Fangs and Nightmares

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    AN: I'm having a little contest. Can anyone guess what the new invention is Danny's mom and dad are working on? For the First person who gets the right answer I will right a short story based on one of these shows they can chose from. They can have another idea for a new Danny Phantom fic, The Little Mermaid, Percy Jackson, Spiderman, or Titanic. Just give me a prompt. All I ask is that it is appropriate. Without further adou the next chappie.

  The unstable Nasty Burger stood in front of Danny. He had captured his older self, and trapped him in the thermos. Danny could hear the machine's erratic beeping and knew what it meant. Time was about to run out. He tried to go ghost,but to no avail as the rings fizzled out. He was powerless "Noooooo!!!" Danny cried as he was blown back from the explosion. It wasn't like the movies with everything in slow motion. It was painfully and utterly quick. Future Vlad's word were suddenly brought to the boy's mind.'If it's any consolation, they went so quickly. They felt no pain.' As the teen hit the pavement he screamed not so much from pain, but terror. His ribs were probably broken and so was his ankle, but that was the last thing on his mind. 'Where was Clockwork?' The boy wondered. "He was supposed to be here!" Danny cried in desperation. "This wasn't supposed to happen! I learned my lesson Clockwork, now change it back!"  A dense smoke surrounded the halfa, making it difficult to breath. The smoky air gave way to a large figure. "Danny, Danny Clockwork's not here this time." The dark baritone voice spoke. Danny's eyes flashed green with anger. "I thought you were gone! How'd you get out." Dan laughed menacingly. "I thought you were gone! I thought I trapped you Dan,blah,blah,blah." The older Phantom mocked. "Grow up! Your becoming me after all." "I'll never be you!" Just as Danny said this he noticed it was with Dan's voice. The boy then felt something sharp against his tongue...fangs. The black haired teen let out a scream and fell in pain as his hair became a white hot flame. His ears became pointed and his skin became blue. "What's happening to me!" The halfa screamed. He felt as if fire was spreading across his body. "What are you doing to me!" Dan laughed a cold, dark laugh. "Me? I'm not doing anything. I've told you before, it was only a matter of time." Time,time,time, the word reverberated through the empty area. Suddenly Danny's screaming ended and along with it came red eyes. "HAHAHAHA!!!" The younger Phantom smiled wickedly. He looked to his left. Apparently his human half had been separated from him in the process and was lying on the ground. The dark haired now fully human Danny moaned. His eyes fluttered open."No!" The human boy gasped, his eyes widening in terror. "Oh yes Danny! I always was the stronger one." The ghost cackled. "You don't want to do this." Human Danny whispered as his former ghost half moved toward him. "Yes I think I do." The blue skinned ghost stated calmly. "Some things, my boy, are better left unsaid." Vlad's words came to his mind. This was the last thing Danny thought before Phantom attacked.:

  "Ahhhhhhh!" Danny shot up in cold sweat from his bed. The alarm was simultaneously blaring. Beep Beep Beep. The half ghost glared at the clock and neon green green beams shot from his eyes. 'Whoopsie?' Danny internally shrugged, not really all that upset at the broken alarm clock. The dream had gotten to him though. It had seemed even more terrifyingly real with the recent developments. Danny then felt something sharp pressing at the bottom of his lips. "Let this not be what I think it is." Danny whispered. He lightly stepped over to the bathroom to get a look in the mirror. Fangs. "Oh crud." The boy muttered. "Danny sweetie, are you okay?" Danny heard his mom call. "I thought I heard you screaming." The young teen threw himself against the door. "I'm fine mom! Yesh, can't I have some privacy" He shouted. "Told you he was fine." He heard his dad mumble. "Danny are you sure you okay? You sound like you have a cold." 'The fangs!' Danny grimaced. "Please just go away guys. I'm not even dressed!" 'The number one teenager excuse to get a parent out of your room. "Alright Danny." He heard his mom sigh. His dad booming voice shouted, "We'll be in the lab son! Gotta finish up the new invention! There's fudge in the fridge if you want. I saved it for you and Jazzypants." "Thanks dad." Danny called weakly. He turned his attention back to the mirror and examined his mouth. 'Maybe I am becoming like him.' Danny shuddered at the thought. "Ugh, this can't be happening!" The boy moaned slipping to the floor. "Danny! Sam and Tucker are here!" Jazz shouted. "Alright Jazz!" Danny responded. He quickly threw on his usual jeans, white T-shirt, and worn red converses. He flew down the stairs (figuratively) to avoid the eyes of his sister. " Hey Jazz!" Danny called. "Hey Sam, Tuck, let's go." The halfa dragged the goth and techno-geek out the door. "Bye Jazz" "By-" The door closed before Jazz could finish. "Sorry guys." Danny apologized. "What was that Danny?" Sam questioned a little angry at Danny for his rudeness to them and Jazz. "Well, um, I..." Danny didn't want to say it. He hated anything that reminded him of Dan. It was still painful to speak. "Your voice sounds a little weird dude." Tucker said. Sam put an arm on Danny's shoulder. "Hey, you know you can tell us anything. Were your friends and friends never give up on each other. " "Please don't freak out." Danny pleaded. "We won't." Sam assured. "Depends, Oww!" Tucker cried as Sam slapped him. "Jeez can't a guy joke!" Tucker whined. Danny took a deep breath and turned to face his friends. "Wow,um fangs." The techno-geek didn't know what else to say. "Well I think their cool. Come here." Sam motioned for Danny to come near. She then pulled out of her spider backpack something resembling a retainer case. "What  are you doing Sam?" She then popped open the case. "Realistic fangs?" Danny and Tucker questioned at the same time. "Yep, had these babies custom made. You don't need to go through this alone." Danny then hugged his longtime best friend."Thanks Sam." "No biggie." She blushed slightly at the show of affection. Tucker than began to sing making the two friends embarrassed and annoyed. "I can see what's happening, and they don't have a clue. They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line. Our trio's down to two (holds up his PDA)." "What did we say about the singing Tuck?" Danny questioned his friend as if he was questioning a child. "Don't sing unless Ember controls the minds of every teen again." Tucker responded. "And what did we say about calling us lovebirds, or doing anything similar to it?" Sam asked a little harsher than Danny. "Under no circumstances should I do it." Tucker pouted. "Come on you gotta love the Disney classics though!" The techno-geek waggled his eyebrows. "Would you rather I sing Kiss The Girl." "TUCKER!!!"

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