Chanhee's Video

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Hellooo :)

This website isn't just missing out on my beloved bbangmil, no, it's also missing out on my precious newmoon.

And that's some serious bullshit that I won't tolerate ☝🏼

So yeah, this happened 😐

I did the beta-reading myself and I'm no native English speaker, but I hope it's readable lol

Have fun!


„Apropos spicy, Chanhee. I recently came across this very interesting video which I think you withhold from me."

A video that he had withhold from Kevin...?

Oh no.

Chanhee froze.

His mouth suddenly became dry even after he had just emptied his second cup of coffee for today.

The day had come.

Kevin had seen it.

He didn't dare to look up. Not into the other's innocent eyes. Not after he had seen it.

The video.

His eyes stayed glued to his laptop's screen in front of him. But his chances were high, Kevin was talking about another video anyway. He would be more scandalized if it had been the video Chanhee thought of.

That one video from high school.

„Oh really?" He asked, trying his best to stay cool.

„Yeah and uh... You were in it."

„Oh. That one."

Kevin only hummed.

Never mind.

That's it.

Was Kevin mad?


God, please no.

There goes his chance of an exclusive date with his cute next-door neighbor who had just moved in. The cutest guy he had ever met. The guy he had become friends with after only two weeks and who had brought light back into the darkness of his winter depression.

Before he had met Kevin, he hadn't had any idea of how sad and drained he had become during his studies. His life had been a monotone gray until the fine arts student had brought all the colors back to Chanhee's life with the first smile he had given him one cold morning in the dormitory's bathroom after the heater was out of order once again. His friend Kevin whom he was flirting with for weeks now before they had asked each other out a few days ago, both being a little awkward yet confident in their feelings.

Canada – well and the faculty for fine arts – had sent him an angel.

An angel that had apparently watched it. The one video to rule Chanhee's life forever.

It wasn't that Chanhee was ashamed of the video. He had liked the filming, the thrill, the feeling, even the mixed reactions of the few internet users who had seen it and of course his now ex-boyfriend. Apparently he was very open about the whole topic, especially as he was rather sexually open. He didn't even mind telling his friends, like Changmin or Younghoon hyung, or even the older's insolent longtime boyfriend Jaehyun hyung, a detailed story about the sex he had with his latest date or fling.

He even enjoyed all the „outrageous stuff", like kissing or even having sex on the first date, making out or having one-night stands at parties with random strangers or experimenting with different positions, shadier practices... and even a third person.

There wasn't much he hadn't tried yet apart from the really spicy stuff and of course there were practices he didn't like or some he simply prefered over others. Full latex and leather or any kind of choking for example wasn't really his world, but he wouldn't mind some spanking, a few toys or ropes in the bedroom. Well for Kevin he was willing to leave a lot of it (well at least the threesomes for sure) behind.

Unless Kevin was into that of course, then he wouldn't mind. But he would never dare to pressure him or anyone else into trying sexual practices he wasn't comfortable with. And besides, he was sure Kevin could fulfill all his needs even without more adventurous sex.

„Are you listening?"

„Mhm..." Chanhee mumbled, still not looking up.

„How long did you practice for this?" Kevin asked.

He flinched as the Canadian closed his laptop in front of his nose to get his attention.

„Sorry. Can you repeat that?" He gulped and cleared his throat as his voice sounded heavy.

„Stop working for a second, you're already smart enough. I asked you how long you practiced for this. I don't think everyone could pull this off so easily," Kevin repeated, a light blush on his cheeks.


What on earth was there to practice?

Did this mean that Kevin had never had sex with a man? Why else would he ask this question? There was no way he could really be that inexperienced. He knew Kevin had had a few dates and even a boyfriend for a short time back in Canada. No way he never had done anything with them.

To Chanhee it never had seemed difficult to properly clean, stretch and - well - fuck. Of course it took some time and it felt very intense and could even be exhausting, but it wasn't that much work if one knew what to do. And that little work really paid off.

Doing some research on one or two web articles would be enough to learn the basics from. Maybe one or two people should learn how to measure first instead of buying condoms out of the blue, but well. And maybe one shouldn't always over douche and ruin their gut flora. Or miss out on lube or go too fast or too deep without listening to their partner and maybe also watch them attentively and just take a break or even stop once it's too much.


„I don't... know, I-... W-We didn't practice this the- the way you think, I guess," Chanhee stammered, still trying to avoid his eyes, „There wasn't much practice needed as we kind of did it every day at that time. I mean afterwards I improved my knowledge and uh... skills a lot, but... yeah."

„So how did you do it? I mean your whole performance. You must have planned it, at least a bit," Kevin wondered.

His whole performance. Wow. He wouldn't exactly have called it a „performance". Nothing in the video was fake.

But he figured he shouldn't just blurt things out. He didn't want to scare Kevin away as the Canadian transfer student seemed very well-mannered and only had very sweet friends like Jacob Bae or Lee Sangyeon. The fine arts student wasn't just a „fine" arts student but also probably not the type for, well, all the kinkier-kinky stuff. But Chanhee didn't mind. He liked Kevin a lot just for being himself, but he couldn't deny he was a little bit glad that the other wasn't too ashamed of talking to him about the video at least. Maybe it would work out.

The main problem was rather that he had wanted to tell him about the video first. In private. Not right in the canteen between a few hundred other students. He just didn't want to make a big deal out of it. If Kevin would have ditched him then, he could have kicked him out, locked his door and cried his eyes out and no one would know. End of the story. Some friends of his ex-boyfriend had asked him about it once it was uploaded, but he had played it down so well that no one had ever torn him apart. He didn't want this to change now.

„We just uh- We've been all naturally I guess. We were just in sync at that time," Chanhee replied.

He felt weird, talking to Kevin about... this. Kevin didn't exactly seem innocent-innocent, so he probably knew at least a bit. But he also didn't seem like someone who would talk so openly about sex with his super cute beanie and the glasses he occasionally wore like he did today. Or someone who practiced any kind of sex besides sweet, sweet vanilla.

Chanhee would bet Changmin's ass on Kevin being a great, cuddly lover that would look his partner in the eyes while slowly thrusting into them, never daring to cum inside them, not even with a condom on, give them a massage and hot chocolate, warm hugs and the sweetest kisses for aftercare.

But even that was still out of Chanhee's reach.

At least for now.

He hoped.

„That's cool. I- sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, I was just-"

Chanhee then noticed how much Kevin was beaming as their eyes met and he looked at him for longer than a second. At least he didn't seem disgusted or disappointed, quite the contrary. He rather looked so happy and proud like a father who watched his child ride a bicycle for the first time after months of hard work.

Except Kevin was neither his father - thank god - nor his daddy - at least not yet? - and Chanhee would prefer something very different and a lot warmer, fleshier and more throbbing to ride on instead of a bicycle.

He swallowed heavily at that thought alone as Kevin continued babbling.

„You do know how many people praised you for it, don't you?" The dark-haired added almost excitedly.

>He's so cute and desperate, I'd love to watch him ride his top<

>He takes it so well just like a professional<

>Love it when they can let loose like this<

>Look at this body, so delicate and those moans sound heavenly<

>Flexible, verbal and active, all the way you'd want your bottom<


He was no bragger, but yes.

Chanhee knew how much he got praised for his „performance". He was well aware of that. Many faceless people had loved it and probably still enjoyed a not more than nineteen years old Choi Chanhee sloppily sucking off his now ex-boyfriend in their teacher's seat after getting his back blown out, all bent over their teachers desk.

Like who wouldn't enjoy this view?

„A few I think," he said humbly.

Thinking about the comments he had regularly read at that time he couldn't help but feel a bit of pride rise in his chest. Knowing that so many people were almost jealous of his ex really boosted his self-esteem in a strange yet unique way. And now having the chance of seeing a slightly blushing Kevin Moon proved that it had been absolutely worth it.

„A few? Tens of thousands of people!" Kevin corrected him, gesturing wildly.

Wait up.

Chanhee's small smile fell again.

How many people? Tens of thousands of people?

Okay, he hadn't been aware that there were that many people who had watched it by now. There could have been a few more people who had watched it so far, though. The video was around four years old after all.

„And wow, so steady for the whole time. You did good, you really did. Must have been exhausting, that was a big deal," Kevin continued.

Exhausting was a good word for it. His ex-boyfriend had been one of the school's top athletes with an admittedly insane stamina and a... fine piece of masculinity between his legs. Keeping a strong, quite fast and steady rhythm had apparently been a lot easier to him than staying faithful.

„That was quite intense, yeah, but it... it felt good... this way. And what you saw was also just a few minutes out of what was probably an hour and that was also more like the final spurt, so-"

Oversharing, you're oversharing Chanhee, stop it, stop it right now.

Kevin didn't need to know you had fucked your freshly graduated brains out for over an hour on your detested teacher's desk and chair, filming at least half the time. The short clip on the internet was only somewhat around the last five minutes.

„An hour? Wow, I only saw a short clip of a few minutes I think. I didn't know it was so long actually," Kevin said, „But that was the only record, right?"

„Well, there's a longer version, but... I think I don't have the whole thing on cam. Maybe half an hour," Chanhee explained and then quickly added, „but it's not online."

„Wow. That's a tough program. Weren't you excited?", the Canadian asked.

Tough? An hour of sex, in what world would this be tough? Chanhee sure had masturbated for longer. Wouldn't Kevin have sex longer than just one orgasm? Wouldn't he have enough stamina? Okay, Chanhee could work with that and that was nothing one couldn't fix and he also had a few toys to fix that problem. Maybe Kevin would then just become a foreplay-god.

Fine with Chanhee.

Like he had said, they had done it almost every day at that time, there hadn't been anything tough about it. Okay, maybe hitting the table, the chair, the blackboard and the wall with his back or stomach had been a little awful. But it hadn't been exactly tough... Maybe the day after because he had felt a little sore and his legs had been trembling all day.

„I don't know if excited is the right word, Kevin."


Fucking horny.

Young, reckless, horny and maybe a little bit dumb.

These were the words Chanhee would use to describe this video. However, he wasn't ashamed of it. He even liked it and watched it himself once in a while. Chanhee enjoyed watching pornography in general. Not the whole acted movies with the worst scripts in existence, but the kind of porn that was basically just two people filming themselves as they got it on.

„Don't be humble, I could see your knees were shaking," Kevin chuckled.

The dark-haired student winked cheekily.

„Not because I was nervous," Chanhee mumbled.

„You know the angle was a little weird, so I didn't know it was you at first. But then I took a second look and it was you and I just couldn't take my eyes off anymore!"

The video Kevin had seen was only a few minutes long and you couldn't even see Chanhee's face for longer than five seconds. Okay maybe you could see his face a few more times but never longer than that one five seconds period. Of course the long version even contained full body shots. Also most of the time his eyes were closed. But his voice had been... quite present in the last minutes.

„Yeah, I wasn't supposed to be the center of attention, it just turned out this way, I guess."

He pressed his lips together and shrugged lightly. After finding his ex balls deep in Chanhee's neighbor's sixteen years old daughter, all his ex deserved was a kick in the balls.

„You deserved getting all the attention, Chanhee, you rocked it!"

He sure had.

Now Chanhee felt proud again. It was a weird kind of pride, but pride nonetheless. Having Kevin's eyes on him was his main goal after all and having Kevin praise him like that was a great addition. If he already praised his "performance" in the video, Chanhee couldn't wait for him to praise him for the real deal.

„Your voice is so smooth and unique. I- wow, Chanhee, I really had goosebumps."

If this gave Kevin goosebumps already, he should wait for Chanhee to really drive him crazy. A little goosebumps would be his smallest problem.

„And the... performance itself was quite intense and... hot if you allow me. I could almost feel it through the screen," Kevin cleared his throat, "That guy with you, the one with the bleached hair, you know? Was it who I think it was? I couldn't see his face and the sound was a bit- you know."

Kevin shrugged a little awkwardly. He watched the blond attentively, waiting for an answer.

Chanhee sighed. Fuck this. He figured Kevin probably must have seen this douche already once or twice. Chanhee's ex was still one of the highly respected sportsmen of their university after all, always particularly concerned with his reputation. So of course only Chanhee's face wasn't blurred out in the short online-version of the video as he was no super-duper-important sportsman but just some 'pretty nerd' who studied mathematics and music.

He looked around before he answered. When he actually spotted his ex, he quietly grunted and looked back at Kevin. He nodded in their senior's direction.

„He was... my ex boyfriend. We broke up two years ago, but as you can see he studies here as well. N-Not that we still meet up, we have no contact anymore. Uhm... The video was his idea and his best friend filmed it, but everything happened with my consent. Except no one told me they'd blur his face even if we'd agreed not to."

„Your... boyfriend?''

„Him over there. That basketball himbo that always thinks he's better at shooting hoops than Juyeonie."

Kevin suddenly blinked in confusion and narrowed his eyebrows as he followed Chanhee's gesture to catch a glimpse at the blond's ex-boyfriend tutoring some new students at the opposite end of the canteen. Then he tilted his head and sucked his bottom lip in. He nodded, chewing on his lip. Chanhee watched it slip back into place. He wished to kiss it at least once in his life.

"That dude in the video was your ex and... this dude over there is said ex."

„Yes. We were a couple, even for quite some time. I know it's ridiculous, he always acts so well mannered, but unlike you he's not the angel he pretends to be," he joked cautiously.

„Ah. Sorry, yeah, not the angel I- he seems to be, I see. He uh, he was good though," Kevin mumbled, "in the video... I watched."

„Yeah, let's say he's well-provided, somehow creative and... has always had a lot of stamina," Chanhee sighed, „Except for staying faithful."

The other raised a brow and Chanhee thought of a word to describe the sudden change in his expression as their eyes met again.

Could it be cockiness?


Or maybe he was just being jealous?

No, never. Kevin was way too cute and way too nice. Maybe he was only confused by the whole situation.

„Bet he gets quite deep," Kevin suddenly said more seriously.

Okay, that tone was new.

His ex could indeed go deep. Deep enough that it hurt if one wasn't used to it, didn't pay attention or didn't know how to handle it.

Chanhee's mouth became dry again as he saw the fine arts student narrow his eyebrows as he looked back at their senior.

He cleared his throat as he thought to see a small, maybe brazen smirk flashing over the other's face before Kevin smacked his lips and smiled at Chanhee warmly again.

Kevin? Cute, sweet, all one could want.

Slightly jealous Kevin? Sexier than Chanhee had imagined and definitely something he hadn't known he was craving until now.

„Ah, yes, he- he can go-... deep, that's right."

„Interesting, but let's keep talking about you, before I must leave, my dearest. It was so cute when you laughed, you remember? At the end of the video? Gosh, I can't express how much I love your voice. I already loved listening to you speak, but this?" Kevin swooned.

When he took Chanhee's hand and brushed his thumb over it, Chanhee felt like crying. How could Kevin be so sweet when talking about that ? Was Chanhee really worth his precious time and being the one to ruin his probably innocent heart?

There hadn't been anyone who he wanted to please for a long time, but now it was a little different. He wanted to delight Kevin. He really liked him, he fancied him and felt like with him, he could finally have a refreshing and honest relationship.

Kevin was already a good friend, looked fantastic and was just so sweet and caring. Chanhee was convinced the other would make a great boyfriend. As well as a great lover. At least he hoped so, but for Kevin he could overlook it and maybe... just teach him some fun stuff if needed.

This was really something else. That really... had my knees shaking too, you know? It was even impressive, I didn't know you could hit such high notes," the dark-haired murmured.

Good Lord. He could feel how he lost his composure at that stupid yet sexy smirk and the wink. He felt his cheeks blush, imagining what it would have felt like if it had been Kevin who had pressed his legs together and thrusted inside him, painfully slow, or spread his legs and railed him.

„Me- Me neither," Chanhee stuttered.

His knees slightly trembled as he thought of how Kevin would take his own and then Chanhee's clothes off, after their date tonight. How his strong arms could probably even pick him up for a while as he knew Kevin worked out regularly.

He felt Kevin's foot softly nudge him under the table. Before the other could begin secretly playing footsie with him, he locked Kevin's feet between his.

Chanhee took a deep breath, but his mind ran wild nonetheless and suddenly it was packed with images of Kevin kissing his neck and lips, Kevin running his hands down his chest firmly and unbuttoning his jeans to rip them off his legs.

A shiver ran down his spine and blood rushed to his middle, making him shift in his seat as he imagined Kevin caressing and jerking and sucking him off. How Kevin would mark his neck to show off to everyone on the campus that it had been him who had done Chanhee so good he couldn't walk properly for a while, and how Kevin would stare into his soul as he lifted Chanhee's legs up to spoil him with deep and strong thrusts on his desk.

„I mean it, your voice really drives me crazy. And your moves were a pleasant addition. I'd love to see... and hear more of you."

He swallowed drily and nodded almost automatically as he thought of how Kevin would bend him over the table or press his shoulders down on the mattress. The way his eyes would roll back once Chanhee got down on him and how his fingertips would sink in the soft skin of Chanhee's groin as he sat in his lap, holding him with his firm grip as Chanhee bounced in his lap greedily, never getting enough of his dreamlike dick massaging his sweetest spots.

„I just loved those sounds. Your singing was really fantastic, Chanhee-"

Yeah, and how he'd sing and moan his name as he came across Kevin's sweaty chest, the other pulling the condom off to shoot his load on-



„My what?" He asked confusedly as he woke from his filthy daydream and blinked.

It took him a moment to process Kevin's words. He loved his singing voice? But he had never sung for Kevin. Had he sung a song in the shower? But between the common bathroom and Kevin's bedroom was also Juyeon's bedroom and the walls were surprisingly thick.

Kevin also wasn't part of the choir. Chanhee knew he sang karaoke or busked with his friend Jacob regularly, but he had never joined Jacob and Chanhee to any choir practices and there also hadn't been any performances lately that he could have attended anyway.

„The song you sang at the entrance ceremony? The video I saw?"

Chanhee's singing... at the university's entrance ceremony?

He knew Kevin had arrived here a week after that event. So someone had taken a video without Chanhee's awareness and shown Kevin or rather sent him a link to the video on the internet? Not that Chanhee was more offended over such a video rather than his sex tape, but he just hadn't known about it.

So the whole time Kevin was talking about his performance at the entrance ceremony and Chanhee had probably made an absolute fool of himself now?

„Wait. You watched a video of me singing with Sangyeon hyung at the entrance ceremony?"

„Yeah of course, I'm even mad that no one took a high quality video of you, that song really is difficult to perform. Jacob and I tried it once, but we weren't even close to your level. This needs a lot of practice, man. Hey, what's wrong?" He asked nonchalantly.

Chanhee only stared into his eyes as no word wanted to escape his opened lips.

But then Kevin's facade fell and he suddenly laughed brightly. He even clapped once.

„Oh my god, I was right! You really thought I was talking about your sex tape from high school? Oh god, Chanhee, no! Changmin showed me and I may or may not have rewatched it a few times by now, yes, but I was talking about the entrance ceremony! Damn, I was so confused in the beginning when you said you were with your boyfriend back then, because Sangyeon hyung and Jacob have been dating for years now as far as I know."

„Changmin showed you...?"

Changmin showed his sex tape around? His roommate should sleep with one eye open from now on. The video being online was one thing, but showing it around? Changmin should watch out.

Chanhee felt his face flush. He could feel his fingers run cold and his cheeks heat up. He heard his heartbeat in his ears and his stomach turned upside down. One of his hands covered his mouth as he stared at the ground. He heard Kevin get up and suddenly his eyes filled with tears against his will.

Would he leave him now?

Had he just made fun of him the whole time?


He may have turned out to be a cheeky little bitch, okay, nothing Chanhee couldn't handle, but it was still Kevin. The cute fine arts student from next door, with the purest heart Chanhee could imagine. Well, cut the 'pure' part short as the other had apparently still watched this stupid sex tape even multiple times instead of rejecting Changmin's antics.

So then the words 'innocent' and 'Kevin' apparently didn't fit the same sentence. The other was no angel. At least not fully. Fine with him, even better maybe.

Kevin placed a hand under his chin and lifted it up to look him in the eyes. He grinned, winked and brushed his thumb over Chanhee's lips. One stray tear rolled down Chanhee's cheek and Kevin was quick to kiss it away.

„It was nice to mess with you a bit, my sweet yet surprisingly naughty pretty-boy. At least I now know to what extent we can be honest with each other, so that's a good thing. Anyway, I have a class now, but I'll pick you up at seven like I said, okay? We have a date after all, don't we?"

He nodded along his soft last words, waiting for Chanhee to do the same. As the blond finally mirrored him, he continued and stroked his damp cheek again.

„Yes, we do," Chanhee mumbled.

„Good, because I really want this, so please, there's no reason to cry."

Then Kevin crouched down in front of him and took his hands.

„Seriously, don't worry, Chanhee. I meant all I said and unlike Changmin I won't tell anyone. Your voice really is music to my ears and uh..." He got up again and leaned forward, bent down and planted a sweet kiss on Chanhee's lips this time before he continued speaking right into his ear, „You also looked really cute, bent over the table like that, but... What can I say? Next time I'd like to see it from a different angle and I'd also prefer a seat in the front row over a video. Cool?"

Kevin knew about the sex tape, but apparently he had enjoyed it. He didn't judge Chanhee, no, he still wanted to go out with him and he seemed to be more than chill about it.

Knowing so really took the weight of a whole mountain chain off of his mind.

„Cool, but how about rather becoming part of the main cast?" He asked quietly.

Kevin bit his lips before he kissed him a second time, now even waiting for the blond to kiss him back. He even hummed as Chanhee did so.

„I already knew you're damn smart, but that you're also a mind reader?" Kevin chuckled.

Chanhee shrugged, now with a soft smile on his lips.

„I'd like to show you the whole pilot episode first, so you know what's coming. That is if you're still interested in that after I already casted you for... the new season. Cool?" Chanhee copied him in the end.

Now a delighted grin almost split Kevin's face in two halves.

„Cool. I'd love to watch it with you, Chanhee." He pecked his lips again, „See you tonight."

Once Kevin was gone, Chanhee found himself still blushing furiously, his hands on his cheeks to shield the embarrassing deep shade of red from nosy college students in the canteen.

Chanhee couldn't help himself but smiled. He pulled out his phone, unlocked it and typed a message to Kevin as he watched the other through the window walking across the campus towards the arts faculty.

You / 15:58

>I could grab some stuff, get ready and then we could also<


>Rehearse a few scenes already tonight if you'd like to...?<

>(That is if it's not too early for you of course)<

Kev / 16:03

>Hmmmmmmmmmm 👀 👀 👀<

>Okay, I'd let myself be persuaded into doing you IF I'm also allowed to cuddle you afterwards, unlike this douche? And of course dinner first, can't risk you starving 😗<

You / 16:08

>You're allowed to cuddle me all night and day, Kev 💕<

Afterwards he typed a more threatening message to Changmin to stay out of his sight and especially out of their shared room until tomorrow afternoon for showing his sex tape around. 



Let me know if you liked it!

Recommend it to your friends if you did so or recommend it to your enemies if you didn't.

Well then, see you around! 💕

Remember, it's fan-fiction and it's just for entertainment reasons.
So don't take this too seriously lol

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