Chapter 8 - I know I am The Best

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Draupadi's POV

We all laughed and continued on our way to his home I am fully prepared to stop my distribution

We reached his home only to see his rest of the brothers standing outside waiting for us we went close to them , arya and bhrata Bheem both greeted their elder brother , all of a sudden bhrata Bheem said

"Jyeshth I had a great opportunity to crush the head of that Duryodhan and his group but they just left from there so I couldn't do anything , probably they got scared "

Arya said " Don't call Angraj a coward bhrata Bheem , he does not posses fear "

This line made me remind that I have to somehow have to reveal bhrata Karn's truth , I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard one of arya's younger brother say

" Bhrata Sumangal why are you calling bhrata Someshwar Bheem ?? "

I smiled , so he wanted to continue this play huh ? Okay fine lets play

" But why are you calling him Sumangal ? His name is Vateshwar , you told me this name only right ? "

I asked putting an absolutely confused face and then turned to arya and winked at him to continue this game , he understood and just nodded , I turned back at his younger brother to see him a bit afraid

After a few moments of pin drop silence bhrata Bheem burst out laughing joined by his jyeshth and other younger brother while I and arya smiled broadly

" I am pretty sure that Arjun has disclosed our identities to the princess he took the right decision as nothing should be hidden from the person who is willing to accompany you in your life "

His jyeshth said and I just smiled then he added

" Welcome Princess "

I joined my hands as a greeting but then I forgot that I don't now who is Nakul and who is Sehedev , both of them have some similarities because of being twins so I said

" Sure jyeshth bhrata but before that I would like to know who between these two is Nakul and who is Sehedev ? "

While looking at those two , they both looked at each other and before jyeshth could say anything one of them kept a hand on the other's mouth and said

" I am Sehedev bhabhishree "

I smiled and then said to the one who spoke

" Ok Nakul "

Everyone looked at me and Nakul looked at me absolutely dumfounded

" How do you know bhabhishree ? "

Asked Sehedev after throwing away Nakul's hand from his face I smirked and teased

" Who are you trying to fool ? Vasudev's sakhi ? Too bad he already told me about Nakul's mischevious personality and his love for his dear mirrors "

Everyone started laughing, jyeshth said in between laughter

" Well I have to admit you are really good at recognizing behen " bhrata bheem added " yeah and not to forget the poor boy who has been separated from his love for a long time " while patting Nakul's back

He whined " bhabhishreeeee !!"

I said taking pitty over him

" accha ok ok no one will tease him now "

We all stopped laughing and decided to go in to meet Mata Kunti and I am fully ready and excited for my plan
She was praying with her eyes closed

I whispered to arya in a cheerful voice

" How about I call Mata ? she would not expect me right , it will be a surpise for her "

He smiled and nodded

" Matashree ?? "

I called like how a cute girl calls her mother

She opened her eyes in a flick and in a jerk turned towards us , she took a glance at me and I could see the confusion on her face she looked at arya probably asking him who I am through her eyes , arya answered

" Mata she is the daughter of Maharaj Drupad Draupadi I won her swayamvar "

I folded my hands in front of us and said " Pranipat Mata "

She looked at me for some time and then a big smile appeared on her face

" Welcome putri I at first thought that you must be a goddess because of your unparalleled beauty but then saw the varmala in your neck so I got confused how a goddess can marry my son "

She said as I and arya bent to take her blessings " Sada Suhagan Raho "

Then I decided to play a little prank

" By the way Mata you are a bhramin Mata or a Rajmata ? " I asked in a teasing tone before she could say anything a hand came and twisted my ear tightly


( guess who ?)

I whined but then heard a playful voice

" Sakhi how dare you jest with my bua ? " Govind asked , how did he reach so soon but then he added again in a mock angery voice " apologise to her rig- " before he could complete a hand came and twisted his ear that he screamed loudly and left my ear I looked behind him to see mata twisting his ear

I rubbed my ear trying to soothe the pain

" And how dare you Krishn twist the delicate ear of my soon to be daughter-in-law or daughter ? " she asked in anger , and guess what I decided to add fuel to the fire by saying

" Mata he only twisted my ear one time in front of you but do you know that he has twisted my ears atleast twelve times a day "

In a crybaby voice the fire in her eyes intensified and she twisted his ear more making him squeal in pain

I could see that arya and my brothers were trying to control there laughter, arya came to me and asked

" Did Madhav really twist your ear twelve times ? "

" Nope but he did twist it three times anyway what can be better than seeing Govind getting his ear twisted from mata "

I replied slightly laughing he looked at me and then burst out laughing after saying true and I joined him

I went oustide the hut followed by Mata , arya, my brothers and a constantly rubbing his ear Govind behind me

I saw that pitashree was already standing there with a chariot and a few soldier , I ran and basically hugged pitashree so tight that we almost fell to the ground

I broke from the hug and than Govind said

" Maharaj do you know who your daughter has chosen as her husband ? Its is none other than Arjun , whom you wanted as your son-in-law "

I looked at pitashree to see that he was very happy he went towards Arya who touched his feet he raised him and than hugged him than he went to Mata and asked her with folded arms

" Devi Kunti with your blessings and permission can I Putr Arjun and Draupadi along with the rest of the pandavs and you to the palace for the wedding "

Mata smiled and said while folding her arms

" Of course Maharaj it will be my great fortune to get a bride like Putri Draupadi for my Arjun"

Saying this we all climbed the chariot And when I was about to climb Govind came to me and said with a smile

" Good job sakhi you avoided the disaster very nicely "

I replied in a mock proud voice

" of course Govind after all I know I am the best "


Phew done

I kept my promise again

Hope you all liked the part

See you all in the next update



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