Prologue: Encounter....Again.

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Chaos takes place during the events of the beginning of Season 4 of Star Wars the Clone Wars and Season 2 of Game of Thrones. This Prologue will act as how to how the characters all get to Westeros.

Narrator: "War in the Outer Rim! After the defeat of the Separatist forces on Naboo. The infamous General Grievous escapes with his massive fleet to the Outer Rim desperate to escape the Republic forces in hot pursuit. Meanwhile the Jedi forces have tracked the Droid General along an uncharted route to Separatist space. Desperate to hunt down Grievous before he escapes, the Jedi Council has dispatched Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka, chase Grievous along the route desperate to bring him back to Coruscant for trial."

It had been a week since the battle of Naboo. Normally for Anakin he would've enjoyed it if not for the fact that he got his butt kicked by Dooku. He was still sore over that and Obi Wan could tell. Obi Wan walked over to Anakin on the bridge of his ship.

"Anakin." Obi Wan started to say. Anakin groaned. "Don't let it get to you. It was all Dooku."

Anakin banged his head. "If it wasn't for me we'd still have Grievous right now!" He said angrily.

"And we wouldn't have you." Obi Wan replied. Anakin still sighed and shook his head. Just then Ahsoka interrupted. 

"Masters. The council is waiting for us." She reported. Anakin and Obi Wan looked at her. "Uh, did I come at a bad time?" Ahsoka asked.

"No. We're all done here, Snips." Anakin answered walking past her. Ahsoka had a feeling he wasn't fine at all. Nor were they done. "Is he still feeling bad about Naboo?" Ahsoka asked. Obi Wan nodded. "Thought so." Ahsoka said.

They went over to the Hologram board to see Mace Windu and Master Yoda on holograms. As well as Chancellor Palpatine. 

"Masters. Your Excellency." Anakin said to both Yoda, Windu and Palpatine. 

"Anakin. Have you been able to find General Grievous yet?" Palpatine asked. Anakin showed a map of the galaxy sector where they were.

"We've tracked Grievous to this route along the Outer Rim. But when we searched for anymore information on the route, we found nothing." Anakin answered. "Why is that?" Ahsoka asked.

"It's just like we couldn't find Kamino." Obi Wan put in. 

"I can answer that." Palpatine answered. "The Republic has plenty of Hyperspace routes throughout the Galaxy. Unfortunately this route in particular did not amount to anything. And the route was ignored." 

"Possible it is, the Jedi did not think of it importance either." Yoda added. 

"So this route and whatever planet this is has had no contact from anyone in the Republic?" Ahsoka asked. 

"Unfortunately. I don't think they even know about the Galaxy since no contact was made from the system." Windu answered. 

"Well they're in luck. We're just hunting down Grievous. So hopefully we won't have to go to the planet." Anakin said. 

"Find Grievous quickly, you must." Yoda said. 

"He cannot be allowed to continue his mayhem streak." Windu added.

Just then Captain Rex entered. "Excuse the interruption Generals, but we've found Grievous." He reported. Obi Wan and Anakin nodded. "I'm afraid this is where we must take our leave." Obi Wan said. 

"May the Force be with you." Windu said as the holograms faded. 

After that the battle began. The Separatist fleet had stopped after learning the Republic was following them. On his Flagship Grievous looked at the Republic fleet. And he knew which Jedi were pursuing him. And not just any Jedi. It was Skywalker and Kenobi. He looked at his droids while coughing. 

"Position the fleets and have the droids launch all fighters!" Grievous yelled. The Vulture droids all launched from the hangars. And Grievous could hear the droids barking orders. "Deflector shields holding." "Fighters in attack position." "All guns in orbit." And Grievous had barked his orders. "Commence Attack!" He yelled.

The Separatist ships had fired their guns. The Republic had fired back. From the Republic Flagship, Admiral Yularen and Obi Wan looked at the fleet position. A clone officer had come over. "Sirs. The enemy forces are pressing their attacks." The Clone reported.

"Well that's to expected. Grievous always has been a shrewd one." Obi Wan said. Yularen turned over to his communicator. 

"General Skywalker. You are clear to engage the enemy." He reported.

Anakin and Ahsoka were already in their star fighters. 

"Thanks Admiral." Anakin said. "Okay Snips, Let's take out the Clankers." He ordered.

"I know the drill, Master." Ahsoka replied. 

Both of their ships engaged the Vulture Droids and pushed over to Grievous's command ship. 

"Oh this is just too easy." Anakin said as he shot at the bridge.

Grievous could see the Jedi ship coming as the Republic star fighters headed toward his bridge. 

"Uh General. Our shields are down." A droid reported. 

"Impossible!" Grievous yelled.

"And our fleet is getting destroyed." The Droid added.

Grievous made a loud grunt noise.

"Get our ships out of here!" Grievous yelled. 

"And go where?" The Droid asked.

"ANYWHERE!" Grievous yelled.

The Separatist flagship then began to jump into hyperspace right through the Republic fleet.

"Sir the enemy is jumping through hyper space." A clone reported. The ship was aiming right at the Republic Cruiser. 

"It'll ram right through us." Obi Wan realized. 

"EVASIVE MANUVERS!" Yularen yelled. 

The Republic ships were able to move out of the way before the Separatist fleet jumped to hyperspace. Obi Wan and Yularen fell down as the ship tilted out of the way. Anakin and Ahsoka could see Grievous flee. 

"Well I call that a win." Ahsoka said. 

"Not quite Ahsoka." Anakin replied. "We still have to get Grievous."

"Plot every course of his last known trajectory. And whatever planet he must've gone too." Obi Wan ordered.

Meanwhile Grievous could see the large blue tunnel of hyperspace in front of him before it suddenly stopped. In front of a random planet. He slammed on the table. 

"What happened to the ship?" He asked.

"Well sir the Hyperdrive was damaged in the escape. And our ship was caught in the planets gravitational pull." The Droid reported.

"Well which planet are we near?" Grievous asked.

"Uh it doesn't say sir." The droid answered.

"WHAT?" Grievous asked. 

"Well General. This is an uncharted system. There are no records of this place." The Droid answered. 

"Well what do we do now?" Grievous asked.

"Brace for impact?" The droid suggested as the Separatist ship entered the atmosphere.

"I hate my life." Grievous muttered.     

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