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(BTW, the Wings of Fire series is originally by Tui. T. Sutherland, I have just added on my own little bit. If you haven't read them yet, go check em out! The pictures also don't belong to me, I'm not that good at drawing lol =3) 

Timeturner darted around a bend in the hallway, skidding along the cold floor.  His large starry wings were tucked in close beside him; he wouldn't want to whack anybody in the busy halls today. He held his black tail a little above the floor and it swayed from side to side as he ran on. The second bell had just rung; time to select the winglets and he was late! The founders of the school had decided that they should choose the new winglets in the Prey Center instead of publishing them onto scrolls and handing them to the pupils. So now it made things MUCH harder for him.

'Hey watch it!' Time skidded to a stop in front of a young female Sandwing. He stared at her as she glared back.

'What do you want?' She snarled. He blinked, opening his mouth to reply.

'Er, no. I was just-' At that moment the third bell rang. Oh moons, he was so late! 'Um- Bye!' He cried as he bolted around a corner. His black talons hurt from scraping on the solid rock floor but he continued his sprint to not be late. How come She wasn't following? Wasn't She late too? He could still picture her shining, almost white scales... Her wings held majestically at just the right angle. Her glimmering golden eyes watching him as though she could see right through him, in a good way. Five minutes passed like five hours and eventually he burst in through the doors to the Prey Center, panting like a dying hippo. Fifty dragons sat before him, their colours all mismatched and all over the place; a Mudwing here, a Skywing there, one or two hybrids at the back...

It felt like all the eyes where on him as he entered. He told himself they were definitely not staring at his drooping wings, his lopsided tail, the way he wasn't-

'Hello!' Timeturner jumped away from the voice as his thoughts were interrupted. A tiny Rainwing stood before him, her scales flashing all colours of the rainbow. He wanted to shield his eyes but decided not to; he couldn't be rude for his first impression.

'Hi?' He mumbled, shaking out his wings and sitting beside her. Up front, the Dragonets of Destiny were having an argument on who should do the speech so he took advantage of this to talk to the rainbow beside him. 

'How late am I?' He questioned, tucking his wings close to his back and sitting up straight even though he wanted to collapse to the floor, spread his aching wings and have a nap. Yes. That nap sounded very good. 

'Eh. Only a little, though I have a feeling that the winglets wont be chosen for a while yet.' The rainbow dragon replied, looking at the Destiny dragonets with raised eyebrows. 'Your a Nightwing, aren't you? I've never met a Nightwing before. Well, I have, just never a FUN Nightwing, ya know? Well, I hope your fun. Are you fun?' She questioned, her words racing out of her mouth like a stampede. 

'Oh.' Time processed her questions slowly before continuing. 'Actually, I am a Nightwing Sandwing hybrid and you wouldn't have seen me before because I live with my mother and father on the border of the desert. Near here actually. And I'm not sure if I am 'fun', I'm probably just that dragon that wishes he was but honestly... isn't.' He finished, wrinkling his snout. 

'Oh! So that's why you have that cool frill instead of spikes! Wait-' She jumped to her talons, maneuvered around the Skywing behind us and poked my tail.

'What?' I asked, turning my head to the side to watch her. 

'I just thought you'd have a tail barb.' She replied, studying my tail like it might sprout wings and fly. 

'Er- no. I only got three things from my father, the Sandwing: The frill, which is black anyways, my body shape, apparently, and these.' Timeturner tapped the tip of his snout where a small spike was embedded in his scales. Only Rainwings, Skywings and Sandwings ever got those.  Yet here he was, lucky him.

'Oh. I think it looks awesome to look like a Sandwing but have black scales! I wish I was a hybrid. Maybe a Seawing/Rainwing? Ooh, yes! That would look AWESOME! And I could BREATHE under water and have those shiny glowy thingies!' 

'You mean luminescent scales?' Time questioned, smiling at the fidgety rainbow. 

'Ohhhhh; that's what their called.' She said, wrinkling her snout at me in some sort of happy grin. The Dragonets of Destiny up front had finally come to the conclusion that Glory, Queen Glory, should make the speech. I pricked my ears, turning back to them and away from my rainbow friend. 

'Dragonets from all tribes! You have been chosen-' Queen Glory was cut off as Tsunami butted in:

'By US! THE DRAGONETS OF DESTINY!' The Seawing hollered, turning a lot of raised eyebrows.

'Tsunnaammmiiiii. You said I could do the SPEECH!' Glory whispered to her in a not so very whispery-ish way. 'I CHANGED my MIND.' Tsunami loudly whispered back. 

'Hey, Sandwing-Nightwing, didn't catch your name.' I spun around. And there she was, tail barb and all. The Sandwing from the hallway! How long had she been sat there? I didn't even notice her!

'Oh.' Time felt his face burning so he looked away. 'Err, I'm T-Timeturner.' He managed to splutter eventually. 

'Sweet, I'm Sandstorm but you can just call me Storm. Sorry bout in the hallway, I was just frustrated with something and I didn't mean to take it out on you.' She replied, those golden eyes glinting.

'Hey! Over here Time! Don't you want to know MY name?' The Rainbow questioned, nudging him with her wing. She had turned a dark shade of green; what did that colour mean? Was it... jealousy? 

'Um. Shure?' He said, keeping his wing and hers connected to keep the peace. 

'I am. The amazing. The beautiful. No, FANTASTIC... APRICOT!' She cried, turning a shade of purple that I guessed meant pride. Storm laughed to herself, covering her face with one wing to shield it.

'Hey, is she crying? Actually, let her cry! SHE SHOULD CRY WHEN FACING ME, THE ALMIGHTY... APRICOT!' The Rainbow repeated, earning a snort from behind the pale yellow wing. Then Apricot realized that the Sandwing was actually laughing, not crying, and let out a small humph of disgust before getting to her claws and walking off to sit with a yellow Rainwing nearby. 

'Did you see that puny Rainwing! She thought she was ALMIGHTY!' Storm giggled, reappearing from behind her dark yellow speckled wing. 

'Heh yea.' Time replied, shooting 'I'm sorry' looks at Apricot, who turned around to glare at him, her red scales flashing. 

'OK OK! That is enough speeching you two.' A large Mudwing pushed his way between the arguing Queen and Seawing, dragging an injured leg behind him. That must be Clay, Timeturner guessed. Tsunami growled to herself before stomping to the back of the D.O.Ds. (Dragonets of destiny, sorry; I'm too lazy to write that out every time). Glory just calmly righted her flower crown before going to stand next to a burly Nightwing, who whispered in her ear. Timeturner strained to listen to their conversation but a small, blind Nightwing had already stepped to the front holding a long, LONG scroll. Time guessed that this was Starflight, the Nightwing D.O.D who had been injured in the old Nightwing home, the Volcano. A tunnel from the Rainforest led there, though it had been closed up many years ago.

'Erm, EVERYBODY!' Starflight began, his voice small and wavery 'I shall be announcing your winglets at this moment, please quieten down so everybody can hear.' The ongoing chat continued as the eager dragonets around Time whispered to each other, ignoring the blind Nightwing.

'EGH EGH HEM!' Tsunami bellowed, eyeing the audience with annoyance. Everyone quieted down as her glare passed over them and the Prey Center became silent. 'Thank you.' The Seawing finished, sitting back down with a glare at Starflight to tell him to continue.

'Um, yes. First, the Jade Winglet.' Starflight began again. Time raised his head, watching him with light green eyes.

'For the Sandwing, we have...' Starflight rubbed his talons over the scroll then looked back at where he thought the audience was 'Sandstorm.' For some reason, Timeturner felt disappointed that he couldn't be in a group with her; only one Sandwing per winglet stated the rules. 

'For the Seawing we have... Beach! For the Icewing and Mudwing there is Shard and Squelch! And the last two...' Starflight lowered his head to the scroll as though willing himself to see. Eventually, he opened his snout to speak:

'Apricot and Timeturner!'

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