chap 4

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The Baseball (Part 4)

location: Kitchen

mood: groggy

music: I see you mika

Title: The Baseball

Author: KrystalKatz

Rating: NC17

Length: Chaptered, short series

Genre: High school au, romance

Parings: Matsumoto Jun/Ninomiya Kazunari, Sakurai Sho/Aiba Masaki, Ohno Satoshi/**

 Disclaimer: I only own the plot, if I did own them I’d share

A/N: Matsumoto and Sakurai are older than the others in this.

Nino lay on his bed his head in his arms looking up at the ceiling, he was more worried by Aiba’s revelation that he was seeing Sakurai than he had let on, he really didn’t know Matsu’s manager all that well. He had spoken to him a few times and he seemed okay but, he was a few years older than Aiba, what if he was just using his friend? He chewed his lip looking at the clock on his phone wondering when Matsu would call. Just as he was thinking that the phone started ringing flashing the models name.

“Moshi-Mosh” He said answering it quickly,

“Wow, baby, so fast were you holding your phone waiting for my call?” Matsu asked with a laugh

“Shut up, I was looking at the time” Nino snapped thankful that he couldn’t see the blush that was colouring his face

“Sure you were…“ Matsu laughed again, Nino was tempted to hang up, but he knew if he did Matsu wouldn’t phone him again and he wanted some answers first.

“How old is Sakurai-san?”

“Huh?” Matsu said surprised by the sudden change in topic, “Hmm… He’s a couple of years older than me, so about 28, 29… Why?”

“So he’s at least 10 years older” Nino mused thoughtfully

“Is something wrong?”

“No… Not really, did you know he’d been seeing Masa?”

“Masa? Who’s Masa?”

“My friend Aiba… The loud one that scuffed your painting…”

“Oh, no, I didn’t, I knew he was seeing somebody, he’s been acting ‘happy’ for a while. So he’s dating your friend? For how long?”

“2 months” Nino answered, he still couldn’t believe Aiba hadn’t told him, but he should have realised something was going on with his friend, he knew he hadn’t been paying attention recently he been so focused on Matsu, and now he felt like a really crappy friend. He wanted to be happy for Aiba but he was worried that Sakurai was only using his friend, wasn’t he a little old for him? He thought staring at a collage of photos of them growing up. Aiba had made it as a birthday gift last year, at the time he’d rolled his eyes he would have been happier with a new game but the gift was typically ‘Aiba’ emotional and more thoughtful than any shop bought game.

“And you’re worried about the age difference?” Matsu asked calmly cutting through his thoughts drawing his attention back to the phone

“A little 10 years is a big gap” He muttered

“I’m about 6 years older than you” Matsu pointed out, “Kazu, it’s cute that you’re worried but… Sho-san, he’s a good guy if they’re dating he’s serious about him… And there will be nobody better to look after your friend”

“Jun… When do you get back?” Nino said changing the subject again Matsu was right besides, the way Aiba had looked when he’d told him about Sakurai his friend was completely in love with his the older guy.

“Wednesday afternoon…”

“Hmm… I meant what time?”

“About 3… Why are you missing me already, Kazu?”

“What? Of course not”

“That’s a pity I’m missing you” Matsu sighed “I never realised how boring hotel rooms were before…”

“You make it sound like I’m the first guy you’ve dated” Nino said cursing his heart for thumping slightly, Matsu gave a laugh

“You’re not the first guy I seen, but you are the first guy that I’m with not just because I don’t want to be alone” He admitted softly causing Nino to blush; it was almost like he was telling him he loved him. “I’m surprised myself at how much I’m missing you”

“… Don’t be so corny” Nino snapped hating the soft laughter that Matsu let out, even if his heart was feeling the same thing he would never admit it.

“Okay, sorry Kazu…”

“You’d better get some sleep”

“Yeah, you too… Kazu, don’t over worry about Sho-san and your friend even if there is a big age gap”

“I’ll text you tomorrow…”

“Yeah, bye Kazu”

Nino stared at the wall he knew he had a huge dorky smile on his face but he didn’t care. The next day he did the same thing went to school texted Matsu the only difference was he started listening to Aiba more. He fumed when he found out why Aiba was so afraid of sex. Keita had tormented his friend for most of his life, sometimes he really wanted to punch him.

“You know, it is really that bad… It hurts but…”

“What if he leaves me after?”

“I would have thought it was more likely that he’d leave you for punching him…” Nino sighed, draining his juice “I talked to Jun about Sakurai-san… He said that although he didn’t know about you and Sakurai, he thought something was happening because he’s been happy since you got together…”

“Really?” Aiba grinned, his eyes flashing happily

“Yeah… Um aren’t you worried about the age difference?”

“No, he’s older and smarter than me about some things, but others he’s shy” Aiba answered, Nino rolled his eyes, about to throw his empty juice carton in the bin when he saw Kamenashi, from the baseball team

“What’s he doing in the art rooms?” He mumbled

“I don’t know” Aiba shrugged “He’s been acting strangely for a while though…”

Nino was tempted to follow him but then decided it wasn’t worth it, it threw his rubbish away, and then grabbed his bag “Come on, Masa let’s get to class” He pushed Kame out of his mind and went to class, looking forwards to the next day when Matsu would be back. That night was the same as before Matsu phoned him and they talked for about an hour about nothing and then he went to sleep dreaming about him. The next morning Aiba was grinning when he met him at the bus stop

“What’s up with you?”

“I got you something” He grinned pulling out a brown paper bag “Here” Nino frown as he pulled out a magazine, that had a yellow paper book mark he flicked it open his mouth falling open as he saw a two page spread of Matsu looking as sexy as hell, with his shirt off and trousers partly open. “So is he as hot half naked in real life?”

“Hotter” Nino mumbled his eyes running over the paper, trying to soak up the image; it felt like forever since he had seen his lover, he licked his lips praying that the day would finish quickly. As the bus arrived he stuck the magazine in his bag, trying to ignore the other reactions he was having in his trousers. He was yelled at for spacing out for most of the day, and during English the magazine was taken from him; he glared at the young female teacher as she wondered what he found so interesting about the new fragrance. He wanted to ditch baseball practice and go straight to the models apartment but he didn’t want to appear too keen. The choice was taken out of his hands when he came out of the school building and saw a large group of girls talking excitedly he pushed his way from them and his mouth dropped open slightly and a blush coloured his cheeks as he saw Matsu leaning against his car watching the school entrance, he saw Nino and gave a smile his eyes happily roaming over the student, “Hey baby” He said

“What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t finished till 3?”

“We finished earlier so we came back earlier…” Matsu shrugged “So are you coming?”

“I guess I’m going with him” Nino told Aiba, trying his best to glare at Matsu but failing, his expression became more of a wince

“That’s okay, I’m going to see Sho-chan and Wiggles anyway” Aiba grinned waving happily and walking off before Nino could even ask who ‘Wiggles’ was.

“Shall we go?” Matsu asked unlocking the car and opening the passenger door, Nino tried to work out if he should smile or glare at the treatment, he was embarrassed but happy that Matsu had come to pick him up.

“We skipped the whole dating thing and went straight to me pretty much locking you in my apartment for the weekend…”

“Does that really matter?” Nino asked

“Not really, I enjoyed the weekend… But I told you I wasn’t with you for just sex I want to date you” The model told him kissing his lips lightly before pulling away from the school “Where do you want to go?”

“Any where’s fine…”

“The beach?”

“Yeah…” Nino said “But won’t that look too much like we’re a couple?”

“We are a couple”

“Yeah, but aren’t you famous? Won’t it ruin your reputation?”

“I don’t care, besides I’m not that famous, um why do you have that magazine sticking out of your bag?”

“Masa’s idea of a joke” Nino answered blushing as he stuck it further into his bag and zipped it up. Matsu let out a laugh

“So you didn’t buy it because of my half naked pictures?”

“I don’t have money to waste on that” Nino mumbled and Matsu was reminded of the pink t-shirt, they didn’t speak for the rest of the driver, the silence broken by the cheerful pop songs that were playing on the radio. Matsu parked in a car park facing the beach and they got out taking their shoes off they walked down to the sea, they walked in the surf for a while and then Matsu pulled him down and they sat watching the sky change colours

“Tell me about your family” The model asked softly, and Nino took a deep breath he guessed he should have seen this coming

“I live with my grandma, in a one bedroom apartment, my parents died in a car crash when I was really young, I don’t even really remember them. I do remember I was in the car when it happened… My big sister managed to free herself and she got me out… Our grandparents took us in, four years ago my grandpa died, things got hard for my grandma, my sister had managed to get into a good college, she said she wouldn’t go that she would find a job but we insisted, my grandma sold the house her and grandpa had lived in the whole of their married lives to send Kari to college and me to that school…”

“Your grandma sounds like a lovely woman”

“She is…”

“And you sound really fond of your sister”

“She’s always been more like a mum to me” Nino shrugged as he played with the sand, letting it run through his fingers. “I’ve only ever told Masa this before…”

“Thanks for trusting me” Matsu murmured kissing the top of his head lightly.

“So… What about your family?”

“Hmm, my mum was a waitress and my dad’s idol…”


“Yep… Takashi Kei”

“That’s your dad?” Nino’s eyes widened Takashi Kei was his childhood hero, he couldn’t believe that Matsu was his son.

“Yeah I took my mums name… She and Takashi didn’t really date, they just slept together a few times, when mum got pregnant Takashi left, Mum raised me the best she could but raising a child on a waitresses salary was impossible, she tried to find other work but the only thing she could find was working as a hostess. She changed after that; every morning when she came home she took three showers just to take the smell of the place away… She started drinking, then when I was eight she disappeared, if it wasn’t for our next door neighbour I would have died.  I haven’t seen her since. After that I went into care… My Father set me up with a family but they were only interested in the money he gave them…I got out of there as soon as I got enough money together”

“I guess we’ve both had hard childhoods, ne?” Nino sighed resting his head on his shoulder, Matsu kissed the top of his head, the sun had all but vanished and the temperature had dropped quickly. Nino gave a small shiver, and Matsu wrapped an arm around him

“Should we go back?”

“Yeah” Nino nodded, and they walked back to the car hand in hand. That night they didn’t have sex just kissed each other happily softly murmuring ‘I love you’ until the sun was coming up. That morning at school Nino was in an even bigger mess than the day before, he was told off twice for snoring in class. Aiba kept teasing him as they went to their evening practice,

“Please tell me you’re not playing baseball again” a voice said causing Nino’s heart to skip a few beats.

“Jun, what are you doing here?” Nino asked his eyes widening, as they looked at Matsu, who was grinning at him a pair of dark sunglasses covering his eyes

“I’m having my painting restored and got a new one” Matsu answered taking his sunglasses off and glaring a little at Aiba, who looked at his feet quickly

“Why come to our school?”

“Because the person that painted them comes here” The model shrugged more interested in Nino and how good he looked in his uniform with the shirt partly open then what he was being asked

“The person that painted that beautiful picture comes here?” Aiba asked his voice higher with excitement, Matsu wondered what Sakurai saw in him, maybe it was the ‘cute’ factor, whatever it was he guessed he was going to have to get used to him since both his boyfriend and manager were connected to him. To Nino something clicked, ‘so that’s why he was here that day’ he thought thinking about the incident with the baseball. Kamenashi had stayed on the team and as Nino predicted he was a good member even if he was still a bit of pain in the ass sometimes

“Ohno Satoshi?” He told them, surprised by the blank looks on their faces,

“The cute, weird guy, that’s always by himself?” Nino murmured thoughtfully a faint memory flashing through his mind of a guy about his height carrying a sketch pad. Matsu smacked him on the head not happy about the ‘cute’ comment. “Fuck, have I told you I fucking hate it when you hit me with your rings on?” Nino snapped rubbing his head lightly to see if he was bleeding,

“Several times, but you love it when I’m wearing them while I’m tossing you off” The model grinned as eyes flashing as he leaned in close to his ear, Nino glared at him his face going red

“Shut up princess” He mumbled rather weakly pushing him away, refusing to look at the rest of the team, most of all Aiba. Matsu laughed staying next to him and rubbing the back of his head. “So he’s like a big shot artist or something?”

“He’s a prodigy; he’s had art shows all over the world…”

“And he’s in our school?” Nino mumbled with a raised eyebrow,

“Wouldn’t somebody like that be in a big fancy place?”

“I guess he likes the people” Matsu mumbled rather sarcastically and then looked at his watch “Crap I’ve got to go, Kazu, will you give this to Ohno-kun if you see him? I couldn’t find him in the art rooms… And I’ll see you later?”

“I… Erm, yeah…” Nino nodded, Matsu stroked his head and then cheek with a smile and the nodded at Aiba

“Bye-bye” he said, having to suffer some light teasing from the team as they finished the practice

“Strange…” Aiba said thoughtfully as they changed back into their school uniform


“Kame, wasn’t at practice today, he’s normally the first here” Aiba said looking at the Kamenashi’s empty locker

“Maybe he’s sick” Nino shrugged

“No I saw him earlier…”

“Are you really that worried? The guy’s a jerk…” He said as he remembered the envelope Matsu had asked him to deliver and said bye to Aiba going to the art department, he knocked on the door but received no reply he tried the door and it opened easily so he went inside. A strong, almost over powering, smell of paint hit him; he wrinkled his nose and looked around. Nino’s eyes widened as he took in the scene in front of him, Kame was sat on a desk his arms wrapped tightly another guy, who Nino vaguely recognised as Ohno, and they were kissing quite loudly. Paints and paper were scattered all around the room, they didn’t seem to notice him at first and he pulled out his phone taking a picture the noise made them both start and they turned to stare at him. “Well I wasn’t expecting… This” Nino admitted smirking slightly as he lowered his phone and looked at Kame; Kame had the decency to flush a hot red as he untangled himself from around Ohno. The artist hurried from the room.

“This isn’t what it looks like” Kame said rearranging his uniform

“You weren’t making out?”

“Look, please, don’t tell anyone about this …”

“You’ve pretty much made mine and Aiba’s lives hell and here you are making out with Ohno, and you don’t want me to tell anyone…”

“Fuck I know I deserve it, but Ohno-sempai doesn’t please, people already think he’s weird, he’s not like you and Aiba he can’t just laugh things off like you guys do…”

“You think it’s easy for Masa to just laugh it off either!” Nino spat running his hands through his hair angrily, it didn’t help that Matsu was practically in love with the artist either “Fine, but if you say one more thing about Masa, I swear I’ll out you both in morning assembly and I’m keeping the picture…”

“Thank-you” Kame said with a nod

“Yeah well, anyway the reason I came was to give Ohno this” Nino said handing him the envelope Matsu had given him,

“Thanks, I’ll give it to him… Ninomiya, I am sorry for what I said…”

“Whatever” Nino shrugged still surprised, he left the art room glad that he could finally go to Matsu’s apartment. He used his key to let himself in and was surprised to have to dodge a vase that was meant to have been aimed at Hiro

“Get the fuck out!” Matsu snapped glaring at the actor, his hands on his hips,

“Stop being such I fucking drama queen, I already said I was sorry… Oh look who’s here…” The actor said turning to see Nino staring at him.

“If you touch him I’ll break your arm” Matsu said in a cold soft voice as he looked at Hiro, the actor gave a laugh a brushed Nino’s cheek with his fingertip, Nino’s eyes narrowed and hissing he clenched his fists, up until now he had put up with the touching but now he was seriously pissed off. Without even thinking his fist landed squarely on Hiro’s cheek, sending the actor stumbling backwards against the wall. Hiro stared at him clutching his cheek

“You little fuck” He swore stepping forwards, Matsu came to Nino’s side putting an arm around his shoulders,

“Why don’t you take your fucking stuff and get out of here?” The model snapped gripping Nino’s hand tightly his eyes narrowed when he saw it was already going red,

“I knew you were fucking him” Hiro snapped “You cheated on me”

“No, nothing happened between us before you told about that little slut” Matsu replied “But I’m sure she wasn’t the only one you fucked while you were seeing me… You couldn’t keep your hands to yourself…”

“Oh and you weren’t just using me?”

“You’re right we were just using each other… That’s why I never said anything…” The model sighed running his free hand through his hair, “So why don’t we just put this down to a bad experience and forget it ever happened?”

“Fine” Hiro snapped “I’ll leave you to your fucking boy toy”

“Yeah, why don’t you do that?” Matsu nodded dragging Nino into the kitchen area while Hiro grabbed the small box that Matsu had packed. The door slammed closed and Matsu let out a long sigh as he grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and putting it on Nino’s knuckles “It would be great if that was the last I was going to see of him but I was told this morning that they want to do a special of that drama we were in together…”

“Will you be okay?”

“Yeah, he can act like a human being when he’s on set” Matsu answered pushing the hair away from Nino’s face and then kissed his nose lightly “It was cool to see you punch him, but you should be more careful, aren’t you the pitcher?”

“I guess, but he’s a complete creep…”

“I’m glad you think so” Matsu laughed kissing him properly this time his tongue quickly probing his mouth for entrance, his finger tugging his shirt free from his trousers “Is your hand okay?”

“Y-Yeah” Nino said and Matsu threw the ice pack into the sink and pulled him by the front of his trousers to the bedroom. They stripped quickly and Nino lay on his back on the bed embarrassed as Matsu’s eyes ran over him taking in every detail before bringing his hands down. Nino shivered happily as he felt Matsu’s fingers running over his skin, “You’re so fucking beautiful baby”

“Jun…” Nino moaned surprised at how breathy his voice was when they hadn’t even done anything yet. Matsu’s mouth followed his hands kissing a trail from his neck all the way down to his rapidly hardening member; he kissed the tip a few times before wrapping his lips around it and sucking him in deeply. Nino’s fingers gripped the sheets tightly as he let his body surrender to the attentions Matsu’s mouth was giving him. He could feel the models tongue running over the slit and he couldn’t help but thrust his hips up deeper into that wonderful mouth, he was almost positive he felt Matsu smile, as that’s what he had been waiting for, so Nino continued to move against him while the taller guys hand ran up his stomach and chest, “F-uc-k … Jun…” He gasped trying to pull Matsu away as he felt himself coming, but the model kept his mouth firmly around his penis hungrily sucking at it until Nino gave another thrust and emptied into him panting heavily as he watched Matsu swallow it.

“You taste amazing baby” The model smiled licking his lips and Nino felt his member give an excited twitch and already started to harden again, Matsu laughed as he stroked it, using the hand with the rings, Nino let out a loud moan, he really did love to feel the rings on his member, Matsu kissed Nino on the mouth “I really excite you, ne?”

“Y-es… Fucking yes…” Nino nodded his whole body shivering “Please, I want to… Feel you…”

“But I haven’t prepared you” Matsu murmured, his fingers pushing into his tight hole

“I don’t care… Please… Jun…”

“I don’t want to hurt you…” The model muttered, grabbing the lube and condoms, he pulled his fingers out and slicked them before pushing all three in at once, Nino gave a strangled cry his hip bucking as his member came fully back to life. Matsu didn’t spend long getting him ready and quickly slipped a condom on and pushed into that welcoming warmth groaning at the tightness that surrounded him “Fuck… So… Good” He moaned pulling out and pushing in again. Their pace was rapid and hard, their skin made soft slapping sounds, and their breaths became shallow and quick as they both moved together bot wanting to give as much pleasure as they could, Matsu’s gripped Nino and pumped him in time with the thrusts and they both let out joint screams as they came together, the students nail digging into the models back. Matsu kissed the mole on Nino’s chin lightly as their heartbeats returned to normal; Nino smiled he felt amazing, a pleasant tiredness washed over him as he caressed Matsu’s back

“I love you” The model told him

“Me too” Nino admitted, sighing as Matsu pulled out of him. They took a quick shower and then went back to bed it wasn’t late but both were happily exhausted. They were about to sleep when the phone buzzed telling him that Aiba had sent him a message, he knew from experience if he didn’t reply Aiba would just send continuously message him, with a low growl he pulled himself from Matsu’s grip and went to fetch his phone.

>Nino-chan, I finally did it!! :)< Nino read he let out a laugh

>Congratulations< He replied switching his phone off and then went back to bed, snuggling back up to Matsu

“Is everything okay?” The model asked sleepily wrapping his arms around him again,

“Yeah… Masa and Sakurai finally had sex” Nino answered

“That’s nice”

“It is for Sakurai, he might not get punched anymore” the student chuckled confusing Matsu slightly, but he was too tired to think about it.

A/N: Oh-chan and the Turtle :D the next chapter is SakurAiba, I hope you enjoy ^.^

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