Chapter 1: Attack On Midgar Academy

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Morning at Midgar academy. Drake was sleeping peacefully till his eyes open and yawns. He look down and see Alexia sleeping peacefully while smiling. Ever since the incident of he kidnap attempted by Zenon and some soldier that betrayed the kingdom she told mine to stay at the campus for his own safety. Which he understood.

Drake: Ow, they are adorable like this, but I know why to keep me safe. But I can take care of myself

He gently move out of the bed without waking them up and as he close his eyes to went to the bathroom. As he grab a towel and as he about take off his jacket until he hear a girl eep which it stop him.

Right in front of him see a naked Iris who is covering her breasts and crotch while blushing crazy


He quickly left the room and closes the door, as he closed his eyes.

Drake: SORRY!

Iris sigh and calm herself down.

Iris: Look. Its alright, but I thought Alexia told you I be staying here too.

Drake: Really? She didn't tell me.

She hear a giggle to see Alexia who awake wearing a shirt as she smirk at him while looking down wider as she blush.

Alexia: Oh my~

Drake looks down and blushes a lot moreing seeing his tent.

Drake: Wait its not what you-

Alexia place her finger to his lips to silence

Alexia: Shhhh~ I know beloved and in fact I find it exciting.

She then push him pressed to the door as he was so nervous.

Drake: *whisper* We can't your ister hear this....

Alexia grins and pull down his shorts.

Alexia: Don't care~


Drake blushes and looks away while closing his eyes, as Alexia see his member and lick her lips

Alexia: Oh my poor beloved let me help you feel good~

She got into her knees and start to suck him which makes Drake groaning so much as he hold her head. She is mentally smirking of this seeing, he's enjoying it as much as she it. Five mintues as he climaxed and she drank all of his essence not leaving a single drop.

Alexia release his member suddenly Drake grab her shoulder and gently slam at her at the door as much of her surprise and excitment. She see his eyes like a predator before she can do anything but moans to feel Drake's hand in her panties and his fingers into her core.

Alexia was moaning like crazy, Drake and Alexia make out and let out some moans, later as Alexia climaxed as both of of them groaning.

Alexia: I love you~

Which they fortgotten a certain red hair girl in the bathroom. Iris heard their lovey dovey which she could not help to touch herself by playing with her breast and her wet core, hearing her sister moan like he's good which she climaxed.

Iris: damn it! Lucky little sister.


At the cafeteria. Drake is enjoying his lunch peacefully with Pyra and Mythra till Claire come and sit with them.

Pyra: Oh! Hello Claire!

Drake: *Smiles* Hey Claire.

Claire: Hello you three.

Mythra: I heard yesterday you beat the living shit of your brother friend thinking I cheated for Alexia.

Claire: Oh trust me. I did.

Pyra: Seem you really care for Drake~

Claire eyes widen and blushes.

Claire: N-No! Its not true!

Pyra: Yes it is.

Claire: Nope!

Pyra: *smile* Come on Claire, just tell the trouth.

Until Cids friend, Po and Skel goes to Drake's trouble.

Po: Hows your releationship with the princess, did you have sex toge-

Until Claire punch him in the face sending to the ground, Skel was in fear to see dark aura surround Claire.


Po and Skel was in fear as Claire beat the hell out of them, front of the Cafeteria. As boys was now in fear because they want to feel Claire's warth. Drake sigh and looks the ladies. As the ladies have heart in their eye.

Cid: -_- My friends are idiots. And my sister is quite overprotective of Drake, don't wanna get into her bad side.

Drake: You know sometimes hanging with them worries me, worries me that you will end up like them.

Cid: Eh, I'll get used to it.

Meanwhile a far away place.


A place where a place that gods and goddesses watch over the Multiverse, and there are gods in Elysium call Divines. Stronger than Gods on Earth and anywhere. And inside the tower, there are 3 female were walking and having the talk.

Melia: Queen of K eves

Nia Queen Of Agnus

Pneuma: The Supreme Archdeity Empress and Ruler of Elyisum/Alrest.

They were Drake's First 3 wives that he married after events of Zanza and Malos

Melia: So hows the world when Drake's at?

Nia: Doing find. Along with Pyra, Mythra and the others.

Pneuma: Yeah, just a worse as I thought. The Dark Rikans are one the loose, and sending bunch of their minions, soldiers and demon across the Multiverse. What the world where Drake at is fine. But I worried about member of Shadow Garden.

Nia: You mean that coward clan? what about it?

Pneuma: Alpha doesn't get it, she's on the wrong side what Artoria, and she's right. Its because.

She closed her eyes had a vision, Shadow Garden HQ exploded, flames were everywhere, as lot of people were on the ground, as Seven shades were on the ground badly hurt.

They look to see a humanoid shadow figure with insane aura surround the place,

Vision end, Nia and Melia eyes widen in shocked.

Nia: That vision of that world...

Melia: He's not posssessed or anything. He's gonna show his true colors anytime soon. But my question is, I never seen him in that form before...

Melia: He must have found something to make himself stronger. And if he use his Atomic blast thing, it can wipe out entire Midgar and country like a nuke.

Pneuma: He found a different power source, he is a shadow himself but...something very different. I don't know what it is, but I'll contact my sisters.

Pneuma: *Thought* "I don't know what the possibilities will come from that world, there many possibilities the vision can end up..."

Back down. Drake arrived at the store, what suprised him to see lot of interesting selection of clothed, perfumes and lots of chocolates.

Drake: Wow. The clothes are bit advance in this universe. But anyway, time to get something for Alexia, Pyra and Mythra, yet for my queens also.

As he looks around which known to him, he was watched by two woman in the second floor. The first one is young girl about seventeen years old have elf ears, her hair and eyes dark blue wearing a elegant dress. Next to her is a woman same age as the first one, has brown hair and eyes, she's human wearing black uniform with a store logo on the left side.

Two them of Gamma and Nu. But in public their called. Luna and Esmercan. As Gamma has star in her eyes

Gamma: Oh he's here in my store!

Nu giggles at her reaction knowing one about is Gamma has a crush on Drake.

Now two of them head-downstairs to see him.

Luna: need a hand sir?

He turn to look at her and pink blush appear cross his cheeks.

Drake: Well, I am looking a perfume and necklaces.

Luna: Then would you like me to-KYAAAAAAAH

She accidentally trip herself was about to fall suddenly Drake caught her in time in bridal style, of this course the elf face turn red.

Drake: You alright ma'am?

Luna: Thank you young man.

As she stands back to her feet.

Drake: So you were saying assist about finding me a necklace and perfume?

Luna: Certainly so which scent is great for you?

Drake: More relax and feshness and do you have woman's perfume that has flowers?

Luna: Why you may ask?

Drake: For my girlfriends?

This made her pause while her eyes closed while smiling.

Gamma: *thought* Whoevers it is. That bitch will feel my WRATH

Luna: We may have what your lookign for, oh, pardon my manners. I'm Luna the manager of this fine store.

Esmercan: And I'm Noriko her assistant manager

Drake: Hehe, nice names for young maiden as your two.

This made the two of them blush at his words.

Luna: lets go find you a necklace and perfumes.

Took a while which he found the perfect perfumes and necklaces for Pyra, Mythra and Alexia, and yet pick up some colorful scarfs. Drake got to the crash register to pay all the products. Then luna hand him two boxes of chocolate which surprises him.

Drake: ???

Luna: This is for you, a thanks for you know save me from fall and these are best one we have in the store free in charge.

Drake smile and grabs the box and palcing in his bag.

Drake: Thank you and hopefully to see your work.

He left saying his goodbyes. Gamma and Nu smiles but little sad that Drake had to left, they want to talk and know about him more.


As Alexia was holding her sword, blocking attack from a cloak Individual and also see an innocent civilian dead. As Drake jump into the rooftop and switch into Nexus mode.

Alexia: Enough of this what is it yoru after Shadow garden?

Individual: We are shadow garden.

Alexia: Tch, you keep saying that.

Nexus look at the cloak figure feeling some odd about him saying "We are Shadow garden" but it just a puppet.

As Alexia fought well against the figure and injured him as she about to finish him until heard footsteps.

Alexia: Well seem you friends us are here,

the others about to attack her until Nexus appeared with his Pyra and Blade and slash them down.

Nexus: Strike a maiden from behind like that is not a good manner.

He looks at the two other and walk to Alexia side, Alexis is awe to meet Nexus again.

Nexus: Are you gonna stand there or punished these fakers shadow.

He glaring at the two assailants until Shadow lands.

Shadow: You two calling yourselves shadow garden, you will be punished with your lives.

He summon his slime sword as the two assasilant gotten nervous, they fucked up BIG time and ran away. Shadow went after them. Then Nexus hears Alexia screamed in pain.

Nexus: ALEXIA?!

He looks back to see first assailant still alive and cut Alexia left arm, leaving a huge gash, Nexus goes beyond light speed slash that guy sending him away flying. Nexus turn to Alexia who holding her bleeding arm in pain, as he goes to her.

Nexus: It was not vital but you'll be alright.

He point his hand onto Alexia's arm and healing her arm, which it caught her surprised.

Alexia: To do something like this beyondmastery of magic power and why this feeling familar for some reason.

Nexus: I stop the bleeding. You shall be safe to reest

Alexia: Wait....I got a question.

Nexus: Go ahead.

Alexia: I want to know what is it you use power you possses, what purpose do you seek and who are you fighting against?

He can she want answers

Nexus: We the Order of Alrest exist for one purpose and that is cleanse this world of corruption from evil and dark, that is our purpose of existence is to end for good to the world can be at peace and harmony, our true enemy is the cult of diablos. That must be raddicated. That is our goal and for....our goddess.

Alexia: Godess? Who is this Goddess.

Nexus:....I'll reveal to you someday, just someday. Shadow Garden and Cult of diablos is our enemy. Stay safe princess.

He jumps to go after Shadow while Alexia watching this.

Alexia: Just who are you....Lexus.

Nexus finally caught up with them but see Shadow already killed the second guy and his curious to see a someone else. Meaning another member with shadow garden. As Shadow left let the new member to investigate someone.

Nu: Sadly for you. i'm not forgiving as lord Shadow.

Suddenly a golden chains tied the guy up. It come from Jeanne.

Jeanne: Thanks you, but we can take it from her.

This made Nu so mad and prepare to fight but. Then Raven appear behind her.

Raven: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Nu looks back to see Raven, Mash, Jeanne Alter, Eresikgal, Isthar, Asuna Soi Fong, Yoruichi Modered and more.

Jeanne Alter: Well~ Well~ What do we have here~

Isthar: You cannot think we are alone did you.

Modered: *smirk* But its so sad your so called leader left you al alone thats a bad example.

Morag: Ironic

Brighid: Agree

Nu gets so mad and about to say something until Mythra appear holding her sword with her giant mech that aiming at her.

Mythra: Don't even try to say we have been watching~

Nu: W-What?

Mythra: Whats the matter? Your great leader shadow not doing his job as a leader which leave you girls do your heavy lifting, that doesn't seem very fair isn't it?

The Mecha power up and shake almost Entire Universe. Nu is shaking in pure fear being close and feel so much power within Mythra, she stands NO chance against her at all. As Nexus landed between them.

Nexus: Sup.

Mythra: Good that your here.

Nexus: Take the prisoner.

Jeanne Alter and Leone made a sadistic smirk.

Jeanne Alter: Oh I'm so going to enjoy hearing you scream~~

Leone: Same~ I wanna hear it~

The man shakes in fear as he scream like a girl, as they disappeared. Leaving Lu to hold her breathe.

Nu: Nexus, the Scarlet Knight, leader of Order of Alrest...what a fierce individual

The Next day.

Drake walking with Alexia who has an arm cast from last night.

Drake: Seriously Alexia, can't you be so stubborn to go out on your own?

Alexia: I'm sorry, I don't do that again I promise, but also I'm kinda of surprised that you went that store I been hearing about, especially those chocolates. *smiles*

Drake: Glad to hear it but I have another unopen box

Though they reach a library Alexia notice Sherry, Pyra and Mythra. in a desk reading some books. She start to have feeling for Drake, ever since when Sherry drop her books, Drake helped her up and as they meet, they walk.

Sherry: Hello, Drake. Greeting Princess Midgar, Are you okay.

Alexia: I'm fine.

Drake smiles and pats Sherry's head, as she blushes and giggles. As they walk together, Drake was carrying Alexia's bag.

Alexia: Hey, have you heard of the bushin festival student preliminary, have you though to participate?

Drake: I don't know if I want to Alexia...

Alexis pout and made the cutest look.

Alexia: Come on, I know you can win this year and that way my father will see you as a perfect guy to be in a relationship with me.

Drake sees it cute and chuckles

Drake: Fine. I'm up to it.

Sherry: Yes! I'll be looking forward to see you on the battlefield!

Pyra: Hehe~

Alexia smile to hear that but notice someone in the distance seeing its Rose Oriana

Alexia: *smile* I gotta go love, see you at the dorm room.

As Alexia left and went to see Alexia.

Alexia: Hey Rose.

Rose: Hey Alexia, how are you doing and hows your arm?

Alexia: Doing fine and my arm feels better but still won't be fully healed.

She nods understanding.

Alexia: So going to participate for the tournament?

Rose: Of course I'm am

Alexia: *smile* My boyfriend is also participating this.

Rose: *smile* Interesting. I heard about him. I hope he be a good challenge.

Alexia: I hope so.

At the academy, campus in Iris in her office seeing so many report.

Iris: Once again they once it. How are they doing this? Why do they give us people so much hope?

Nexus: Ash and you shall recevice.

This got her shocked to hear her voice to the right and quickly draw her sword.

Nexus: Hello again Princess Iris, I am not here to fight uoi/

Iris lower her sword.

Iris: my apolozies I'm quite surprised your here Nexus.

Nexus: I understand princess. Hehe.

Iris: How old are you if you don't mind.

Nexus: Fifteen Years old.

This got her shocked to hear a fifteen your old teen that strong and a leader of the group and same as Alexia and her crush Drake. then Nexus hands her afolder.

Iris: Whats this??

Nexus: Information we have gathered on the cult of diablos

Iris looking at the folder with a serious face until her face turn green and cover her mouth, try not to vomit.

Iris: Oh my god...I think I'm going to be sick......

Nexus: Oof...

Iris: I know for a certain fact you don't trust anyone expect your group. So what is your poin.

Nexus: I would like to form an alliance with you.

This made Iris shocked beyond belief

Nexus: Look, we may have ways to infiltrate but we need somsone who can go deeper without anyone noticed which draw their attention either us, Shadow garden and cult of diablos. I will do everything in my power to protect you, your people and your little sister.

Iris: Including Drake, Pyra and Mythra...

Nexus smiles and chuckles.

Nexus: Heh. I will do everything to protect the innocents.

Iris: Then I will accept this alliance, whatever information you have, please let me know.

Nexus: We will keep informed on the cult of diablos movement and including Shadow Garden.

Iris: Speaking of Shadow Garden, you encounter them before?

Nexus: Yes. We do not know what their true goal but they are attacking the cult as well. I'm not very certain if they're on our side. But do not trust them. I advise extreme caution on this princess your strong, but do not let your overconfidence of your own skill blind you.

Nexus diappeared slowly into green particles of light.

Nexus: See ya later.

As he was gone.

Iris: Someone that strong to exist in this world....

The next day.

The tournment began as the students participate. Drake looking at the sidelines seeing Claire and Cid. Clare had a smile on her, Drake notice her and wave his hand, as Claire blushed and smile. What his surprised to see he's facing student council president and Princess of the Oriana Kingdom. Rose Oriana

Drake: Well this is unexpected.

Rose: Yes, seem like fate wants to fight us. *giggles*

Then she draw her sword.

Rose: I heard a lot about you Drake. I'm looking forward to see your skills.

Drake chuckles and draw his sword too.

Drake: Heard about you as well princess, hope not to disppoint you.

As two of them took their fighting stance and the ref stood between them.

Ref: Ready and....BEGIN

Rose made the first move to strike him, as Drake blocks her attack much as student president surprised. He push her back to strike but she quickly deflect it and attack him again Both fighter clash their blades as fast speed which surprised the student even Claire and Alexia awe to see them fight. Even Sherry who watching this as her eyes sparkles.

As they hit each other by a slice a cut on their arm which they quickly jump away from each other.

Drake: *small smirk* I'll admit you live to your position as student council president Princess Rose

Rose giggles and smiles.

Rose: Thanks for the praise and I'll admit you live up to your repulation as a skilled and talented young one.

Drake: Thanks princess and how about we get a bit more serious

Rose: You read my mind!

As both charge at each other and clash leaving a massive shockwave that everyone brace themselves. This draw attention of Iris and watches and surprised to see Drake facing against Rose, both fighting clash their blade at high speed blocking and counter their attack as they continued to clash, and went to high barrage of attack

Everyone looked closely to see two smirk feeling the heat in battle and neither giving up. Alexia seeing this made a mental node add Rose to soon growing a harem.

Rose and Drake went dor a quick slash as the two of them quickly passed each other as Drake falls to his knee clutching to his bleeding arm, as he was smiling.

Ref: Match over, Winner is Princess Rose!

The whole stands cheering to such an amazing fight and congrats the two of them. Rose went to Drake and helps him up.

Rose: I have to admit you are good and keep it up you might caught up with me.

Ddraig: Partner, you were holding back were you.

Drake: *Thought* Yes..

Drake: Thank you for your kinds words Princess.

Two of them shake their hands and went to their separated way, as Drake walks inside the hall as he heal his arm but put a bandage on it, then he see his Pyra, Mythra and Sherry.

Pyra: Nice one Drake, you tried.

Drake: Thanks Pyra.

Sherry: Your not hurt too badly are you??

Drake: Hehe. I'm fine.

He smiles and patting her head, as Sherry blushes and looks away, Pyra and Mythra giggles and finding that too adorable. As they begin to hang out for rest of the day. Sherry and Drake is getting to become close and Drake, Pyra and Mythra meet Sherry's father.

Meanwhile, far underneath the school within the underground basement of Midgar Academy, group of men in black cloaks similar to the Shadow Garden imposter were gathered infront of a figure with metallic armor. His name was Sir Gaunt.

Sir Gaunt: let's begin

Sir Gaunt pull out an artifact shape of small red metallic eye. Th eeye began tog low red as it began to absorb all the magical energy it could muster. And form a red barrier around entire academy, trapping everyone on the campus inside. Drake notice strange anomaly in magic,

Drake: *thoughts* What the hell?

Under his desk, Drake tried to form a ball of his hand, only to see its twice as small as usal. Drake eyes widen in shocked.

Drake: *thought* W-What? Its been altered somehow...

Cid tried to use the same thing, he was confused as hell, why the hell cant he use his magic. Just then the door to the classroom was kick down by a cloak men holding a silver sword.

Cultist: Nobody move, we are Shadow Garden

In swift motion, they destroyed all the students sword.

Cultist: And we're taking over this academt, Everybody, stay in your seats. Hands were I can see them.

Rose has her sword and getting up and facing the cultist.

Rose: You don't seem to understand what kind of place you're invaded. Take over an academy of Dark Knights? This is hardly the act of sane person.

Cultist: Drop your weapon.

Rose: I refuse.

The cultist begin to charge his magical energy, for rose tried to do same but she could not.

Student: Miss President!!

Rose: What?! My magic!

Culist: Hehe! So you figured it out! Well its too late.

He went and slash Roses word, broken into pieces.

Drake charge at the Cultist and use his blades of chaos and stab him on the side as he scream in pain, Drake grab his head and slam him to the ground wall, causing a so many cracks on it.

Drake: Never do that to a beautiful woman.

This causes Rose to blush.

Drake: Rose, take the other students and get out of here!

Rose: What about you! I don't wanna leave you behind!

Drake: Trust me.

He toss her another sword as Rose grabs it and gave her a peace sign.

Drake: Everything is going to be ok.

He use his blades of chaos and leap toward other one of the bandits and stab him on the side as the corpse laid down, Drake saw other cultist charging at him as he use his blade of chaos combos attack, Rose stare at this in shocked.

Rose: Woah....those blades...I never heard of such weaponry before. What kind is it.

Cid was watching from another classroom.

Cid: Huh, Drake got some serious skills with those blades, surprising its not a sword.

He walks out of the classroom.

Cid: Time to alert everyone. Starting with those snipers.

Outside of the academy. Iris talking to the officers of the situation within the academy, the barrier canceling magic. At the sidelines, Alexia inside of a car looking at the academy with great concern, worried for Drake.

Alexia: Drake....

Iris: Damn it....what shall we do!? We can't just sit around while student in danger?!

Then Alexia walk towards her sister.

Alexia: Worried for Drake.

Iris: A-Alexia?

Alexia: Listen Big sister, I know about your feeling for him.

This got her guard to hear her smiling sister.

Alexia: He has a big heart and I gotten a feeling that more girls would want him, so I don't mind sharing him. But

She smirks and lean to her ear.

Alexia: let me tell me something, I'm the alpha in this harem and deal with it and I'm gonna Dominated you~

Iris's face was same color as her hair as he turns away gritted her teeth as Alexia giggles. Back where Drake is, he kicks down a cloak figure and stab his blade into his stomach.

Drake: What the hell are you pretender doing here? I KNOW for a fact that Shadow Garden would not go so low to attack innocent kids. Tell me. Now.

He twist the room making the assaliant scream in pain.

Cloak: OK! OK! I'LL TALK! We're here to retake the artifact that was taken from us.

Drake: Tell me something about this. How do you all know it was here in this academy.

Cloak: I don't know anything about it but the one who is leading this attack wants it back.

Drake scoff and stab the blade into his heart, killing him. He went to the rooftop to see Pyra and Mythra already there.

Drake: Pyra, Mythra!

Pyra: Glad your okay Drake. The whole campus is taken over by the pretenders!

Mythra: Tch, this anti magic barrier around make it worse.

Drake looks to see the cloaks getting Rose and other students inside the audiorium.

Drake: Damn it..they got Rose...Claire....

Mythra: We must find Sherry now. She has the artifact, maybe she can disable the shield.

Meanwhile in the science Building, Sherry was sneaking and trying not to get caught, she was working her way to get inside the office and working on an artifact that can cancel the barrier, until she heard screaming.

Sherry: Oh god, it just my imagination.

??: Hey.

Sherry gasp looks to see Pyra, Mythra and Drake, Sherry gets up and hugging Drake.

Sherry: Drake! Pyra! Mythra!

Drake: Everything is gonna be fine. But we need to find out whats going on.

Sherry: I know. They're using the Eye of Avarice

Meanwhile with Sherry's father office as Pyra and Mythra looking through some folders.

Drake: Strange...where's the priniplal.

Sherry: Must have got out in time *Gasp* I found it

The trio turn to see a book and place it at the table to finding the page she was looking for.

Sherry: This is what blocking our magic, the artifact known as the eye of avarice. It can absorb any magic from a dark knight or magical item from tis strange efficary and store it temporarily, as a result it becomes difficult to shape any magical energy while its vicinty.

Mythra: What else?

Sherry: It says here that you can program ity to remember magical frequency that you don't want to absorb, it has that feature or it will swallow the magic of anyone who tries to use it.

Drake:...Does it absorb any magic that hasn't recorded in its memory.

Sherry: I don't know. Once the eye avarice absorbed the magical energy, it releases it all at once.

Pyra: By all at once, goes to a massive blast.

Sherry nodded.

Sherry: You told me that everyone been taken to aditorium right?

Mythra: Its absorbing all the students magic energy as we speak.

Sherry: Yes and because of it father never publish his finding and gave it to the artifact tot he government for safe keeping.

Drake: W-Wait, if your father give it to the government how they got their hands on it?!?

Sherry shrugs her shoulder not knowing it either.

Pyra: Wait, Sherry how about a massive pool of energy, does it handle that much power.

Sherry: But there's no human alive that can do that...

Drake: How about if someone focused all the energy in small point and then releasing it for one spell, could it be absorbed by the age of avarice?

Sherry: It could work but it takes very much concentration to do something like that to surpass the eye of avarice.

Then Sherry show the other artifact in her hands.

Sherry: This is the control unit for the edge of avarice.

It makes Drake and aegis sister surprised.

Pyra: So thats thing controls it.

Sherry: This is used to long term storage for the eye of avarice...I'd wish I got my tools.

Drake: I'll go get it

Sherry: You sure about this! You're be killed!

Drake: its ok, i will get them, Pyra, Mythra, Stay and protect Sherry.

Mythra: We will.

Drake: *smirks* Beside, I wouldn't let an adorable bunny like Sherry do all the work.

Sherry: I'm not a bunny Drake! Don't tease me when I'm worry about your safetly

Drake holding his heart as it broken into million pieces to see so much cuteness "WHY IS SHE SO GODAMN CUTE!!!!!!"

Drake rush out the window as he goes by the window and shoot a green beam through the shield sending a signal. Meanwhile at the auditorium. The students were on the ground, seated not do anything since their magic is sealed

Rex: Takeover is complete sir! The knights are same kind of preparation outside the barrier.

Sir Gaunt: I don't care of any of that, why haven't you retrieved the artifact yet?

Rex: Oh yeah, that artifact, that pink haired brat has i-

Sir Gaunt: What are you waiting for, retrieved the artifact!

Rex: Trust me, I'll go get it! But we lost some forces third and some seconds!

Sir Gaunt: So Shadow Garden finally making their move.

Rex: I heard from one of our guys saw a golden and green flash by the school building.

Sir Gaunt: So he's here also. The Guardian Knight. Nexus, leader of the Order of Alrest.

This got Rex widen his eyes hacing heard of this knight and smirk.

Rex: *smirk* I'll be damned he's here, can't wait to kill him!

Sir Gaunt: Don't underestimate that one you fool, he taken out some of our member and some report he unleashed a devastating attack that destroy one of the test subject

he nodded of understanding and left, as Sir gaunt take out eye of avarice and as it glows. Back inside the building. Rex and the four guys with him walking to find them, unknown to them, Drake appeared in a classroom going to get Sherry's tool, he saw Rex and his goon, Drake has a serious face and glow red before going tot ake care of this.

Nexus: Thats far enough.

They stopped and shocked to see Nexus right in front of them. Rex on other hand smirked as he draw his weapons

Rex: *Smirk* Well, well, its the Leader of the Alrest himself. Nexus. I got be the luckest guy to encounter you.

Nexus: I take it your Rex the gamer betrayer, test subject that survived the cults "projects"

Rex; So what I possess great power than those weaklings! So lets have some f-

Nexus: Nope.

He use Judgement Cut End by using the yamoto and before it put it back, time was frozen as Rexs goons slash into a BILLION pieces as blood splat all over, Rex's widen in pure fears to see a blink of his eye, his goon were gone. That speed was like 000000.1 beyond time itself.

Rex: W-What just happened.

Nexus walking towards Rex as the goon fell backward as Nexus point his sword at his throat.

Nexus: Tell me. Everything

In sherry's offiece. the disguise Nu closed the eye of the dead knight glen.

Nu: Even a prestigious knight no match. It ends quickly when their magic seal away.

She notice unconscious marcho which her eyes narrow of anger and her right hand summona slime knife.

Nexus: I wouldn't do that if I were you were.

Her eyes widen and felt an angry by her neck, it was a sword. Nu turn around slowly it was coming from Nexus, she was in PURE fear as her eyes shaking a lot.

Nexus: Where is your leader Shadow. I felt his magic energy?

Nu: I don't know what your talking a-

Nexus: No use hiding from me, you change your hair, glasses but your looks can't deceieve me.

She shaking in pure fear

Nu: I really don't know to be honest...

Nexus: Why were you going to kill him?

She glances at Marco and back at him.

Nu: This man was by betrothed

Nexus: I guess he left you for some reason and that is you were possessed isn't it?

She widen her eyes that we found out. Nexis sighs and unsummon his weapon and grabs all she can find for Sherry.

Nexus: If you comrades try to come here, tell them to fall back.

Nu: Huh?

Nexus: This is what the Cult plan all of along, make you all out of hiding and take the blame, its like I'm defending your cormades for reasons I don't know. BUT LISTEN. You must le this enemy win, if they succed meaning that it will be divided attention, leave this to us order of Alrest and protect your comrades.

He grabs all the thing and walking out the door but stop.

Nexus: You have my condolences of what happen to you, such a beautiful woman cannot be in this path of darkness and only a light can show you the way. If you leader understand this to not get in the way, I don't know if the ENTIRE kingdom to make Shadow Garden a BIG target. Good luck.

He left as Nu was in shocked to hear such words for him. Meanwhile in Nexus base mansion. As everyone having a meeting.

Raven: Is it weird that Drake hasn't came back

Medusa: Yeah. I'm feeling worried.

Artoria: Don't worry, he'll be back

Xuanzang: I hope so...

Mash: Any word from Yasaka.

Irene: She's been gathering information from the royal guards that are the connections with the cult. But she call that no bandits has been popping up.

Morag: Well thats good news

Modered: *bored face* Sometimes, lets bring in some food in here sometimes, cause meeting can be boring

Artoria: -_- Really? You really like Neptune.

Modered: Oh don't compare to that pudding USELESS goddess!

Until all of their eyes glowing different colors.

Mash: Oh my god!!!

Ishtar: DRAKE!

Raven: Damn them....


Artoria gets up and her eyes glowing yellow in anger.

Artoria: I want every avaibile member in the area to head toward the academy this instan!! Raven, I need to get Sinon for long ranges.

Raven: Got it!

Mash: Hold on Drake!

Irene walks toward Artoria.

Irene: Don't you think its time to use it.

The second command of alrest nodded her head but had a serious face.

Artoria: Yes. It is time. Call Pneuma.

Irene: Got it!

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