Chapter 18

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' "I am aware of all the evidence in this trial and don't want to be involved in this trial more than the evidence given in this trial. I willingly am taking a sleeping potion, so even though I'm present I will not be aware of the events of the trial." ' The memory projection of Harry signing with the translator speaking over him finished, Harry sleeping in a magic proof section of the hall with Draco, James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, and Hermione. He was hugging in close to the silver dragon plush he had been holding loosely in the memory, his face buried in it's middle and his head on Draco's lap.

Lily and James had already taken veritaserum in preparation for their questioning to prove that they weren't lying about their identities or the events with Harry. They had taken it early so that James could say if the sleeping potion Harry was given was one that was safe for him to take as many different inheritances would interfere with potions. It was not normally a necessity in trials for people to take veritaserum, but given the two of them were supposed to be dead they chose to take it as a precaution to make them be believed. The veritaserum Lily and James took was from the Ministry of Magic.

Draco stroked Harry's hair gently as he glared down at Dumbledore who was chained up in the chair in the middle of the room, looking dishevelled, his hair a mess and his beard frizzy and tangled. Draco felt a kind of sick pleasure seeing Dumbledore in such a state, he wasn't even able to keep up his grandfatherly act as he sat there, his eyes wild.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore stands accused of escaping Azkaban, kidnapping 2 underage magical children, faking the deaths of two magical adults, putting Harry Potter in the life or death situation that caused him to be the Boy Who Lived, and manipulating the memories of the two minors." Fitzcransten, the Minister of Magic who replaced Fudge after the first time Dumbledore was put in Azkaban.

"I wasn't supposed to be in Azkaban to begin with, why would you expect me to stay in such a place?" Dumbledore said, his voice sounding more like a groan than anything.

"We had many different sources proving that you used unforgivable curses, Azkaban is exactly where you belong." Fitzcransten said, looking down at him coldly. "You are aware that each new crime it is confirmed you committed simply speeds up the rate of you getting the Dementor's kiss, correct?"

Dumbledore stayed silent, something the entire Wizengamot took as confirmation that he knew and understood.

"Those sources were memories, memories can be altered." Dumbledore said, sounding angry. He had always been the one in power, if only that idiot Hagrid had just done his job properly and the useless Dursleys had made Harry more obedient without the stupid boy going mute none of this would have happened. Dumbledore would still be renowned as the greatest wizard of all times, as he should be.

"So you are, once again, accusing Minerva McGonagall of fabricating evidence against you? How many times will you repeat the same baseless claims?" Fitzcransten said, seeming annoyed. "I don't know if you've somehow forgotten, but your word no longer carries any weight."

"I discovered a witness." Dumbledore said with a sickening smirk that looked like he thought he had won.

"Call in the witness!" Fitzcransten called.

Someone Draco recognised vaguely having seen before walked in, their hair half shaved, split so the half that was short, but not shaved, was pink, and the shaved was purple, but the colours looked very similar under the candlelight. The walked in looking confident, but they got pulled to the side by a ministry official before they could say anything.

After drinking the potion handed to them, the same potion that both Draco and Hemione had taken with no ill effects, they went pale, and needed to hold onto the arm of the person who had administered the potion to stop themself from falling over.

"Please state your name to the Wizengamot." The person who had administered the potion said, their tone gentle as they gestures the bi haired person forwards.

"My name is Nymphadora Tonks, I just go by Tonks." They said, reminding Draco of where he knew them from, he had seen them one time as he spied on Narcissa's secret meeting with her sister who had been blasted off the family tree. They were the metamorphmagus his mother's sister had introduced as their child.

"Under oath of speaking honestly to this court, have you ever witnessed Minerva McGonagall, deputy head of Hogwarts, confess to plotting against Dumbledore or seen her fabricate evidence against him?" Fitzcransten asked, looking down at her in a way that was almost threatening.

"No sir, I haven't even seen her since I was a student at Hogwarts." Tonks said, although it was clear they were nervous, and looking intensely at her eyes Draco could see that they were confused, likely being put under a spell by Dumbledore and trying to figure out what was going on after the potion freed them.

"That settles that then, now we shall continue with the new charges." Fitzcransten said, looking at Dumbledore, unimpressed and gesturing for Tonks to be taken out of the court room, at least until called on again.

"I, Hermione Granger, am one of the magical children that Dumbledore kidnapped. He took me from my home after altering my parents' memories to make them think I was staying with a friend that night and knocked me out. He gave me memories of a life I never lived and made me think I was close to someone I have no positive relationship with. Cho Li from my true house, Ravenclaw, was the one who freed me from his spells." Hermione announced, standing up and having her voice magically amplified, but remaining in the magic proof box, already having taken the potion so having no need to go down and be close to Dumbledore. "The other magical child was Harry Potter." Hermione added as an afterthought.

"Do we have Cho Li as a witness?" One of the people sitting just out of the light so Draco couldn't see their face asked, in a very pointed whisper.

Cho Li walked in as that question was asked, her hair long, fringe framing her face perfectly, with some butterfly hairclips that fluttered like they were alive, although it was a little more sluggish than most butterflies. Draco had to admit that he didn't really know the Chinese girl very well, but it's true that she did help them.

"I didn't know Granger that well, but I had seen her around the house before, all I did was cast a spell we were taught at the end of last year to help regain memories." Cho Li said, looking confident as she looked into the crowd of old wixes in charge of the trial.

"Is it possible that you put fake memories in Miss Granger's head?" One of the older wizards whose hair looked very like Dumbledore's did when it was neat.

"Impossible, I know very little about her life, and what I do know is learnt from her after I undid the memory charms on her." Cho Li said, a glint of something less than positive in her eyes.

"Wait!" Fred called, practically falling into the room, waving his arms in the air to try to get attention. "There's another charge to add."

"What charge?" Fitzcransten asked over the noise from the other members of the Wizengamot who were making it clear that they were unhappy about the sudden addition of a charge.

"Dumbledore and my mother forced my sister to take a love potion until she tricked herself into thinking she was in love with Harry Potter as they were planning to also feed Harry a love potion for the rest of his life." Fred said, trembling slightly in anger, glaring at Dumbledore.

"Is this sister here?" Fitzcransten asked, only Lucius' hand tight on Draco's shoulder, and Harry still sleeping peacefully on his lap stopped Draco from jumping to attack Dumbledore at that.

"I-... I'm here..." Ginny said shyly, walking in with George holding her shoulders.

"Go over there for the potion." Fitzcransten said, gesturing to where Tonks had taken the potion that made them ill and no longer work as a witness for Dumbledore.

Ginny did as she was told, trembling slightly, and grabbing George's hand again as he started to pull away.

"Now tell us what happened with the love potion." Fitzcransten said gently, it seemed he was trying not to scare Ginny.

"My mother and Dumbledore said that I was going to marry Harry and get everything after he dies. He was planned to die in the war against... You-Know-Who... So I only had to take it until him and I should start now so I could get used to it and he would get used to it." Ginny said, looking down at her fingers, nervous.

Fred and George both gave Ginny a thumbs up as she spoke, hoping to encourage her. She was doing really well, everyone knew how intimidating Molly Weasley could be.

"I was told he was going to be given the love potion either way, but I should take one for him too so I could enjoy it when he was all over me. Ron and Percy were supposed to keep an eye on me so I would keep doing it, but it was making me feel sick." Ginny said after taking a deep breath, still holding onto the hand George had on her shoulder.

"What were you told would happen if you refused to take the love potion?" Fitzcransten.

"They didn't say, but mum yelled at me when I wasn't sure if I wanted to." Ginny said.

"Do you have the love potion administered?" Fitzcransten asked, looking down at them.

"It's right here." Fred said, holding up the small vial of love potion.

It was strong, hardly amorentia level strong, but powerful nonetheless. Love potions were only legal as something people could take if they wanted to spice up a pre existing relationship as it was more of a sense of strong emotion towards the other than actual love, unfortunately it can often convince people that they were in love, with the strong emotions aimed at a specific person.

"Was Mr Potter supposed to be given the same potion?" Fitzcransten asked, eyebrows raised seeing the contents of the glass vial.

"I don't know, he wasn't going to be given the potion this year, but I think his might be supposed to be stronger." Ginny said, still not looking up.

"While you are here, can you confirm that Albus Dumbledore kidnapped and altered the minds of Hermione Granger and Harry Potter?" Fitzcransten asked.

"Yes, he took Ha- um, Potter, and... Well Ron and mum kidnapped Herm- Granger. Dumbledore wanted Granger to be a part of his planned trio for a while, but the main reason she was involved was because Ron has a crush on her and wanted her to be his girlfriend." Ginny said. "Harry was involved because he's the 'Chosen One' and Dumbledore wanted to have the glory of taking down You-Know-Who or at least raising the poor boy who died doing it."

"Is there a reason Dumbledore was so obsessed with the idea of Potter dying?" Fitzcransten asked, the same question all the people in the magic proof section wanted to know the answer to.

"Dumbledore was saying something about Harry being a... Um... I think he said Horcrux..?" Fred said, looking at Ginny and George, who both nodded at him.

Draco knew he had heard the word Horcrux before, but he didn't actually know what it meant. He was sure from the tightening of Lucius' hand and the looks on the adults' faces that it was a bad thing that Harry was a horcrux. Draco just hoped it wasn't anything serious.

"You three may leave, Miss Weasley, I suggest you go see the healers as soon as you can." Fitzcransten said, the three doing as they were told, Fred and George hugging Ginny as they walked.

"There's still no evidence of him faking the deaths of anyone or holding adults hostage." One of the people behind Draco said, sounding like they were on Dumbledore's side, something Draco didn't think people still were.

Lily and James both stood up.

"We have already taken veritaserum." Lily said, to which the person administering the potions nodded to confirm.

"I am James Potter, and this is Lily Potter, we are Harry's parents. He was taken from us shortly after he was born so Dumbledore could make sure he would become the child of the prophecy Severus Snape revealed to him. He locked us on an island we could only leave with Harry's verbal permission." James said, glaring down at Dumbledore.

"As I'm sure everyone is aware, Harry has selective mutism, and couldn't talk to us, so even after he made it to our island we still couldn't leave." Lily said sadly.

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