Chapter 1: Trouble Maker Princess

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"No you don't! I activate the Trap card, MIRROR FORCE! ALL YOUR MONSTERS IN ATTACK POSITION ARE DESTROYED!! AHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!" I cackled evilly as I just destroyed Caria's monsters.
"You bitch!" Caria cursed.
We were currently playing Yu-Gi-Oh and thanks to magic, we brought it to life! I was able to recreate our decks using my Magic. I run a plant deck, Caria a fairy warrior deck, and Alphonse a dragon spellcaster deck. Kouha, Aladdin, and the Goddess twins were watching us play out side on the field. Which ended with a huge crowd gathering and betting who will win.
"Grrr.....I set one card face down, end turn." Caria growled.
I smirked as I drew next card. Well what do you know, polymerization. I'm evil, Kiheheheh!!
"First I'll activate Mythical Space Typhoon from my hand and destroy your face down!" I smirked.
I destroyed Bottomless Trap Hole. Thank god I did, or that would of screwed me over. Caria glared at me. Alphonse smirked from the crowd as Aladdin cheered and whistles. He explained the game to them.
"Next I tribute my two tokens I already have on the field and summon Fallen Angle of Roses! I already have my Starve Venom Dragon on the field along with my Predaplant, so let's end this!" I smirked.
"I activate Polymerization for my hand and fuse my Dragon with my plant!" I clasp my hands together, " Dragon with the fangs of poison, hunger the cries of despair and sorrow, cover those in your wake with venom that destroys all, Fusion Summon, Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon!!!" I cackled.

Caria went pale.



- 1 hour later -

"That was an awesome fight!" Alibaba said.
Kouha smirked at me. Currently we were helping restore Magnostadt. We'll be here for a few days before heading back to Sindria.
"That was impressive Kougyoku. Never thought you be that heartless when it came to gaming." Nora chuckled as she put down a bag of seeds.
We were helping in gardening. I unpacked the lavender seeds and planted them gently.
"I'll beat you next time, that's for sure!" Caria glared at me as she was giving food to the citizens.
"Ha! They don't call Kimi miss Poison Ivy for nothing!" Alphonse grins.
He was busy cutting vegetables.
"Since when were you called Kimi or Poison Ivy?" Kouha asked.
"All with be explained at the summit in 6 months Kouha. Just be patient." I said as I was watering the seeds.

Things have changed so much. In the original time line, the summit was suppose to take place in 3 months. But, apparently with Kouen extremely pissed off at Sinbad, it was decided that in 6 months the summit would take place. Not to mention....I'm also marrying the womanizer. I wanted to get married till 25 and out of love, NOT BECAUSE OF MY FREAKEN MISTAKES!! I sigh and continue planting. Muu is helping out carrying heavy things. Muruko, any with Maria, Marina and Shemi are giving medicine and check ups to the people. I Sidon and Mifa formed in alliance with Touhka, I'm glad for that. Eligos explained everything to Kane.

"Don't get pregnant Kimi~" Alphonse sang and I threw the gardening scissors at him, witch barley missed him and stuck to the wall.
The males all paled while the females grin. I see Muu trying not burst out laughing from to far away. He must of witness what happened. Muruko giggled as she continued to check her patients. Kouen, Hakuie, Koumei and Kotori returned back to Kou. Sinbad is still here in Magnostadt, somewhere.
"Just because I'm getting married to the Eggplant, doesn't mean I'm getting pregnant. I'm not ready to have (Morgiana, the twins, and Aladdin's ears are quickly covered) sex. And I know he won't force me either. True Sinbad is a pervert, but he won't force me to do anything." I said as I finished.
Nora looked at me and sighs. We were done and headed to her temple. The temple looked like one that came from Ireland. It was near a cliff, near the ocean.

The others went their separate ways. We entered and she made me sit down in front of a mirror.
"You love Sinbad, don't you?" She said as she began to comb my hair," though you are marrying to make up for your mistakes, at the same time you are happy because it is the man you love. And he loves you back. Am I correct?" She continued.

She took some scissors and began to cut my long hair. It grew again when I casted Solomon's spell. I sigh and nodded.
"Love is a difficult thing. And you know what you may face in the future because of your knowledge. If I remember correctly didn't that rouge Magi and you travel to another world for a short while to help a friend? All three of you will face something very difficult but you will be able to overcome it in the future. The love you three have for the ones you love will survive no matter the hardships. I know you can do it Kimigakiri. Your mother was the same way." Nora finished and put the scissors down.
She then lightly curled my hair and turned me around to face her.
"No water what Kimi, no matter what fate brings you, I know you'll succeed." She smiled warmly at me.
I smile and thanked her. It was getting later already and I was hungry. I'm staying a small house that Titus lived in. I was mad when I found out he forgot to give the letter I gave him to Aladdin. But I forgave him.
I walked down the path and when I reached the stairs that led to Magnostadt, I saw Sinbad leaning on one of the pillars there. Was he waiting for me?

He looked up and smiles at me. The sun barley setting.
"I been waiting for you. Come on. We got a lot to talk about." He said as he extended his hand to me to help me down the stairs.
I didn't take his hand and went down. He was surprised. I continue to walk down and felt his gaze burning through my head.
"Alright, what's wrong?" I said as I stopped.
He sighs.
"You're mad, aren't you? About our marriage?" He said with a small smile.
We continued to walk to a hill and layed down on the grass. The stars in the sky, beautiful.
"I I'm just going to hurt you. I'm not marrying you out of love. It's a poli-----!!" He suddenly got on top of me.
His golden eyes looking in mine.
"I chose for you to marry me because I love you more than anything and I want to protect you. I know you are doing it for your mistakes but you are also happy aren't you? You are marrying me, the man that you love and loves you back." Sinbad said seriously.
I looked at him shocked.
"Never thought you be the romantic type Sinbad." I giggled.
He pouted and smirked.

Uh oh.....

He leaned in close to my lips.
"You know how long I've been wanting to taste you?" His left hand quickly pinned both of mine on top of me, "to have you here underneath me. To hear your finally make you mine?" His right hand went to my face and caressed my cheek.
His lightly glided his thumb over my lips. He licked his lips, and a blush was forming on my face.

"Just shut up and let me eat you."

- 3rd POV -

He slammed his lips onto hers with the force of a beast. Kimi was shocked but began to kiss back but more submissive. He smirked into the kiss and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He licked her bottom lip and lightly opened her mouth. He quickly snaked his tongue and wrapped it around hers possessively. He explores her mouth, leaving nothing untouched. She moans and tangled her hands into his purple hair. Both break for air, a string of saliva connecting the two.
He finally tasted her. He can finally have her and make her his. Her lips, so soft.

He began to kiss down her neck, a small moan escaping her lips. He moved the front of her dress, where he bit down.
"Ah!" Kimi moaned.
He smirked against her skin. Things were about to get more heated when....


"I will absolutely not have you making out in public!" Nora yelled.
She smacked Sinbad on the head with her staff. Sinbad glared menacingly at her and looked back at Kimi, who was extremely happy that she interrupted them. Sinbad groans but gets off of her and sits next to her. Nora huffed and walked away.
"Well looks like you're going to have to wait till the wedding." Kimi laughed and quickly got up and ran.
Sinbad growled but sighs and smiles. He saw her run down the hill....and accidently trip over a rock and go tumbling down the hill.
"Son of bitch!" Kimi cursed.
Sinbad was laughing his butt off and holding his stomach.
Indeed his future wife is a clumsy Woman and a trouble maker.

"That woman is not tied down easily."

He froze.
"You are a fool Sinbad. You should have locked her up when you brought her back to Sindria. Look at her. She has  power equal to you, if not, greater." The voice smirked.
Sinbad stayed silent as he watched Kimi get up and glare at nothing at her right. And then summon her staff and swung it to the left. She was fuming.
"How on earth?! How did that brat get her hands on that staff?!" The voice growled menacingly.
"What's wrong with her staff? It was given to her by her father." Sinbad said as he began to walk down.
The voice in his head was enraged. The girl has a divine stave. The foolish brat. His son must be intervening. The girl was one thing he did not predict at all. She was completely out of the question. Her original destiny....gone....completely rewriten, unpredictable. Just like her two other stupid friends. Caria and Alphonse, also blessed by the Rukh. Those three throwing his predictions completely off. Everything changed when Sinbad first met her. When he saw her through his eyes. The reincarnation of his apprentice and wife. The girl will be Sinbad's downfall. For also watching through the King's eyes as the years went by, he learned that Love last longer than Fear. For she proved the King's beliefs wrong so many times, just like his wife did to him. Everything he predicted about her, everything he is predicting, banishing. It's all banishing.

Ren Kougyoku was suppose to be a pawn. She was suppose to be used against her family. Forced to betray them in the war that is to come. Everything is changing all because of her.
Sinbad's eyes changed from gold to amber. He took over him, even if just for a few minutes. He now sees it. His son, that wife of his, He smirked. To think that the soul of the one that originally suppose to be used was a spirit. Just like the other two. If Ren Kougyoku is a bodyless spirit, then who is the one in her body? Now this is completely new to him. A soul from another world, brought, no....
Reborn into this world. For when he was trapped in that dimension, He predicted their was a connection with the singularity named Sinbad, and he was right. He was revived. All he believed comes true but one.....

The one that is destroying his predictions. She's destroying everything he is predicting without even knowing it. She possesses knowledge of the future. Knowledge of different worlds, more than him. If he is the embodiment of Destiny, then that would make her the opposite.

He narrowed his eyes as he saw her  chatting with his son, his wife, and the spirit. Her laugh, her giggle, everything remained him of his wife. Even her singing was the same. He saw her turn to him and sent him a grin with a peace sign.

"------- I'm alright. So don't worry about it!"

She was like her. Why.....? Why was she just like her....?

"Sinbad come on! I don't want to be late for dinner!" Kimi giggled as she ran head with Sheba and Kougyoku behind her.
Solomon looked back at Sinbad, who was staring at the spot he was floating her. Solomon clutched his staff tightly.
"I don't know who that girl is in the princess's body, but keep her out of your plans and the King will do the same Solomon. I will not watch what happened to her repeat itself again." He growled at his son.
Solomon's eyes darkened.
"You of all people should know well that it was your pride and greed that ended her life. Lay even one figure on her and will answer to me." Solomon growled menacingly at the king.
He knew damn well who the the king was the reincarnation of, and did not trust him one bit to leave Kimi besides him.
His father eyes turned to that of murder. He will not be reminded of his mistakes. When Kurumi implanted the bullet into Sinbad's heart, he had already began to remove the seal from it so Oregami could remove it easily.

"Sinbad hurry up or else I'll make Ja'far come after you!"

And with that, Sinbad went back to normal. He looked around him confused, wondering how he ended from up the hill to down so quickly. He heard Kimi yell again that she was going to call Ja'far, and that sent him running after her. No way was he going to have Ja'far after him. What's more he was going to have his head when he finds out he is getting married.
Suicide attempts can already be seen done by his vizier. God......

- Kimi's room -

"Man that felt great!" Kimi came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her hair.
"Sis, are you really going to marry King Sinbad?" Sliver asked as he sat on her bed.
"Then will that make him our papa?" Kanna asked.
She likes King Sinbad. He's been really nice to them and she can see he truly cares about their mother. He helped her train. He's a father figure to her. Kimi gave her a crooked smile.
"I don't like him. I rather have uncle Judar be my Papa." Crow said.
Kimi tripped when he said that and landed on her face. Aladdin was with them, and burst out laughing at what Crow said.
"No thank you. Judar is in love with Kurumi." Kimi smirked.
She can feel Kurumi want to strangle her. For she still has "love bites" all over her chest from Judar's punishments.
"Alright, off to bed you guys. And Aladdin, I need to speak to you." Kimi said.
The kids whine but ran when they saw the too familiar sweet smile she gave them. Kimi sighs and closes the door. She sat across Aladdin and touched the crown on her forehead. The Rukh birds gather in her hands and a staff appeared in her hands. Aladdin's jaw hanged.
"This belonged to your father. It is your turn to take it. I know the staff Baba gave you was destroyed, but, please take it." Kimi said as he took it.
He was stunned.

"H-How?!" Aladdin was barley able to say a word.
Kimi smiled and decided it was time to show him. She summon out her eye of rukh.
"I known about Alma-Toran for a long time. Though you have not showed me yet, I trust you enough to show you my previous life. And who my real father was." I said and began to to show him.

About two hours passed and he was stunned. What I didn't show him though was that I met his mother and father. He stayed silent and saw Kougyoku sitting next to me. He gave her sad smile and so did she.
"I'm sorry......I wish...things could of changed. I never thought....that you...and your friends are actually..." He looked like he wanted to cry.
Both Kougyoku and I hugged him.
"Aladdin, it's alright. I may no longer be apart of this life, but I do not regret my choice, " Kougyoku said as she caresses his cheek and wiped a tear, " Kimi deserve this. She saved me, she was there for me when no one else was. That is why I chose to give her my body. My body has already accepted her soul completely and are now one. If I didn't do that, Arba would have made me a soulless puppet. Kimi had some so much and she's brought my family closer to each other. I'm glad she is with them." Kougyoku said.
It's true. She's happy that she chose Kimi. For the Woman has done so much for her, this was her way to repay her even if Kimi never asked for anything at all. As the years went by, she watched Kimi grow. How she would sneak out of the palace and help the citizens. How she would help slaves sneak away so they can be free, and so much more. Things she herself, would have never done. And she's proud to call Kimi her friend.

"It's getting late. We'll talk more tomorrow, okay Ala?" Kimi smiled at him.
Aladdin grins and nodded but.
"Wait," he said and the girls looked at him confused, "what you showed me of what you of Alma-Toran, is only part. You don't know the other half." Aladdin said.
Kimi raised an eyebrow.
"But you'll have to wait till the summit to find out!" He gave her a goofy grin.
Kimi faced palm cause she knows he isn't going to say anymore. He said goodnight and both left. Now it was just Kimi in her room. She sighs and sits down on her bed. She was about to lay down but there was a knock on her door. She goes and opens it.
"Sinbad, what are you doing here? It's late!" Kimi hissed.
Sinbad was outside her door. Why does she have the feeling that Ja'far is after him?
"Sorry! Can you let me come in?" He asked nervous.
She sighs and let's him in. She turns around only to be pinned to the wall, and hungry lips taking hers. She was shocked but kissed back. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closes. He can feel her softness of be chest. His groin aching to take her this very moment but he knows he'll be in big trouble if that happens. Both break for air and pant, trying to catch their breath.
"What was that about?" Kimi giggled.
Sinbad smirked.
"All the wine in world, but nothing compares to the sweet taste you give me everytime my lips touch yours." Sinbad said.
Kimi gave him a deadpanned face that screamed "Really? A pick up line?"
Sinbad sweat drops. She sighs and hands him a towel.
"Go take a shower. And you better be wearing pants when you come out." She said.
He looked at her confused.
"You're letting me stay here?" He said.
"Yes, because knowing you, you already had plans to stay here in the first place." Kimi said as she took out her sketchbook and her glass dip pen and ink.
Sinbad just smiles at her and she kicked him in the ribs and pushed him into the bathroom, and slams the door shut. Kimi sighs and goes sit on her desk and began to write. She writes in English since no one can understand the language here and then in Spanish. She likes to confuse people. After that was done, she began to draw a forest ground. It's been in her mind, for who knows how long. Caria also drew one, but in a different location, and so did Alphonse.

A staff, a blue butterfly staff, with a blue vial hanging from it. It stood up straight. Surrounding it was a beautiful forest with the sun shinning on it. A waterfall and lake near it. She drew it down to the last detail. It was about 20 minutes, and she left it open for the ink to dry. She felt warm arms wrap around her and smiles to see it is Sinbad. He layed his head on her shoulder and sees what she drew.
"I didn't know you can draw." He said and nuzzles his nose on her neck.
Kimi giggled.
"Drawing is my way of showing how I feel. I hear music, I see colors. I see sound and so much more." Kimi giggled.
"I see......" he said.
The voice inside Sinbad stiffened. He looked at the drawing Kimi did. Sinbad let her go and picked it up. Why did it look familiar?


"I'm going to sleep. And try anything and I'll cut you in half." Kimi said which made him snap out of it.
He closed the book and put it down. He smiles and jumps on her bed, making fly in the air, and her landing in his lap.
"My dear, shall we continue what we started earlier?" Sinbad wiggled his eyebrows at her.
"No. And you will have to wait till the wedding. Good night." She smirked at him.
He pouted and layed his head down on her chest.
"Alright....good night." Sinbad said.

- Dream -

A dark forest she walked through. The stars in the sky. She saw an opening. There, standing in the middle of a lake, was a woman. Long pink hair, part of it in a bun, a white dress and blue eyes. She sang darkly, but she was also crying.

In the darkness I lost a gentle word The last prayer also quietly disappeared
Dawn is far and you are alone
Only tears shone the way in a dream without an exit
There is a song that will never reach anybody and will decay
One grief can not be fulfilled and it ends
Without a voice you just cried
Noises broke
Someone counted the number
A fixed person who will bring light will not come
Frozen in a stagnant time With a blade that solved fear
You and me hurt repeatedly with hugs and shapes I did not reach anywhere but your voice was destroyed
No one noticed even a thing that disappears
I increased the number randomly
I believed that someday I will be by my side in the light
We are not shaped
I sought a way to return someday to a world with a form
How far is the way to wander around looking for the voice of a gentle person who has forgotten
Without a voice you just cried
The road eventually ceased

She knows the woman is singing Japanese. Who was she? But her eyes widened when.....

"Let me go....LET ME GO DAVID!! LET ME GO!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The woman cried and screamed as she saw chains were all over her.
Underwater, it felt like she was. No matter how much she reached to the surface, she was pulled down.

The woman dropped to knees and cried.
"Sheba.......Solomon....Luna...Saito.....please...forgive me.....aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!" The woman screamed and cried.
Kimi slowly walked onto the Surat of the water, towards her. The woman's head snapped up and saw her. Her eyes widened.
"H-How did you get here?! It should be impossible to enter this part of Ill Ilah!" The woman said shocked.
Kimi looked at her shocked.
"This is....Ill Ilah.. " she was expecting to see the people of Alma-Torran. If not, more.
"This part was created to be a cage. Where no one can get in or get out. David.....created it this I can never leave.....But....I am not the only one....Saito and Luna....are also different locations..." the woman bit her lip.
Kimi looked at her sadly.

She did a partial djiin equip of Vinea and slashed at the chains. But the just fixed themselves immediately.
"Even with Vinea's power, you can't break it. It's impossible...." the woman said.
Kimi glared at the chains. But then....she remembers the voice that gave her power. She found a strange mirror in her pocket after the battle maybe.....

She placed the mirror on the chains and they began to crack. The woman's eyes widened as she saw the cage began to crumble. Kimi grinned and gave the woman a peace sign.
"Nothing is Impossible when I'm around. I'm not a trouble maker for nothing!" Kimi grins as she saw the chains on the woman disappear.
"You can stick with me if you want. I don't mind. What's your name?" Kimi asked.
The Woman cried tears of joy and huge her.

"My name is........"

- End of Dream -

(To be continued.......)

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