug and her team will face yet," a voice being made out to be Gabriel Agreste responded.

     "What will be our first step then? Contacting that girl you akumatized into Volpina?"

     Gabriel smirked, "Lila Rossi will be our most powerful ally when it comes to getting Marinette akumatized, that is if she decides to work with us again. If not, then we'll have to use her secret against her."

     Nathalie internally sighed as she got up from her desk, "Isn't that a bit too much?"

     "Trust me, Nathalie, it will all be worth it in the end.."

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