Chapter 4: Mirrors

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He watched with a cruel smirk as he commanded his dungeon to kidnap the Queen of Sindria and the Excorist. He grins at thoughts of the trials he will make them face but........
It was wiped clean from his face as he saw two unknown individuals mange to get into his dungeon. No matter, if the Queen of Sindria is unworthy, he can just kill her. Then again.......her djiins will all fight him before had even had the chance.

In Reim, a female djiin held the Blue hair Fanalis in the palm of her hand. She put him in a cocoon, and placed h in a coma. She had Kirito in her other hand. The Magi of Reim glared at her along with the Fanalis Corps, who were ready to tear her apart at his command. Titus knows damn well he never summoned the dungeon, as well as his followers. She smirked down at them darkly.
"You really think Reim is the only place where a dungeon has appeared?" She mocked them.
She cackled as their expressions morphed to horror.

In Kina, the green hair princess was grabbed in a choke hold by the djiin. His two other arms had her household, and the assassin also. He smirked, and his grip tighten on the three. Yamato was in his djiin equip, and the others ready to fight. Yuzuru and Kaguya glared menacingly at the djiin. They know who he is.
"What do you want them Murmur?!" The twins yelled.
The djiin just smirked and the Rukh surrounded him, and the other two djiins, and disappeared, with their victims.

Sinbad slammed his fist into the wall creaking a huge crack on it. He cursed himself for letting his wife be kidnapped, not only that, Natsumi's student also. He quickly took out Vepra's metal vessel. He placed it near his mating mark, hoping it would help him locate her.
"My king, something is blocking her location!" Vepra said.
And an aura of murder and anger surrounded Sinbad. His eyes turned to dark amber.
"I don't care what you do, but find her location and when you do, tell me it!!" He said furiously.
His djiins gulped. It's been years since they seen their King this furious before. The last time he was this furious was when he fought against the Parthevia Empire when it attacked and destroyed the first Kingdom of Sindria.
Sinbad swore he'll kill the son of a bitch that stole his wife. His wife belonged to him. No one was allowed to touch her but him. Just the mere thought of losing her again made his greed and dark desires spike. He won't loose her, not ever. A smirk grew on his face. He found a way to keep her bound to him, without ever tying her down.

"Just watch.....who ever you will regret ever taking my wife away from me....."


-Kimi POV -

- Dream -

I stood in a tower looking out to the horizon. I held a staff with a shape of an eclipse in my hands as I danced to the rhythm of the drums.

My feet meeting the beat to the pulse of the earth. Hearing the heart beat of the earth under my feet. I sang loud and filled with courage and faith. The torches that that surrounded me. A total of eight, all in a circle. I kept dancing. My pink hair flowing in all directions. The people chanting and singing in a tribal way as I sang and kept dancing on the stone floor. My normal arteries, glowing and changing. My eyes glowing and my hair, Turing to a different way. I kept singing and singing. And as the finally, I stabbed my staff into the ground. It glowed and the eight torches all lit up. Each one a different color. Tears fell from my eyes as I spread my arms out to the sky.
I panted and breath heavily, trying to catch my breath.

I smile warmly and about to cast a spell to truly complete it, but.....


Everyone stood up and turned to the door. There, a tall muscular man, with tan skin, gold eyes, and slight blueish hair, grinned cruelly.
"Who are you?!" The people yelled and guards pointed their swords at him.
I stepped back as his eyes landed on me. They were filled with insanity, greed and lust. I felt small arms hug my waist, I looked down and see a little girl with pink hair, the sides stick out like cat ears. I picked her up and held her in my arms. She was trembling and was scared. I was in a different form, so the enemy did not know my true identity.
Two more individuals ran next to me. A Woman with long blonde hair, a gold beautiful dress, with a gold crown, and pink eyes. A red jewel staff in her hand. The other one was a man with green eyes, a purple cape around him. His hair black purple, and two Ruby earrings he wore. He held a lantern in his hand. Both stood in front of me, and glared at him

Behind the man, stood magicians in black robes. Some even had their fave covered. I looked around, and saw all the women in fear. I noticed all of them had pink hair. And old woman stood up, and walked over to the man. She opened one eye, it was a pale pink.
"Who are you, and why have you interrupted our ceremony?" She said.
She held an eagle shape wooden staff. The man smirked and looked over to me.
"I have come to ask for the Eclipse Maiden's hand." He said.
The entire room filled with gasp and murmurs. My eyes widened, and held the little girl closer to me.
The old woman turned to me and to him.
"I refuse to hand my granddaughter's hand to you. Now leave." She said coldly.

"You show them Elder Nana!!"

"Go away bastard!"

"No way are you taking her hand!"

People kept yelling and telling him to leave. I smiled to all my people. Then...



"NANA!!!" I yelled in horror as I saw her drop to the ground dead.
The women all scream in horror. The men filled with rage and charged at him. Some of the women also. The blonde woman quickly grabbed my hand and we ran the man with black hair, place and invisibility spell to hide eyes. I heard screaming and cackling. The tower that I once stood at, burning in flames. Bodies of friends and family dropping to the ground. Tears falling from my eyes. The little girl in my arms, crying, I refused to let anything happen to her.
I turn my head back and only see the silhouette of that man and his crew gold eyes and smile. He cackled as he killed another one of my people that was fighting him.
"I will find you Maiden of Eclipse and you will be mine!!! Let is enjoy this game of cat and mouse!!!" He cackled as he raised his hands.
My eyes widened in realization at what he was about to do. I quickly handed the little girl, younger sister to my two friends and ran towards him. I summon my staff.
I slid on my knees as I dodged a wooden pillar in flames. My eyes turned to pink slits. He smirked and eyes widened in horror as.....


And the entire place was engulfed in burning blinding light......

I don't know how long I was out but, I awoke with the feeling of water around me. I slowly turn my head. My body was in pain.


I was in a small water bed. The water was healing me, but slowly. My pink eyes, clothing, everything, was turned back to normal. People ran up to my bed, crying and saying they were so happy I was alive. Tears began to fall from my eyes as I remembered what happened. So many friends and loved ones dies.....all because of me.
"Why.....why.....why did they....JUST WHY?!" I cried and covered my eyes.
Everyone went silent and I cried.

"There's no way Nana would of let that bastard have you."

I turn my head and it was the man with black purple hair. But his hair was black, long and in a pony tail. He wore a green battle male kimono and a Kanata on his waist.
"Nana wouldn't want you to be with a man like that. That man was pure evil. Over my dead body he'll have you." He said.

"He's right."

It was the woman with blonde hair. It was now up to her ears, her eyes now green. She wore a faint witches hat, with a gray dress. With both hands, she clutch a floral staff. She looked at us with determination.
"No way in hell he is touching you. He just wants your power. You're our friend, sister, family. And family will always stick together and fight for each other!" She said.
The people began to cheer. That they will fight to protect each other. That we will avenge our fallen comrades. Tears of happiness fell from my eyes.

"Thank you....thank you all.."

- End of Dream -

I slowly open my eyes and look at my surroundings. The place, it was filled with mirrors. I looked all around me. I slowly stood up, and placed my hand on one for support.

"Wwhhhhoooooo aaaaarrrrreeeee yyyooouuuu????"

I turned to the mirror and jerked away from it. Looking back at me was myself, past self.
She smiled at me but her eyes were swirls, like a witch.

"Kougyoku, Kougyoku! Kimigakiri, Kimigakiri, I don't know! Ahhahahaha!"

I turned to another mirror. It was me but as Kougyoku but....half my past self, and half of who I am now.
"Käse, Käse, wo ist die Käse ?

Käse, Käse, will ich hin !

Käse, Käse, bitte einmal Käse

Käse, Käse Zug nach Käse" she sand eerily.

"It's funny you know...." the first one said as she twirled a lock of her hair, "why were you brought here in the first place. And you don't remember....what truly happened?" She smirked at me.
"What are you talking about?!" I said.
The mirrors suddenly began to move. I stood where the cherry blossom tree was. I was yelling at Sinbad to leave me, to shut up. The black rukh surrounded me. I see Solomon and Sheba trying to help me. I see the deal Kurumi made with Solomon to save me. Why she implanted the bullet in me. I remained silent, and punched the mirror with all my burning rage I had towards myself.

I am not stupid! I knew some part of my memory was erased but now I know why. But I am not angry at anyone, not at Kurumi, not at Caria or Alphonse, not anyone, but myself. I was with an idiot back then. I let my fear control me, I let my own guilt....
I kept punching the mirror and the other two me grin, mocking me. I knuckles bloody. I didn't care. I stood up and glared at them. I wiped some tears in from my face, not caring if blood got on it.
"Such anger and fury. And so many identities you've created to hide who you really were. Such a shame." The second one giggled.
I click my and began walking. I need to find Shemi.

- 3rd POV -

"Explain to me why we had to come here in the first place?" An creepy female voice spoke as she held a grimore in her hands.
Pale ice blue eyes looked back at her then back down the mirror maze.
"We're here to collect water from the Lake of Reflections. This dungeon is said to have it. I am not after the djiin if that is what you are thinking." A calm female voice responded back to her.
The two females continued to walk down the maze. Each one mirror reflecting their own reflections. It felt like they were being watched.
"If you won't take the djiins power, than I will." The first female said with a low happy tone.
"I think it's possible. You are a user of the dark arts. So you won't be able to.," the blue one said.
The other one grumbled and both suddenly stop. The sound of slithering can be heard and panting and running. They pressed themselves back onto the mirrors. They took a small peak and saw a girl running from what looked like a mass of small black creatures.

Shemi ran as fast as she could from the mass of small demons trying to drain her magoi. She quickly took out a tailsmen and poured her magoi into it.
"The sky rings the bells of the singing doves flight! Dovania!!" She yells and throws her tailsmen in the air.
It glowed and out came a three doves. They flew at the demons at a fast speed and many were purified, but they are still multiplying. She took another tailsmen.
"The ancient princess of the sakura Blossom gives her strength to the wise! Come forth Talaya, Princess of Cherry Blossoms!" She yells.
A cherry blossom bud emerges from the ground. It blooms and Inside is a beautiful woman.
She nodded towards Shemi and raised her hands. A huge waves of Cherry blossoms hit the demons like blades and the princess disappeared. Shemi panted and smiles. Her doves land on her shoulders and the third one on her head. She smiles and fell to her knees, panting.
"I did it....I did it!" She cheered.
The two other women stayed silent but....

Shemi sat there frozen, with a frozen smile, looking up and watching the black blood of demons gather together, and become a huge monster. Part of it glowed yellow......
The monster attack and right when it was about to hit her....

A glowing spear hit the monster and it screeched in pain. Shemi turned and saw a woman with ice blue eyes and long blue hair. She jumped and ripped her spear out of the monster. She wore a half white half black dancer dress. A blue jewel pendent around her neck.


The shadows grabbed the demon and ripped it to shreds in a gruesome way. Shemi's eyes were covered by the blue hair Woman, not wanting her to see. She is to pure.
"MWHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BURN LIKE THE WORM YOU ARE!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" A Woman with black hair, two small uneven twin tails. Black color eyes, and a eerily grin that screamed blood lust. She wore a revealing tribal dress.
Part of her sleeves were like kimonos.

The book in her hand glowed black as her hands glowed black. She poured her magoi into the book. She cackled as the monster was killed, and there was a bloody black mess.
"Sigh.........such lower entertainment..." she sighs and snapped her book shut with one hand.
She walked towards the pool of black blood and cupped her cheeks, in a bliss.

*cough*Yuno Gasia way*cough, cough!!*

"Rhajat, enough. You're scaring the the poor girl." The blue eyed Woman said.
Shemi was trembling. The Woman now know as Rhajat, smirked. She walked towards them and shifted her weight to her right leg, and places her hand on her hip.
"Now, now Azura. Do not worry about it. I only came with you to see the one from my dreams. All the things she promised me, and all the things she did to me....," she put her hands on her cheeks again and a blush from on her cheeks, "I owe her my life. All of it. Every hour, every day, until the end. She's got my full attention. I'll watch her like a hawk on a mouse. Forever and ever-until one of us is no more. And maybe then some. She saved me 10 years ago near the boarder of Hoshido and the Spirit Kingdom. My hero, where are you?" She cooed.
The woman now know as Azura sighs and helps Shemi up.
"It's alright. You're safe now. But why is a girl like you here?" Azura asked, worried.
"The tower just appeared in the middle of the night at Sindria and began attacking. It dragged me in and.....and.....OH MY GOD!!!!" Shemi screeched when she realized who else got dragged in.
Azura winced at Shemi's screeching, closing one eye.
"Kimi! I need to find Kimi!" She said frantically.
"Kimi?" Rhajat said.
"Who is she?" Azura asked.
"Kimi is my friend and also the Queen of Sindria. I pray she's alright." Shemi mumbled.


Shemi owns Kimi and Kane so much for taking her in. She could never repay them for their kindness. Kane saved her life, and offered her a home when she lost hers along time ago. Magnostadt wasn't her home. She hated the way the magicians would treat the people of the 5th district. She found a way to sneak in. Since she lived alone, no one would suspect anything. Twice a week, she would sneak down to bring found and medicine to the people. And since she was a second class citizen, she was allowed to go to the school and to the library. She would always go there. One day she discovered an old book. Since it was so old, the magicians let her keep it. She took it home and began to study it. A new form of Magic. Well.....she doesn't consider it Magic. She couldn't see the rukh, so what really was this unknown power. She began to read about magoi manipulation. She began to study it and taught herself how. Her first experiment was summoning a familiar. A drop of blood on a small piece of paper with summoning symbols.

"U-Umm....Come on boy, Come on Boy...please?"

She sighed when nothing happened, but soon a small green ball of light came out. An adorable baby greenman came out. She cried tears of joy, and hugged the him. As the years went by, she began to learn more and more about this mysterious power. She opened her own medicine shop. She learned to summon more powerful familiars. He specialty ones were Life Magic ones and wind ones.

Then the day Magnostadt was brought to war came. The black djiins destroyed her store. She broke down in tears, she lost what she worked for.
And as the war continue, she was saves by Kane. He showed her kindness, and she grew feelings towards him. And when the war was over, she walked to her old shop. Completely reduced to rubble.

Kimi watched her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned to her.
"I'll help you salvage what we can." Kimi gave her a small smile.
She nodded and followed her. Shemi walked up to a certain spot, with Kimi's help, they were able to remove the rubble. She was so happy that the box that has all her research was safe. Kimi used her staff to remove the rest of the rubble. They were able to salvage what they could and packed everything.

"You'll like Sindria. The people are kind. If you want, I can have a friend teach you more about medicine?"


Shemi glares murderously at the monster reflection of herself. It attacked Azura and Rhajat. It laughed and cackled and mocked her.

"Weak, weakling!"

Her hands shook with furry and she took out a tailsmen. She walked towards it. The shadows covering her eyes.

"I know I'm weak. I know I'm always the one that is saved." She said as she kept walking, ignoring Azura's yelling.

The demon giant claws came at her.

"That's why...."

A small bird flew towards her and entered her flower headband.

"That's why......."

Her head looked up at the demon with determination. The Rukh surrounding her, the flower glowing and transforming.

"That's why I'll be the one to protect her and Kane! I will be the one and forever be grateful for their kindness, and repay them with my strength!"

"Seek strength. For I am a household."


"Shemi, what do you wanna do in the future?"

"I'm not sure yet. I can't always remain here in Sindria. I really want to repay you and Kane back for giving me a home."

"A household of life."

"You don't need to. You just being happy and finding a home is enough."

"Born from the Spirit King Shido."

"But still! I want to be use of you!"


"Shemi, you're perfect the way you are. Do not doubt your strength. I know you been through a lot, and I may never understand what you went through or felt but....."


"I know you have the strength inside of you. I know you are strong. Have confidence in yourself, and I know you can do it."


"Kimi....thank you. I can now finally be proud of who I am. Because, it was you, and Kane, that gave me that spark once again. Thank you."

(To be continued.......)

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