【 06 】

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[ collaboration with fiesyaa💜 ]

Ji ah POV
Awhhhhh I'm exhausted!!! Maybe should just sit for mins

You take a seat on one of the bench that located beside the empty road, a heavy sigh left from your mouth as the tiredness start to feels on your while body . You about to close your eyes but a sudden call interrupts making you pick up the call lazily.

"Owhhh Eomma wae?" You say softly as your mom sweet voice were greeting you warmly
"Ohh Honey I and your dad gonna go out for a night and maybe we're going home late so take care okay?" She say in sweet tone

You just gave a simple answer and ended the up call when you about to stand up and walk away, a notifications popped up on your screen

Min Ji👻💕
Ji Ah!!!! Make sure to come my house on 10.00pm okay? I'll kill you at school if you didn't came!!!🥺🔪

A little chuckle let out from your mouth when you read the message that Min Ji send and insert your phone on the pocket. You look at your watch and thoughts about something
"8.10pm...I still have much time" then you walk back to your mansion peacefully


"Yah, jungkook ah you not gonna come?" Jimin voice can be heard from the phone

"Go where? I'm lazy" He answer

"Min Ji party! Aren't you love to party? Oh yeah and surely there's bunch of hot girls....whatever it's up to you bye" Jimin end the call cause he lazy to persuade jungkook come.

Jungkook POV
It's been awhile since I've been to club and I miss those wild surroundings so why not?

He smirk briefly berfore stand up to get ready for the party. He grab the towel and heading to the bathroom, a hot water streaming down to his body give a relaxing feelings suddenly some scenes were playing on his mind making he let out a soft chuckle

"Does Miss Savage will come to?" He mutter slowly with slightly smile on his lips.

Ji Ah was rolling on the bed with only towel on like crazy punk that out of their mind

"Ughhhh!!! what should I wear!? Can't I just wear a bikini? I think that will be more easier right?"
You whined while grabbing your head frustrations clearly on your face

You accidentally saw a black box that placed on top of your closet, you take a chair and stand on it trying to reach the box. You grab the box but unfortunately you fall from the chair


You whining painfully as you fall on your own butt "ak! Awhh my butt...." you rubbing the hurting place softly. You open the box slowly as you jaw dropped

Without waste time you just take off your towel and wear the clothes


You put on a some natural makeup and let your long hair fall in messy look, check your reflection one last time on the mirror making a little smirk engraved "Perfect"

- Kim Mansion -

Once you arrive the driver drove away leaving you alone at the mansion entrance then Min Ji run to you happily "Lee Ji Ah!!!" She shout while waving her hand to you and gave you a naughty smile as soon as she start eyeing you up and down.

"Love your outfit" She say in playful tone and start to interlock her wrist with yours dragging you inside the mansion.

The house were crowded as people dancing and the loud music making the mansion looks like a club, you and Min Ji take seat at the kitchen table cause the living room and pool were full of others.

You shrugged her hand softly and asked
"Yah,did you invite the whole school? Where's your parents btw?"

"My parents go on business trip for few days so they won't be back"She answer loudly cause the music making you harder to hear. Min Ji suddenly making sign of something like saying wanna have a drink? and you just giving answer by nodding.

5 mins later
Min Ji came with two cups on both her hands and she handed you one of them, "cheers!" You both say together as you take a sip of it. Well after a mins you finish the whole cup but even it just one cup you already sound bit drunk.

Since you barely drink a alcohol so you got drunk faster even if just a bit of it, then a call of Min Ji phones interrupts both of you." Ji Ah, I need to take this call wait okay?" You just give her a okay sign using your hands

Then a man take a seat infront of you making your gaze immediately goes to him, he smiled playfully at you "I though you don't like to came to the crowded or should I say you don't to partying around"

You scoffed in sarcastic way and answer proudly "why you even care?" He still manage to smile even your words sound kinda rude.

"You don't know what man will do if you came to such place with those seducing outfits babygirl..." He say while bitting his lower lips

"Huh fuck off...you think I care?"

He place his hand to your thighs showing kinda sexual move but he actually just wanna playing with you, he whisper to your ear "You're beautiful why not just spend a night with me? I could give you everything" you shot your eyes wide when you realizing the situation you push his harshly and look at him with death gaze

"Go fuck yourself jerk" You said with a mad tone berfore walk away angrily cause you really hate the way he look at you like you're one of his fuck toy

You just leave the party without care about anything else nor Min Ji or anyone there,a light pink approached on your face cause of the angrier.

You take out your phone but unfortunately it run out battery so you had no choice but to take a express bus, you just wait at the bus station but then a young guy stand beside you but you just ignore him

The smells of alcohol were came out from his mouth as he let out a little chuckle, you take a glance of him but he suddenly grab your wrist making you really shock, the grab become tighter as he start to pull your closer "Let go of me!!" You ranting while hitting his chest.

Suddenly that guy fall to the ground cause of something hit him hard on his head, a gasped left your mouth when you saw the person that punch him


He kick that guy on his stomach hard as he use all of his strength, when that guy stand up and tried to punch he grab his hand and twist it merciless then he finally let go of it. That guy run from there when jungkook treated to punch him even more.

He turns to you expecting that you will cry or sobbing but instead you're just about go to the bus that just arrived on the time, before you could get in the bus jungkook pull you to his sport car and push you to enter. "Jeon jungkook-" He closed the door ( ಠ_ಠ)

Jungkook enter the car and drove away berfore you could get out so you just sit quietly with a pout and tucking your wrist tight to your chest
Awkward silence filled the car till jungkook asked you a question "No thank you?" You look at him with emotionless face and answer
"I didn't asked you to help me"

He scoffed in disbelief and driving much faster
When you got to your home, you get out and turn to him berfore you enter your mansion gate. He smile cheekily and drove away


You were done take a shower and lying down to your bed then jungkook came to your mind making a slightly smile engraved on your plump lips. Inlove? Nahhhhh

{ to be continue }

Guess who? ('ω')

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