Chapter 5: Ithan, Falan and Vual

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Kimi's head snapped back looking towards the pitch black hallway. She felt it. Someone awakened their household vessel.
Shido smiles proudly at her. The mirrors allowed the djiins to present themselves on them. She saw Kurumi and Sitri glaring murderously at him. She smiles when she realized it was Shemi that awakened her household.
"Now, now you two, don't be so mad. When the time is right, you two will have your own household members." Vinea said calmly at the two.
Kimi smiles. Vinea has always been the one to stop the fights. She's the mother hen of the group, like Ja'far.
"Have patience. When the time is right, it will come." Beleth said.
Beleth is like the Elder of the group. They ask him advice most of the time. Eligos smiles and then turned to her Queen.

"My queen, what do you plan to do now? I know you had no plans to conquer another dungeon, so what will you do?" Eligos said as all her djiins followed her as she continued walking down the maze.
"I don't like this dungeon. And one djiin has pour taste. Especially one who likes mirrors and to make people suffer using their biggest weaknesses." Sitri growled.
Kimi looked over to him stopped.
"Sitri, at the same time it's a good thing.," she walked over to the mirror he was in and placed her hand on it," I know you're all looking out for me and I understand why. But please understand, by facing my own weaknesses, I'm able to become someone stronger. Someone you all can be proud of." She smiles warmly.
Sitri gave her a small smile, and place his hand over hers, "I know my queen, guess it's my instinct to protect you." He smiles.

The instinct to protect is always in all living creatures. No mater how big or small they are. To protect what is important to them, is what makes them alive.

Kurumi watched silently. She knows Sitri must be thinking about his younger brother Focalor. She gives a small sigh, remembering her sister. The days they would be together, the days they would all hang out with her friends. She turned back to Kimi and began to follow her with the others.


The djiin of the dungeon continued to watch through a mirror. Sitting on his shoulder was  a woman with lustrous jet-black hair and the face of a goddess. She has golden irises and vertically split pupils; on her left and right temples are two thick horns protruding crookedly, and on her waist are a pair of black angel wings.
She wears a pure white dress with silky gloves covering her slender hands, and a golden spiderweb necklace that covers her shoulders and chest. 

"Why do you want to test this human my dear? She obviously is to......," she made a face of disgust towards the image of Kimi, as she watched her walking, "to pure of a soul. Wouldn't you rather go for the fallen Woman that accompanies the Water warrior and the....what the hell?!" She screeched when she saw the Rukh surrounding Shemi's flowered headband.
She flew over to the mirror and glared. Azura was carrying Shemi over her shoulder. Shemi uses to much magoi and blood seeped from her eyes, mouth, and ears. Azura used some of the healing potion and gave it to her. It saved her from the brink of death.
"The Excorist awakened her household! Bullshit!" She cursed.
"Albedo," the djiin said and she turned around and pouted, "But Ddddeeeeeeaaaarrrr! That human is to pure of a soul for you and what's more she already has seven djiins! And Solomon is with her!" Albedo whined.
The male djiin sighs and looked at his wife seriously, "I am testing her because there are two individuals that want to settle a score with her and also for personal reasons. I want to see if she truly let go of her past and is moving forward. Unlike the High King that tried to conquer my dungeon 6 years ago. That man was unworthy even if the others say other wise. My eyes always see the truth." He said and crossed his arms.
Albedo stayed silent and flew to him.
"So what are your personal reasons?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
He smirked at her, "We both loath humans, so want to see if humans have really changed." He answered and she smirked.
She then turned back to mirror and raised her hand. A wicked look entered her eyes.

"Now it's time to face them, daughter of Guadalupe.....face the two fallen Sinners!"


Kimi continued walking towards a door. On her way there, she defeated many demons and was covered in blood. She ripped off part of her dress, since she couldn't move that well. Her pink dress was now ripped from the bottom, up to her knees. She was bare foot, and ripped off the dress sleeves.
"You look horrific." Kurumi commented.
Kimi rolled her eyes and stopped in front of a door. Solomon's eyes narrowed at the door. He can sense black rukh. He stayed silent and watched she opened the door and entered. His eyes widened in horror as did all the djiins. The mirrors gone, and their queen can not see them.

Kimi saw the place as it was a deserted field. Black rukh everywhere. The place looked familiar. Her head began to throb and she can hear screams and cries. Suddenly the Crown on her forehead began to glow and she felt something being forced out of it.


She stepped back and saw Solomon was forced out his crown. She knelt down and froze. She thought her hands would go right through him but.....

"Your's real....."

She helped him up. He was there in flesh and blood. His body solid and real. Solomon couldn't believe it.
"How.....?" He said as he looked own at his hands.

"Are you happy Solomon?"

The two turn to the source of the voice that spoke. Two pairs of footsteps can be heard.

"It's only a temporary body. After this is over, you'll be nothing but a bodyless spirit again."

A cold female voice spoke. Their eyes widened as the two individuals stopped walking and looked at them coldly. Yellow and green eyes looked at them and then smirked cruelly.
Kimi looked at Solomon, who's eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Ithnan.....Falan...." Solomon said coldly.
Kimi's widened. Why were they here?! Sinbad killed both of them. How are they here?
"If you're wondering how we're here, it's the same as you Solomon. We have a temporary body." Falan said flatly as she looked at her nails.
Ithnan looked over to Kimi. He saw his brother and Guadalupe in her. It ticked him off. If his brother hadn't used the last of his life to save Guadalupe, his unborn child, and Luna's daughter, he may haved lived. What's more, he found out what truly happened during the greatest fire. The original owner of the body Kimi has passed away. Ren Kougyoku gave her body to Kimigakiri Garcia. And with out even noticing, the girl is changing fate.  He gritted his teeth and pointed his staff at her and Solomon.
"This will be a battle against magicians. You are forbidden to use your metal vessels. Let's see if you truly are strong or you are the same as the singularity." He said.

Kimi summoned her father's staff and put away her metal vessels. Kurumi transferred herself to the small jewel flower that hangs from her eye patch and Kimi put her away with the others. Her eye turned back to pink.
"Do recognize this place Solomon?," Falan spread her arms to show, "Of course I could I ever forget the battle field where the first war against Al-Thamen took place!!!" Solomon yelled furiously.

"Then this the aftermath of Alma Torran...." Kimi spoke coldly.
"Correct," Ithan then continued, "This will be a battle, the King of Alma Toran and Queen of Sindria Vs The Two Fallen Sinners. Let's see who shall fall and who will prevail." Ithnan smirked.
Solomon summoned his staff and stood up straight besides Kimi.
The air was tensed and then all four charged at each other.


Azura and Rhajat found a place to rest. A room that was filled with statues. In the middle of a the room was a small little girl, with long green hair, like a shrine Maiden. She wore the clothing of a shrine Maiden and in her chest was a mirror.

Her eyes were closed and she looked asleep. All around the room, all a line in a circle surrounded her, were more. Rhajat counted how many there were. A total of 51, plus the little girl, a total of 52.
"Be careful here, and do not touch anything." Azura warned Rhajat as she gently places Shemi down.
She placed her hand on her forehead and sighs in Relief. Shemi was feeling a little better. Rhajat walked around the room and found a stone tablet. Besides it a deck of cards. The stone tablet had inscriptions of the language of Torran. She gently placed her hand on it and began to read it.

52 cards
52 statues
Each card tells a part of you and who you really are.
Find the card of that contains the truth of who you truly are.

The mirror moves and reflects all that is hidden. No matter what you hide, the eyes of the cards always see the truth. Watch yourself or you will meet the end.

"What nonsense is this?" Rhajat growled.
She grabbed the deck of cards and began to place the one that matched the statue to their rightful places. She smiles proudly and turns around to go back to Azura but froze. The statue of the green hair girl was now facing her. The mirror no longer stone, but glass. It began to become distorted and it showed and image of her.

She decided to take one Final look at her home before she left to the kingdom of Hoshido with her father. She turns to leave but a monster appears and was about to kill her when....

"Vainel Arros (Water God's Spears)!!!"

A huge Spear of water came flying at the Faceless monster.

"Are you alright?!"

She turned around and a girl with fish-like skin covers the surface of her body, with gills and fins. She  wears part of a white robe that serves as a skirt. Her hair is blue. She holds a long blue sword, ornamented with water snake on both sides. She has two big earrings resembling fins.
Her pink eyes look at her in worry as she flew down.
Rhajat remained silent.
"Are you hurt?" The girls said.
"You....what's your name?" She suddenly spoke.
The girl was taken back but spoke, "I'm Kimi." The girl now know as Kimi answered.
"You're this Kimi that Lady Touhka been talking about?" She said shocked.
"Ummm.....yes?" Kimi said unsure.
"Ehehehahahahaha!!! Thank you for rescuing me, Kimi. I owe you my life. No one's ever been willing to sacrifice themselves for me before. I owe you my life. All of it. Every hour. Every day. Until the end." Rhajat grins.
"Huh? That's, Uh, not necessary." Kimi grinned nervously.

What the hell did she just get herself into?

"Ahahah.....You've got my full attention. I'll watch you like a hawk on a mouse. Forever and ever--until one of us is no more. And then maybe some. Your name is branded upon my mind's eyes. Kimi." Rhajat smiles and then disappears into the shadows.
"I guess that was her way of thanking me.......oh screw that, I'M SCREWED!!!!" Kimi screeched as she pulled her hair.
Rhajat grins.

"I'm here for you, should you need me. My dark arts at your disposal. I will be close as your shadow. Actually.....I will BE your shadow."

Rhajat's eyes were covered in shadows.
"You believe I miss my dark sanctum? I don't miss it too much. It's just a home.," She looked up at the mirror, with a grin and raised her hand, it began to glow dark, her focusing her fallen magoi to it to create an energy blast, "The real darkness is inside of me. Only I can surpass it! So don't think you can confuse me! I'll find Kimi and be by her side forever and ever till the end of time!!!" She cackled and blasted the magoi sphere at it.
Azura hears an explosion and saw Rhajat with a grin. The grin was wipes clean from her face when she saw the statue wasn't destroyed. She clicked her tongue in annoyance and walked back towards Azura.
"Rhajat watch out!" Azura yells as the statue was now a live girl and charged at her but.....

The girl charged at her, not Rhajat. In a spilt second, the mirror was in front of her and a blinding light hit her. Memories of the past flashing before her eyes. The war that nearly destroyed both Hoshido and Nohr. And the death of her mother.

She stood looking down at her mother's body, an evil spirit leaving it.
"Azura.....Come" Her mother Arte, responded weakly.
Her friends behind her, and the mysterious girl with pink hair and eyes that accompany Queen Touhka.
"...Mother....It can't be.....Did you finally remember me?" Azura said, as she narrowed her eyes.
Arte smiles sadly and nodded  her head.
"My body and soul......will soon vanish..because I was controlled by Gyokuen....and the Invisible King....I have been sweet daughter....Azura...I finally remembered you....." Arte smiles.
The pink hair closed her eyes in pain, as she knew what was to come next.
".....It can't be....really? Mother...." Azura walk up to her, and held her body in her arms.
"Azura, wait! This might be a trap!" The king of Hoshido, Ryoma yells and was about to go after her until an arm extended and stopped him.
He turned to glare at the one responsible.
"No. Let her. She needs to figure it out herself." The young pink haired girl said.
They turn back to Azura, who was mumbling what she should do.
"That's right.....," she did a side glance to the girl and smiles, "I trust my mother...I trust my mother's words!" She smiles and turned back to her mother.
" have grown so much...." Her mother smiles.
"Thank you for remembering me....I wanted to meet you, mother.....I always wanted to meet you....." Azura said, trying not to break down.
"I'm sorry....I mad you lonely and made you a rough life." Arte said.
"It's fine. I wasn't alone. My Hoshidian and Nohrian siblings were with me. And the Goddesses and the pink haired girl also, " she smiles, holding back tears, "besides, right now....I have so many friends besides me right now." Azura smiles, her voice cracking a bit.
Arte smiles warmly, proud of her daughter.
"Is that so......? I'm glad....ah....I wanted to hear.....your voice more....I'm afraid..this is the end...." and blue flames began to surround Arte, and she began to fade.
"No, wait! MMMMOOOOOTTTTHHHHEERRR!!!" Azura began to yell and tears began to fall from her  eyes.

"Thank you Aqua.....for being my child.....Seeing my last moments....makes me glad.....I love you....Azura......" Arte's voice faded, as she spoke her final words to her daughter.

"Uuh.....Ngh.....sniff.....Mother...." Azura cried.
The pink haired girl walked up to her and hugged her. She stiffened.
"No matter how apart you two are...your mother will always be with you.....and she will always be watching over you.....she will always your heart..." the girl said.
Azura looked up to her and saw a warm smile.
More tears began to fall from her eyes and she finally broke.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! MOOOOTTTTHHHHEEERRRR!!!!" She cried like first born child and cried in the girls chest.
The pink haired girl looked up to the sky, thinking of her own mother, and letting a few tears from her eyes as she closed them.

Azura dropped to her knees. Her eyes wide and tears falling. The mirror girl opened her eyes and looked down at her.
"You still cling onto the past. You blame yourself. Because you are the one that ended her life." The mirror girl spoke.
Azura slowly stood up, using her spear for support. Her eyes went ice cold as she glared at the girl. The girl was unfazed.
"Tell me, if you could change the past, would you do it?" The girl said.
Azura glared and clench her fist, giving away her image. She usually is calm and collected but this.....
"The past can never be changed. No matter how much we yearn for it." Azura glared.
The mirror girl closed her eyes and tilted her head a bit.
"Then if you could erase the past forever, would you do it? Will you blame "Destiny" for all the tragedies it has brought upon you?" She asked.
Azura eyes widened slightly but answers calmly.
"Even if I erase the past, it will eventually comeback. As for the second question, no I will not blame "Destiny", because by doing that, I am just blaming everyone for all the problems in the world. I would be filled with hatred towards the world. That is wrong. I have to continue forward to continue in life. It will take time for me to heal, but it will be worth it. Because I will learn to accept myself and more about the world." Azura said seriously.
The mirror girl smiles.
"You pass. You may continue onto the next room." The girl giggled.
All the statues glowed and disappeared. In Azura's hand was a book. She opened it and inside was the deck of cards. She smiles and quietly said thank you. She placed it in her bag and picked up Shemi. She turned to Rhajat and nodded.

"Let's go."


"Dhoruf Sabaha!!!" Solomon yells as he sent Falan flying back.
She growled and her staff glowed.
"Ala Raqesa (Puppeteer's Entombment Dance)!!!"Falan uses gravitational force to create a heavy energy sphere to attack Solomon.
He hissed as he used his Borg to protect himself from the attack. He quickly charged at her and both Magician's staff's clashed, creating sparks.
"It was because of your ignorance that Tess and Wahid were killed! It's all your fault!!" Falan yells as she called forth the black rukh and the third eye opened on her. It was black with a red iris. Solomon gritted his teeth and manged to jump back before she hurt him.
She tilted her head and grinned wickedly.
"I'll make you suffer all the pain I felt when I lost them. This would world will be dyed pitch black!!" She cackled.
Solomon wiped of blood from his lips and glared at her.
"I won't allow you to do such thing! I made a promise to Kougyoku that I would watch over her friend and protect this world! I made a promise to Sheba that I would watch over our son! And one day, we will both be able to meet him. Even if I have to wait a thousand years, I'll do it!! So don't think....." He raise his staff and the gravity began to weigh down Falan. Her eyes widened in realization when she saw he led her to a trap, "I'LL LET YOU DESTROY THIS WORLD!!!!", He yells as he brought down his staff, "DHORUF LUYILA(GRAVITY ACCUMULATION)!!!!!" The acceleration due to the gravity around her increased, causing her to be thrown down at high speeds to the ground, creaking a HUGE crater.
"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She screamed in agony as she hit the ground and blood came from her mouth.
The sound of her bones cracking can be heard, and the ground beneath her cracked. Solomon floated down and panted. He walked towards her and looked down at her.
"I'm sorry Falan....I hope you can forgive me one day for my mistakes in the past......." Solomon said sadly as he turned and began to walk away.
Unknown to him, Falan's hand twitched.

His eyes widened but was too late when he turned around.


The sound of Falan's staff stabbing through him.....resonated through the wind.
"ACK!!!" Solomon threw up blood.
His eyes looked at Falan wide and her face bloody as she grinned at him.
"Dead man.......," she said as she began to fall towards the ground, "Tells no we're.....even...." and dropped to the ground dead.
Her green eyes void of life.
Solomon cursed, his vision becoming blurry.
"Dammit.......I pray you Succeed....Kimi...." and he dropped to the ground, next to Falan.


"Is that really the best you can do?!", Ithan yells as he dodged Kimi's water blade, "That divine stave is a complete waste in your hands! Ramaz Al-Salos(Downpour of Thunder Lances)!!!" He yells and lighting spears came down at her.
Her eyes widened and what she is about to do, Sheba will kill her when she gets her hands on her. IF she finds out.
She crossed her arms and prayed that it will work.
"Borg Al-Samm!!!!!" She screams and a borg surrounded her, with 8 dragons.
"Tch! To think Sheba went out of her way to teach you her Magic!" He said annoyed.
Kimi glared at him as she felt her eyes turning.....

"Ngh!!" Kimi grunted in pain as she closed her eyes.
Her borg was disrupted and she fell on one knee. Ithnan smirked thinking he was successful in injuring her but...

"So you are the one responsible for stealing my wife. Not only that....."

Ithnan's eyes widened as he saw her look up to him. She wore a cruel smirk that did not belong on her lips.
"Care to explain to me how you are still alive....." Her eyes were swirls, her right one green and her left one purple, "Ithnan of Al Thamen." She grins wickedly.
"Sinbad....." Ithnan growled menacingly.

Sinbad/Kimi gave him a closed eye smile. He/she looked around and hums.
"Quite an interesting place you brought my wife to. Care to explain why before I kill you....permanently?" Sinbad/Kimi grins.
Ithnan gritted his teeth and charged at him/her. It's happening again. Just like Elder David and Belanova. David found a way to use her to spy of them without her ever suspecting a thing, which soon resulted in her death.
Sinbad smiles. This the first time he's done something like this to Kimi. Using both Zepra and Vepra to control her. Her location, he couldn't exactly pinpoint it, but he can tell the dungeon was somewhere between Sasan and Imuchakk.

He's never really seen his wife in battle, except during the battle against the medium, but he wouldn't exactly call it that because all he saw was her extreme Magic, but now......
He smirked and raised his wife's staff, he wanted to test something, and maybe....confirm something.
"Bararaq Saiqa(Lightning Sword)!!!"and lighting came down and into the staff, and pointed it at Ithnan.
An enormous lighting blast, twice as big as the one he regenerates, hit Ithnan. Ithan was barley able to to defend himself.
"SHIT!!" Sinbad crosses his and actives borg to protect himself but as blasted away by the force of the attack.
He deactivated borg and eyes widened in horror as he looked at the aftermath. A whole the size of two Kingdoms, was there. No light reached the bottom, making him question how truly strong his wife is. He was shaken by the fact that she possessed this much power. More than him......more powerful than him....if possible....she may have surpassed him...if not already. He looked down at the ground and saw Ithnan glaring at him menacingly. Part of his mask was broke off.
Sinbad realized his wife didn't even know about her potential, her power, her strength, her ability. He smirked. He could use his wife's power to unite the world, to achieve his dream.

But.....he frowns....

Will he really do such a thing? He began to question himself but was snapped out of it when a lighting attack came at him. He titled her head to the left and eyes widened when he felt a cut on Kimi's cheek. He lightly touched her cheek. Blood on his fingers. Anger filled him beyond anything and charged at Ithan at lighting speed.
"HOW DARE YOU HURT MY WIFE?!?!?!" He screamed furiously as Kimi's staff clashed with Ithnan's.
Ithnan grunted as she/he came at him at full forced. He quickly used ice magic and froze her legs to ground. Sinbad/Kimi tried to break free but couldn't. He quickly grabbed her shoulders making sure not to let go.
"Get out of her....get out of her!" Ithnan yells as the black and white rukh began to surround them.
No....he wont let the past repeat itself. He'll do what he can. Sinbad eyes widened in horror as he saw the Rukh. He winced when he felt Ithnan's nails digging into her shoulders. Then.......
"GET OUT OF MY BROTHER'S AND FRIEND'S DAUGHTER!!!!!!" Ithan screamed as he forced his Rukh into Kimi.
"STOP!!!" Sinbad yells in horror but it was too late.


It was Kimi's scream, not Sinbad. He was able to force the King out of her. Lighting crashed down on them. He grunted in agony as his niece screamed in pain. The lighting stopped and and the sound of sizzling smoke can be heard. Kimi's eyes were wide and blank, her pink irises, gone. She fell forward and was about to drop but Ithnan caught her. A small smile appears on his lips, "Brother.....Guadalupe...your daughter is crazy....." He laughed lightly.
He began to cough up blood and placed her down on the ground. He doesn't have much time left but......
He smiles and placed his hand on her forehead.

"Thank made be realize something important that I forgot about.....I pray you succeed in stopping Elder David in the future."


Albedo and her husband stared at the mirror in shock.
"T-That girl!!" Albedo fist shook with anger.
Her husband hummed in amusement. Indeed...the girl had the ability to change those around her. What's more.....
"Albedo, I think it's time for my final trial." He said.
Her eyes sparkled.
"Bring them all to the treasure room. As for Solomon and Falan, turn them back to normal. Solomon will be returned to his crown as for Falan will go back to the Rukh. As for Ithnan....there is no need to do anything. He has already made his choice." The djiin said as he turned around and began to go back to metal vessel.
Albedo watched him as he went back to his metal vessel. She then turns backs to the mirror and stares as all the girls were teleported in front of the door to the treasure room. She looks at Kimi, who now an awake Shemi, ran to her and began frantically try to heal her Queen. She sighs and flew after her husband.


Azura stared with wide eyes at the half dead girl in front of her. It was the pink haired girl from 6 years ago. Rhajat laughed in joy. She's finally found her, the one that saved her. But frowns when she sees that Kimi is injured. Her clothes in tatters. She picked her up, and smiles towards Azura.
"Ahhahahaha...I finally found my saviour! Who ever put her in this pitiful state will pay." Rhajat grinned wickedly at the thought of the one that hurt her Savior suffer.
They walked towards the door and placed their right hands on it.
"Open Sesame!" They yelled and door opened.
They entered the treasure room and the place is filled with jewels, chairs made of gold, like an Egyptian tomb. They placed Kimi down and ran all around the room, frantically searching for the metal vessel that contained the djiin. Shemi eyes found it and she dashed towards a golden  scara beetle and touched it. The symbol of Solomon glowed and out emerges a djiin.
"I am Vual!! Spirit of Reflections and Friendships! Who shall be my king?!" A muscular Egyptian Jackle appears. He wore gold armor with a loop Cross's staff in his hand. He looked similar to the Egyptian god Anubis, God of the Dead.

Albedo flew around and landed on her husband's shoulder.
"And I am Albedo, Demon Queen of the Underworld. He is my husband. And in my eyes, none of you are worthy of his power, but only he knows who he shall pick." She spoke coldly.
Vual scanned the room and found Kimi, unconscious on the ground. He smirked and looked towards the other three.
"None of you wish to Queens. This a first." Vual grins.
Azura stepped forward.
"I do not seek the power of Kings. I only seek the water of the Lake of Reflections." Azura said.
"And why do you seek the water from my lake?" Albedo asked.
"To save my son." Azura answered.
Albedo looked at the Woman with wide eyes. All humans, including the High King, wanted the water of her lake to change the world, to gain power. This human wants it to save a loved one, to save an important treasure in her life, one that can never be replaced. She then looked down to Kimi. Maybe humans...have changed.

Vual nodded and turned to face all three.
"My King shall be the Queen of Sindria. As for my wife, she will give you the water you need to save your son from the curse that has been passed down in your family water warrior. May the rukh protect you all and may you face the trials that are to come in the future with bravery and Confidence." Vual said.
He touched Kimi's engagement ring and disappears to it. They will be able to access the treasure using Sitri's power. A blinding light engulfed them and they were transported out.


- Imuchakk -

Warriors of Imuchakk pointed their weapons at the group. The chief glared down but eyes widened when he recognized the baldly injured and unconscious girl, held by the dark haired woman with horns.
"Quickly, come! We must treat her immediately!" He yells and everyone followed after him.
He turned to his household, "Contact Sindria Immediately. King Sinbad isn't going to be happy when he finds out the state his wife is in." He frowns.


"DAD!!!!" Kikiriku burst in, in the middle of a meeting.
Hinahoho chuckled nervously as he walked over to his son.
"What's wrong Kikiriku?" He asked.
"It's Grandpa! They found Kimi!!! Shemi also!!" He yells.
Everyone shot up from their chairs. It has been one month since his wife was kidnapped. Aladdin, Morgiana, Alibaba, Ka Koubun, Kanna, Crow, Silver, Erika, Belanova and Kane were beyond grateful.
"Prepare a ship to Imuchakk immediately! Everyone,get ready." Sinbad ordered.
Natsumi and Oregami stepped forward.
"We'll keep a watch over Sindria while your gone!" Natsumi said.
Even at three months old, she can still Fight.
"You can count on us." Oregami bowed.
Sinbad thanked them and everyone went to pact their belongings.


It has been one month since they were transported to Imuchakk. Azura watched her son play in the snow from the small house she was allowed to live in. There, on the bed, was Kimi. She still hasn't woken up, and her eyes were wrapped in bandages. Albedo sat next to to her, and smiles gently at her.
"Thank you, " Azura suddenly spoke, "Thank you for saving my son and I . I don't how I'll ever repay you." She lightly bowed her head to Albedo.
Albedo smiles.
"You're welcome. But....what do you intend to do now?" She looked over at Kimi.
She went though her memories. Now she understands why her husband chose her. Azura looked over to Kimi then back to her.
"There is something I want to settle with the Queen of Sindria. Until she wakes up, I will remain here. Besides, my son likes the snow." Azura smiles as she looked out the window.
They hear the door open and see both Shemi and Rhajat covered in snow. The two woman chuckled and then saw Azura's son, Shigure, come in with them.
"I brought food. And Rhajat brought herbs." Shemi smiles.
The four women have gotten to know each other and are now good friends. Rhajat turned to Kimi.
"Nothing?" Rhajat asked and the other shook their heads.
Shemi places the bags of food down on the table and walked over to her friend. Her staff layed on the next table, along with two more that were found next to it. Color silver and the other like the sun. She sat down and lightly moved Kimi's bangs to the side. A strange marking appeared on her forehead the day after they were brought to Imuchakk. She wonders why?


Everyone wore warm clothing because it was freezing in Imuchakk. The children all huddled together, along with Pisti and Yamraiha, trying to stay warm, even with their winter clothing on. They never experienced the cold before. Sinbad blew warm breath on his hands to try and warm himself up. He wanted to see his wife. He wanted to know if she was okay. Pirpirika looked over at her friend. She was accompanying them.
"Sinbad, she's alright. I promise." She placed a hand on his on shoulder to reassure him.
Sinbad nodded and hoped it was true.
About an hour later they arrived, and they all got off the ship. Kanna, Silver and Crow ran off and to the Chief of Imuchakk.
"Where's mama/sis?!" All three yells.
The King of Imuchakk ruffled their hair and looked up at Sinbad.
"Come, we'll take you to her." He said and led the way.

They arrived to cottage. He knocked the door and it opened. Peeping from crack was Rhajat. Sinbad raised an eyebrow. Who was she?
"Who are they?" she spoke lowly, which caught the others off but the Chief.
"Empress Kougyoku's family and friends." The chief responded.
Rhajat responded with a grunt and opened the door.
The first one to quickly go in was Sinbad. His eyes searched the room until they finally landed on the bed. Tears welled up in his eyes and he ran over to her. He held her hand and placed it on his cheek. He was so happy, so grateful that she was alive.
Kane hugged Shemi tightly, beyond happy she was alive. Azura and Albedo walked up to Sinbad. He slightly narrowed his eyes at them. Who were they?


Kimi began to stir and immediately the for women were at her side.
"Kimi?" Sinbad asked worried.
"Sinbad.....morning.....everyone..." she smiles warmly.
Sinbad hugged her tightly and everyone began to cry, being happy that she was okay. The chief of Imuchakk smiles and walked over to her.
"Where am I? What happened? Why are my eyes bandaged?" Kimi asked as she touched the bandages on her eyes.
"You been asleep for one month. These four women have been taking care of you." He said and turns to Shemi, Azura, Rhajat and Albedo.

inbad gently helped her sit up. Kimi senses Shemi, the other two felt familiar, but who was the forth?
"Thank you, all of you. I'm sorry I was a burden. I do hope you forgive me." Kimi bowed her head.
Shemi smiles and walked up to her. She held her hands.
"My queen, it's alright. You will always be the strongest in my eyes and never a burden. You taught me so much and I hope you let me stand by your side. Not only as a friend, or family, but as your newest household of the Spirit King, Shido." Shemi smiles.
Half the group began to choke on air or on their spit. Sinbad looked at the two with wide eyes. Another household member....there's her three children, then Ka Koubun and Kane, a total of 5, now Shemi....a total of six.....

Kimi opened and closed her mouth like a fish.
"Shemi.......household or are my friend, sister, family. Even if I had no riches in the world, I would still want you stand by my side." Kimi smiles warmly.
"Then that means!" Shemi grins, "That's right, welcome aboard the crazy train!" Kimi giggled, "Thank you!" And Shemi hugged her.
The group cheered, happy to have another member aboard.

Rhajat smiles and walked over to Kimi. Kimi froze once she fully recognized who it was. Rhajat cupped her cheeks and tilted her head up, her lips ghosting over hers. A full blush come over everyone, and the adults quickly covered the eyes of the innocent.
"Kimigakiri, it's been 6 years hasn't it?" Rhajat smiles.
"H-How's it been Rhajat?" Kimi stuttered.
"I've finally found you my saviour. And I will keep my word. I owe you my life. Every hour. Every minute. Everyday. All of it. I will serve you and only. Till the end of time." Rhajat smiles.
Sinbad felt a bit irritated. She was a bit to close to his wife. And what did Kimi save her from?
Kimi sighs because she knows Rhajat will follow her no matter what she says. Sinbad walked towards her and sat down next to to her.
"I'll help you remove your bandages." He said and gently began to unwrap them.
Once he took them off, he placed them on the table besides her. He turned to her and watched her slowly open her eyes. Everyone gasped when she opened them. One was a blank pink and the other a blank yellow. Kimi chuckled dryly and gripped her bed sheets.
" I won't be able to see the light again........." Kimi felt a tear roll down her eye.
The girls closed their eyes and silently cried. The men put their heads. Sinbad hugged her tightly. He blamed himself.

"It's temporary."

Everyone turned to Albedo. Aladdin's eyes widened when he recognized her.
"Your vision will comeback as long as you rest properly and take the medicine I give you. You should have your vision back in a week or so. Until then, rest." Albedo said she handed her a glass of water and a clear pill.
Kimi took it and wiped her mouth. She then turned to Sinbad, her expression serious.

"Sindria wasn't the only place that was attack......wasn't it?"

(To be continued...........)



Don't kill me for what I did to Solomon.....

And I graduate On Wednesday.

The next Chapter will be an Unidentified one. It will be about Natsumi and Masrur.

As for the next Chapter, we'll see what happened to Alphonse and Kirito.

Until next time!

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