1K reads?! I love you guys some much! THANK YOU!!!

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1K reads? 1K READS?! I'M SO HAPPY!!! I'm almost crying as I type this! I want to thank every single one of you, even if it seems like I don't show it, I could have not made it this far without...


You guys (this my first time calling you 'guys' instead of Wolfies! *wipes fake tear*) have given me support through out this book, its only been friggin 8 chapters! Oh meh god, I feel so guilty updating more A/N's than the chapters themselves, but what to do? I have school and I have TONS of work. To make up to you Wolfies, i'm making a daily rants book! There is also a new mystery book coming your way! Speaking about books, did you know this is my FIRST and my MOST SUCCESSFUL book ever! I also want to thank my family, my friends, AnGoodGirl( she inspired me to make the first chapter!), and mostly...Thefifthknight!!! She helped me gave me tips, guided, encouraged me and gave me support, voted EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER and inspired me! I could not have made it this far without you B.F.F!!! And also please vote my book to help me win an award (Beginners Luck) in the #Wattys2015, thank you in advance! Bye my Wolfies! WOOF!

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