Chapter 1:Exhaustion

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Third person view

The marbles kept on coming and coming at any point she could faint from exhaustion..

"Stop! You're hurting your self!"said her b-daman  

*breathes in and out heavily*"This is the price we have to pay for making a fool out of ourselves!"she yelled. She kept on firing.

"I know you are still upset about the past,but we have to move on,your just going to hurt yourself like this!"her b-daman shot back

You might be asking who is this 'she',well she is Starla, the cold-hearted girl that is mistaken to be a emo(well im not saying she is not an emo, actually i take that back don't tell her!)
You want to know what made her like this? Well,im going to have to tell her 'Dark Past' as she calls it, but thats for another chapter...


Starla P.O.V

"Tch, fine!"i said,i stopped spamming the trigger and sat at on my chair, Wolf really has been worrying about me, That is not normal though she usually likes to be bossy,rude and likes to butt in when i talk. But today was a little different, because i was going back THERE.If you ask what is this THERE place well... its a place i dread most...

Chapter 1 is up Wolfies! Finally! Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as i enjoyed making it! I know its short, but please bear with me! Bye! Wolfies!


I redone this chapter with paragraphs, what do you think? im going to do the others like, this tell me if you like it or not, if the majority likes it ill keep it, if not ill change to the way it was before. Bye Wolfies! Woof!

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