Chapter 4: Running a turtle

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Minho's POV:
No, no, no! I can't have her on the team, but I also can't disobey Alby *sighs* guess I'll have to deal with it myself. Now, where is that girl?!!! Don't tell me she... *runs around, looking at people, spots her under a tree* hey, we have work to do.

She glares at me,scoffs."as if, work? You are one crazy dude, what's my job,anyway?"Sanjeela

"well, you've been tasked to me as being a runner, I dejectedly say.

Her eyes go wide, suddenly she jumps for joy.

"woo-hoo! Yes! Yes! I knew I could make it! *dances her victory dance which is a bit funny*"Sanjeela

"pfft! *stiffles my laugh* you call that a dance?!! I'd call that a griever rampage! *chuckles softly*"

"you take that back, Minho! or I'll tell Newt about what things you said to me last night *smirks*"Sanjeela

"all color runs out of my face, but I hold my ground* psh... Alright do it. For all I care, you're going to be eliminated once I'm done with you, Sanjeela *leans in, smirks*"

Sanjeela huffed "you won't get me eliminated, Minho, maybe you're the one whose about to get it *smirks and walks off*"

"why that little runt of....!!! Let's just see you beat me later *chuckles mischievously*"

A few hours later...
"ready?" I say,making sure that I have everything

Sanjeela smiles "Yup, let's get going already!!! I can't wait to kick your butt! *smirks*"

"Whatever,dont come crying to me, Sanjeela" I reply rolling my eyes

"of course, you'll be surprised if I don't"Sanjeela

"alright then, let's go!" I say and run ahead of her, through the maze doors

"hey, wait up! *runs after him*"Sanjeela

"why don't I try to lose her, here, I will know if she's worthy enough to be a runner" I whisper to myself, smirk and chuckle softly

"*looks around, smiles* this seems familiar"Sanjeela

"what does she mean? Is she one of those people? *shakes my head* stop thinking about them, they're just a fantasy" I whisper to myself

"*stops at a corner, examines the wall* this is.... solid rock. I wonder how the creators placed this here..."Sanjeela

"*stops a few meters away* hey, you coming or not?"I shout to Sanjeela

"*snaps out of my consciousness and glares at him* can you just let me admire,wonder about these for once?!"Sanjeela

"well, sorry to burst your bubble, but we've got to circle the perimeters of this place, stop slacking off, Sanjeela! "I huff and run ahead, leaving her dazed at her spot

"*swallows my tears, runs in another direction* I'll teach you to ruin someones happy moment"Sanjeela

"*finished checking every perimeter* well, that's done, bow where Sanje- *looks behind him, my eyes widen* where the shuck is she?! Don't tell me she got herself lost! *gulps*

"I'll just have to fi- *hears the doors closing* shit! I have to find her fast" I say with a determined tone

"*wandering the dark part of the maze* hmm... maybe, there's a hidden passageway here *steps in, hears a crackle of thunder, looks up* Is it going to rain?" Sanjeela

Suddenly, droplets of heavy rain fall to the ground, making it wet.

"oh great, just what I needed *gets wet, hears a screech and slicing of blades on the ground* i-is that what I think it is? *turns around, her face pales*

I have to run *turns back in front, runs around the dark passageway, skidding a few times* no, I can't let it catch me"Sanjeela

"*running to the darkest part*Sanjeela!! Where the shuck are you?!" I shout but is answered by silence.

"No, I won't lose to it *hides behind a wall, holds my breath*"Sanjeela 

The metal sharped figure stopped, sniffed and then rolled forward "thank God *releases a sigh of relief* why did I ever get myself in this mess? *slumps down to the floor, clutches my knees together,hiding my face,wet from the rain*"Sanjeela

"*reaches the dark part of the maze, looks around* Sanjeela!! *silence answers again* No way!" I look around to make sure, runs a few meters forward, see a figure "wait, is that her? It can't be" I shake my head, head over in that direction.

"I should have listened to Minho, this couldn't have happened *shivering from the cold*"Sanjeela

"*stops a few meters, walks softly in front of the figure* It's her, she looks so broken right now... Sanjeela?"I say cautiously

"*hears a voice, slowly looks up* M-Minho? *wipes my face with my wet sleeve, squints at the figure* I thought you didn't care about my well-being"Sanjeela mutters softly

"well, that was my anger issue, it got the best of me *sighs*"I say

"well, that's a good thing, you got what you deserved *huffs, looks away,ignoring the shivering of her body*"Sanjeela

"Look, we're stuck right now in this maze, all night" I bluntly say

"so you're blaming me, then?! I was just admiring those walls, you scolded me like I'm always the one who messes up things,  guess what?! You are a delusional, inconsiderate guy who likes to crush someones happiness for your own amusement!"Sanjeela shouts

"you know what?!  I'd be glad to let you suffer here, that's all! "I huff and walk away from her

  Due to their bickering, thunder crashes and strikes loudly.

"*flinches and tears come out of my eyes* M-Minho, d-don't leave me here!!  Sanjeela weakly crys out

Minho was still continuing walking, anger fuming in his head "whatever!!"

Thunder crashes even louder and strikes a nearby wall coated with roots, therefore emitting fire

Sanjeela cowers into a ball, shakes violently, wraps her arms around herself "Minho,  I'msorryforyellingatyou,willyouforgiveme?"

Minho stops walking, looks back at her confused as his anger simmers "what did you say?" He approaches her, looking concerned

Sanjeela lets out a breath of air, looks at him straight in the eye "I'm sorry for yelling at you, will you forgive me?"

Minho stops a few centimeters from her, squats down to her height, ignoring the pattering rain, sighing "You know, you're a really stubborn, eccentric girl that I've met today, I'm not sure about that, but, there's a price in exchange for my forgiveness" I smirk and move my lips in a smooching manner

Sanjeelas eyes widen as she narrows her eyes at me "nu uh!! I'll never kiss you, insolent, disturbing psycho!!"

A crack of thunder claps and Sanjeela jumps from her place, landing on a comfortable yet muscled person, clinging to him, shaking "No! Stop!"

I furrow my brows, pull her close to me as I rub her back awkwardly "Shh... I'm here Sanjeela"

Sanjeela stops to a slow, steady breathing state, looks up "Minho, I-I don't know what to do right now. My mind is in pieces and I only wish t---" Her reply was caught off by feeling someones lips on hers as she tenses

Minho opens his eyes pulls away, smirking "Looks like I got my reward after all, but that's not what will get you my forgiveness."

Sanjeela frowns "will this do it?" She connects their lips and plays with his hair

Minho moves forward until Sanjeelas back is pinned to the wall behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, starts moving his lips "S-sanjeela..." he moans out

Sanjeelas face reddens and moves her lips in rhythm with his "M-minho..." she gasps

They pull out of the kiss, breathing heavily, looking at each other.

Sanjeela blushes as she rests her arms around his neck "Did we just make-out?"

I chuckle and smile "Yes, yes we did, that was amazing, Sanjeela. My face morphs into a sad face "I should be the one to be sorry, you were doing your own thing, something just triggered inside me. I'm sorry for what I said to you."

Sanjeela cups his face, shakes her head "It doesn't matter now. I'll forgive you if you forgive me first, after, we can start a new day, but as friends? Truce?" She holds out her hand to me

Minho shakes his head and pulls her against him as I whisper in her ear "I'd like it better if we were more than friends, Sanjeela, I'm not joking on this one" He then pulls away, smirking.

Sanjeelas face reddens even more as she shouts "I'll never acknowledge you like that, you'll never get a word about that from me"

Minho chuckles as he switches positions with her, leans on the rock wall, placing her on his lap as he tucks a wet strand of hair from her ear "you know, when I first saw you, I was thinking that I was running a turtle"

Sanjeela yawns "well... thats not true"

Minho gently places her head on his chest "you should get some sleep, it's still raining, I guess we'll get out of her tomorrow"

Sanjeela smiles as she closes her eyes "Thank you, Minho"

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