Chapter 15: Songs of Love and Sorrow

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"For I am the angle that slumbers in you

For I the one you cry to. I am...waiting to fly..

You've kept me trapped in this cage of darkness...

Let my tears breaks free...

Let my voice sing....

I wish to me free...."

A girl with light tan skin, jet black hair with blue highlights, a black leather jacket, with a blouse that said "LOSER" on it. A black mini skirt down to her knees, black sneakers and a black chocker. She sang softly. She took a huff of her cigarette in her hand and blew out the smoke.

"Miss Caria!"

She turns around with a blank look to the teacher that was fuming.
"Why are you smoking?! This time you are going to detention weather you like it or not!" The teacher yells as he took away the cigarette in her hand, and crushed it on the ground.
Caria was 17 at the time, a junior in highschool in California.

They walked over to a classroom. Inside they went. The class was empty but one person. A boy with a blue hoodie, jeans, gray hair, gray eyes, headphones on, metal on his cheeks, red glasses. He looked up and she felt a small blush on her cheeks.
"Yo." The boy said.
"You and Mr.Alphonse will have detention, and a tutor to help you kids with your studies. She'll arrive in a few minutes." The teacher said and left.

The was a silence between the two as Caria sat down. The boy know known as Alphonse took out his PSP and began to play his game. Caria looked over and her eyes immediately began to light up.
"HATSUNE MIKU: PROJECT DIVA: JAPANESE LIMITED EDITION!!!" Caria said with sparkles in her eyes.
Alphonse backed away, he's not used to being near girls, but he was surprised that a girl knew the name of the game he was playing.

They hear the door open and in comes in a girl with short brown hair, pink orange eyes, a white button up shirt, a brown skirt, black boots and a violin case. She looked at them with dead void eyes. She walked up to the front of the desk. They both who she is.

Kimigakiri Garcia, or Kimi for short.
The girl who almost shot her father dead for killing her mother.

"I'll be frank, I can tell neither of us want to deal with this, so let's get this over with so we can get out of here." Kimi spoke with no emotion in her voice.
The two also looked at her with dead eyes void of emotions.
"Then why are you here then? It's obvious you don't want to be here like us." Alphonse said.
Kimi gives a side glance at him as she writes on the white board. She then puts the marker down and goes into her bag. She takes out her text books but one book drops to the floor. She looked down and everyone stared at it.

It was the manga Rosario ➕ Vampire manga.

There was a awkward silence and Kimi's face turned blood red.
"Heh." Alphonse and Caria smirked.
Kimi dove and quickly grabbed the book and stuffed it in her bag.
" any chance are you into Yaoi?" Caria said cheerfully as she walked over to Kimi.
Alphonse groans, he doesn't want to hear the topic at all. Kimi couldn't help but give a small smile. The four hours that were ment for studying, turns to them talking about anime, manga, video games and others things. All three of them, the dead look in their eyes, now had a shimmer of life. The laughed and grinned and got into arguments about games and other things.

This was how Kimi, Caria, and Alphonse first met.

Everyone in the palace was shocked by what just happened. Caria and Alphonse ripped off the bracelets like they were nothing, like they were just toys. Anger began to fill Sinbad. Touhka did a side glance at Kurumi, who she can tell was hiding her smirk with her hands, before both Shido and her faded. Touhka stood up and turned to Sinbad who looked mad but quickly masked it.
"King Sinbad, there a dark force to come soon, and you must have the Seven Sea's Alliance ready for when it comes. My Kingdom, the Kingdom of Spirits, will help, however, there will be no alliance. For we are a neutral Kingdom. But we will do trade." Touhka said.
She then turns to Natsumi and Kotori.
"Kotori, return to Kou, and arrange a meeting with Ren Kouen. And Natsumi, you will remain here in Sindria, and watch over what happens. That is all." She said and the two girls nodded.

Touhka turns and leaves, along with the other goddesses. Natsumi was left with the others. A shiver went up her spine. She turns to Sinbad, who had a cold look in his eyes. She gulped.
"You are going to explain to me exactly what just happened with Kimi, Caria and Alphonse. They shouldn't have been able to take off the bracelets at all. What the hell is going on?!" Sinbad said furiously.
Natsumi was so scared she turned to her child form and hid behind Masrur.
"I honestly I don't know! I swear!" Natsumi cried.
"Sinbad made Natsumi cry!" Sharrkan yells.
And Spartos, Sharrkan, Yamraiha and Pisti tried to calm the pour girl down.
"Nice going Sinbad......" Ja'far groans.
Sinbad rolled his eyes but flinched at Masrur's glare. Sinbad sighs.

- Tenzen Plains -

Hakuie breath heavily as she slashed at another strange creature. Strange children made of shadows laughing eerily and chanting. Also with creatures that looked like giant cotton balls with teeth and mustaches. The one commanding them was the leader. A Knight with a mermaid tail. It screamed inhuman sounds.


Suddenly a water, earth, and wind attack came from the sky and hit the monster. Hakuie and her household looked up to the sky and saw three figures in the sky.
"Kougyoku!" Hakuie grins.
After what happened, and her mother declared her a traitor, she been so worried. She and her brothers revived the letters she wrote to them.

"VINEA HIKA!!" Kimi yells as she summon out two of her swords and threw them at it like a boomerang.
Alphonse went to heal the injured, and Caria flew near it. She put her hands together and summon out a faint bolder and threw it at the witch.


Caria froze.

"Why....why....I'm just like you.....I'm a normal person.....sniff....."

Crying, a girls voice, can be heard from the witch. Caria looked around and saw the others battling. Kimi and Hakuie were combining their attacks. Alphonse was healing the wounded and commanding the army on what to do. Caria turned back to the witch. Kyubey growled.

"My twin sister is responsible for this! After all these years....she still continues to make people suffer!" Kyubey growled as her ear stood up.
Caria stayed silent and looked down at the witch.

"Sniff.......why.....I'm human just like you.....I'm not a monster....I'm not a witch! I'M NOT!!"

The shadows covered Caria's eyes. Back at the ground, Hakuie and Kimi glared at the witch. Alphonse glared and turned to a dragon. But....
Murmurs began to go through the soldiers, and the three turned around. The soldiers moved as Caria walked through them. They watched as she now stood face to face with the witch in front of her. Kyubey next to her.

"Yamete, Yamete, Yamete, Yamete! Shi-ne, Shi-ne, Shi-Ne, SHI-NE!!!"

The witch roared at Caria who she looked at with dead eyes.

"Who are you?! Who am I?! Leave me alone!"

The witch raised it's lance and it went towards Caria.
"Caria!" Alphonse yells.
The lance landed on the ground at full force. The dust cleared and it landed a few inches from her. Caria stayed silent.

" don't to have to blame yourself...." Caria said.
She did a side glance at Kyubey and she nodded. The witch roared and roared, but to Caria, they were the sounds of wails and cry of desperation.

"Leave me alone! Leave me alone....It's My's my fault....."

It screamed.
"No! I'm saving you! KYUBEY, NOW!!" Caria yells.
"Ofumaha!!!" Kyubey yells and both charged at her.
The witch roared and attacked again. Caria ran up it's arm, Kyubey on her shoulder. She took out a once blue jewel and jumped at its chest.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Caria screams as she pushed the blue jewel into its chest, and was engulfed in a white light.

A never ending ocean. The white bubbles floated in the water. Caria was underwater, she floated. But her eyes widened. She saw her reflection in a bubble. It was her old appearance.
"Is this how you used to look like Caria?" Kyubey asked.
Caria nodded. Her black hair floated all over. The bubbles floated all over the never ending water. She touched one and a memory entered her vision.

"Sayaka, Sakyaka! Let's go fishing!"

"Cool! We can get some squid also!"

Caria looked around and saw another bubble. She touched it and more memories began to play.

In the end, I'm destined to become sea foam

In the pain and agony forever doomed to roam

But the love inside of me always stays true

So I sing on of how I love you

On one fateful day, he had come my way, granting me a wish as long as I would pay

Oh, but don't you see? Somebody like me doesn't deserve to have this opportunity

That girl moved with beauty and grace

Still a fate like hers is something I can't bear to face

Could it be, though, I could make things right?

If I can protect those I love then I guess I will fight

Though I struggle I know my wish wasn't wrong

I'll fight on as long as I know you can play your song

'Cause that smiling face of yours I can't forget

So I do really have no regrets

This isn't the way things were supposed to be, oh no please why is this happening to me?!

Why you'd think he'd love you? God, you're such a fool! The life of a magical girl is really cruel

So I was deceived, guess I wear a chain, I've no soul but I won't let my wish be in vain

Carry on and simply block out all of the pain

"I don't feel anything anymore!"

Play for me, play for me,

The sun will never rise

Play for me, play for me,

I'm meeting my demise

Everyday I'm alive is too much to bear

How I can I go on fighting knowing he doesn't care?

At the mirror, I look straight into my eyes

That girl's someone I don't recognize

In the end, I'm destined to become sea foam

In the pain and agony forever doomed to roam

Somebody reach out to me when all is through

All I want is to see heaven's blue

A girl with short blue hair and blue eyes, she wore a ragged white dress. She cried and cried near the lake. She sang sadly, filled with sorrow. She cried louder until as rock came flying at her. It hit her, she held her head where it began to bleed. She turned around and saw village children and the girl her childhood friend loved. The girl glared at her.
"Witch! You witch! If he haven't have protected someone like you, he would still be alive! Monster! Just die!" The girl yells and all the kids began to throw things at her.
She let things be thrown at her. Her childhood friend protected her from men dressed in black, but he was killed. She walked away towards the cave she lived in, and cried herself to sleep. Remembering the music her friend would play with his hands...

Caria had tears falling from her eyes. Kyubey nuzzled into her chest, weeping. Another memory began to play.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Sayaka thrashed around as the people of Al-Thamen forced her on her knees.

"Ara, Ara! Now this one has great hatred and sorrow towards herself. I'm surprised this human hasn't fallen into depravity yet." A strange white cat with beady red eyes smiles.

Gyokuen smiles as she looked down at the girl.
"Kyubey, you sure you didn't make a mistake?" She said.
"I want this one to be my first experiment of this world. I failed turning her other self of the world I came from to a witch because Homura changed the world completely, but now......." Kyubey grins evilly "I might actually succeed in creating a witch more powerful. If the Sayaka of this world is here, then that means the others are here is possible."  She summons out a blue black jewel and stabbed it to Sayaka.
Sayaka froze and black veins began to appear all over her body. She screamed in agony as black rukh began to surround her. Kyubey grins along with Gyokuen.

"All to awaken the power of the witch queen!"

Caria screamed as she felt Sayaka's pain. Memories of her previous life coming back to her.

"Stupid witch, why the hell are you even here?"

"Stop being a creep! This the reason why I bet your parents abandoned you! You're nothing but a curse, just die already!"

"Stop singing that song, it's so annoying!"

"You're not even worth my time. The only reason you and I dated was because I lost a bet. So just go away witch!"

"I wonder what'll happen if I cut your hair........."

Caria screamed and cried as her memories of the past returned.
Also the day she died. She and Alphonse were depressed by Kimi's death. Caria and Alphonse didn't talk to each other for a week. Then one day, she chose to go to bank to get money to pay her bills. As she walked to the bank, there was a store robbery. A man was pointing his gun a mother and child. Alphonse was there also. He to needed to pay his bills, and both glared menacingly at the man. While the man was distracted, Alphonse came from behind him and got him in a head lock and Caria jumped in and quickly got the mother and child to safety.


Her head snapped back and her eyes widened in horror was she watched the body of her friend drop dead to the ground, with a bullet hole in the head.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Caria screamed and ran towards the man.
He shot his gun at her, 8 times, but she manged to grab another gun that was on the ground. And Shot the man in the lungs, before the last bullet the man shot, penetrated her heart. And she dropped dead to the ground.

Caria breath in and out, trying to calm herself down. She kept swimming through the ocean, and finally found her.


Sayaka was chained onto the ocean floor. Her eyes lifeless as she floated. She slowly turned towards Caria.
"Who are you....why are you here?" She asked.
"I'm here to help you." Caria answers.
Sayaka remained silent.
"Tell me.....what is love in your eyes....?" Sayaka said.
Caria remains silent.
"Love is something powerful. It can save but it can also destroy. Love is something that takes time to develop, and over time, you discover what it is. It's home. Because your heart will find that home." Caria answered as she felt tears falling from her eyes.
Sayaka looked her with slight wide eyes.
"All my life.....I was bullied....called a witch but one....he cared for me.......he was My Friend.....and because of me...he....he....sniff...." Tears began to fall from her eyes.
Caria walked up to her and hugged her. Sayaka's eyes widened. Caria's memories began to pour into her mind.
"I'm like you....I was bullied my whole life.......I was called a witch......the man I live was killed before my eyes..... but......I was reunited with my friends...I met new people...that are my home......that's way.." Caria let go of her and smiles kindly down at her.
Her appearance changed to back to new one. Sayaka looked at her with wide eyes.
"I'll Give you a place to call home. Where you will no longer cry, where you will no longer be treated badly, a place where you can smile and have friends. Sayaka, you're not alone anymore. Let's go home." Caria grins.
Sayaka began to cry and her tears fell to the ground, purifying the black rukh.

The darkness that once engulfed her, now fades fades. Caria began to sing...a song full of kindness

You gave me words of kindness
You held me when I was lonely

Sad things happened
But together we shared
the joy of early spring

I searched for the words that I wanted to leave behind
for someone far away
before my time ended
I simply repeated, “Thank you”
I hope that’s the only thing
that reaches your heart

May my heart
soar far through the sky
and convey my smile to you
A warmth
that feels like the last traces
of the fading spring—
If I can quietly
leave just that inside of you
I’ll smile for you

Sayaka smiles as tears of happiness fall from her eyes. She takes Caria's hand.

"Let's go home Sayaka."


Alphonse watched as the witch began to roar, cracks appearing all over it. He was worried for Caria. His and Kimi's eyes widened when the witch shattered. A blinding light hit them. They look and see Caria on the ground, gently holding in her arms Sayaka, who was now asleep peacefully. Caria smiles warmly and sees her friends running towards her, along with Hakuie. She placed a finger on her lips to show that she is asleep. Alphonse lip quivers and he hugged Caria tightly and kissed her deeply. Kimi, Hakuie, and everyone else looked them shocked. Hakuie chuckles while Kimi mumbled "now I'm going to be the third wheel...".

Caria kissed back and both break for air. He placed his forehead on hers.
"You idiot...." he said but smiles at her.
Hakuie walked up to them.
"It's alright, Sayaka isn't an enemy. She was forced to become something she didn't." Caria said.
She stood up and picked up Sayaka, yes, bridal style. Hakuie's household led them to a tent where they can treat their wounds. Kimi turned to her sister and was about to speak when......


Her antennas popped out.


And Kimi went pale.....

Only one person can make lighting fill the air.


Caria and Alphonse can out of the tent and went pale with Kimi. Gold slit eyes looked down at the trio coldly. Hakuie looked at the trio who slowly began to back away.
"Hakuie, tell my family I love them. And you are my number 1 sister." Kimi said.

"KIIIIIIIIMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIII........" Sinbad's voice bellowed.
"RUN FOR IT!!!" Caria yells and all three bolt away in three different directions.


"You're not getting away boy."

Alphonse went extremely pale when he recognized that halty female voice.

"Now now boy, let's go back. I believe you and your friends owe the King of Sindria a explanation."

The Queen of Artemyra.....Mira....

With Caria.....

"GET THE SNAKE AWAY FROM MEEEEEEE!!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Caria screamed as the King of Heliohapt swung her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
He sighs in annoyance as she kept squirming trying to get away from the snake on his neck. His household member and guards sweat drop. The king of Sasan sighs, but in his other hand has Kyubey, who was swinging her claws at him.

With Kimi, Hakuie stood in her djiin equip, in front of Kimi, pointing her staff at the King of Imuchakk and Sinbad. Kimi was in her Sitri djiin equip.
"I don't care if you are the King of Sindria, but you will not be taking my sister!" Hakuie growled.
Kimi looked at Hakuie worried and then back at Sinbad.
"Kougyoku left Sindria with a single explanation and I will be taking her back with me, by force if I have to." Sinbad said with a smirk.
"H-Hakuie, I'll go with them. Please, I don't want you to get hurt." Kimi tried to reason with her.
"Absolutely not! You are my sister and my family. I will protect my family!" Hakuie said with determination in her eyes.

Sinbad looked at Kimi then Hakuie. He then smirks.
"Alright then, I propose we discuss this properly." Sinbad said.
Hakuie narrows her eyes at him. He is not a man to be trusting, but with the seven sea's alliance here, and they captured her sister's friend's, looks like she has no choice.
"Alright then, let us speak at my tent." She said and he smiles.
They landed down, and undjiin equip. Sinbad walks up to Kimi, and grabs her wrist and pulls her towards him. He leans into her ear and whispers...
"Pull a stunt like this again, and I will punish you in the most desired way I want." Sinbad said huskily.
Kimi just stayed silent, with her face red from both embarrassment and anger and nodded. Hakuie glared at Sinbad as he and the others of the seven sea's alliance walked into the tent. Caria and Alphonse already made to sit down. Hakuie looked back at her sister, who was in the verge of tears.
"I'm sorry.......I'm sorry.....I'm nothing but a problem causer.....I'm sorry..." Kimi said as tears began to fall from her eyes.
Hakuie eyes soften and she hugs her. She mentally wishes she knew why her sister was declared a traitor of Kou, and wishes to help her. Kougyoku's been through so much. She was taken away from her mother, watched her brothers died, and so much more she doesn't know.

"Kimi, It's's not your fault..."

(To be Continued......")

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