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  (AN) Hi everyone, I'm not dead,yet....(Sees knives). Please don't kill me!!! I'm so so sorry for not updating in a good while. College is great ,but also a lot of work. So much has happened and uh, I kinda got addicted to the show Smallville. I also have gotten addicted to the wonderful broadway musical HAMILTON!!!! Seriously, it is AMAZING!!!! It's Quiet Uptown, Satisfied, You'll Be Back, The opening Alexander Hamilton! I will never look at a 10 dollar bill the same way! Anyway I hope this chappie was worth the wait! Luv ya'll!

          Tucker couldn't breath. It was as if the walls were crashing down on him. How had things come to this? If Dash were dead? He wouldn't think of that, no, couldn't think of that. The young halfa noticed the panicked look on Danny's friend. "Tucker?" Danni whispered softly. Tucker said nothing. "I'll fly to Dash to the closest hospital." Tucker turned to the girl with tears in his eyes. "Danni, your already worn out. This was my fault." Tears then fell freely from the techno-geek's eyes. "Hey, come on. Danny needs you. Don't worry about me! I'll be fine. I'll get Dash to the hospital and he'll be fine Okay!!!" Dani smiled smiled tightly at the grief struck boy. Tucker nodded silently. The 12 year old ghost girl scooped Dash in her arms using the strength she had from her powers. As she flew as fast as she could Tucker watched them disappear, whispering. "You better not die Dash Baxter. I will not have your death on my conscience."

            The whole cafeteria was covered in a blinding white inferno. Danny gazed hatefully at the jumpsuit clad figures Jack and Maddie. Jack searched for the ghost boy who appeared everywhere. Teleportation was quite a useful method to invoke fear. "You know, YOUR THE REASON FOR ALL OF THIS!!!" The unrecognizable ghost boy screamed. He then began to laugh crazily. Every step he took left behind left a new white flame. Jack and Maddie glanced at each other in fear and confusion. "What do you mean we're the reason?" Maddie's heart clenched. Something was missing from this picture. She knew she was missing an essential piece of the puzzle. "Phantom,what happened to you and who are you really?" All malice was gone from the huntresses voice. What was left was pure utter confusion. Danny's eyes glanced at her for a moment. " Why do you care? I thought you hated me?"


             -12 year old Danny Fenton was mad. A rare case as he was usually such a laid back kid. The reason being he had lied about going to Tucker's house when he actually went to a movie that Jack and Maddie had not allowed him to see. Maddie knew her boy hated being grounded. It made it even worse that it was the opening night of the trios favorite bands, Humpty Dumpty,  and it would be the only night they could see the band for ten dollars. Maddie knew Danny was hurting but he had to realize the consequences for lying and not obeying them. Maddie gingerly opened the door of her fuming preteen's room. The messy black haired, blue eyed preteen was sulking on his bed feet in the air and head propped up by his hands. "Danny, I know your upset..." She started. "But you have to realize that it was very wrong to lie to us." Danny stared at his carpeted floor. "And it was also wrong to go against us when we told you not to watch that movie." "Why do you care so much what I watch? I didn't think it was that big a deal." Maddie lifted her son's head. "Danny, I'm your mom. Until your old enough to be on your own, I think it's fair to listen. I have my reasons. I want to protect you baby." Danny made a face as she called him baby. "You know, your dad and I were worried sick for a while there. We called Tucker's parents after you not answering 10 times. When the Foley's answered they said you hadn't been at the house all day and neither had Tucker. They thought you both were at our house. It took me a while to figure out you two had planned it. I also remembered you asking me if you could go see the movie Split on the opening night. That was how I figured out where you were." Maddie had tears in her eyes. "Danny, do you realize how scared I was for a while there? I hope you never have to go through that. That's why I grounded you. I don't want to lose you. I want you to be where you said you would be and not give me a reason to do this again." Danny had calmed down now and put a hand on his mom's shoulder. "I'm sorry mom. I guess I didn't realize how scared I made you. I promise it won't happen again. And the lying as well." Maddie hugged her son. "I do what I do because I love you. Never forget that." "I love you to mom." The boy half wrapping his mom in a one armed hug. 

(End Flashback)

            Danny's mind was all over the place. The huntress, NO, his mother stared at him in confusion. Danny clutched his head in pain as he tried to fight though he wasn't even sure he was fighting anymore. "Mom?" The boy managed to gasp. 

It was then the huntress put the pieces together. It was at the exact same time Jack fired the Fenton Bazooka. 

(End Of Chapter)

(I kid!!!!! Don't shoot me!!!!)

             "Wait!!!" Maddie shouted as Jack fired. Thankfully she pushed Jack and made it miss the target. Her baby boy. She couldn't believe it. How could she have been so blind? Jack stared at her shocked. "Mads, what were you thinking???" Maddie didn't know how to say it. "Jack I think..." The blue clad huntress didn't have a chance to continue before a red figure bursted through the doors with a ghost who looked an awful lot like..."Sam?" Mrs. Fenton was taken aback. What was going on here?

            Sam had to reach Danny but how? She didn't take in the Fentons below her. All she saw was Danny and it wasn't looking good. "Danny, who's doing this to you?" The shot that had almost hit him, had broken his concentration and only made him angrier, "Sam, don't you get it? I'm sick of being the hero! Everything I do is wrong! Even my own parents want me dead." "That's not true!!" Sam shouted. "They just don't know." It was then Maddie spoke up. "Danny, I know it's you. I don't know how and I'm very confused, but I do love you Danny!!! I just didn't know! I'm sorry!" Danny appeared torn for a second. Jack looked dumbfounded. "Danny?" The halfa's expression changed to a smirk. "After all this time, you figure it out! You never questioned how the portal started working, or just why I barely make it home on time! Never once did you ask why I wasn't doing well in school. Why was that? Oh, that's right ghosts! Maybe if you would have focused more on us and not that stupid portal, I wouldn't have almost half died!" Tears poured down the halfas cheeks. "Son..." Jack started. Danny was in front of him in an instant. "Don't say a word." Hatred laced his voice. He released a wheezing Jack. He then flew to the ceiling. As he did flames rose. "There's only one person who's ever fully understood me." It was then Vlad Plasmius appeared behind Danny.

           "You!!! I should've known!" Sam shouted. Valerie was seething at the sight of Masters. "You're controlling Phantom? You...." Valerie's and Sam's mouthes was then covered in some sort of ectoplasmic substance, as were their bodies. "Well done Daniel." Masters applauded. "The Wisconsin ghost?" Jack asked in confusion. "What do you want with my son?" Plasmius laughed. "Oh Jack, don't you get it? Daniel was not the first whose life was ruined because of your stupidity!" "Vladdie?!" The orange clad man gasped. "Oh you figured it out!" He then duplicated himself and shot Jack and grabbed Maddie. "Hello my dear Maddie. "You creep! You control my child and hurt my husband! What makes you think I'd fall for you!" She spat. "Jack never meant to hurt you!" "Oh Madeline, he stole my chance with you! Can't you see it! You were supposed to be mine!" Maddie gave a disgusted look. "Vlad, it was NEVER going to happen!" She then literally spat in his face, making him let go of her. She didn't realize how high Vlad had taken her. She screamed at the drop until she felt arms lift her up. "I gotcha Mrs.F!" Tucker shouted. Okay, Maddie was sure she was dreaming now. "Tucker sweetie, how are you flying!" Tucker grinned. "A wish gone wonky." It was then Tucker's flight gave out. 


          Thankfully they weren't to far from the ground. The two groaned in slight pain, thankful the fall had not been worse. 'I have to reach Danny!' Tucker thought. He then looked up to realize his friend was already there. "Well that was easy." Tucker quipped. The ghost boy took Tucker's hand, as if to help him up. "Thanks buddy." An ectoblast quickly brought him back to the ground. "Should have seen that coming." Tucker moaned. The younger halfa turned to walk away, but glanced back. "Tucker, I gave you a chance. If you aren't with us, your against us." He then turned to Jack. "You know, I always stood up for you. Told Vlad that you were a good dad. What was I thinking?" Jack looked down in shame. "Son, I'm sorry. I wish I would have known. I'll always..." Vlad then put an ectoplasmic bond over Jack. "Hey!" Danny shouted. "I wanted to know what he was going to say!!!" Vlad looked at the younger halfa. "Daniel, why would you want to listen to his useless words?" Vlad appeared to almost be nervous. "It's Danny." The boy stated through clenched teeth. "Please listen..." "No, you listen!" Danny's eyes appeared less clouded. "I want to know. Let him go Vlad." "I can't Daniel, really..." "Let him GGGOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" The young halfa's ghostly knocked the elder into the wall unconscious. The bonds Danny and Vlad had on Valerie,Sam, and Jack were broken. "What were you trying to say?" Danny had to know the answer. "I still love you son." 

With those words Danny was freed.

(AN) Okay so the winner of the contest with a guess of Vlad is drumroll please.....

Harry Hook @Tesmic_Tic!!! Congratulations! So many of you got it right, but Harry Hook got it first! Let me know what you want your character to be (human,or ghost, No halfas Sorry). For the rest of you more competitions will be held. Thank you soooooo much for 7.4K views!!!! So unbelievable! Thanks for sticking in there.

-Stay Bubbly ;)

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