Chapter 10: Gold

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The sounds of the TARDIS slowly fade. Instinctively Rose closes her eyes and when she does, he is there. He stands before a door, a blue door, like the one on the outside of his precious ship.

She can see his emotions in the way he holds himself; not relaxed, not provocative, not in that nonchalant stance that drives her crazy. His hands are in his pockets and then out and in again, like he doesn't know what to do with them. He runs his fingers through his hair, pulls his ears and rubs his neck, all signs of uneasiness Rose has come to know so well over the past few years.

His heartbeats are like drums played by background musicians, Rose feels how her own heart speeds up to match his, until they beat in sync.

She wets her lips, he does the same and she takes a step closer.

Please Doctor, let me in. I cannot tell you, I have to show you... but I don't know how.”

You don't understand, if I let you in, there's no turning back. It's been so long, my mind will want to keep your presence there.”

I don't mind.”

You have no idea.”

Doctor, I don't mind.”

You don't know, Rose. How can you?”

I will never know, until you let me in.”

I cannot hold back.”

I don't want you too.”


With each spoken thought, Rose has mentally taken a step closer and now she is as close to him in his mind as she is in the real world. Somewhere, in the back of her head she can distinguish her own body. Trying to get closer to him telepathically, has somehow made her feet move as well.

His control over his body is significantly superior, for she senses his hands grasping her arms in an attempt to stop her physically.

In mind as well as body Rose takes a deep breath and crosses the final border.

The Doctor's hands freeze mid effort in trying to push Rose back, the moment he feels her lips brush his. And his mental door breaks open.

They tumble inside, like driven by a sudden whirlwind.

Rose knows this is the moment she can not focus on everything there is to see inside his mind, right now she has to convey the reason why she wants to be there. And she does.

Doctor, look at me.”

He suddenly looks so lost and she pulls him to her.

How do I take you to my world?”

She whispers the words inside his mind and he looks at her, astonished.

Picture a door, and take me through.”

His words are shaky and she takes the lead. Like he isn't a man with nine hundred years of experience, but just someone broken and scared. Terrified, not of being hurt, but of hurting someone else. Just another lost soul, fighting for a reason to be allowed to love, to allow someone to love him back.

Rose can feel his struggle, his eyes say he wants to come, but his heels dig in the ground and it feels kind of like she's dragging him.

This will not work.

Doctor, look at me.”

She repeats the words until she has his full attention.

The last few days... they were more than we bargained for. We didn't plan any of it, but when do we ever plan something? It just happened, it needed to happen. I wanted it to happen. You know why?”

He motions no, one short move of his head. His brown eyes locked on hers. Pools of ever changing decisions that need to be made. Options and constant varieties flash before him. They are all trying to pry his attention away from the girl who shares his mind and tries to tell him why.

Because you came back for me and turned my world upside down. You give my life meaning, you make me feel like I'm part of this immense, incredible universe of life. Not just the little circle I was in; toast on beans. No, you saved my life, over and over again. Me, this little shop-girl from London and not just because you are that kind of a person. I've seen you do stupid things, make bad decisions, almost die and really die once. You are so old and know so much. You have so much knowledge, but you are also just a man. A new man every time you've regenerated. So very young you are still and you've needed me.”

Rose suddenly smiles, her face lights up and her whole beings seems to follow. Her countenance is open and her shield is dropped.

It's like he is looking at her in a pure form, the pink wrapping has fallen away and untainted gold shines for him. It is breathtaking and without realizing, they have crossed into her minds world.

I am not afraid any more, Doctor. I have held back far to long, but you need to know. You cannot go on living your life, one year or one hundred years without ever knowing how a person really feels about you. You deserve to know I am eternally grateful, if you were to leave me now I would still forever more treasure each and every minute I shared with you. I cannot live another day with the fear that we would be parted one day and you have never known that you are so very loved.”

The words echo in his mind, they bounce from wall to wall, crashing into every aching place ever created and forming a soothing balm.

She sees it happen, she feels the pause in his heartbeat. The shock is visible in his face. Around him the air starts to waver, like he is unsure this is reality. Like he believes to be woken from a pleasant dream and finds he is just in another dark hole, trying to break free and rescue a civilisation in the process.

Rose smiles and her hands find their way under his jacket until they reach the soft spot just above the waist of his trousers. She squeezes and he jumps.

Laughing out loud now, Rose grabs his hands in hers and with her tongue peeking out she sees the waver disappear as realisation dawns.

This is real?”

Yes, Doctor”

You just... you squeezed me!”

Need another one?”

No, no, I'm awake now. I believe you, you've just told me you... you...

Love me?”


Yes. Do you believe me?”

How can I not.”

Do you mind?”

Rose is not afraid he will answer this question positive, she is more worried he will not answer the question at all. Just ramble away like he does and leave this huge thing hanging in the air.

She has been honest, has laid her soul open for him, his answer either way will never change her feelings for him and it will never make her want to leave him. She will accept his care for her, even a love that is less then hers, but she will not accept nothing. Not this time, not after their last adventure.


Suddenly she is back on her feet, back in the console room. On the other side of her mind, the glow is gone, her legs bend a little from the sudden weight and she is in his arms.

The Doctor's arms are around her, warm and strong. He holds her just as tight as she is holding him. Like she was holding him mentally a second ago. His cheek rests on her temple, she feels the soft prickling result of a day without shaving. His breath tickles her ear and his low voice repeats his last word. This time stronger.

“No, I don't mind. How can I mind?”

He pulls back a little, until his forehead leans against hers. He locks his eyes to hers, this time for real and she sees joy there.

“I've known. Off course I've known, how could I not. It shines through your every action, your every word. Every glance my way, every time you take my hand and smile. But what you did, what you did just now and earlier this day, that's what showed me, what suddenly made me realize that what you want to give me is so much more than I could ever imagine.”

He swallows.

“Rose, love is such a terrifying word. It is used to describe so many actions and emotions. So many unworthy deeds are did out of the proclamation of love. But you, you've saved my life. I should have accepted this so long ago. You gave your life for mine. You just showed me your willingness to be everything I need. But, oh Rose, you already are.”

His lips press against hers; living a life of their own as it seams; unable to bear another moment apart. When he breaks away, it is only to add: “Forgive me, my beautiful, precious Rose, for not having the same courage you've shown. I have been so blind. You've saved me again and again, now let me do this for you.”

And with that he lifts her in his arms and carries her to a place deep inside the maze of corridors. To a room where the skies are still orange and the grass is soft and red.

He lets her in and together they fight the darkness where they can and she shows him her strength and her golden light and makes him a better man.

The end

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