Chapter 9

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The next morning there were more whispers and stares as Harry went to the Great Hall for breakfast with Ron and Hermione. Harry guessed someone must have seen that he had fainted from the dementor and spread rumours about it around, not that he was happy about it. Hedwig came to him looking rather ruffled and upset, not that Harry had any idea what could have upset her, so he gave her whatever she wanted and gently stroked her head before sending her back with the other owls.  He thought it was odd when she started off flying towards Slytherin, but she did serve and fly off with the other owls before he found out where she was going to go.

Then, when McGonagall came down the table handing out the timetables, and when she reached Harry, Ron and Hermione she had a double take and wouldn't stop looking at Harry and Hermione, and also didn't have their timetables. She didn't stay close to them for long though, as she had more timetables to hand out to everyone else.

"That was odd, don't you think?" Hermione asked, leaning into Harry.

Harry wanted to respond, but he couldn't. There were words that he wanted to say, but his throat had closed up, honestly it was even feeling hard to breathe. He didn't know what was wrong, it was like what he had felt every other time he had talked, only about a million times worse, like the words met a wall in his throat.

'I need to go.' Harry signed, he had no idea where he had learnt to sign, probably some time when he was watching TV secretly while Dudley was watching. Cbeebies occasionally shrunk the episodes to have someone sign everything, which Dudley would always complain about.

He didn't even wait for anyone to respond, he just immediately got up and left, he could tell that everyone's eyes were on him, and it was only making him struggle more, feeling more like he couldn't breathe, going as quickly as he could without running. He didn't know where he was going, and as soon as he was out of the Great Hall he took off in a sprint.

He heard the door open and close again behind him, but he couldn't be bothered to look at who followed him, he didn't know where he was going anyway, nor did he know when his first lesson was or what it was.

Rushing round a corner Harry noticed an ornate wardrobe and opened the door, finding it rather empty, so he crawled in and closed the door behind him. He liked small spaces, one of the only places he was safe was in his cupboard. Smaller places were best for him to calm down, and this wardrobe was just the right size. He wasn't afraid of large open areas, provided it wasn't just empty, if there were trees, buildings, or other signs of life, he would probably be okay.

He was curled up, pressed into the corner, as he tried to get his breathing under control and let his throat loosen he heard running footsteps rushing past. He saw a small glimpse of something pale, so he knew it couldn't be either Ron or Hermione, but he couldn't wonder about anything else, and he honestly wasn't too interested in it, he just want to be able to get better.

"Harry!" Hermione called from some distance Harry didn't know, just as he started to feel like he could breathe properly, but he still wasn't sure if he could get words out.

Harry just opened the door to the wardrobe Hermione not seeming to question why he was in a wardrobe and just helped him clamber out of it without falling over. She looked at him in concern, and Harry was sure that Ron was angry, but he couldn't help it.

"We need to get to class, I checked with everyone and managed to figure out our timetables, it's Potions with the Slytherins first." Hermione said, gently, verbally ignoring the situation, but she was checking him over slightly. "Let's go before the halls fill with people."

The lesson was mostly okay, Harry hadn't known that Snape had quit and he wasn't sad about it. Hermione also didn't have her name on the register, which delayed the lesson significantly, and Harry was still hearing whispers from the Slytherins, as they stared at him, but thankfully no fights broke out. Harry was also thankful he hadn't been put in a position where he had to talk, because even by the end of the lesson he wasn't sure he could.

"Good morning Harry." Malfoy said, standing around and looking like he was waiting for Harry as he tried to collect his things together at the end of the lesson.

"Um... Morning." Marry mumbled, looking up at Malfoy, a little surprised. Wasn't Malfoy normally cruel to him and his friends? Maybe Malfoy really was turning over a new leaf.

"Are you alright? I saw this morning." Malfoy said, Harry didn't know how he was supposed to respond to that. Was Malfoy just playing some kind of joke on him? Was he trying to mock him?

"Fine." Harry mumbled, packing up and following after Ron as they had signed up for all the same classes at the end of last year, meaning the two of them would likely be together and Harry obviously still didn't have his timetable.

"You can trust me." Malfoy said, grabbing Harry's hand and giving it a squeeze, Harry quickly pulling his hand back and rushing to leave the room.

"What was that?" Ron asked, frowning at Harry with crossed arms, slowing them down even more even though they really needed to be rushing off to Divination.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, his throat feeling like it was closing up again.

"In the Great Hall this morning you waved your hands around and ran out, to be followed by Malfoy, and now you two talk like you're friends?" Ron said accusingly, pressing his finger into Harry's chest.

"I felt like I couldn't breathe and had to get out, I didn't know Malfoy was behind me, and Malfoy talked to me. But he was kinder than before, maybe he's changed?" Harry suggested, honestly this year he didn't want to fight Malfoy, and he didn't fully understand why, but he felt an odd sense of comfort from the Slytherin.

"He changed!? Did you not remember last night!? He still hates us! And even if he didn't he's a Slytherin! He's working for You-Know-Who!" Ron yelled at Harry, making him flinch away and what little control he had over his breathing thrown out the window. "And what do you mean you had to get out of there!? It's the Great Hall! What could possibly have been your problem!?"

Harry couldn't respond, and he also couldn't keep himself from trembling, he felt like Ron was Vernon and Harry couldn't even move as Ron glared at him. Harry's little control of his breathing was gone, and he hardly even noticed when Ron turned from him and continuing to walk to the Divination classroom.

Harry couldn't even breathe properly to calm himself down as he somehow managed to get a stitch like pain that felt like he was being stabbed with a sharp, electricity coated blade.

Harry was late for Divination.

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