Chapter 2

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Harry was breathing heavily as Aunt Marge kept on almost gloating about how terrible his parents were and how they got themselves blown up because they were good for nothings who were unemployed because they were drunk drug addicts who couldn't hold sown a job if they even went looking for one. He didn't know when he had gotten so bad at confrontation, last year he faced Tom Riddle, the young Lord Voldemort who killed his parents and a basilisk for crying out loud!

"- the world is better off without them, don't you think, Boy!?" Aunt Marge asked, even without looking at the table Harry knew she was wearing an evil smile.

Harry was trembling in anger, fear, and magic. He was desperate to not let his magic burst out in a destructive way, he knew that would cause problems, but he couldn't help it as he heard the laughter from the table. He was hungry, tired, injured, and angry, how dare Aunt Marge make comments about his parents like she knew them at all!? They were heroes who saved his life because of a psychopathic killer!

"Shut up..." Harry muttered under his breath, he was trying to yell, but the noise seemed to be trapped in his throat. His magic was swirling around him, moving his hair wildly, getting the hair in his eyes.

Marge raised her finger and opened her mouth as if to speak, but before she could start talking her finger started to swell, as if it was being filled with helium. That would have been odd enough, and enough for Harry to be severely punished, but it didn't stop there.

Marge's whole body started inflating, increasing until she was about twice her normal size, which was far from small. When she reached that size it was unclear if she kept growing, because she started to float into the air, bouncing off the ceiling. Harry knew he had done it now, he felt like his blood had become the icy cold that the water had been for his shower the previous day.

Before the Dursleys could start acting in response to what Harry had done, Harry rushed to his cupboard and grabbed his things before running out the front room, not knowing or caring what was happening in the room the Dursleys were still in, he just needed to get out, hopefully before he could get the letter saying he was expelled or Vernon ready to beat him.

Harry rushed out the front door with his trunk, wand, and Hedwig's cage. Running down the street to some bushes that he knew only Marge's favourite dog would be able to find him, but he hoped they wouldn't go looking, hoped they would just chose to decide he had gotten himself lost. He sat in the bushes and waiting silently as the sky started to darken.

"Oh, Harry, my boy, what are you doing in those bushes?" Dumbledore asked, somehow managing to find the cold, barely awake boy who was still sitting in the bush, his green eyes looking a little dull, making Dumbledore smile, although he was sure to keep the twinkle in his eye to make sure Harry kept thinking of him as grandfatherly.

"Dumbledore?" Harry asked, looking up at Dumbledore with a hopeful expression that Dumbledore had to work hard not to smirk at.

"Yes, my boy. We need to get to the Burrow soon, there are things you need to be told about." Dumbledore said, looking over his shoulder, it was surely only a matter of time before the Ministry came thanks to this boy not being able to control his magic.

Harry nodded, taking Dumbledore's hand that was offered to him, being pulled up quite forcefully, making his arm hurt and feel like his arm was being pulled out of its socket. Harry didn't want to complain, though, because it didn't matter as long as Dumbledore took him away from the Dursleys.

Apparition was uncomfortable to say the least, and Harry felt like he was being pulled through a tube about the width of his arm, which was very bony and skinny. Not only was there the painful tightness, but there was no air that Harry could breathe, and what little was in his lungs already got pushed out at the very beginning, and Harry couldn't even tell if there was anything to see because he was also spinning way too quickly to focus.

When the apparition was finally over, Harry's knees immediately gave way and he fell into the dewy field they had landed in, coughing and heaving for air as his eyes watered profusely. It took him a few moments for him to realise that his far too large jeans were soaked from the knees down thanks to the dampness of the field.

Dumbledore stood over Harry, looking far less pained than Harry, who just assumed it was a magic thing that you got used to the more you used it. Looking around, Harry realised that he had no idea where they were. He supposed that they must have been close to the Burrow, but it seemed like there was a long way for them to walk to get there.

"We need to get going now, my boy." Dumbledore said, Harry was pretty sure he saw Dumbledore's wand out, and pointing at him, but he was sure Dumbledore was just checking the perimeter, Harry just never remembered standing up.

"Yes, Professor, but... Where are we?" Harry asked, looking around, his head hurting.

"A little way away from the muggle town closest to the Burrow, it's very rude to apparate onto someone's property, and we can't be spotted by the muggles." Dumbledore said, looking down at Harry in a way that made Harry's hair stand on end, that he told himself was wrong. How could he let himself be creeped out by Dumbledore? The man who is so great that even Voldemort was afraid of him, and only him. If it wasn't for Dumbledore he wouldn't have survived last year.

B̶u̶t̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶e̶y̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶l̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶?̶

Harry and Dumbledore walked for about an hour to the Burrow, making Harry wonder if it was really necessary for them to have apparated so far away. Harry also kept blinking and ending up somewhere completely different, but he guessed he was just discombobulated from the apparition, cold, and tiredness.

"Harry!" Hermione called out to him, pulling him into a hug as soon as he and Dumbledore got to the front door of the Burrow.

Looking over Hermione's shoulder, Harry saw Ron, who was looking at the two of them with a dark look, which seemed to be directed specifically at Harry, like Ron was mad he was hugging Hermione, but why would he be upset Harry was hugging one of his best friends? Harry hadn't heard anything about the two of them getting together, but even if they were he should still be allowed to hug Hermione. He liked her, and she was pretty, but Harry was far from being attracted to her.

"Harry, good to see you again." Mrs Weasley said, smiling at Harry, in a way that made Harry think it was forced, but he guessed it was still him being tired, cold, and going through apparition for the first time.

"It's good to see you too, Mrs Weasley." Harry said with a smile, but he couldn't smile properly, so he was sure it looked very forced, and he was still feeling the same fear talking to Dumbledore and Mrs Weasley as he had when talking to the Dursleys. Maybe he should talk to Ron and Hermione about it. "Sorry, I'm tired."

"Come in, are you hungry?" Mrs Weasley asked, turning back into the house, Hermione pulling Harry inside too, Dumbledore being the last one in, closing the door behind him, making Harry's heart drop, like he had just been locked into a lion's den.

"Other than being tired, I'm fine." Harry said with an awkward smile as he tried not to show the dread he was feeling, it was probably because of everything that happened today.

"Right," Mrs Weasley said with a small nod. "Everyone to bed!"

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