Chapter 4: Part 2: Battle of Butterfly

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- Dream -

"You're........." I said as I looked at the two Rukh silhouettes in front of me.
They smile at me. Two girls with pink hair. One light and the other dark.
The one with dark hair walk up to me. She clasp her hands on mind. Tears began to fall from my eyes.
"It was was you all along...." I began to cry.
She smiled kindly at me. The one with light pink hair also smiles warmly at me.

"Please, watch over my son." The light hair one smiled as she handed me a gold amulet.
"And thank you Kimi. Please, keep taking care of my family." The one with dark hair said as she handed me a blue chocker.
My eyes widened when I recognized what were the two.

They began to fade and I ran after them.

"Wait, Please! Don't leave me!
K-------- , S-------!!!"

- End of Dream -

"GASP!!!" I shot awake.
I breath in and out, trying to control my heart. I looked around and saw I was in my room.
"I was able to bring you here my queen." Vinea said as she made a Chibi version of herself and wrapped herself around my neck.
"You're lucky you lived through that. Absorbing the magoi of a djiin was suicide." Sitri appears also in a Chibi form and sits on my left shoulder.
I sigh.......
"Now I" I said and looked over to my shelf.
I slowly get up, because my body is sore all over. It was a jeweled box with the eight pointed star symbol.

"My lady! That is the jewelry box I gave my friend at her wedding day!" Vinea said.
I shaky open it. Inside is the gold amulet, with the blue chocker, and a small majestic crown similar to the ophanim.

Me and Sitri both spit eye(Think of Assassination Classroom).
"Store it away, store it away, store it away!!!" I yelled and Sitri immediately did that for me.
I slump to the ground and panic.
"FUCK MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!!!" I yelled as I buried my fave in my pillows.

Vinea and Sitri look at each other and return back to their metal vessels. I groan.......I get up and change to my kimono. I look out the window and see all the people gathering. I see Alibaba fighting the monkeys. I grit my teeth, there has to be something I can do.
Shit....he's running out of magoi.
"Sitri!" I yelled and he immediately sent his flames to Amon.

"Thank you Sitri!" Kimi heard Amon's voice in her head.

I smile had Sitri summon out the jewelry box. I open it and tale out the small crown.
"Sigh......I'll keep my promise and watch over Aladdin." I said and place on the small crown on my forehead.
I had Vinea make it invisible as I began to prepare. I know what I have to do today.

It's been about 1 hour since the attack began. I waited outside the throne room, as I watched everything that was going on. The argument that was going on between Alibaba and his brother. I smirk. Looks like its my turn. Ka Koubun is behind me.

"What is going on?" I spoke and everyone turned to me.
I looked at the King with cold eyes.
"My name is Ren Kougyoku. I am the eight imperial princess of the Kou Empire. We heard the sound of swords clashing. I wanted to check out what was going on but now I see why." I said as I looked straight at Alibaba's brother, Ahbmad.
"Wait princess, the you knew who were getting married to and how he looks like?!" Ka Koubun screeched.
"Well duh.....I knew long before I met him. And I am quite disappointed." I said as I walked towards Ahbmad.
"I'm quite disappointed in you. You let your greed take over, and now you have been forced to step down from your throne. Just like my cards told. Your greed was your undoing. Listen here, pig, I will not marry you. Nor will the signing ceremony take place. Because there is no longer a king. And I am quite pleased. However, I still have my duty as a princess I need to fulfil. " I said coldly as I looked directly into his eyes.

All the life left him, and I see everyone backing away from me as I rise up.
"Shut up Banker. You are forbidden to speak." I said as I saw him open his mouth and closes it.
I turn back to Alibaba who flinched.
"Prince Alibaba, speak your words or forever hold your tongue." I said.
"I will not become the king of this country." Alibaba said and a smile came on my lips.
"Sahbmad, even I do not have the right to become king. I only accepted the invitation from our original king into the palace, shortly after which he passed on. Moreover, I irresponsibly threw away my country and escaped. It wouldn't be good for me to rule over the country." Alibaba said with a straight face.
I smile at his words and walk towards him.
"I can tell there is more than meets the eye Alibaba. You have something to ask me don't you?" I said.
He nodded.

"I have a request to make of you, the representative of the Kou Empire, for the citizens rights pack that is supposed to concluded tomorrow I want you to destroy it." He said and everyone looked at him shocked.
"The treaty was what the former King Ahbmad decided on, but now that he has stepped down, the people in the country do not wish for something as a citizens rights pack." He said and I nodded.
"I will not marry tomorrow. But, like I said before, there is more than meets the eye. The pact can not be destroyed that of today..." I smile at him and he smiles back.
"Today we put an end to the monarchy in Balbadd!" Alibaba said.
"If there isn't a king, the people will be able to live well. Both of us have seen countries like this. In those countries, people gather strength, chose their representatives, and live according to the way they agree upon. Forming each their own self- Governed city states. They are peaceful." I said and everyone looked at me shocked.
From the corner of my eye, I see the banker clench his fist. I hide my lips with my selves and smirk. That will teach a lesson Al-Thamen. Do not underestimate humans.
"You wish make this happen in Balbadd. " I smile.
This is why Alibaba is my second favorite character in Magi.
"You fool! Quit Joking around! Are you trying to destroy the royal family of Balbadd that has been around for 23 generations already?!" Ahbmad yells furious.


He froze when he saw a needle pass by him. And horror struck when they saw it was me.
"How blind are you punk?! If things continue the way they are, no matter who the fuck becomes the king of this country, it will all parish! (Ka Koubun: PRINCESS, LANGUAGE!!) Since citizens are already under national slavery, continuing the monarchy is the worst that could happen! No matter who becomes King.....national slavery will not be stopped because Balbadd's monarchy as already been horribly corrupted!" I yelled.
Alibaba smiles at me. He knows that I understand what he wants do.

He tells everyone by removing the royal and nobles superior status, the countries lands, rights, and people will be returned to the people. The citizens will elect their own representatives, create their own civil government, and create a parliament. From their, the course of the country will be decided themselves.

"And if it be permitted.... I will also help in creating this country. I want to devote my existence to Balbadd! TO MAKE BALBADD AN OUTSTANDING REPUBLIC CITIZEN STATE! THAT IS WHAT I'VE COME HERE TO DO!!" Alibaba yells.
I smile and raise my hands up and bow.
"There you have it my friends, that is his answer!" I look to the corner of my eye and my grin grows.
"Isn't that right Sinbad and the seven sea's alliance?" I smiled as they came out.

"I must admit Alibaba and you too princess. I never would of thought you actually agree with him. Though, I can tell you know more don't you?" Sinbad smiles my way.
"Keheheheheh!!! Well aren't you observant one!" I laugh.
Ka Koubun looked at me shocked. old habit of a creep laugh came back...nice one the men are backing away from me.
"Sigh......but as much as I wish to support him, I can't. Being the eight princess I do not have much say. Balbadd is now belongs to Kou. I'll be honest on this, this sucks." I said as I drop my formalities.
Everyone looked at me shocked. I sat down on the floor with my legs crossed and with my cheek resting on my hand.

"Listen here Alibaba, I'll admit this much, I don't have much to say and if I return to Kou, it is most likely my father will brush me off. However....." I say as I take out a caramel and plop it in my mouth "that of the transfer rights, I would make it as it didn't happen at all. Balbadd is the root of trade....wait...that's's the root of trade of the marine south region, I would choose to show kindness now and reap the profits in the future. This not only help out Balbadd, but it would also be a great profit for Kou. By doing this, Balbadd would flourish again and be restored to it's former glory. We also have that you want to create a republic. I believe that is a wise choice. The people will be able to speak their voices, like the constitution of the United States of America. And I'm not going to go into detail on that country, but unfortunately the decision must be made by the emperor." I said as I stood up and dust my kimono.
Everyone is looking at me shocked. Can you blame them, I just freaken spoke what I wanted. Plus, Ka Koubun looks like he's about to have a heart attack. But I can tell, he's proud of me at the same time.

"Sinbad of Sindria." I said as I looked towards him.
He flinched a bit. I closed my eyes and spoke
"Please make sure to speak to the emperor personally to show proof that Balbadd is part of the Seven Sea's Alliance. Though I myself know it is, I'm sorry that you have to go to Kou to prove it." I said as I walked towards Alibaba.
He looked at me confused. I take out my dagger from underneath my leg....aaaannnnnddd...I see Ka Koubun screeching and Sinbad and the men tuning red.
"Sitri, summon them please." I said.
A space warp opens and I take out a total of 24 scrolls. I handed them to Alibaba.
"These are archives are on how a republic is created and ideas and laws that can help you get started. There is also the history on other countries that have democracies and so on and so forth. I believe these will help you for right now. We'll meet again one day, and this time, we will be on the same side." I grin him and began to leave.

"One more thing..." I said and turn to Sinbad.
"Have your ever heard of settling down, because I'm beginning to see gray hairs on your head and I seen you being a womanizer. Not cool man!" I laugh.

As I leave, I hear everyone in the room burst out laughing and Sinbad telling them to shut up, that it wasn't funny.

You can charm the women of the world but you can't charm me. I smirk, but then frown.....With what is to come next.....It will take time for Kou to be forgiven.

- 3rd POV -

Sinbad was shocked at everything the way the princess was. He never expected her to actually speak her mind out, much less support Alibaba. Truly shocking indeed. But, it's what made her so....interesting....
Something about her was different. She reminded him of himself in some way. And she is a double metal vessel user

"I hope to see you again...Ren Kougyoku...." he said in his mind as she passed by him.

"Red like roses......" Kimi sang softly as she passed him and down the hallway.
His head snapped her direction as he watched her walk away. His eyes narrowed.

They were half way to Kou and Kimi felt the Rukh greatly disturbed. My eyes snapped open and I stood up.
"That idiot......" Kimi gritted her teeth.
She turn to Ka Koubun.
"Head to Kou and report that the banker made a move without any orders and has chosen to betray Kou! I'll heading back to Balbadd!" She yelled as she djiin equip to Vinea and quickly flew towards Balbadd.

Once she was far away, she quickly djiin equip to Sitri. Her eyes turn to glowing orange, her hair white as snow, two moth antennas on her head, along with the six gold eyes. Her clothing to a black dress and orange, black, gold butterfly wings on her back. Her wings can change to blades.

No one can recognize her. Kept flying and right when Judar was about to throw another ice attack at Sinbad, who was already frowned to the wall, she flew fast enough, and quickly appeared in front of him, her wings turned to black metal and protect both of them.
Everyone's eyes widened when they all saw her. Luckily no one recognized her, and thanks to Vinea, her Rukh is hidden.

"Who are you?!" Sinbad said.
Kimi's wings turn back to normal size. She stay silent and charge at Cassim.
"Sitra Haya!" She yelled as my wings grew and cut off the wings.
The black djiin roared and charges at her.
"Who the fuck are you and why are you here?!" Judar cursed as he sent a lighting attack at her.
"Sitri Flames!" A huge flame butterfly surrounded her as she dodge his attack.
She sent it towards Alibaba and Morgiana. Both looked at her in horror, thinking she was attacking them but saw the flames were directed at Amon.
"My King, she is the one that lent us power earlier!" Amon said.
Alibaba looked at him shocked as he looked back at the woman up in the air fighting both his friend and Judar.

"Argh!" Judar growled as his attack was sent back to him.
This woman....who was she....? She just appeared out of no where. What's more, her orange.....a deadly yet....alluring color......
But her attacks.....and movements...
It's almost as he was fighting Sinbad or Kougyoku. Suddenly Alibaba charged at him and his djiin. The woman jumped back and punched him in the cheek.

"Damn!" Kimi cursed at she caught Alibaba in her arms and brought him down.
"I'll give you more of my magoi!" She yells as she clasped his hands and he felt power surging through him.
"Stop!" He yells.
Why was she helping him.
"No I won't! You promised to save Cassim! So don't you dare give up on me!" Kimi glared at him as she kept pouring her magoi into him.
His eyes widened.
"You're......the girl from the food stand! Melanie!" He yells in shock.
Sinbad's eyes widened. She was a dungeon capturer. When this battle is over, he and her will have to talk.

Everyone kept fighting and Kimi was doing everything she could to help, but everything looked hopeless.
"Shit!" Kimi cussed as she quickly hugged Alibaba and made her wings grow around them, to protect them from Judar's attack. She shut her eyes, waiting for the impact but it never came.

"Really, you're such a strange person. But because that is who you are, I want to be of help to you....I'll attach out my hand to you no matter how many times...Hey Alibaba, and Melanie!"

Kimi's wings turned back to normal and she slowly open her eyes. She smiles and hugs the blue mage.

- Kimi: POV -

"Aladdin!" I smile as I let go of him.
"Can't Breathe!!" Alibaba said, because I had him in my chest.
Shit....... I wasn't even thinking when I grabbed him. And why did my chest have to grow bigger?! Damn you Sitri!
"Whoops! Sorry!" I let go of him, because he was turning blue.
"Let me say this Chibi....I won't loose this time. Because I've attained a djiin too!" Judar yelled down at Aladdin, but then glares down at me.
"I don't know who the hell you are, but I'm pissed off you had to interfere. Yo-----!!!!" I didn't even let him finished as I charged at him.

"Vinea Stitrias!!!(Scorching Hell Water Scythe)" I yelled As I summon a black scythe made out of boiling hot black water.
I grab it, and swing it at the djiin. Judar tried to use borg to defend himself but failed. I over heard Aladdin tell Sinbad that Ugo was no longer with us. I may never know how much pain Aladdin is right now, but.........

"RAAAAHHH!! DO IT NOW!!!" I yelled as I did my final attack and Aladdin nodded.
He used Solomon's wisdom on Judar.
"Stop it!!" Judar yells in pain as he clutched his head in pain as he saw his past.
The djiin became weak and at last minute, we all attacked and created a opening for Alibaba to attack. I watched as he was absorbed and I know he will succeed. The five eyes on my head open and I am seeing everything Alibaba is. Tears began to fall from my eyes and I smiled sadly.

As the djiin crumbles, a light appears and reveals Alibaba, holding onto Cassim's body in his arms. He cries and I undjiin equip and walk over to him.
"Welcome back.....Alibaba...." Aladdin and I said was we cried.

"You know Melanie......if I would of met Alibaba under different circumstances....would we be equals?" He looked down at the ground


"You idiot....what kind of question is that?" I glared at him.

"You didn't have to hit me!" He glared at me as he rubbed his head.

"You and him should talk things out properly. After all.....isn't the answer and him are friends. And you are my friend also." I smiled at him and he looked at me dumbfounded.

"We just met." He bluntly said.

"And? No matter the circumstances, no matter if we are rich or poor, even if we are different, no matter how apart we are, we are all connected in a way. I know we'll meet again one day, because we're friends. And you are someone important to me, no matter what." I smiled at him.

"'re an air head you know that!" He laughed.


"OOOOWWWW!! Stop hitting me, dammit!!" He yells and pinched my cheeks.

"Back at you!" I began to do the same to him.

" idiot......" I sniffed as I hugged Alibaba.
He cried and so did I.


I then djiin equip immediately. My antennas were reacting.....


There's lighting in the air......

I suddenly flew to the sky and towards the direction. Such power.....

"Balalark Saika!!!"

A huge beam of lighting came from the ground and I saw it destroyed the Banker. I used Vinea to turn invisible and flew down. I saw Ja'far catch Sinbad as he stumbled from exhaustion. I picked up the Banker's doll and crushed it in hand. My eyes, cold as ice, as I set on fire his fragments. I'm still invisible and I look up to see Sinbad and the others look at what I just did with wide eyes. Without a sound, I floated towards Sinbad. I placed my hands on his chest and pour my magoi into him, healing his wounds. I quickly disappear before he tried to grab my wrist.
I was back with Aladdin, Alibaba, and Morgiana. I undjiin equip. I felt a tap on my shoulder and my eyes widened when I turned around.

"Cassim!" I smiled warmly.
He smiled at me.
"Watch over Alibaba for me, air head!" He grins.
"I promise. Take care of yourself, Braids!" I laugh and he smirked at me.
All of the people return back to the rukh and I smile as I watch the trio hug each other.
"Magis are amazing...." I smile.

- The Next Day -

"Come and get your food! Hot and ready!" I yelled as I was helping give food to the people.

"Big Sis!"

A blue blob jumped at me and I caught him, and spin him around.
"Hey, Aladdin!" I smile.
"If it be alright, can we talk in private?" He asked.
I smile sadly. Guess he figured it out.
We climbed up the roof too and I casted a barrier so no one can see or hear us.
"Alright, spill it...." I said as we sat down.
"Why are you hiding who you really are," He smiled sadly at me.
"Ahh......I've been caught....but I already knew It was coming." I smiled sadly as I changed back to normal.
"You went against Judar, and helped us during the battle. Why?" He asked.
"It may not look like it, but do you believe in past lives? You noticed it huh? My rukh?" I asked and he nodded.
"I don't know why I was sent here, but I'll do everything I can to help you and save this world Aladdin. I made a promise after all." I said as I pointed to the small crown on my forehead.
His eyes widened by smile.
"I'll keep your secret, but on one condition." He smiled.
"Oh? And what would that be?" I said.

He clasp my hands and looked at me with the most adorable eyes that God has ever created.
"Please make me more of those watermelon candies! I loved them!" He said with cutest eyes of god has ever created with tears and a smile.
I rubbed my cheek onto him, and I felt him nuzzle in my chest. I let go of him and take out a small bag and hand it to him.
"You're lucky I still have some! When I come and vist you and the others, I'll make you many sweets!" I grin and his eyes sparkled.
"Thank you!" Aladdin grins.
"Well, let's go and help out the others!" I said and change my appearance again.
"Wait! What should I call you? Kimi, Melanie, or Kougyoku?" He asked.
I smile and ruffle his hair.
"How about, Big Sis for now?" I said and he nodded happily.

We got to where everyone was and froze when I saw Sinbad. He was talking to Alibaba. He then turned to us and his eyes widened when he saw me. He smiled and walked towards us. Aladdin looked back forth between me and Sinbad, and hugged my waist protectively.
He glared with puffed cheeks at Sinbad as he came with the others.
"Mine......" he glared.
I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing.
Saw the others do the same and Sinbad sweat drops, and his eye twitched.
"Melanie, thank you for helping us. We wouldn't have won if you didn't appear." Alibaba smiled.
"You're welcome. Glad I could help. By the way Alibaba, who's the old man?" I said as I looked over at Sinbad.
"O-Old man?!" Sinbad said shocked.
I smile.
"Name's Melanie. I'm a traveller from Heliohapt. Nice meet you Oji-san." I said.
I felt Aladdin shaking trying to keep his laughter in. Sinbad's eyebrow twitched.
"Nice to meet you Melanie. I'm sorry for saying this, but have we met before?" He asked as we shook hands.
I froze when I felt him gently rub his thumb over my knuckles.
"Are you trying to pull a move on me?" I said.
"Mine.....don't touch big sis.." Aladdin growled with cheeks puffed.
Everyone else sweat drops and Ja'far glares at Sinbad. They walked passed us because they said they needed to finish work. Masrur passed by me but my eyes widened when I heard him whisper, so only I can hear it....

"We'll talk next time....Kimi..."

My head snapped back but he and the others were already far. I narrowed my eyes at him, as his back was facing me from far away. Alibaba then introduced me to Morgiana and we became good friends. Soon it was time for me to leave.

I jumped from roof to roof but stopped when I felt someone following me. I take out my dagger.
"Come out before your head rolls." I spoke coldly.

"Sigh.....looks like I been caught."

Gold eyes glowed as he stepped out of the shadows.


"Now that we're alone.....Tell me where she is." Sinbad smirked.
I giggle and smirk at him. I walk to the edge of the roof.
"She is closer than you think Sinbad, but she is not ready to see you yet. Good bye!" I laughed an threw myself down, and quickly disappear into the shadows.

"Sorry Sinbad......But....I can't face you yet......"

(To be continued......)

Anime soundtracks:

Fairy Tail

No Game No Life


Yojo Senki

Yuri on Ice

Madoka Magica

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