Chapter 32

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We are all enjoying our time at the Boundary park and It's been hours we've been swimming, so it's only natural that I feel the need to use the toilet. And before you question, no I don't pee in the water, that's just nasty.

"Hey, Haz." I tap on his shoulder with my index finger.

"Yes, darling?" He turns to me and I blush at the nickname. I'll never get tired of it.

"I'll go, quickly use the restroom and be back in ten." I say as I walk away to get out of the water but stop when notice Harry following me. "What?"

"I'll come with you." He says.

"There's no need for it, Haz. I'll be okay." I insist but he shake his head.

"No. I'm coming with you." He says like a little kid, making me smile fonly at him.

"No, you're not." I say firmly. "Now stay here and enjoy."

"But, Louuu..." He pouts, giving me a concerned look so I peck his lips.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay." I say, pecking his lips again.

He nods, reluctantly. "But if you're not back in ten. I'll be coming to check on you."



Ater doing my business in the toilet, I go to wash my hands as I whistle a random song. I hear the door open and someone walk in but I don't think much of it. After all, It's a public toilet.

While cleaning my hands, I look up in the mirror and freeze.




It's been like fifteen minutes and Lou still isn't back. This makes the bad feeling in my stomach grow stronger, so I decide to go find him.

I open the washroom door and find nothing but complete silence. I check each and every stall. Empty. I felt a knot in my throat and panic runs through my body. What if-

I run back to Zayn, Liam, Niall and El and inform them that Louis is missing. We all decide to go in different directions to find him.

I see a security guard and decide to ask him, in case we find a clue. We can't call the police until we are totally sure that Louis is actually missing and they wouldn't start the search until it's twenty for hours of him missing anyway.

"Excuse me" I tap on the guard's shoulder.

"Yes? How may I help you?" He asks in his thick voice and strong accent.

I show him Louis' pic on my phone and ask whether he's seen him. His answer makes my stomach drop and my blood runs cold.

"Yeah, I saw him. He hit his head or something. It was bleeding. His dad asked me for help to carry him to the car park and put him in the car. He took him to the hospital, I guess. I suggested him for the medical help in the park but he refused. I found it a bit odd, honestly."

I showed him another picture on my phone. "Was it him? The one who said he's his dad."

"Yeah, yeah. It was him." The tall man nods.

"Fuck." I breathe out. It was Robin. Shit! HE TOOK HIM. WHAT DO I DO NOW? WHERE DO I FIND HIM?

"And yeah.." The guard interrupts my thoughts "He was muttering the name 'Harry' again and again in his unconscious state."

Well thank you, that broke me even more than I already was. I feel more helpless.

Then the guys were running towards me and Niall breathlessly spoke "Harry...Louis... Some people saw him... He was bleed-"

"Robin took him!" I say, cutting Niall off.



Groaning at my pounding head, I open my eyes when I hear a dark chuckle. Robin. Then it all hits me in a moment like a truck you didn't see coming.

Robin had attacked me in the washroom. Oh shit! Harry must be so worried. Does he even know where I am?

My hands and legs are tied so I definitely cannot move but luckily, my mouth isn't taped, so I can speak at least. I am in a basement and that's for sure.

"Oh! Looks like the Princess is finally awake!" Robin laughs as he comes into view from the dark corner of the room. His laugh makes me wanna throw up.

On his face.

"It's Queen, you fooking peasant." I shot back.

"Ah ha? sassy much?"

"Sass Queen. Is what my Hazza calls me."

"My Hazza." He says in a low voice.

"What? I didn't hear it, you loosah!"

"MINE. He's fucking mine you bloody bitch. No one touches him but Me!"

It's official. This man disgusts me. Yeah I'm scared shitless. But his disgusting ass doesn't needs to know that.

"Well, too bad then. Because after what happened last night, I'm sure I'm gonna be pregnant with his babies." I laugh. "Imagine little curly headed babies with blue or green eyes running around. Awww!"

Well, we didn't go that far last night. But he doesn't needs to know that, right?

He suddenly gets up and slaps across my face. Well shit. That hurts. It stings. My cheek!

"Well then, you should know the consequences too. Right princess? Oops! Queen." He says darkly.

Before I know it, he is unbuttoning my pants and is about to pull them down when the door is slammed open.



Thank you for 2k+ reads!!! Jsghkfdahkkdf

And also today the book peaked #1 in #larrystylinson jfshkfsfjldgkdghgkkdssh

You guys are awsome ❤❤❤

How do you want the story to end? Happy and nice or sad and realistic.

Did you see the #Richardandlouis video? I loved it so much! Lou also got a tattoo from him!!! Aww my Angel 💙💙

And did u see Harry's new tattoo? It says 'Mary'. Anne's mum's name was Mary. I love him soo much! 💚💚

First we got so many proofs they were together recently!! Then they both get haircuts!! Then they both get tattoos for other people!! They are so precious!! 💚💙

Okay so vote, comment and share if u like.


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