Prologue: Future Hidden in the Truths and Lies

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Her steps can be heard walking down the Hallway of the Kou Empire. Her once short pink hair, now has grown longer to the point it drags on the floor. The pink glittering kimono worthy of a queen she wore, with pearls and jewels that decorated her hair. She wore a eye patch with the design of a Japanese lotus blossom, on her left eye.

"Sister, a guest is here to see you."

She turned around and smiles. A boy the age of 15. Sliver white hair in a pony tail, part of his head shaved, a wore a white samurai scaled armor, with a blue Jade bow strapped to his back.
"Thank you." She she said.
The boy looked at her worried, along with his two Younger siblings. A girl, the age of 15, four dragon horns on her head, her long white hair spit to two pigtails with three black beads on both sides. She wore a frilly white dress with white tights and boots. On her back, is strapped a battle axe. Next to her, a boy, the age of 14. Black hair with a black feathers, a black tengu kimono, with his black crow wings emerging from the back. On his wrist were black wires with pure steel daggers hidden in the sleeves of his kimono.

"Mother, will you be alright? It's been a year since you saw him." The girl said with worry.
" I'll be alright --------. If anything happens, I'll fight him off. Please, Watch the kids for me." She said with a sad smile.

She walked down the hallway and the doors are opened. There, standing in the hallway, was him. He was currently speaking with her household, Ka Koubun. Standing at the door way she was at, was a man, the age of 17. Long blond locks, tied together in a ponytail. His bangs covering his right eye. His green eyes glared at the man with violet hair.

Watching from the Shadows, we're three other girls. One the age of 18. She wore a floral red white kimono with gold embroidery. On her waist, was a red decorated Kanata. He long black hair, maid to resemble the style of a shrine Maiden.

Her pink eyes glared at man. The next one was a girl the age of 19, short blonde hair, green eyes, a pink floral dress. A little baby green man on her shoulder.

She looked over at the violet haired man and then back at her queen in worry.
Next a girl, the age of 20. A Woman with long pale blue hair, icy blue eyes. She wore a white blue dancers dress that faded to black purple and that opened from the side of her legs. In her hand, was a tritant, color gold.

Though her face shows no emotion, she was worried about her queen.

From up on the roof top, a man with blue glowing eyes, black short hair, he wore pale green kimono, with two Kanatas, one each strapped to the side of his waist.

His eye narrowed at the man that came to vist. And lay but not least, a Woman with black hair, and eerily aura with black make make up and a grimore in her arms.

She chewed her nail as she watched from the shadows, cursing words towards the violet haired man.

The man turned, and his golden eyes widened when he saw her. She's grown so beautiful. She's matured so much since he's last saw her.
"I came as a representative of my company." He said as he sent her a smile.
The aura of murder increased on the ones watching with glares and narrowed eyes and muttering curses under their breaths. How dare he show his face after what he did to their queen?! She had a blank face with zero emotion in her eyes. She sighs.
"I have the documents ready so we can start trade. The Kou Empire will be a trading company that specializes in technology and agricultural. And also in jewelry. (It's basic, but a start. This will help pay back everything and keep a stable economy. At least till Koumei returns)" that part she thought in her head as she continues to speaks, " We will head to my office and there we will speak." She said as turned and began to walk away.

He was stunned. He was expecting her to lash out at him. After all, he deserves it, after what he did to her. He followed behind her and can feel the glares of 4 of her 10 generals on his  back. As they walked their was a silence. He wanted to tell her so many things but no number of apologizes or begging will make up for what he has done. They reached the office and they go in.

She went towards her desk and sat down. She takes out the documents and they began to discuss trade. Throughout the conversation, he kept glancing at her, his eyes never taken off her. He watched her movements, her body language, her waves. He couldn't read them. He couldn't read them at all. Even his djiins worried and couldn't tell.

When Kou became part of the Seven Sea's Alliance, she used Sitri to hide away all her metal vessels. Of course, her eye was the one thing she can't because it is a part of her. She hid 7 of her djiins. She didn't want them taken away. She also hid her sister's fan, Hakuie. With that wench that has her body in control, she really needs to be careful.

What's more.....

While he wasn't looking, she quickly did a glance at him and then back at the papers.

Why won't she look at him? Why not even a glance?


He spoke her name. Her hand froze as she was about to turn a page.
"You have no right to call me by that name. It is Your Highness or Empress." She said as she was looking down at the documents.
He growled inwardly. His hands twitching to touch her, to make her squirm underneath him. To make love to her like the day of the festival before the summit. He wants her to lash out him. To yell at him for what he did to her. He can now feel, she's barely keeping her emotions in check.

"As for the air ships-"


"They will go through this---"

"----- that's enough."

"Route. It will be difficult-----!!"

"THAT'S ENOUGH --------!!" He slammed his hands on the table and towers over her.

Drip drop.....

The sound of a water droplets falling.


His eyes widened. She slowly rose her head, however she still looked down at the papers, her eyes refusing to meet his.



"Why did you come and see me, even if you know I'm beyond mad at you right now?" She said with a smile and tears falling from her eyes faster.
He stayed silent.
"Did you only come for sex? After all, I was nothing but your bitch in the first place." She said.

"That's not true and you know it. I know what I did can never forgiven, but you think the guilt I have has left? I love y-----!!"

"Well I don't."

He froze.
"What?" He said with narrowed eyes.
"You heard me. I don't. N------!!!" He suddenly swung her over his shoulder and walked over to the next room.
"Put me down! Put me down you damn pervert!" She yells but quickly covered her mouth when she realized she screamed one of the nicknames she would yell at him.
He smirked and went to the nearest room and kicked open the door and then kicked it shut. He threw her on the bed and pinned her down in an instant with one hand. Her hands on top of her.
"Do you really not love me? Do you really not?!" He yelled before he slammed his lips onto her.
Her eyes widened in shock and she tried to fight back. With his free hand his hand snaked underneath her kimono and groped her. She gasped and he took the chance to plunge his tongue into her mouth. He explored her wet cavern, leaving not a single spot untouched. He breaks the kiss, a string of saliva connecting them.

She began to cry and with her hands covered her eyes.
"Even after everything you did.....sniff...even if you used me......
I can never bring myself to hate you! I don't understand why! I don't understand! I still love you dammit!" She cried.
He looked at her shocked.
"Everything you did to me, your sweet words....y-your smile...eyes...the kindness you saved me from falling....yet...IN THE END WAS IT ALL A LIE?! YOU MADE ME BETRAY MY FAMILY! BUT I CAN NEVER BRING MYSELF TO HATE YOU BECAUSE I STILL LOVE YOU!! WHY DID MY HEART HAVE TO CHOSE YOU OF ALL PEOPLE?! WHY.......just why....." she Finally broke.
He got off her and pulled her into his arms. She tried to push him off but couldn't.
"It's alright....let it all out.....after all....
You're the only one that's seen me break it's my turn....let it all out..." he said as he lightly caressed her hair.
She broke, she cried louder than anything. Like a child first born. He cries and wails can be heard throughout the room. Guilt hit him so hard. He knew the consequences of his actions yet he did them. But now he questions was it really the right choice, because the woman he loves, is now breaking in his arms.

It will take time to repair the wall that has crumbled down.

He makes her look at him and looks deeply into her beautiful eyes.

"I love you..."

He said and both locked lips once again in a heated passionate love. He took her over again, she made him feel like he owns her. Both succumb to the love and lust they have for each other. He pounded into her as she had her arms wrapped around him, moaning and screaming his name. Both lock lips again, with love and passion.

"I love you." He repeated over and over again as he took her all night long.

From outside the room, the girl with white hair smiles warmly. Her mother, now once again may truly smile. For even if the man she loves used her, she still forgave him deep inside of her.

"I still don't trust him. But mother has taught us to forgive. But I don't."

She turned around and sees her younger brother leaning on the door with narrowed eyes.
"-------, who's watching the kids?" She said to him.
"I thought you were taking care of them." He said back.
"shit!" Both cursed and ran to where the kids were.

- The Next Day -

He woke up to warmth and opens his eyes. He smiles lovenly when he sees the face of his beloved, sleeping peacefully on their bed. He wrapped his arms around her. She slowly opens her eyes and her face turned beat red seeing the well tone tan chest. She looked up and sees him smirking like the devil at her.
"Morning my love." He chuckled.
She quickly sat up and makes herself to ball with the blankets. He chuckles and wrapped his arms around her.
"J-J-Just b-because we had  s-sex, d-doesn't change anything!" She stuttered.
He laughed and hugged her tightly.
"No matter how long it takes to regain your trust and love back, I'll do it." He said as he kissed her forehead lightly.
She squeaks when she felt his hand going up her thighs.
"Shall we continue?" He said huskily.
"Quit it!" She said as she was pushing him off.


Their heads snapped to the direction of the door. The bed room door opened and there at the door were two little kids.
"Mama!" They yelled as they pounced onto them.
She caught them in her arms, and thank the rukh she used her magic to change to her night gown.
"Guadalupe, Ayato, good morning my little munchkins." She giggled as she hugged them.

He looked at them with wide eyes. The boy, a carbon copy of him when he was a little boy. Gold eyes, light tan skin, but instead of purple locks, it was a deep red-ish. And had her nose. And the little girl was the carbon copy of his wife when she was younger. One pink eye, one gold eye, instead of pink, it was purple locks with light tan skin and his nose.
"-------? W-Who are they?" He stuttered.

Ja'far was going to have his head....
He's always been over protective of her.

She turned to him with a dead panned face. Like it wasn't obvious.
"Are you dense?" She then turns to her kids, "sweeties, I want you to meet your father. (She turns to him) -------, I want you to meet Ayato and Guadalupe, your kids." She said with a  grin.

Oh karma a bitch....

"You got me pregnant, now suffer womanizer of the seven sea's!" She inwardly cackled.
He looked at them shocked.


- With her Household -

The women with ice blue eyes chuckles, and the others sweat drop hearing his scream.
"How much do you want to bet she told him that he is a father?" The man with the glowing blue eyes said with a cat face as he snickered.

Ka Koubun sweat drops.
"------, please don't do anything stupid." Ka Koubun said.

Thing may have been difficult, but there is still good. And he will make up for his mistakes.

Want to know how this happened? Let's go back 1 year ago.

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