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  ( that is Valeria and this is what she's wearing)

    I was walking through the halls of school minding my business letting my thoughts run free in my mind. As I walked through the hallway some students moved out of the way when I walked passed them. I could feel their eyes on me as I walked - Jeez you brake a kids arm and all of a sudden everyone is scared of you-

  I let out a soft sigh as they either averted their gaze or watched my every step. Everyone thought I was just like my dear ol father, Ruthless, alone, always craving danger,  always wanting revenge,  but I'm not, I actually want to make friends but I guess that will never happen except for Oliver he was the only one ever willing to take chances and get to know me now he's my best friend. Ever since my mom went missing I felt empty and I'm pretty sure my pops felt the same way probably worse if I'm being honest.
   You know people think my mom is dead, But I know she's not. That's why I broke that kids arm because he said that my mom didn't want to be with us anymore and that we were monsters. Tears threatened to spill but I kept strong as I walked into the classroom sitting in the back next to Oliver

The only one who didn't think I was a bitch or monster.
   He gave me a soft smile that I did not return but gave him a small nod "hey I heard what happened with you and Brian" he said with a small smirk on his face as he wiggles his eyebrows.  I smiled a little "there's that smile" he says causing me to giggle "yeah he was being a cunt" I snorted.
   The teacher snapped at us causing both of us to turn towards him "hey you two no talking" he snapped as he rolled his eyes. He never really liked me or Oliver at all we both knew he called us freaks behind our backs.
~after class~
   I got up out of my seat and grab my bag "Butcher stay behind" said Mr.smith in a gruff voice. I roll my eyes as Oliver looked at me with sympathy "I'll wait for you outside" he whispered so Mr.smith couldn't hear I gave a little nod as he walked out of the room.
   I walk over to his desk and cross my arms "what is it?" I asked leaning into the desk he glares at me "you're just like your father" he grumbles "a disappointment" he muttered after. I couldn't help myself and grabbed him by the hair and bashed his face  into the desk once, twice, three, four, five times. I finally stopped when he was covered in blood and gasping for air I licked my lips and grabbed my stuff then look down at my shirt "damnit this is why I can never  wear white" I mumbled a little upset as I walked out of the class room not caring that I had blood on my shirt.
    Oliver was waiting there like he said "hey" he smiled then noticed the blood "woah what-" before he could finish I cut him off "lost my temper there" I said as we walked together to the cafeteria. Oliver was talking about a new book he was reading and how much he enjoyed it to forget about the blood that stained my shirt. I just listened to him go on and on a small smile on my lips I honestly thought it was kinda cute. We soon arrived at a table and took our seats.

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