Chapter 9 The Party

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Ally P.O.V

I could feel the vibrations from the party about a block away. I took a deep breath as Chris parked the car. He gave me a worried look but I shook it off. I was fine... Well I hoped I was.

"If something happens... And I mean anything call me I'll find you as fast as I can" Chris said sternly.

I nodded shakily opening my door. 


"Hey drink this it'll help you relax" Mason smiled.

I took the drink from him drowning it down. I trusted Mason the drink couldn't be bad. I coughed as I finished it. Mason grinned handing me another one.

"You'll be able to relax I promise"

I nodded taking the second one.


"Lets go dance" I slurred.

Mason nodded pulling me to the dance floor. He grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him. I moved against him as the beat played.

Masons lips went to my neck and I shivered. This was strange, I wasn't used to it.

Turning me around Mason crashed his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away.

"Let's go somewhere quiet" he smiled tugging my arm.

I nodded following him as we went deeper into the house. I vaguley noticed a panicked look cross Chris' face as he moved towards us from the crowd but shook it off.


Chris P.O.V

I watched as Mason gave her all that achool she was barely able to stand on her own two feet anymore.

I never took my eyes off her. Mason would pull a stunt I know he would.

Suddenly he tugged her away from the crowd and I started to panic. Pushing past the people in the crowd I hoped I wouldn't be to late.


Ally P.O.V

Mason locked the door from behind us pulling me towards him.

"This will be fun, I promised" he grinned before pressing his lips to mine.

I kissed him back smiling.

A hand tugged at my dress and my eyes widened. I backed away from Mason but he only smiled.

"Don't you trust me" he smiled.

I warily took his hand and he smirked tugging my dress up over my head.

 I self- cousiously covered myself. 

"M-mason, I'm not s-sure about t-this" I stuttered nervously.

"You just need to relax" he smiled pulling me to the bed.

"M-mason... I don't want to do this" I stated.

"Musst not have given her enough" I faintly heard him mumble.

He roughly pushed me to the bed removing my bra.

"Mason..." I whimpered.

"Just relaxed" he cooed.

"But I don't want this" 

He didn't answer as he worked his way down towards my underwear. I let out a peircing scheech and felt a hand collied with my cheek. The sound echoed through the room and I sniffed.

Tears spilled out of my face as I realized how powerless I was. He slowly pulled down my underwear and I tried kicking him away.

His hands grabbed my ankles tightly and I whimpered.

"Just stop moving and relax" he growled.

I stopped kicking and closed my eyes hoping it would be done fast. I shouldn't have come. 


Chris P.O.V

I looked through every room so far and couldn't find them. A peircing screech came from down the hall. ALLY!

Running towards the room I pressed my ear to the door. I heard a smaking sound echo through the room and growled my vision turning red.

I twisted the handle and groaned. It was locked. Sighing I rolled my sleeves up backing away from the door. 

Taking a deep breath and I ran slamming my shoulder into it.

The door shook but nothing else happened. Groaning I tried again. I was going to get in there no matter what.


Here you all go

I hope you enjoy it

Its longer then the last chap

Please keep reading the story will be done soon though

Now don't forget to...






Bye Everyone

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