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Bunnymund's P.O.V

As I guided Jack to the dining room so we could get some food in him I could tell from his eyes that something was bugging him though I wasn't going to ask about it right now especially sense he just woke not that long ago and I didn't want to remind him of what just happened. The kid has suffered enough already more so then when he was invisible to kids and it made me feel guilty that he got hurt at all by the fire spirits.

As me and Jack walked I told myself that I needed to start training myself harder to help protect everyone. I hated to admit it but, lately I've been the weak link in the group but, this situation has reignited that fighting spirit that I had when I returned to my normal hight after Pitch's attack. I was ready to train as long as I needed to so I didn't fail again. The guardians couldn't afford it.

When me and Jack arrived in the dining room Toothiana was the first to fly over as she usually does followed by baby tooth who circled around Jack several times before landing on his hair which got a laugh from him which seemed to fill the room instantly with happiness as everyone including the yetis smiled. Seeing Jack happy was one of the many things he deserved after his three hundred year isolation of not being seen and us guardians were now someone he could come to if needed.

As me and Jack took our seats I made sure to keep Jack as far away from the fire place as possible for obvious reasons before the kitchen yetis in there full body suits to prevent hair in the food came out with plates catered to each guardians preference of food. Jack's plate was filled with warm dishes such as oatmeal with strawberry slices, toast with grape jelly and orange juice. Mine was similar but, had apricot slices instead and toast with strawberry jelly and apple juice.

North's was a dish from where he was born, Toothiana had a full plate of various fruits and sandy had toast with butter and porridge with honey over top. As we all ate Jack was the first to break the calm silence and asked what the plan was for today and north had stated that it was toy testing week so he could make sure everything was working as it should. Jack's face lit up with excitement hearing that and I couldn't help but, smile seeing him so excited to help North. After a bit of idle chatting everyone was finished with their food and we all pitched in to clean up and help the yetis with the dishes.

Due to Jack's powers he wasn't able to wash the dishes though he was able to help take out the garbage and put the food scrapes left behind in the compost outside which would end up in my warren come spring to help my googies grow strong before the spring and looked forward to painting them with a new color type that was to represent all the guardians including jack.

*Jack's P.O.V*

As I went out to the compost bin outside I couldn't help feeling a sense of relief when my long time companion the wind curled around me in her version of a hug. I have admittedly missed her presence while being inside and to help her actually let her have something to do I decided to create some specially made snowflakes that she and her sisters could send to Jamie and his friends back in Burgess so they knew I was still thinking of them even if I hadn't been present as it was the off season for my element but, also because of the other issue.

Despite being in the literally north pole I had yet to be back at one hundred percent again and could only take short flights which was much better then a few weeks prior but, it was still irksome in a way. Jack Frost, the literal winter spirit that wasn't known for sitting still for a long time was doing just that and I could tell it was definitely a feat in itself. I was keeping my want to be mischievous on the down low as not to annoy any of the guardians that were currently protecting me from one of the few worst case scenarios I ever thought of and was now facing in real life.

As I looked around Santa Clausen it didn't surprise me that there were festive lights everywhere which were amazing to see in real life and the northern lights this time were natural instead of when it summons the guardians for meetings as it wasn't split into four and was instead solid with various colors though the most prominent was the green color.

As I watched in awe I had lost track of the time though soon enough I felt a slightly heavier hand on my shoulder and though I jolted a bit in surprise the grumble of a familiar yeti had quickly calmed me before I had greeted them " Hey Phil, sorry for taking so long was just enjoying seeing the northern lights sense we're not in immediate danger." I had gotten a content sound from Phil as he watched the lights as well and before long all the guardians and the yetis not busy had joined us.

This created a comfortable warmth around me and a sense of peace came over me that I wanted to get used to instead of constantly fearing for my life outside of the family circle I had been welcomed into and I hope this could become the new normal for me. It would take time but, I was already making strides with my comfort level and as I felt Aster's nose on my cheek I couldn't help smiling and I could feel Aster gently smiling as well and making a very quiet sound of happiness.

Soon enough Aster asked if he could hug me and I had nodded before doing so. His warmth was a comfortable type of heat and as he brought me close I could hear his heart beating. Though faster then the other's heartbeats his was still slower then a common rabbit's own which made sense considering all of us had been human at one point and though near immortal we needed to breath and have a heartbeat to live just like anyone else.

It was nice being able to actually hug Aster and though we were both aware that the others were around neither of us really cared that we were seen hugging as the guardians have gathered that we have gotten closer by now. Toothiana quietly awwed while north laughed gently and Sandy's sparkle sound had a approving tone to it. This was definitely a night we would all remember for a while.

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