*•^~ My OC's crime list ~^•*

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So...it's safe to say that my OC's have been in some really sketchy stuff. So, I'm gonna run down some of the crimes they've committed.

- Only counting each crime once
- These punishments are based on Oklahoma state laws
- Assault (both by my OC's and civilians)

[Worse case scenario for my OC's: Winter assaulted this man because he kept trying to threaten and make creepy advances on Cherry

[Worse case scenario for civilian: Psy broke this guy's kneecap, so he pushed him down and tried to strangle him as he beat him to a near-bloodied pulp

«PUNISHMENT: A fine of $500 or 30 days in jail
- Arson (My OC's, mainly Psy)

[Worse case scenario: Psy was pissed off at some group of people because they were spreading discord everywhere about him. So he proceeded to light their house on fire with the intent on harming them

«PUNISHMENT: Varies depending on the degree. But it was first degree, so a fine of $25,000 or 35 years in prison
- Child ab#se (Winter and some other's parents)

[Worse case scenario: Winter's parents would abuse him on the daily. Beating him with various weapons, and even going so far as to almost blind him

«PUNISHMENT: One year in jail or a fine of no more than $500
- Kidnapping (both my OC's and civilians)

[Worse case scenario for my OC's: PC kidnapped the contestants to participate in their killing game against their will. PC could also be charged with murder, attempted murder, and torture

[Worse case scenario for a civilian: Some jerk kidnapped Psy and held him hostage for two days before dying because Gen found him and shot him multiple times

«PUNISHMENT: A jail sentence of 5 to 20 years
- R@p3 (Mainly my OC Winter)

[Worse case scenario for my OC's: If you've read me making small snipets of Winter's backstory, you know he has a lot of trauma. Winter, as a young child, was forcibly r@p3d by both his mom and dad. This persisted til he was eight, when he ran away

[NOTE: For anyone currently going through/or having experienced this, I am so sorry. My deepest regards go to you, and I'm not trying to offend you in any way..

«PUNISHMENT: Life in jail (with/without parole), imprisonment for up to 5 years, or the death penalty
- Burglary (mainly my OC's)

[Worse case scenario: Genesis was forced to steal $300 worth of jewels, because MIRA HQ was being pricey with their money, and spending it all on useless stuff. So they stole jewels to kinda not let the company fall bankrupt

«PUNISHMENT: 7 to 20 years in jail
- Driving under Influence (DUI)
[Worse case scenario: Psy nearly drove into a ravine amd drowned after being intoxicated so much and having decided to drive

- Minor in possession of alcohol
[Worse case scenario: Anytime my OC's get really hecking drunk (with some exceptions)

- Selling/distributing alcohol to minors:
[Worse case scenario: Some random ladg gave Cherry a crate full of wine, which was laced with laxatives. So she not only got wasted, she also got severely poisoned

«PUNISHMENTS: A fine of $10,000 or a jail sentence of 1 to 10 years (DUI)

Revocation of driver's license, a payment of a fine, and enrollment in alcohol diversion education programs
(Minor possessing alcohol)

A fine or probation (Selling/distributing alcohol to minors)
- Hit and Run

[Worse case scenario for OC: Mari was driving with Cherry and Kye when she accidentally hit a car. Instead of informing the police, the three ran and the other driver was killed

[Worse case scenario for civilian: Some jerks purposefully crashed into the car, causing Cherry to almost rupture her bladder and lungs

«PUNISHMENT: A fine of up to $10,000 or 10 years in prison
- Reckless driving

[Worse case scenario for OC: Hallo and Psy forgot to turn the headlights on and the cops were informed. They weren't arrested, but they had to pay a hefty fine

[Worse case scenario for a civilian: Some couple was making out while driving amd nearly knocked Cherry into a ditch

«PUNISHMENT: 5 to 90 days in jail, or $100-$500 in fines
- Grand theft auto

[Worse case scenario for OC: Winter had to forcefully steal a person's car to retrieve his stolen wallet from some douchebag pickpocketer

«PUNISHMENT: 5 years in prison, a fine of up to thousands of dollars, and restitution to the original owner of the vehicle
- Child abandonment

[Worse case scenario: Before meeting PC, Ruby was staying in a loving foster home. However, she was lead out into a field one day and the owner just...left her there to die

«PUNISHMENT: Up to a year in jail, or 10 years if it was a felony
- Homicide

[Worse case scenario for OC: Has happened so many times for my OC's, there's really no worse case scenario here

«PUNISHMENT: Death or imprisonment for life (accidental or not)
- Indecent exposure

[Worse case scenario for OC: Winter's parents had him do this regularly, which resulted in him getting publicly shamed or harassed because of it

«PUNISHMENT: 30 days to 10 years in jail, and a fine of $500 to $20,000
- Prostitution

[Worse case scenario for OC's parent: Psy's mom was an under-paid prostitute. But since it was illegal at the time, she had to do this in secret. Psy has also implied becoming a nighttime worker if he were to ever get fired (never specified what job he'd do)

«PUNISHMENT: 30 days to a year, or a fine of $2,500
- Stalking

[Worse case scenario for OC: After Cherry had broken up with her ex, she had gone into a vengeful spiral. She stalks Cherry both in public and online, but Cherry's none the wiser

«PUNISHMENT: 1 year in jail, or a fine of $1,000
Sorry this wasn't a more lighthearted chapter, but uhm....have some disturbing lore for my OC's

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