Chapter 27

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"Harry," Akiva, whose bed was next to Harry's called over as Harry read one of the books the Malfoys had given him. "Can you give me an idea?"

'For whittling?' Harry signed, leaning on the book to keep it open.

Akiva mimicked Harry's signs silently, before nodding to himself.

"Yeah, I can't think of anything except the one the book didn't explain at all, so I can't do it." Akiva liked to whittle to calm down, and had been stressed at the moment. They, like Harry, had a mind healer, but they couldn't get a session yet, so was doing a lot of whittling.

'A dragon.' Harry suggested, Akiva copying his signs again, as he was still learning.

"You want it?" Akiva offered, their bedside table already littered with little wooden crafts, a few religious.

Harry went red, he hadn't been thinking of Draco when he suggested a dragon, he was simply aware that it was something Akiva had mentioned wanting to carve a few weeks back. Now that Akiva offered it to him, though, all Harry could think about was Draco.

Akiva tried not to laugh as Harry shyly nodded at the offer. He decided to make this their best little sculpture yet.


"I thought you were liking being in the Hufflepuff dorms now." Draco talked to the face down Harry on his bed, practicing a potion.

'Embarrassed myself.' Harry signed, still face down.

"Come on, it can't have been that bad." Draco was glad that Harry was starting to be more open, if it was the him from first year then he wouldn't even have been able to embarrass himself.

Harry sat up and pouted at Draco, his hair a mess and face, still red, now having the red lines that matched Draco's pillow.

"Okay, so what did you do?" Draco rolled his eyes affectionately as he added the powdered moonstone.

At the question Harry just blushed more, flopping down face down on Draco's bed again. Draco knew it probably wasn't anything that most would take notice of, but that didn't remove Harry's embarrassment.

"When I finish this do you want to go flying together?" Draco suggested, eyes back on his potion.

Harry didn't get up from Draco's bed, just giving a thumbs up that Draco knew was there even without seeing it. If there was ever a day that Harry didn't want to go flying then there was something very wrong, like it was time to put him in a fireproof room because he was either about to die or there was someone replacing him.

"Maybe then you'll tell me what happened." Draco teased when he was able to keep his eyes off the potion for a moment.

'No, it's embarrassing.' Harry signed, still face down.


Harry cheered up almost as soon as he was on his broom, taking off and leaving Draco behind. He immediately flew higher than the astronomy tower before circling, waiting for Draco, who was close on his tail.

"How about a game to catch?" Draco suggested, raising a quaffle he had brought with him.

Harry used his magic to form a net underneath them to catch the quaffle if they dropped it before they started. They weren't the only ones flying, the Gryffindor Quidditch team was practicing, but Harry and Draco were flying too high for a practice game.

Akiva sat on the edge of the Astronomy tower, looking up at the two as he whittled.

As Draco passed the ball to Harry, the latter stilled, not catching the quaffle, or reacting in any way, the ball flying over his shoulder and falling into the Gryffindor's training as the net Harry had formed disappeared.

"Harry?" Draco ignored the quaffle, flying up to Harry, who still wasn't reacting.

Draco grabbed Harry's arm, shaking him slightly, Harry stiff as a statue. This had never happened before, the closest was when Predawn had been in danger, but that didn't seem likely sue to the lack of flames sprouting.

"Harry! Please respond to me!" Draco pleaded, shaking Harry more, but getting nothing.

Harry's broom was starting to lower, meaning his magic was seeping out of it.

Not knowing what to do, Draco pulled himself next to Harry's broom, pouring his magic into both to control them. Doing so was not something that would last for very long, so he headed for the astronomy tower, landing a little roughly and making Akiva dodge the two of them, getting off his own broom, only holding Harry's, abandoning his own.

"What the-" Akiva wasn't even able to finish the sentence before Draco had already left the room with the frozen marriage.

Harry's magic seemed to be seeping further and further inside himself, and Draco knew in his bones that something was wrong. As if to confirm this, Harry's inheritance was showing.

They must have looked a sight as Draco ran with the frozen, flying Harry to the Hospital Wing.

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