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(Above Artwork by Viria. Go follow her at the attached link at the bottom)

"Whoa. That that real gold?" Bianca asked, staring ahead at the junk yard.

A mountain of junk stood before them, and Biana had to crane her neck to see the top. A hammer the size of a dump-truck was on one side, with various tools littered everywhere. Swords that looked like they could cut through steel like a marshmallow, a shield that had to be solid gold, and a statue that looked surprisingly like a human figure caught Bianca's eye.

"It is." Thalia said grimly. "Like Percy said, don't touch anything. This is the junkyard of the gods."

"Junk?" Grover eyes widened as he saw a crown made of silver and jewels. "You call this junk?"

He went to take a bite from it, but Thalia swatted his hands.

"I'm serious!" she said, sounding almost worried.

"Look!" Bianca said. She raced down the hill, tripping over bronze coils and gold plates. 

"A hunter's bow!" she announced, brandishing a sparkling weapon.

She yelped in surprise as it began to shrink, turning into a moon shaped hair-clip.

"It's just like Percy's sword!"

"Leave it, Bianca." Zoe ordered, shadows rippling off her face.


"It's here for a reason. Leave it." Zoe said sternly.

Bianca reluctantly set the hair-clip down. 

"I don't like this place," Thalia commented, gripping the shaft of her spear.

"You think were going to be attacked by killer refrigerators?" Percy asked, gesturing to the rest of the junk-yard.

Thalia gave him a mean look, but Percy didn't flinch. "Zoe is right. Things get thrown away here for a reason."

Percy muttered something under his breath, but Thalia didn't react.

The group walked in silence, but their resolve slowly faltered. After all, they were ADHD demigods, and there was too much stuff not to check it out. Grover found a coin that turned into a javelin, Percy heard a guitar that was playing itself, albeit slightly off-key, and Thalia found a chariot that looked to be made of bronze.

Finally, they approached the end of the junkyard, and awaiting them was

"What is that?" Bianca gasped.

In front of them sat the biggest hill yet. At one end, 10 metal columns stood sideways.

"They look like toes." Grover frowned.

"We should go around." Bianca said.

"Far around." Zoe agreed.

Percy didn't want to risk anyone's life, but he was tired, and Annabeth needed them as fast as possible. 

"The road is right over there! We just need to climb over it." Percy suggested.


At once, everyone got ready and pulled out their weapons, until they saw Grover looking guilty. He had thrown a piece of scrap metal at the toes, and they had made an echo sound, like they were hollow.

"Why did you do that?" Zoe demanded.

Grover cringed under Zoe's glare. "I, uh, don't like fake feet?" 

"Come on."  Thalia said. "Around."

We trudged along, tension in the air. It took a long time, but eventually, we got out.

"We made it out," Zoe sighed in relief. "Thank the g-"


Percy whirled around as the scrap mountain started to rise up. The ten columns tilted over, and Percy realized why they looked toes. They were  toes. The thing that rose up was so impossibly tall that it took Percy's brain a few seconds to comprehend what it was seeing. The moving statue looked like a man in full battle armor. The bronze figure gleamed in the moonlight, it's face warped and rusted. 

His left was partially melted off, and his joints squeaked and creaked like he hadn't moved for centuries. Dust came off him in mounds, flying everywhere.

"Talos," Zoe gasped, looking up.

"Who-Who's Talos?" Percy stuttered, as Bianca backed up slightly.

"One of Hephaestus' creations. But that can't be the original. It's too small. A prototype, maybe. A defective model."

The metal giant did not like the word "defective".

He drew his weapon, a 30 foot long sword, and swung it in the air, testing it.

Zoe cursed, then turned to the rest of the crowd.

"Someone took something!" she said, firing an accusatory glance at Percy.

He shook his head. "I'm a lot of things, but not a thief."

Bianca had a slightly guilty look on her face, but no one paid her much attention. There were much more pressing matters to attend. Everyone split up, just like they did with the Nemean lion. Thalia charged the automaton, flashing her spear and shield, but the automaton swung his sword, tearing several power lines and barely missing Thalia.

As Zoe valiantly tried to slay the giant, and Grover scrambled up a mountain of metal like a baby goat, Percy and Bianca huddled behind a chariot.

"You took something," Percy accused her. "That bow."

"No!" she said, but her voice was barely quivering.

"Throw it down!" Percy ordered.

"I-I didn't take the bow! Besides, it's too late."

"What did  you take?'

Percy felt like ripping his hair out. More delays, more problems, and less of a chance that he could save Annabeth. But before Bianca answered, a giant creaking noise filled the air, and she had barely enough time to squeak "Move!" before the automaton crushed the pile.

Luckily, they dove out of the way just in time before they would've been turned into pancakes. Percy brandished his sword, not knowing fully what to do, but stopped when he heard Grover.

"Hey, Talos!" Grover shouted, but the machine kept it's eyes on Percy and Bianca.

Grover began to play a fast paced tune, and the power lines whipped around like snakes and wrapped themselves around Talos' legs, electrocuting it. He had bought them a few seconds.

"Come on!" Percy yelled, grabbing Bianca's arm. But she didn't move. Instead, she brought out a small metal figurine.

"I-It was for Nico. The only one he didn't have." Bianca explained.

"How can you think of Mythomagic at a time like this?" Percy said.

Tears sparkled in her eyes, and Percy softened a little.

"Throw it down," he pleaded. "Maybe he'll leave us alone."

She dropped it, but nothing happened. The giant swept his sword at a junk hill, narrowly missing Grover, but dropping trash over him like an avalanche. Thalia was still trying to topple him, and managed to summon a lightning bolt that made his knees buckle.

Time seemed to slow for Percy as he watched the giant bring a foot to stomp on Thalia. There, in his heel, was a large manhole with "MAINTENANCE ONLY" painted on it.

"Crazy-idea time." Percy said to Bianca.

He explained about the hatch, and told her he was going inside.

"How? You'll be crushed!"

"If you distract it, I think I can time it right."

A look of worry flashed over Bianca's face, and for a second she looked like she would argue, but she nodded.

"Over here!" she shouted, shooting arrows at the giants face.

Percy positioned himself underneath it's foot, and managed to slice a hole through before it crushed him. A ladder led about 70 feet up, and he inwardly groaned. Percy started to climb, hearing the muffled sounds of fighting outside, and tried to focus. When he got to the top, there was a simple control panel, and even a video game controller.

In the middle was a simple red button, with Self-Destruct written on it. Percy stared at it, hesitating. If he pressed it, chances were he wouldn't get out in time. The sound of screams outside jolted him out of his thoughts. He had to do it.

He pressed the button, and time froze.

Shimmering in front of him was a dazzling golden light. A 7 foot tall woman appeared, wearing a simple white dress and a peacock covering. 

"Hera," Percy breathed out.

"Percy," Hera smiled. "Did you know they called me Juno Moneta in the times of Rome? Juno, the one who warns."

"Why are you here?" Percy asked.

She looked like she was amused, as if he had just shared a private joke with her. 

"Ah, straight to the point. That's how it always works with heroes like you, doesn't it? I am here to warn you, of course. You shall be my champion. An offering. Evil is stirring, but us gods are too blind to see it. First it will be Kronos, but then who? We need an ace in the hole, as mortals say. We need you."

She gestured around, which was hard to do in the small room.

"Look around you! This was a test, Percy. And you passed."

Percy started to object, but a funny feeling started to spread throughout his body.

"What are you doing?" he asked her.

"Sorry, Percy. I truly am. But my family needs to be united."

And with that, Percy disappeared.

Author's Note

Woah! First chapter out! Let me know what you guys think, and if I should continue the book. Your feedback means a lot. Also, thanks to AD_Productions for being one of the first people to encourage me to make this a thing. He has some good fanfics if you want to read them.

Until Next Time,





Word Count: 1453 Words


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