chap 4: ECONOMY

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1.  FREE ENTERPRISE: Theoretical and historical background

-         The American economy is described as a free enterprise system:

+ Allow private business the freedom to operate for profit with minimum Government regulation.

-         The theoretical foundation of the American economic system -> was provided by Adam Smith:

+ When individuals are allowed to pursue profit freely -> the result is good for all society.

+ Market forces (the invisible hand) control the efficient allocation of goods.


-         Throughout 19th century: Market forces operated with a minimum of Government intervention.

-         Since 1930: Government regulations has existed in many areas of business.

-         Conservatives => complain of too much government regulation

-         Liberals => more willing to accept Gov’s roles in the economy.


-     America is a affluent society (rich, has lost of $...)

-         In 1985: + The average annual  income of American families was $27,700

                    + Only about 14% of the population lived below he official poverty level.

-         60% of the population are in the middle-income or high income ranks.


-         The U.S remains the world’s leading producer of goods and services.

-         The US is the world’s leading producer of electrical energy, aluminum, copper, sulphur, paper, gas and automobiles.

-         Industrial and technological production is high. No other nations export as much high technology as the US

-         Technological advancement has accelerated changes in agriculture:

         + Farming is highly mechanized and commercialized.

         + US farmers produce enough food for domestic consumption and supply15% of the world’s food need.


-         Have a significant impact on the American economy.

+ In1984: 700,000 small biz were started.

+ Since 1970s:  businessed started by entrepreneurs have provided more employment than larger corporations.

-         1977: Apple Computer Corporation was started and became 1 of the largest computer makers in the Us in 1984.


-         Americans are known for being highly success-oriented and dedicated to hard work and material success.

-         Yuppies:young upwardly-mobile professional -> describe people between the ages of 25 and 45 who devote themselves to careers and status.



-         Americans view business as being more firmly based on the ideal of competition than other institutions in society.

-         Competition is the major source of progress and prosperity by most Americans.

·        Competition protects the American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work:

- Competition protects the freedom of the individual:

+ By ensuring that there is no monopoly of power.

+ Business is competitive >< Government is a monopoly. Competition is even more important than democracy in preserving freedom.

è“Free Enterprise” is most often used to describe the American business system rather than “Capitalism”

-         Competition strengthens the ideal of equality of opportunity:

+ Americans compare business competition to a race open to all -> everyone can have equal chances to gain success and status.

-         Competition is also seen as encouraging hard work:

+ If 2 business people are competing against each otherm the one who works harder is likely to win.

+ People must develop the habit of hard work in order not to fail.


  People who are successful in business have sometimes become heroes to American people. 2 kinds of business heroes :

·        1.The Entrepreneur as heroes:

-         They are the purest kind of business heroes, because of the reasons:

+ They succees in building something great out of nothing.

   # they start with very little money or power and ended up as the heads of huge companies.

   # they were perfect examples of American ideal of equality of opportunity in action.

+ They conduct their business and their lives without taking orders from anyone above them -> Americans have great respect for those who can say “I am my own boss”.


·         Steve Jobs-started Apple Computer in his garage

·        Bill Gates-developed Microsoft into a global giant

·        Ross Petrot; a self-made billionaire who ran for President, risk-taking eutrepreneur still launch their business with high hope of ‘making it big’.

·        2.The Organization man/ woman as hero:

Huge business organizations established by entrepreneurs needed a new generation of biz leaders to run => the leader are called organixation man / woman.

-         They are role models of success in American society.

-         Do not have a strong hero image as entrepreneur.

-         Example of organization man admired by the public:

Lee Iacocca: + took over the Chrysler coporatio when it was almost bankrupt in 1979

                     + have the loan from Gov, he turn the company around and made it profitable


Earning money:

-         Traditional: A major sign of Middle class  has been that you do non – manual work

-         Several  decades:  skilled manual ( blue- collar) workers paid more highly than lower grades of white – collar

-         Now :  > ½ workforce does non- manual work & majority describe themselves as working class

(Weaken connection btw class distinctions & types of work)

·         Working day: start 8a.m (manual workers) + start  9a.m (non-manual works) -> 5p.m (+overtime)

·         Normal lunch break   ≤ 1hours

·         retire age: 65 (60 for women)

·         Find work by:

-         newspaper

-         local  job centre ( run as government services)

-         privately run employment agencies ( take a commission from employees)

·         Level of Unemployment has gradually risen ; most jobs opportunities are in service sector

·         Heavy industry decrease

-         Less job 4 man, more 4 women ( law against sex discrimination in employment: passed in 1975 )

-         The average fulltime male employee earn more 50% > female

Work organization:

-         CBI ( The confederation of British Industry ):

·         Represent: employers in private industry

·         Give advices to trade unisons & government is quite influential

-         TUC ( The trade Union Congress )

·        Voluntary association of country’s trade unions

·        Represent: employees in all types of business

·        The leader: most powerful in country & consulted by P.M

·        Members: > ½ employed in country

è1979: low restrict its power

-         NUF ( The National Union of Farmers )

·        Represent: agricultural employers & independent farmers

·        Many members, wealthy.

-         Most B. unions connected with particular occupation & belong to labor party.

-         There only 1 union 4 each group of employees (  no 1 4 each political party because it not form along party lines )

-         Unions have local branches called  “ chapels”

The structure of trade & industry

-         “ Modernization” of business & industry happened later in 1960s when large corporations start to dominate and a “management class” begin to emerge

-         1980s: graduate business qualifications become the norm for newly hired managers

-         The decades following World War II: British industry performed poorly, British agriculture successes

-         Economic system: mix of private and public enterprise

·        1945-1980: state had more and more control

·        Since 1980:   “market forces” rules (restrict the freedom of business as little as possible) => state-owned companies turned into companies owned by individuals

·        1988: More shareholders > members of Union in country

Privatization of services = “watchdog” organizations

Finance and investment

-         British: 1 of the wealthiest place in the world


·        The preference for continuity and tradition rather than change

·        The emphasis on personal contacts as opposed to demonstrated ability when deciding who gets important jobs => personal trust

·        Stability and square mile of old City of London (concentrations of Insurance Companies, merchant banks, JS Bank, stockholders)

·        Habit of secrecy of Britain

-         Money: matter of cash in pockets and account in 1 of high street banks

Spending money: shopping

-         British: not very adventurous shoppers

·        Like reliability: buy brand name goods anf prefer price clearly marked

·        High proportion of country’ shops/ branches of chain stores

-         British: not demand art in shop window

-         In last quarter of 20th century: supermarket move out of town (to where have lots o free parking space) => turn into “hypermarkets”  (wider variety of items)

-         In town: local shops concentrated in “high street” (main street) => many are  for pedestrians (phốđi bộ)

·        Specialize/ sell  especially cheap goods(for the poor)

·        Charity shops/ discount stores(selling second-hand items and staffed by volunteers)

·        Always have ≥1 food shop

·        Some small high streets sell more expensive luxury items (even middle class use supermarket, it is not smart and fashionable places to shop)

-         Department stores slow to move out of town => 1 large town/suburb has ≥ 1 high street

ðEach company run maximum branches in same region

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