Unidentified Chapter 2: Part 1:How I Came to This World

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(A/N: Unidentified chapters may be posted out of order. Do not panic. So this first part will be about Alphonse. It's will be four parts. Same with Caria)

Cold......that was all I felt when the bullet shot through my head. I hated the world. Why was I even born if all I was raised in was to be the perfect boy? My mother, strict, and would beat me because I wouldn't get the grades she wanted me to get. She wanted me to have nothing but A's. My father tried to help me. He was kind man. He was part of the military, and to me, my true family. He treated me like a father would treat their son. I remember when I was his turn to be with me, we would go out to arcades. That's how I became addictive to games. Video games were my escape. My escape from my mother's abuse. But one day....my dad never came home. We received the news....he passed away in the front lines. My mother didn't care, all she cared about was the money.

How disappointing............

I grew up watching nothing but math videos and other school materials. I grew up being compared over and over again to family relatives. Compared to others that were better than me. Told I would be nothing but a failure. I hated my mother.....I hated her.....

Why was I born in this cruel world....
If all that society does is always point out the mistakes.....

And one day....I had enough...
I was a sophomore. I was backed into a corner by a group of gangsters. My best friend....like that ever existed....betrayed me.......he smirked as they held me up by the neck up against the wall. He grinned as I was loosing air. He walked towards me with a knife. My eyes widened in horror as he came closer.
"I was fun why it lasted. The only reason I stayed near you was because of your money. It was you know....watching you fail.....now..." He came closer with a cruel grin, "time to die." He cackled.

That was when I snapped. And everything went black. I snapped out of it and was surrounded bodies completely beaten up. My knuckles bloody, cuts all over my, my glasses cracked and the bastard, cowering in the wall. My gray eyes looking at him void as I held the knife he was going to stab me with. A grin appears on my face. As I took a step towards him.
"H-Help!" He coward as I crouch down with a closed eye smile.
Pain....I'll make know what I felt....
"You really did a number on me. You even made believe you in so many thing. Why don't I show you what I felt......let's start.......with your legs....I wonder what you'll feel with out them..." and I grin as I stabbed the knife in his leg.
I stuffed a cloth in his mouth so his scream would be muffled. He screamed and cried as I stabbed his arms in legs. He cried. I felt no pity. I was enjoying it. I cackled, mocking him, and left him. Before I did, I drug each one. Their memories gone. I couldn't believe what I did. I smiled as I walked through the rain, the scent of blood gone off me. My mother wasn't home today, so I was happy. I got home, took a shower and treated my injuries. About an hour later, I received a call that my mother is dead.

She died in a car accident. Drunk driving. I stayed silent and hung up the phone. The sound of silence.
"Ha....Ha....HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!" I burst out laughing.
Finally....she's gone.....She's gone.....

I no longer have to suffer. But that's what I thought. I isolated myself from everyone. But my grades did improve. Life was a better but still lonely. Especially with girls. Most that I seen are snotty spoiled brats. Talk behind each others back. But then one day...

It was senior year for me. The reason I was sent to detention was because I was playing my PSP in class. What's the point? I don't need the class anyway. I waited in that class room. Apparently we were going to have a tutor. Sucks......
The door then opens and in comes the teacher with a girl. A girl with light tan skin, black hair with blue highlights, a black leather jacket, with a blouse that said "LOSER" on it. A black mini skirt down to her knees, black sneakers and a black chocker. And brown eyes.....
I can smell she was smoking.
"Yo." I said.
She just started. I just shrugged it off and continue to play my game. The teacher left and she went to sit down. I suddenly heard the chair pushed and the next thing I know, the girl was in my face.
HATSUNE MIKU: PROJECT DIVA: JAPANESE LIMITED EDITION!!!" Caria said with sparkles in her eyes.
I backed away, I'm not used to being near girls, but I am surprised that a girl knew the name of the game I'm was playing. It's rare to see a chick know about video games.

We hear the door open and in comes in a girl with short brown hair, pink orange eyes, a white button up shirt, a brown skirt, black boots and a violin case. She looked at us with dead void eyes. She walked up to the front of the desk. We both who she is.

Kimigakiri Garcia, or Kimi for short.
The girl who almost shot her father dead for killing her mother. I seen what people say and do to her. They bullied her, even thrown stuff at her. I remember one time I was going home. It was near an alley. I heard whimpering. I took a small peak and what I saw was horrifying. A group of bullies held a gun at her face but the next thing I saw had her snapping that person's wrist and all those people sent flying to the walls, knocked out and will proudly have a concussion. And the gun on the floor and crushed under her feet.

"I'll be frank, I can tell neither of us want to deal with this, so let's get this over with so we can get out of here." Kimi spoke with no emotion in her voice.
Damn these sophomores.
The two of us also looked at her with dead eyes void of emotions.
"Then why are you here then? It's obvious you don't want to be here like us." I said.
It's easy to tell. Her aura says it all. I can just feel it. She gives a side glance at me as she writes on the white board. Why math? She then puts the marker down and goes into her bag. She takes out her text books but one book drops to the floor. She looked down and we stared at it.

It was the manga Rosario ➕ Vampire manga.

There was a awkward silence and Kimi's face turned blood red.
"Heh." Caria and I smirked.
I remember that manga and anime. Haha...fun times but several bloody noses. So she's an otaku.
Kimi dove and quickly grabbed the book and stuffed it in her bag.
"So........by any chance are you into Yaoi?" Caria said cheerfully as she walked over to Kimi.
Nnnnnnoooooooooooo......why...just why...I hate these topics!!!!
"No offense or anything, but I'm not into that. But you have your opinion and I have mine." Kimi said with a small smile.
"Please I beg you....talk about that somewhere else...." I groan.
The girls just smirk. Suddenly they began to sing the opening from the anime Lucky Star. I just gave them a blank face. And a angry tick mark came on me when they got the steps to dance wrong. I swear it feels like their doing it on purpose. And I snapped when they both ran into each other.

This was how we first met. 3 hours of studying turned to talking about anime and video games. Kimi brought up J and K drama. I groan the two girls go into fan girl mode. And as the years went by, we became closer. We were family. I grew feeling towards Caria, and I soon fell in love with her.

Soon......our world...my world....came crashing down....

- ??????-

Darkness....that was all that I felt. But it was warm. And soon it felt cold. I can hear faint voices. I can feel something warm wrapped around me, but also gasp. I slowly opened my eyes.

- 3rd POV -

"Why is his hair blue?"

A Woman with short pink hair and eyes said as she looked at her new born son. Even his father was shocked. Lady Scheherazade saw the Rukh surround the new born child. Protecting him. The boy isn't a Magi, but he was indeed special in a way.
"Do not worry Marina. It was a mutation in his DNA that caused him to be born with blue hair." Lady Scheherazade smiles warmly was she watched the woman sigh in relief.
"Would you like to hold your baby brother Muu?" Marina smiles at her son.
The young 4 year old Fanalis boy walked up to his mother's bed. She gently handed him the baby boy. Muu looked down at his new little brother. A smile came on his lips. At that moment, the baby opened its eyes. Red eyes met red eyes. Both looked at each other with wide eyes. They looked into each others eyes and soon the baby began to giggle.
Marina squeals when she sees her child happy with her soon. Her husband, also holding back tears. Muu placed his hand on his head and the baby grabbed his figure and held it tight, making......

"OOOOOWWW!!" Muu screeched as he ripped his finger away from his brother.
The baby giggles. The little mischief maker. Muu slightly glares at his little brother. Lady Scheherazade chuckles and turns to Marina.
"What will you name him?" She asked.
"Alphonse, that is his name." Marina answered.
Lady Scheherazade nodded in approval and turns to see Alphonse looking at her with wide eyes. She was confused and saw him reaching his hands towards her. Muu was confused and grins. He walked up to lady Scheherazade.
"Lady Scheherazade, would you like to hold him?" Muu asked.
She smiles and nods. She takes the child and cradle him in her arms. Alphonse hands lightly touch her face and felt a strand of her hair. Red eyes looked into blue eyes. He giggles and snuggles into her chest. She stood frozen. The boy was not a Magi, he had great power similar to the great miracle that was born a few years ago. He isn't a singularity, but different.

"Nice to meet you Lady Scheherazade!"

She looked around. Was it her imagination? She looked down at the boy that was sleeping peacefully in her arms. She smiles. The boy will be interesting.

- 4 years later -

"Alphonse! Where are you!" Muu yells.
He sighs. His brother was always had the habit to disappear. And to make worse, it's in Naporlia. Muu walked around trying to look for him.

Alphonse was finally happy he could explore. Being reborn not only in you second favorite anime was amazing, but regrowing again sucked. He had so much knowledge and had to keep it all a secret or else people will get suspicious of him. He's always disappear to a secret hideout he made in the forest. He found a well hidden cave and has it decorated with so many things. Books he has written from each and every book he has read. He learned the new language of this world quickly. But his speciality, science and medicines. In his old world, he was studying to become a doctor. He wrote books on the human body, medicine, everything he remembers. His new life, he was happy. His new mother and father were kind people and love him and treat him well. Not to mention, being born as the younger brother of THE Muu Alexius and Myron made him the happiest person on earth. He loved his family. He wished he was still with Caria and Kimi. He misses them. It just isn't the same. All three of them were a team. Like Aladdin, Morgiana and Alibaba. Like Ja'far, Sinbad and Masrur.

He sighs as he continues to walk through until he sees a of people forming at one stand. His face turn to confusion and he walks towards it. He hears girls squealing which immediately covered his ears because of his Fanalis senses. Still getting used to it. He was about to walk away when....

"Here we have the signed document that states our Imuchakk products are authentic."

He froze. He quickly turned back and pushed through the crowd. He was now in front of the stand and walked in aw towards one of the products. And what shocked him was....
"Holy shit......Ryoma's sword!" He yells happily.
"Based on the materials and weight of the sword, it's made from parts of the Rampaging Unicorn! Plus....*mumble,mumble*" Alphonse kept on naming all the possibilities of different materials from Imuchakk that were used to build the sword.
Completely unaware that a certain Imuchakk warrior looked at him stunned with wide eyes. How was it possible that such a young boy knew all that if he's never been to the place in the first place. Hinahoho sweat drops watching the boy enthusiastically bounce up and down and naming each product and what it purpose was. Hinahoho decide to approach the boy.

Alphonse was beyond excited and was about to turn to talk to the one selling when he looked up. His jaw hanged. A Imuchakk warrior was standing right in front of him. But he looked familiar.
"Holy Crap! You're an Imuchakk! Please tell me about your homeland please! I only read about all these products and different materials from books and sneaking away from my brother! What was it like there?! I heard a dungeon was raised there!" And Alphonse kept asking questions.
Hinahoho burst out laughing and ruffles his hair.
"I never would of thought someone so young could know so much! Are you interested in buying?" Hinahoho asked.
"I'll take the sword and a dozen winter pears, the sketch book please!" Alphonse said with sparkles in his eyes.
Hinahoho chuckled but looked at the sword. His eyes narrowed slightly.
"Isn't that sword from Valefor's dungeon?" He thought.
He remembers that was the sword that kept electrocuting anyone who touched it. Valefor explained that only the one the sword sees as it's master, will allow it to touch it. He looked back at the boy and saw he was perfectly fine. He shook off the feeling and smiles.
"Alright, but be careful." He said.
Alphonse grins and payed him the money and left running, happily to the park.

Alphonse inspected the sword carefully. He frowns. He was wrong about the materials it was made from. It was strange. The materials were unknown. It's possible that the sword came from a dungeon and must be a antique from Alma Toran, which got him excited. He found that he can make the sword shrink to his size by pouring his magoi into it. He strapped it on his back and grins. He took one of the winter pears and bit into it.
"It's sweet....but sour...." He mumbled as he kept eating it.

"There you are!"


"OOOOWWWW!!" Alphonse held his head where his older brother smacked him.
Muu huffed and glared at him.
"What was that for?!" Alphonse puffed his cheeks and glared at him.
"Oh you know why! You disappeared on me again! Seriously, you need to get rid of that habbit!" Muu scolded him.
Alphonse rolled his eyes, and gave him a pear. Muu looked at him confused.
"Sorry alright. I just wanted to explore. I found a stall that were selling products from the north and bought some. I got these pears and this sword!" Alphonse grins.
Muu sighs. His brother just loves adventure. He takes the pear and bites into it.
"This taste weird...." Muu muffled as he kept chewing.
Alphonse just shrugs, he actually likes it.

It was getting late and Muu trusted him brother enough to explore alone. He had to go take care of Myron. Alphonse walked near the docks and looked out to the ocean in deep thought.
"Things are so different here, compare to California.......I still miss video games though....sigh....Caria..Kimi...I wish you guys were here, it's lonely....." Alphonse said with a sad smile.
He then felt tears falling from his eyes. For the first time in four years, he's actually feels homesick. He cried silently.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Alphonse jumped like a cat, scared and nearly fell into the water. Luckily, he was caught on time.
"Be more careful!" And he sighs in relief to see it was the Imuchakk warrior from earlier.
"Thank you." Alphonse said to him.
Hinahoho noticed that something was bothering the boy and decided consult him.
"Are you feeling alright?" Hinahoho asked.
Alphonse remained silent as he looked up to the sky.
"I miss my friends.....Kimi and Caria......we used to always hang out together, and we always stuck by each other. Each being there for one another, even through the difficult times. We were trouble makers. Kimi was a expert pranker, Caria set up the blue prints and I would build it. It was fun......I really.....do miss them...." Alphonse said as silent tears fell down his eyes.
Hinahoho remained silent. He smiles and ruffles the boys hair.
"No matter how apart you three are, your paths will one day cross again. That, I'm sure of it. So smile." Hinahoho grins.
Alphonse looked at him shocked and grins back.
"Thank you um........" he knew he saw him somewhere but where...

"That's right! I never introduced myself. I'm Hinahoho. Nice to meet you." Hinahoho grins.
Alphonse froze.


That's when it finally clicked. The one he was was taking to was one of the future 8 generals. If he's here, then that means the stall he bought products from were.......From Sinbad..........
"It's nice to meet you. My names.....Shota!" Alphonse said.
To think that he was already at this chapter. Meaning Sinbad is just beginning to learn about the world. Because of this, he can't risk people now knowing his real name. Plus, Muu and Sinbad should not meet yet at all. He himself shouldn't be involved but still.....
Hinahoho smiles.
"It's nice to meet you Shota. Well, I have to go. Hope to see you again one day. Goodbye!" Hinahoho said and waved goodbye before he left.
It's been about 30 minutes and Alphonse saw Hinahoho's ship leave. He stood silent and turned to leave. As he was walking through town, he saw Sinbad. Of course he chose not to approach him, but he felt bad for the guy cause the guy had no money. He sighs and from the shadows, through a pear at him. It was funny cause it hit him on the head. Sinbad glared at where ever it came from as he rubbed his head. His eyes widened when he saw it was one of the winter pears. He picked it up, and wiped it clean. He ate it and mentally thanked whoever threw it at him. Though he was pissed it hit him on the head. Alphonse used a teleportation device he created and teleported back to his home.

- Home -

"Just on time!" Alphonse cheers.
He got home two minutes before curfew. He yelled he was home and went to his room. He locked the door and took out a journal. In it, he had drawings of people, scenery, animals, everything. He had written about his life here in the new world he was born in. But one drawing in particular was different. He lightly traveled his fingers on the page. It was a drawing of him, Caria and Kimi. They were laughing. In his old world, it was a picture taken to a collage trip to Japan. Kimi had both him and Caria in a head lock, with a closed eye grin. Caria had her eyes closed laughing, and with a grin and him, posing a peace sign with his hands. The ocean behind them. Each one wore a necklace. He had one of the moon, Caria the sun, and Kimi a eclipse. He smile sadly and closed it. He hid it in his book shelf and took out the new sketch book he bought. He was thinking what he should draw and he grins. He drew Hinahoho, and Rurumu, with their son, Kikiriku and with Ja'far. He also drew Sinbad, Vittel and Mahad. The whole group. It took him a while. He then took out his homemade paints he had and began to water color. His drawing was done and he grinned proudly. He'll give it to Hinahoho when he comes back. Next painting was a drawing of the Fanalis Corps in the future. He finished two more, which was Lady Scheherazade and Aladdin. He left the book open to dry and went to take a bath. 20 minutes later he was done and come out. He put on his pajamas and headed to bed. He was about to sleep when their was a knock on the door.

He quickly got up, hid the book under the bed, and went to open the door. It was Myron. She held onto a bunny plush.
"Is something wrong My?" He asked her.
"Let's have a sleep over, and Muu also brother!" Myron grins.
Alphonse grins and quickly grabbed a blanket and a pillow. Both siblings ran to their brother's room and slowly open his door. Muu was asleep and both grin evilly. Both ran and jumped on the bed.
"OOMPH!!!" Muu yells as the air was knocked out of him.
He glares but sighs when he sees its his siblings. Indeed, his siblings are trouble makers.

-10 years later -

"Ne......Alphonse? Let's go visit Muruko. It's been awhile." A girl with pink eyes, pink hair in two short pig tails. She wore a pink dress down to her knees. On her back, a pink wooden bow, strapped.
Alphonse looked up from the medical book he was writing. It all about the human body.
"Madoka, you know Muruko right now is in a foul mood. She sensed black rukh nearby, so she's checking what's going on. But, we can hang out at the coliseum if you want? Or near the forest?" He smiles.
He remembers when he met her. Honestly he nearly had a heart attack when he met her 5 years ago. When they first met it was a friendly meeting. She was a well known archer in Reim. He was on his way back from training. He was coming back home from training in the forest. Both are friends.


"Well, I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow Alphonse!" Madoka waved to him.
He grins and waves at her.

That was the last time he saw her......
Before tragedy struck......

(To be continued........)

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