'A Jaguars Love' Preview

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Ewo, 'A Jaguars Love' is the first book in a Warrior Cats fanfiction series, The Forbidden. NO STEALING! This is the preview:

Paws padded under the canopy, soft and nimble as they guided their owner. A tail swished along the short stems of grass, catching on small brambles lying in wait on either side of the guideline. The cat continued walking along the path through the leafless trees until they dispersed, leaving the feline at the base of a large mound of soil and rock. The slope. The grass didn't even try to grow here. She skimmed past that path, padding around the base of the hill until she found the path that led down parallel to the slope. Taking a deep breath she stepped onto the new pathway, glancing around nervously at the rarely used path. Her sharp nose picked up the smell of fresh water and her ears responded immediately as they heard the quiet rush of a stream nearing. The cat pushed through the foliage that separated her from the stream, her tail flicking. There, that was it, she was sure.

The StarPool was a round, deep hole in the ground between the Foundations, the four mounds that slope up from each territory. Hardly looking at her surroundings, the cat approached the water lapping against the shore. She jumped over the stream flowing downriver behind her, glancing around quickly.

The Foundations stood, large and imposing, around her. Two jumps and she could be up one of those; they were only a few tail-lengths high. Turning her attention back to the pool, she walked forward. As she neared she found glowworms lay inside of the pool, sparkling. Another few steps and she realized that these were not glowworms, these were the stars. The cat turned her grey eyes to the shining balls of light above. She blinked slowly, taking in the knowledge of the lights as they glimmered down information around her.

'Step into the pool, sink below the surface, there you will find your answer.' Moleshine's final words echoed through the cat's head as she approached the pool. He had died quickly, had hardly enough time to spit out the words before the loss of blood killed him. Shaking her head, the cat took a deep breath, and dipped a paw into the water. It tingled up her arm, it was like licking a star. She shuddered, padding into the water so all four of her paws were submerged. But the fur didn't stick to her skin, didn't droop as the water soaked it through. It was as though there was no liquid there at all. The cat took a deep breath, and plunged into the sparkling depths of the StarPool.

The star water swirled around her, changing forms beneath her. A field, lush and green. A vast expanse of water. A large tree. Then it stopped, and the cat plunged through the air. The air! Flailing around, the cat pinched her eyes closed, letting out a wail as she braced herself for impact on the hard earth.

'Your here.'

The cat opened her eyes sharply at the voice, her fur on end and tail tucked between her legs. The scenery had changed from the tree to a cave. A large, completely black cave. She found herself on solid rock and let out a calming breath.

'Wh- who are you?' The cat stuttered, blinking at the black world around her. A small spark ignited in the distance and the cat squinted. The light became larger and larger, coming closer and closer.

'A Memory.' The light gave a bright blink and the she-cat shut her eyes. Opening them again, she saw something completely different to a light in front of her.

'Moleshine!' The She-cat cried, running toward her mentor. He was no longer the hazel, nutty brown he once. He was... blue, the She-cat realized as she passed right through his image.

'Moleshine?' The She-cat questioned, turning around to find him beside her, his fur brushing against hers but not leaving any feeling. He looked as though he were made of glass. Glass filled with water, the cat realized as the Tom licked her ear.

'As I said, a Memory.' The Tom repeated, stepping away from the She-cat.

'There is something you must know.' Moleshine said, locking his eyes with the She-cats'. His brow was furrowed and his eyes damp with worry. The She-cat listened intently to his words, wishing she could comfort him in some way, any way!

'No one else must know this.' The Tom said, glancing around at the cave walls surrounding them as if he was worried someone else was listening. The She-cat nodded, her eyes wide with curiosity and fear. The Tom's eyes glazed over with a white image and the She-cat felt herself sinking into the prophecy.

Three cat-shaped silhouettes stood before her, their eyes glowing with the same sheen as the Tom's. The cat poised in the middle crouched, tail flicking, and leapt into the air.

'A cat shall leap.'

The ones on either side leapt up to join it, but one stumbled. It fell, hitting the floor with a soundless thump and disappearing under the dream.

'One will fall.' The other continued it's leap beside the first, stopping midair to look at the one sinking beneath the dream.

'One will fly.' A look of guilt, sadness and... misunderstanding, took over its face as it- the dream broke apart, the cats swirling away in oblivion and leaving the cat looking into her mentor's eyes once more.

'Moleshine-' The She-cat started, her eyes wide with the information now lying on her shoulders. Her mentor blinked at her with a look of sorrow and sadness, slowly fading away. She found herself wishing her mentor could stay with her, guide her through whatever this meant! Her heart ached for him in a way she didn't understand.

'Don't tell anyone...' His voice was quiet and far off and the She-cat had to strain to hear his final words.

'I love you Willowtree, I'll be waiting for you to join me.'

Then his image flickered out, leaving the She-cat gazing at her reflection in the Starpool. Willowtree gazed into the bottom of the pool, Moleshine's words echoing in her mind. What would she do? And.. how would she do it without him?

"I love you too." She whispered quietly. 

There ya go! Da twailer! Now, go cry while I stroke my evil cat and write another story! 


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