Insight On The Situation

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*Bunnymund's P.O.V*

Why couldn't jack have waited until at least one of us could accompany him. He was still recovering and despite his pooka form helping him with healing he was far from being one hundred percent and with the fire spirits having a invisible target on his head it was unwise for him to go too far without someone else just in case a fight broke out. The scary thing is that I have a feeling I know were he's going as the air that I smelled earlier had the all too familiar scent of Burgess's oak trees however there was also an undertone of bonfire which was out of place for the location. This of course concerned me greatly and so after waking the others I had returned to the living room and had started pacing trying to keep myself from grabbing one of north's travel globes and heading to burgess by myself as the others seemed to take forever though in reality it's only been maybe three minutes at max.

As soon as everyone got to the living room I had gave them the rundown of why the subject was so urgent and soon after the pole was alive like a huge hive and we were in the air within ten minutes and I was beyond thankful the reindeer actually behaved for once and didn't try kicking each other like they did during the whole pitch returning event. Toothiana kept sandy awake while I held onto the massive first aid kit and North himself had the travel globe in hand in mere seconds before saying the destination and throwing it forward. In moments a portal was open and we were flying through.

When we got to the other side the drastic rise in temperature was the first of many things that were definitely not right and found myself hoping we hadn't already been too late.

*Jack's P.O.V*

I was at the lake trying to get it to freeze again however no matter how hard I tried it was thawed in mere moments and though I was in the shade the heat was getting worse. The sun was now at its highest point by now which wasn't making things any easier and the fact that I felt like I was being watched on all sides did not help. I could probably take one or two of whatever is waiting for me in the shadows though it fully depended on who or what is was though I had a fairly good guess it was the fire spirits just waiting till my weakest moment before they strike.

I had to admit I hoped the guardians have read my note by now and had a general idea of where I would be going because I was getting very uncomfortable and could feel the fire spirits getting closer to my location every minute I stayed here though I didn't dare go for cover away from the lake. It may seem like a stupid fear to most especially those that know how to swim however this lake has been frozen for years and I've seen countless children and animals cross it with zero doubt it would hold and now in it's current state it was a watery grave for anything that came close to it. Despite my outer appearance of being calm and the collected my inner voice and the more rational part of my mind kept screaming at me that it was unlikely anyone would be heading this way and to get out of the area as quickly as I could without being caught.

Though I hated to admit it i knew my inner thoughts were right and so I quickly called to one of wind's other sisters and went to ride her wind stream to wherever it was heading and judging by the coldness of it I was either heading to Antarctica or back to north's place though at this point I was just relieved to be back in my element and was able to recover from the heat. Down below I was shocked to see upwards of thirty fire spirits staring up at me in anger that their catch got away though amoung them I saw two that seemed relieved I got away and even from here I could see they were using sign language rather quickly saying "you must find backup as soon as possible or everyone and we mean everyone in the northern hemisphere are goners. You are their main target but the leader of the summer and fire spirit is refusing to relize humans and animals can't handle the heat he's planning on bringing. Please we beg of you if possible get Mother Nature and see if she can find the one that knocked out the herebringer of chaos previously. He's waking up more and more everyday and if he gets to full power nobody will be safe."

With that the two gave a universal sign of safe travels before disappearing out of the group and heading off in a random direction. Now knowing just how bad this was I urged the east wind to take me to the guardians and was stunned when she made a quick shift of trajectory and headed towards Jamie's house and explained in her way that the guardians were there and so I let her lead. I just hoped we had enough time to get the help we needed before everything went to chaos.

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