Chapter 5

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  Fenrir managed to escape from Claire. He whirled around blind, swiping at Claire. She dodged effortlessly. He swiped, but his claws met nothing.  He snapped wildly with his sharp teeth and still missed. Claire reappeared in solid human form panting for air. He reared and  charged at her. She dodged narrowly, almost meeting the same fate as the human remains on the island. Being narrowed his eyes and froze Fenrir's paws with ice. Fenrir struggled in vain, but couldn't break it.

Claire took a sharp bone from the ground on her right  side and hurled it at Fenrir. It slashed across Fenrir’s whole face and clattered on the ground. His left eye was rendered useless. He cried out a growl of pain. Fenrir wobbled and tried to advance, only to fall down because of the ice.

The thud shook the whole place and some more rocks crashed down. Stalagmites followed after and rained on the ground. Dust  covered the place in a blanket of fog, before clearing. Everyone was left with damaging gashes and bleeding cuts across their body.

Odin dodged the attacks Fenrir was giving him and Being blasted a ball of light energy that blinded and shocked Fenrir. Being cried in alarm  and the air changed. Everyone stopped in their tracks feeling chills. Claire turned to look at Being in concern. He looked absolutely pissed. His eyes were milky white. Being swiped his hands across and the spikes of oblivion shot out of the ground and collided with the ceiling of the cave.

The whole ceiling came crashing down and cracks formed on the walls. Being brought his fist down. The cave erupted with a bright light. Everyone and everything sailed through the air and broke through the surface of the ocean. Claire’s eyes stung and she kicked wildy through the heavy water, as she swam back up. She took a gasp of air with relief and blinked the water out of her eyes.

Claire looked around wildly and saw Odin and Loki in the midst of a battle between each other. The salty water sloshed around wildly  in giant waves.

Claire swam towards them only for the ocean to assault and drown her. She coughed and spluttered. The struggle was wearing her down and her arms felt sore from the constant fight against the water. She felt helpless against the water, as the water swept her into a floating  debris from the no longer intact cave.

Claire’s eyes rolled backwards and she fell unconscious. Being turned away from his battle with Fenrir and shouted Claire’s name in fear. Fenrir tore through the water like a torpedo and whacked Being across the face. Being tumbled across the water dizzily.

He stopped himself  just in time and dove into the water. Claire was slowly sinking into the water and Being frantically scooped Claire up and shot out of the water leaving trails of bubbles behind. Claire chose the moment to wake up gasping and coughing up water. She placed a hand on her sides and felt sticky blood.

“A coral of some kind must’ve scratched me, when I was sinking” Claire thought, wincing. She closed her eyes and inhaled sharply to absorb the reality of it all. Being noticed and placed his palm on the wound. His palm glowed faintly with pale light and the wound sealed up, as if it was never there.

They  turned to see Odin outnumbered by Loki and fenrir. Claire slapped her face to focus and swam towards the three with Being behind her. Claire launched herself at Loki and he dodged narrowly in time.

The waves swished violently, threatening to devour them. For all they knew they were tiny specks compared to the giant vast ocean. Claire screeched and sent a gigantic ball of darkness to Loki. it landed a devastating impact and  Loki screamed. He clutched his face which was burned and sent a seething glare toward Claire.

Claire stood her place and glared back, before dunking him under water. He struggled against her with fear seeping into his bones. The temptation to breathe was powerful, but he held his breath and kicked her in the shin.

Claire hissed in pain and held her face out of reflex. The sting disappeared and a trace of  Being’s magic traveled up to her shin healing it. Loki came up wheezing. He aimed a punch for Claire’s face. She dodged easily and submerged herself under the water. Loki  turned around wildly and dove in after her, only for her to emerge out of the water behind. He sensed it with panic, but was slow.

Claire sent a kick at his back getting the wind knocked out of him. He winced feeling unbearable pain and momentarily wondered how she got this strong.  The battle was fierce and engaging.

Both sides were determined to win. One side will destroy the universe and the other might be able to stop that.

Claire saw out of the corner of her eye, Loki sneaking away. She swam towards a boulder floating nearby and launched herself from it, slamming Loki. He tumbled and skidded across the water creating ripples. "Oh no you don't!!” “You aren't escaping you evil bastard!!" she cried in outrage.

She opened up the portal again and swords flew out. The swords swooped him up from the water and pinned him in place with his feet dangling in the air.

Claire turned away from Loki confident he was going to stay there for a while. She looked  back at  Fenrir. Claire suddenly moved fast, filled with strength and snapped Fenrir's spine. He whimpered and whined from the intollerable pain he was suffering, and then went still.

Claire quickly opened  a portal. She cradled Fenrir and whispered “Sorry for this” “Rest well” “You only did what you were told like the good son you are." “she whispered soothingly. Claire got up with Fenrir in her arms.

Fenrir gave her a weak smile and closed his eyes, taking his final breath. Claire stepped into the portal and waded through space, as she floated. She stopped herself before she could get any closer to the sun and threw Fenrir gently towards the sun. He floated and burst into bright flames.

The flames grew bigger and died. All that was left was ashes. She swam through space and entered the portal. She landed gently on the water and hovered. She looked up to see Being and Odin had surrounded Loki.

Odin uttered three words angrily. "Why my son?!"

"Hah! me your son!!” “That's a good one!” “We both know that's not true!" Loki said glaring. Odin looked taken aback.  “But you are my son!” “You’ve changed for the worse!” “I knew you were up to something, but you always denied it and ran away!"

"As soon as Ragnarok started I knew to look for you here!” Odin spat. “ you figured it out father or should i say stranger?" "I’d clap, but I’m currently pinned,” he said with half humour and sarcasm. There was a hint of danger and corruption in his eyes.

“I’m thankful, you all attended the world’s last party and breath!” he said laughing as he threw his head back. Immediately Odin, Being and Claire knew he was insane. There was no hope of possibly bringing him back.

Claire wanted to scream, shout or cry, to stop him. But she knew it wouldn’t work.

Loki laughed. "I may be frozen in place, but I can escape and make you cry out in pain" he said menacingly. Nobody was affected, except Claire. "You son of a bitch!" she growled. "Ouch. How mean!"  “Now no swearing young lady!”  “I’m the son of a giant actually” Loki said in a know it manner, as he chuckled.

Loki struggled and escaped the clutches of the swords with a satisfying smirk. Loki glared at his father and produced a shock wave from his hand. Odin flew  and skidded through the water.

He made a loud impact with one of the floating spikes. Odin slid down and landed on the water with his lower half drowned. His abdomen impaled.  He coughed blood and  fell unconscious right after. Claire suddenly felt wary. Loki acted offended. “Don’t make that face. I’m not gonna hurt you!” he cried. He snapped his fingers. Claire felt weird.

“Guess how my armies found your world and others' ' he sang. “I’ll give you a hint! It has to do with portals!” he said cheerfully. Claire choked and her stomach was filled with unease. “No way! You reopened my portals to the other worlds!” Claire blurted out, frightened. Loki clapped in delight. “I knew you’d figure it out!” "As for how?" "Its a secret" he said.

“I feel satisfied now after seeing the deaths caused by my army”  “It’s delightful!” “Surely you feel it too?” he asked as he cocked his head. Being and Claire glared. “No? How sad!” Loki said, pouting.

“Claire open the portal and summon a sword” he commanded. “We’re done for” Claire thought, feeling scared. She slowly felt herself losing in the struggle against Loki. Her body moved on its own and opened the portal. 

A sword flew out of the portal before it closed.  “He’s controlling me!” Claire realized. Shock and despair pooled within her heart.

“No mercy!” Loki howled with eagerness as he watched Claire do his bidding.

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