Chapter 13 - Sudden Attack and Indraprasth

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Draupadi's POV

The huge door which was the entrance to the royal palace of Hastinapur closed behind us ,We were about to start our journey towards Khandavprasth but were stunned to see a lot of people with there hands folded

An elder man came fowards and requested jyesth to take all of the them along with him , jyesth tried to reason with them that once the kingdom was built they all can come there but the whole crowd did not agree

The man said "Maharaj please allow us all to come with you...we will serve you and my daughter Vrushali shall serve the princess of Panchal "

Wait !! Vrushali ?!? She is the future wife of Bhrata Karn !!....But if She is coming with us and Bhrata Karn is staying here then how will they even meet each other ???

I saw a young maiden peeking from the man's behind ...She is beautiful dressed in dark purple and pink ,she looked at me and I looked back at her

Should I really take her as my hand maid ???...I mean it's bad that I will be taking services from my to be jiji
But what will I give as a reason if I deny her ???

But for now let's just focus on trying to be friends with her ..because I seriously don't want her to be my hand maid
And I am pretty sure that she is a year or two older than me

My brothers and arya decided to take all the people with us ,we were travelling in this pattern

Arya and my brothers in the front on their horses ..behind them my palanquin ,behinde it the citizens and then at the last soldiers

After few hours

We reached Khandavprasth ..I looked outside of the palanquin by shifting the curtain

Now I understand the true meaning of barren land and drought ..because the whole of Khandavprasth is hot and dry ,there was the mayavi vann of Takshak was the only part of this landscape that was green and lush

I heard someone muttering..I looked beside me to see jiji or Vrushali saying something

"Did you say something ? "

I asked her ,she looked at me in a jerk.. I saw fear in her eyes , she said in a stammering voice

"Nn-o Raj-ku-kumari I -I did not say anything "

I looked at her confused why is she so afraid ?? I placed my palm on her left cheek

"Why are you so afraid Vrushali ?? If you want to say something then say it without hesitation...I am not gonna eat You up "

I said giggling at the last part ,she smiled brightly at me and this time I did not see fear in her eyes ..she said

"Thank you Rajkumari "

I smiled back at her and said

"So can we be friends ?? I don't have a friend here so would you like to accept my friendship ?"

She grinned and nodded and we two giggled together

Arjun's POV

We five gazed at the barren land and then at the forest in front of us when Sehedev asked

" Jyeshth will Takshak allow us to rule over here ??"

Jyeshth did not answer but just looked at the forest ,bhrata Bheem said

"If he will not then I will force him out of this land "

"No Bheem , the forest is the home of animals and thus it belongs to them , Let's try to make peace between us and Takshak "

Jyeshth said ..Bhrata Bheem added

"But jyeshth , if we had fought for our right at Hastinapur then you must have been ruling Hastinapur not this Barren ,hot and dry land "

"No bhrata.. war should be the last option in any circumstances "

I said but then Nakul came and said with a mishevious look

"So are you afraid of wars bhrata Arjun ??"

I gave him a are you serious look, me?!? afraid of wars !?? What a joke !!

"An excillent warrior is always afraid of wars Nakul ,Not because he is afraid for his life but for the lives of others"

A melodious voice said I turned back to see Krishnaa coming towards us followed by her hand maid ... she stood beside me and looked at me ,I nodded with a slight smile

All of sudden Bhrata Bheem came and stood behind me with his hands on my shoulder and said

"If you are so worried about other lives than arrange food fast ,because I will die if I don't get food "

We all laughed, he and his food inseparable, after laughing Krishna said

"Ok Bhrata ,let me do the bhoomi pujan and then I will make something to eat "

Bhrata bheem gave her a thankful look

Draupadi's POV

I am having a pot of water in my hand for the bhumi pujan arya is standing beside me and my brothers are stnding behinde us

I closed my eyes and prayed to the earth goddess for giving food supplies and all necessities to our people and then started to pour the water on the land ,but soon the sky got clouded and the wind strted blowing faster making dust fly here and there

And then snakes came out of the forest and started to attack our people ,loud screams and shrills could be heard
The snakes were creating havoc

"Bheem ,Nakul ,Sehedev go and protect the people I will defend them from here and Arjun attack from the front , Panchali you go and stay with the people "

Bhrata Yudhisthir ordered we all nodded ,they all took there wepons...a snake was about to attack me but bhrata Bheem caught it right on time

I was with the people while arya and bhratas were fighting the snakes , Vrushali screamed I looked towards her only to see her holding a snake in her hand I looked to see if there is any wepon available

Fortunately there was a sword stand ,I quickly grabbed a sword from it and Killed the snake..Vrushali started running trying to save herself

I was cutting all the snakes which were coming towards me and the people ,well this is more fun then cricket

I looked towards Arya to see him tackling a four headed large snake..must be Takshak ..after some time arya defeated him and he fled back to the forest due to this all the snakes to returned to the forest

All the people were lying on the floor with white foam comming out of there mouths ,seeing all this I felt really bad

"Is there noway to save them "

I asked sadly looking at the people ,bhrata Yudhisthir replied

"There is sister ,if the serpents take there poison back from the people's body "

"But why will they do do it ?? We'll have to force them"

Said bhrata Bheem

"But Takshak has the protection of lord Indra "

Sehedev said

"Then Arjun will have to battle with Lord Indra as he is his spiritual father ,he might fight less aggressively"

Bhrata Yudhisthir said and arya nodded

He prayed to agnidev and shot an arrow ,the velocity of the arrow was so much that it caught fire mid way and set the whole forest on fire , as expected Dark clouds formed above the forest to douse the fire ..but before the raindrops could fall on the ground arya shot another arrow which shielded the forest from the rain

The sky thundered and Indradev in the sky ,arya greeted him but The lord of devi Sachi was in no mood to listen

They both had fight ,Indradev threw a large boulder at him which was shattered to peices by arya's arrow
But it they were still big and fell on him

I panicked and screamed "ARYA !!! "

But I knew that those rocks were nothing in front of my Arya and as expected he came out from the cluster of rocks ..which resulted in Indradev getting more furious that he took his divine Vajra

He shot the vajra at arya and he countered it by summoning a divyastra.....just before the two wepons could clash they were stopped by Govind

Govind stopped the fight and made Indradev realise his mistake ...Indradev apologised to Arya and assured him that Lord Vishvakarma would creat a stunning city for us

And Govind also asked the serpents to take their poison back from the people's body after they realised their mistakes

Soon Pitashree Agnidev appeared and said

"Putra Arjun I am very pleased by your offering have satisfied my hunger with the Khandav forest ,and it is fire's nature to purify anything which touches , made by the maya which I have eaten accept the mighty bow Gandiv ..this bow will intensify your power "

As he said these words a very beautiful looking bow appeared in his hands it looked heavy , he gave it to arya and called me I got confused..why is pitashree calling me ,but non the less I went towards him ..he said

"I was not able to do your kanyadaan putri I am really happy for you "

I smiled at him brightly ,he took my palm and gave it to Arya and said

"Putra Arjun I am giving you two of my powers my putri and the Gandiv bow take care of them ..especially my putri since she has a habbit of always getting in trouble"

Chuckling at the last part while I snapped my head towards pitashree and glared at him with a pout

"What do you mean by always getting in trouble Pitashree ?"

He laughed joined by Arya and my brothers ,huh!! This is not fair let them get married I along with jijis and my sisters will gang up on them

Pitashree Agnidev left ..a magnificent city rose from the ground it was really big and was very beautiful

We all decided to call it Indraprasth , but where did Vrushali jiji go ????


Heylo guys

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Till next chapter



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