Unidentified Chapter 4:Part 1:The Broken Goddess

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Kurumi has never been the type to listen. She always did things her own way, when ever she wants, and when she wants. It was the same back in Alma Toran , when Shido was in rule. And when she and the other goddesses where brought to this....New world....let's just say things weren't the same. One, all of them were turned back to their child forms and their power level went down. She would complain and leave when she felt like. Mayuri, the mother of all the spirits, didn't blame her. All of them been through so much.

-Thousands of Years Later -

"My my....what a delightful sight...DIE like the worm you are...." Kurumi licked her lips as her clones devoured away some slave traders.
Blood all over the alley. And all was over before they could even scream help. She giggles as she cleaned up the mess and left no evidence of the massacre. It's been years since she was brought to this world. She herself decided to live in an isolated island, where no one can disturb her.

(A.K.A: The island that will be used for the summit in the future)

One problem though......
"Dammit, can even reach for a fucken Apple....!" She growled as she was near a fruit stand.
She was still in her child form. Blame Natsumi for her damn experiments. She huffed and jumped and got it. She quickly disappeared into the shadows and ate in peace.
As she walked through the city of Reim, she felt the rukh chattering happily. She thought that Yunan was in town again. That man annoyed her a lot. As she continued to walk, she came across a building.

Sindria Trading Company

The place was bustling with white rukh and it made her gag. But the place did look interesting. She walked up to the place and saw all the people working and bustling around. The place had a friendly atmosphere. It reminded her of Alma Toran. Her eyes hardened.
"No, do not think about it........" she clenched her fist.
She kept walking around until a she felt something tap her shoulder. She turns around and met crimson eyes looking down at her.
"Who are you? I don't remember seeing you here before?" A boy with black hair, red eyes, and a Chinese male clothing looked at her with a confused expression.
She stayed silent and was about to walk away when.....

"Judar what are you up to now?!"

She turned around and her eyes widened. Her heart began to pound loudly and a thousand years of hatred and anger began to fill her. She gritted her teeth and her body shaking as she saw the man walking towards her.
Judar eyes widened and quickly backed away from her as black rukh began to surround her.
Sinbad froze and so did everyone in the company. Kurumi's appearance changed to her goddess form, her guns in get hands. Her eyes glared with murder at Sinbad as her arms crossed. Sinbad looks at her with fear but also amazement.

"David.......David......" She growled with menace.
Ja'far and everyone began to get ready to fight.
"I'LL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO THEM YOU BASTARD!!!!!" She screamed with rage and charged at him.
No one had time to react as she was now in front of Sinbad.



Sinbad was barley able to djiin equip and looked back at the once child. But now what stood before him was grown woman. Serendine quickly djiin equips to Zepra.
"Stay out of this Zepra!!!" She yells and shoots her.
Serendine was frozen in time. Kurumi turned back to Sinbad and right when she was about to kill him....


She was suddenly trapped in an ice cage. Her Magic disappeared and she turned back to her child form.
"Damn you brat! Let me out!" Kurumi yells as she grabbed the bars and shook them.
Anti Magic cage....great.
Serendine was back to normal and ran to Judar. Sinbad, with his shoulder dislocated, was helped up by the others. Kurumi growled.
"That dress you wore....I recognized it...you're a goddess aren't you?" Drakon glared at her.
Kurumi just smirked.
"So what if I am? Now let me out do I can kill the son of bitch!!!" She yells.


The ground shook and the ice shattered. The shadows quickly took her and she was gone.
She cursed as she paced back and forth in her temple. Her friends, 2b and S9, watching her.
"Like I said before, you two are free. You do not need to stay with me at all." Kurumi glared at them.
2b stayed silent and sighed.
"Kurumi, that boy is not David. But he is his reincarnation." S9 said.
Kurumi glared at them. It was only a matter of time till David awoke inside the boy and drive him to madness. It would be easier to kill him now, but what fun will there be if she does? She wants to see what hell or heaven he will bring. So she'll let him live. As long as they don't know her name, she is safe.

Judar never been the type to listen. Growing up with that wench of Gyokuen and the organization, his childhood stripped of him. But at least Falan is nice to him. One day he walked into her room(even if he is forbidden to enter) and looked around. He walked to her bookshelf and a scroll caught his interest. It was different from the others. It had strange markings that looked like clock gears. He floated up and grabbed it. And quickly got out of the room before Falan found out.
He went to his room and sat on his bed. He opened it and instantly regretted it. It was all in the language of Toran and he couldn't read shit of it. But at least he could read the pictures. It showed a A girl with long, black hair usually tied in long twin tails. Her right eye is red-tinted while her left eye appears as a golden, inorganic clock face. She wears a dress made out of orange and black frills, giving her the appearance of an elegant Gothic Lolita with uneven twin tails. On her head, she usually wears a big crimson net bow to hold her hair. She also wears a red and black collar on her neck.
Behind her was a giant clock and a long musket in her left hand, and a small one in her right hand. He stared at her. She looked just like the girl that attacked Sinbad and defeated Serendine. He took a bite of his peach and cursed when a drop of the juice fell on the scroll. But, he did smirk when he placed the scroll over a small candle light. It revealed a map. Oh he definitely needs to go. He quickly packed his things and went grab both Kouha and Koumei.

- Time Skip -

"Time for fun!" Kouha laughed.
Koumei kept reading the scroll over and over again, trying to figure out the rest of it. He was able to figure out part of it.

The goddess of time. The dark angle that guards the time lines of different worlds. Beware, her power controls time itself. If you anger her, you will feel her wrath.

He groans because the second part was partly faded and because it switched to a completely different language. Judar looked back at him and then back to the ocean. He smirked when he saw the island. They landed safely. The place had ruins of an ancient temple.
"My guess people once lived here. There's also evidence that this was a kingdom. I estimate....2,000 years old....maybe 1,000?" Koumei said as he touched the wall of one of the buildings.
Kouha walked around and looked around. Judar behind him. Both then came to halt. They looked up at a statue of a man. His hand extended out as if commanding someone. Behind him, was a woman. Her face held a sad smile.
They continued walking, searching for more.
Koumei went the opposite direction from them. As he walked, he noticed something strange. It was safe to assume that the place was destroyed in a war, or possibly some huge spell was cast on it. He continued walking and came across a statue. It was the same woman he saw in the scroll. Some part of it was broken. One of her hands was missing and some parts of the dress were chipped and cracked. He stopped. There, a few feet from the woman statue, was a statue of a man. A man with spiky hair, and a Kanata in his hand. He his other hand was in a position as he was going to stab someone. He kept walking and saw a statue of another man. Spiky hair also, his right hand covered in some armor, and next to him, a Woman. She wore a expression of hatred and anger. Her hand spread out, it looked like she was going to cast a spell. He kept walking and stopped. His eyes widened as he a statue of another woman, who's expression was of horror, and a sword stabbed in her shoulder. Her hand held out and held by a hand of another man. His eyes closed and in pain and sorrow. He held the woman in his arms, he was on his knees.

Koumei kept looking around and he then came across huge stone tablet. Strange symbols engraved on it, and moss growing around it. The symbols were strange, like noting but swirls.
He walked towards it and touched them. It was strange, a weird vibe came from them.

Judar cursed. He got separated from Kouha and now he was lost. He kept walking and froze. He walked into a dark forest. And he was getting scared.


He can hear water. He walked towards the source of the noise and came across a lake. The water crystal clear. He sensed someone near by and quickly hid behind a bush. He peak a bit and his face exploded in her. A girl with black hair in two pig tails, wearing a black very revealing lingering, walked into the water. He watched her as she submerged herself in and floated in the water. But he recognized her. It was the girl that attacked Sinbad.

Kurumi floated peacefully in the water. Breathing in the peaceful air. The the island that she lives in, it used to be her kingdom. The Kingdom of Zaman.......she remembers the war, she remembers everything, how she couldn't save the kingdom she created, much less, her 5 retainers, her friends. All of them were outcast in the countries they lived in. She remembers them all. Minerva, Sasuke,
Issei(perverted bastard but she still cared for him), Lelouch, CC, Kaneki and Mine. To end the war, they all combine their powers, and defeated the enemy, Al Thamen, but the cost was them to be turned not statues forever. Kurumi cried and cried. She hated herself.

She lost her Kingdom....

She lost her people......

She lost everything.....

And she lost her friends.....

She stood up in the water, and silently cried. No one is on this island. She was beyond traumatized when the war was over. She erase the memories of the surviving citizens and sent them to the Spirit Kingdom, where they can live a peaceful life, and never remember the hell they went through. She cried, and looked up to the sky as her tears kept falling.
Judar watched and slowly stepped back but stepped on a twig, snapping.
Kurumi's head snapped to his direction and in one second, she held him by the neck on the ground, her gun pointing at his head. Her eyes glowing menacingly. Her clock eye, giving a feeling of murder.
"What the hell are you doing here you fallen Magi?" She growled menacingly.
Judal only stared at her with wide eyes. Her Ruby eyes and black hair, her light skin, like porcelain.....
He then began to look down and his face exploded in red.
"Put some clothes on!" He shrieked.
Kurumi just gave him a deadpanned look.
"Stupid peach pit, you can't even handle seeing a woman in her undergarments, bet you won't even last a minute when you get aroused by one when your older. Ggggggaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!" She said and got off of him, but smirked.
She turned to her human form.
"Aaaaaaahhhhh~ but that delightful expression of fear in your eyes, I loved it. Kihehe..." she licked her lips.

He glared at her. But what caught most his attention was her clock eye.
"Leave this island. Humans are not suppose to be here." She said and began to walk away.
Anger filled Judar. A human he was called. A mere human.
"A human?!," he stomped his foot, "I am a Magi! A am an all powerful god of creation! Humans are nothing but toys to mess with! I am the greatest and most powerful being!" He said with a smirk.
Kurumi stopped walking. He smirked and crossed his arms proudly but.....



She slowly turned to him and he felt an uncontrollable rage and blood lust in the air it was suffocating. Kouha and Koumei also felt it and froze. They began to shiver and their eyes began to be filled with illusions of terror and hell. War, blood, death, they saw all that. Unknown to them, they were Kurumi's memories.
Judar began shaking in fear as she was now facing him her right left eye glowed red and her left eye glowed gold, both filled with a monstrous malice.
"You think you are god? You think humans are nothing but toys?" She said.
Her once glowing orange dress turned to blood red, her right eye turned to also a clock, her hair turned long and it looked like blades.




Leave, leave....



Her voice beloved through the entire island that it shook it and the water around it. It cause a tsunami to head to Kou and Reim. Luckily, Yunan was flying near the ocean and quickly used his magic to stop it.


Judar ran for his life and quickly jumped on his magic carpet. He saw both Kouha and Koumei in shock and grabbed them both and quickly left the island.
He breath heavily but what made him stop abruptly was how she suddenly appeared in front of them.
"You have offended me in the most hurtful way. You will now face your punishment!" Kurumi yells as held her hand out.
"Aaaaggguuuhhhh!!!" Judar screamed in pain as he rolled on the carpet.
"Judar!" Kouha and Koumei went to him.
They glared at Kurumi.

"You're punishment will be......"

- 1 month later -

"This sucks! Give me back my power hag!!!!!" Judar screamed.
As his punishment, his power was taken away. That is one of Kurumi's powers. To take away the power of a magi. And to make things worse.......

Falan found out.....

"Give his power back Kurumi!" Falan stood in front of mirror.
Kurumi had a blank face.
"I refuse." She said.
"Kurumi, are you trying to make me an enemy?" Falan growled.
The Goddess's eyes went cold.
"You are my enemy already. You destroyed my kingdom. You were there when Arba led the organization to destroy my Kingdom 1,000 years ago. You think I'll really forget that? Never." Kurumi said as she glared at her former friend.
"I know well, but you couldn't protect my son. So call it....we're now even." Falan said.
Kurumi red eye turned to a clock, showing she was about to go inverse form again.
"Do not bring up the past. Unlike you, I did not betray Solomon. And I have long cursed my destiny. I'm The Broken Goddess. Now that the topic had changed, I will take my leave. Farewell Falan." And the mirror image disappeared.
"Kurumi, Kurumi!!!!" Falan yells but no answer.

Judar was pissed. He sat on a tree branch eating peaches. Kurumi watched from the shadows. Children are her weakness. She touched the tree and made the peaches all rot away. He pouted and jumped off. He really wish he had his magic back. He stompt to his room and hoping a nap will cool him down. He laid down on his bed and drifted to a slumber.

- Dream -

Mada dame yo

Mada dame yo

A place filled with hundreds of people. Smiling faces, filled with kindness. A playful voice singing. He walked towards where he saw the crowd of people.

Mada dame yo

Mada dame yo

What color will morning be?



There, in the center, was girl. It was the goddess. She was singing and dancing. She then stopped dancing. She smiles to the crowd with so much love and kindness. 5 people walk up and stand behind her in formation.
"I want to thank you all for everything. Without you, we would have never made this kingdom. And I thank not just my retainers," she turned to the 5 people behind her and smiles, " but also to my friends, who have stood besides me through thick and thin. Thank you." She smiles and the crowd erupted in cheers.
"Honestly, why did you put us on the spotlight?" A man with white hair, pale skin, and a black leather jacket and pants said as he gives her a small smile.
"Don't be such a stick in the mud Kaneki. Kurumi is thanking us. But we should be the one thanking you." A woman with black hair, a blue Chinese dress,and brown strength but kind eyes said.
Kurumi smiles and brings all of them to a group hug. I couldn't have done it without you all. Thank you." She smiles.

"Sister, we got trouble!!!!"

A young girl with long black hair and violet eye came running towards them. She wears a white, long-sleeve coat with a silver collar over a black, long-sleeve dress. The skirt is silver with a white trim. She also wears black leggings with dark-gray diamonds that cover the sides of the legs, and black heels. The coat appears to have a flower-like pattern with 3 "petals," and has 2 ribbons attached to it.

"Homura what's g------!!!!"


"All soldiers, head to your battle positions!!" A young man with black hair and violet eyes, Black trousers, White long sleeved shirt,Black shoes, a Black jacket (or gakuran) with gold trims. His left eye, a glowing, bird-shaped symbol appears on it.
Explosions happened all over the place. Kurumi was filled with rage.
Who eve dared attack her Kingdom will pay.

Screams and blood shed happened. Death everywhere. The five fought the intruders. Kurumi and Homura stayed and fighting together until....

Hours later...


"Well....make your decision Kurumi!" Arba cackled as she held Homura by the neck in the air.
Homura gripped her arm, trying to get free but felt her vision becoming black.


She looked over at Kurumi. She was going to give her qualia crystal to Arba.

I don't want you to suffer again...

I want you to live a happy life....

That's why....

Judar eyes widened as he saw her hands go to her shield.


Kurumi's eyes widened when she saw what her sister was about to do.


Homura turned to Kurumi and gave a bright smile, with tears falling from on her eyes.

Good bye....

"DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!"

And a blinding light grew on the entire kingdom.

- End of Dream -

Judar shot awake from his bed gasping for air.


Back at the island, Kurumi walked down a pathway, where the flowers buds would never bloom, where time shall forever remain frozen and untouched. A crack in the cave, where the moonlight enters, the rays shone upon a statue. The statue of a girl. Her arms in a praying position, and her eyes closed, with a peaceful smile. The statue stood up straight, surrounded by purple roses that will never age, and a river that never runs. Kurumi fell to her knees and tears began to fall from her eyes. The past, she can never let it go.

She clenched her fist...and screamed all her rage and sorrow to the start sky.


(To be continued........)

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