Seraphina's Outfit

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The Four Virtues


Temperance is a test of self-control, the ability to stand against your own base desires, and prudence requires that these decisions are based on reason as opposed to emotion. So Sera chose to don a mask, hiding her emotions and desires to represent how they could be suppressed and tempered. Desire that her face might tempt is hidden- she can win the loyalty of the royals through her courage and sense of self alone, without relying on her beauty. It can also represent meekness, since her face is kept hidden. 

At the top of her mask is the snarling head of a lion- a well-known symbol for fortitude. It is small and almost unnoticeable, much like perseverance can be at a glance. But strength can still be drawn from it, the mighty king of the jungle- at the top of her forehead, it can also be held high.

Music is integrated into the mask as well, in the form of bells around the head and musical notes on the cheeks. To play an instrument requires levels of both temperance and fortitude- you must be able to discipline yourself, your hands and mind, and you need perseverance to not give up, to improve every day. Though the road is long and following the virtues themselves may seen dull and arduous, they can lead to the creation of something beautiful, like music.


The predominant colours integrated into the outfit are red, black, white, and gold. Each of these colours, when paired with another, symbolize parallelism. Black and white, of course, as opposite sides of the spectrum. The passion and liveliness that red symbolizes is balanced by black, representing death and nothingness. The prosperity, wealth, and greed gold symbolizes is balanced by the purity and simplicity of white. Balance is very important for all four virtues to maintain- temperance without fortitude would have you sinking into your own self, and justice without prudence would be heavily biased. All four of these colours are balanced when they are together, much like how the virtues are.


The necklace she wears represents the scales of justice, which must be kept balanced in order to represent fairness. It is attached around her neck since justice comes with a sense of duty to the ideal of fairness, and that pressure can sometimes be choking. The position around the neck likens it to a collar, which can be restraining- you cannot do all that you wish when fairness must be upheld.

Her dark hair is in a half up half down hairstyle shown, held up by a golden serpent's brooch that eats its own tail. This representation of Ouroboros, the legendary snake that eats its own tail forever, stands for the enduring and eternal nature of moderation and prudence. It would swallow itself whole if it continued, but would fall apart if it stopped completely. So the serpent has learned moderation and restraint, and continues to endure it every day.

Snakes have also been incorporated into the design through a ring and on the heel of Sera's red pumps. Snakes are known for their patience and discretion, their ability to wait until the right moment to strike. Patience is part of the self-restraint of temperance, as well as the analytical reasoning and instincts of prudence.

The hand chain bracelet mimics the reigns of a chariot across Sera's hand, referencing how prudence is the charioteer of the virtues, leading all others through reason.

The eagle bracelet represents the ability to look at a situation with an 'eagle-eye'- with a further back, more revealing perspective. To take a step back and remove oneself from the intense emotions of a situation to make a decision is a mark of temperance.


The secondary theme to her outfit is nature- evident through the golden leaves on her dress, and her decorations styled like animals (snake, lion, eagle). The four virtues require work on the self to be actualized, which may be a daunting task- but inspiration can be taken from the natural world around us. 

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