Adrinette & The Chapstick Challenge

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"You want me to do what with Adrien?"

Out of all the things Marinette had heard in her whole life, this was the craziest thing she's ever heard. Alya just sat there with a smirk on her face and her eyes glistening with mischief. Alya may be her best friend, but sometimes, she says things that always blew Marinette away. And in this case, her mind just got blown away while being sent to the moon.

"I want you to do the Chapstick challenge with Adrien. It's a challenge where a person gets to guess what type of Chapstick the other person is wearing. But to guess, the person would either sniff, kiss, or even lick the other persons lips. So I thought 'hey wouldn't it be amazing if my girl, Marinette, kiss the boy of her dreams, Adrien Agreste?'" While explaining this, Marinette's face had turned red that it could outmatch her ladybug outfit. She knew she couldn't kiss the boy of her dreams even if she tried. Marinette would just be a nervous wreck in front of Adrien and he'll reject her and the whole world will blow up because of the rejection and..

"..Nette... Marinette.. MARINETTE!!" As soon as she heard her name, Marinette turned to face Alya, who was shaking her to get out of her thoughts. "Did you even hear what I just said? Or were you overthinking again?" The secret heroine was just looking down and fumbling with her thumbs. "Sorry Alya. I just don't understand why you suggest this. I mean come on, who would want to kiss Marinette Dupain-Cheng? The girl who is clumsy and extremely awkward."

"Look Marinette, I am 100% sure that you can do it. I mean everybody has already done it by now. Hell, half the people in school have done it. You just have to go up to Adrien and ask him if he would like to do the challenge with you."

Marinette was about to sigh until something crossed her mind and her frown became a mischievous smile. "So everyone in the school has done the challenge?"

"Well I don't know that for sure but most of the people we know have done it." She had closed her eyes and her arms were crossed as they made their way out to the school entrance since school was over.

"So, Kim and Alex?"


"Juleka and Rose?"


"Ivan and Mylene?"


"Alya and Nino?"


The moment those words left her mouth her eyes flew open and her hands flew up to her mouth. Her face was slowly turning into a light shade of pink that beat Marinette's pants and that had made Marinette laugh. She would had never guessed that her best friend would figure out her little secret. Sure, Nino was her best friend and thought of him as a brother, but somehow the young DJ made his way to her heart and one day they were at Nino's place while his parents weren't home and the thought of the challenge popped into their heads. So they bought different flavors of Chapstick at some store then they were in his room kissing trying a variety of Chapstick on one another's lips.

Her reaction only made Marinette laugh even harder. "Alya Césaire. I would have never guessed that you, out of all people, would do that with our fellow classmate." Marinette was practically on the floor laughing till her sides hurt and tears form in the corners of her eyes from laughing so much. Alya had just stared and remembered something that could make the fashion designer stop her laughing. But it was not funny at all. It was a warning.

"Okay Marinette. You had your moment of laughing but remember when I said most of the people in our school done it?" Marinette got up from the ground while remembering the young reporters words but wasn't really taking her serious because of what she had discovered just a few minutes ago. "Yes Alya I remember what you said. Why is it important at a time like this when you have to tell me your little fiasco with Nino?" With that, Alya had sighed in embarrassment but she turned serious and the words that left her mouth left Marinette turn stone cold. "Chloé hadn't done the challenge and she's planning on asking Adrien soon. And by soon I mean like in a few minutes." Marinette took a moment to really put some thought into Alya's words. 'Chloé + Adrien + Chapstick Challenge = KISSING.'

As soon as the spotted heroine thought about that, she grabbed her best friends arm and ran to the front of the school where the love of her life was waiting for his ride to come any minute and take him home. She was not going to let Chloé kiss her future husband.. Or the boy of her dreams. Yeah that sounds better and less creepy than future husband. When they had made their destination she turned to Alya and told her that she still had some explaining to do with her and Nino. They were looking for Adrien until they spotted him with his best friend (and Alya's kissing buddy) chatting with each other until their rides came to get them. The two girls started making their way to the unsuspecting boys until Chloé had pushed them out of the way and latched herself onto Adriens arm. The sight instantly made Marinette nauseous.

"Oh Adrikins! I've been meaning to ask you something for awhile now. Oh and I'm sorry Marinette. But I didn't see you there but then again, who sees you anyways? You're always falling everywhere and on anything that just comes your way." Marinette had gotten up and dusted herself before helping her best friend up. She was about to say something until Alya beat her to it. "Chloé! You did that on purpose and we were just about to ask the boys a question until YOU rudely bumped into us."

"Oh well what I have to say is more important than your questions with Adrikins. Speaking of which, Adrien. You will have the honor of kissing me all day if you accept my Chapstick challenge. So will you do the Chapstick challenge with me?" Chloé gave him a smile and to the side, a smirk for Marinette to declare that she's won and Marinette had lost. The poor fashion designer wanted to just disappear while curling up into a ball and cry. She was about to walk home that was across the school until she heard Adriens answer to Chloé's request. "I'm sorry Chloé. You're one of my closest friends but I can't accept your challenge." When the model had said that, Chloé's face had a look of shock and a little bit of rejection for a good minute before throwing a fit. "And why not? Don't you know that this is an opportunity for you and for me to kiss each other? I'm rich, pretty, and everyone loves me. So why can't you accept my challenge?"

The young model didn't know what to say until he thought of a girl with pigtails and sat behind him in class. Strangely he found something about her that just made him want to know more about her. He knew that Marinette was brave and take no crap especially from Chloé but somehow whenever she was around him, she just acted scared or nervous around him. Sure he was in love with ladybug but somehow and someway.. Marinette made her way into his heart. Not that he minded anyway. And besides, Ladybug would always reject him when he was Chat Noir. She always took everything like it was business and Marinette was kind, sweet, caring, talented and cute. Most definitely and extremely cute. "Because I'm doing the challenge with Marinette."

"WHAT!?" Chloé screeched and it hurt Adriens ears a lot. He didn't want to kiss Chloé and he really wanted to kiss Marinette. And they almost were until Chloé barged in on them when they were trying to film the movie for Nino. He looked up to find Marinette and surprisingly she was looking at him already with red cheeks. 'Oh lord Jesus have mercy on my soul before I run to her and kiss her senseless and maybe lift her legs so she can wrap them around my waist... I need holy water or a bible.' He blushed at his thoughts, gently pulled the fuming Chloé off his arm, and made his way to Marinette where he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Well Marinette asked me to do the challenge with her today after school. We were just going to go buy different flavors of Chapstick until the gorilla gets here. Then after we finish shopping, we're going to head to her house if that's okay with you Mari?"

"Umm.. M-my parents aren't home r-right n-ow. Their at a-a baking con-vention.." She was fumbling with her thumbs and looking down at the ground finding it very interesting. She still couldn't believe that Adrien had just basically told Chloé that he was doing the challenge with her. Her?!? The girl who can't form a coherent sentence around him. And his arm was around her shoulder... She was sure her mind exploded, her heart was beating fast, and her stomach couldn't contain the butterflies that were fluttering in her stomach.

She looked up to see Chloé, who was still steaming after what Adrien had told her, and she stomped off to who knows where. After she left, Adrien had grabbed his cellphone and told Marinette that he was going to tell Natalie he was hanging out with her. She just nodded her head not trusting her mouth to say words that will make her blush. The young half French and half Chinese girl realized that her best friend Alya wasn't there anymore. When she thought about when Alya had left she felt a buzz from her phone so she reached for her phone to see the notification. Surprisingly it was a text from Alya and when Marinette's eyes read the text, she started to feel her cheeks heat.

'Have fun with your kissing buddy. Tell me all the details when you're done. ;)' ~Alya.

The message made Marinette blush even more when she read the words kissing buddy. But that just made Marinette think of something and with that she immediately texted her friend back in less than a minute.

'Don't think I forgot you and Nino. You have to tell me what happened so don't try and play games with me.' ~Marinette

As soon as Marinette sent that message, Adrien came up to her and told her that it was okay for him to hang out since his photoshoot got cancelled due to the fact that the photographer has a cold. So as they waited for the gorilla pick them up to take them shopping for chapsticks, they couldn't help but this that this will be the day they kiss each other.

One hour later.

Adrien was holding a small bag filled with twenty of the chapsticks him and Marinette bought while Marinette was unlocking her house to get inside. They hadn't really talk much during the ride back because it was just filled with awkward tension. The door clicked and the two teens made it into the house and Adrien was about to head upstairs to Marinettes room, since that was the place where they decided they should do it at, until the girl grabbed his wrist.
"Umm..c-could you give m-e a moment t-to clean my room please?" Adrien couldn't help but smile at her shyness and offered to help her but she said it was fine while bolting up stairs to clean her room filled with pictures of Adrien.

After about five minutes, she had signaled him to come up stairs to begin the challenge. Adrien nervously made his way up to her room and inwardly smiled knowing that her room suited her personality. He still had the bag of chapsticks and he slowly sat on the ground while Marinette had done the same. "So.. Marinette. Do you want to go first or should I?" She just blushed and he did the same. Who could blame them though? It's not everyday that you get to kiss your crush to do a challenge.

"I guess I'll go first.." With that said, Marinette had reached into the bag of chapsticks and pulled a random one out. She turned to see the flavor of the Chapstick.

Strawberry Lemonade.

'Well at least it's my favorite flavor.' And with that being mentally said, Marinette took the cap off and applied the Chapstick to her pink lips. When she was done with that, she took a deep breath and faced Adrien. She was afraid and nervous but she could feel Tikki encouraging her from her hidden place and felt a little more confident. Little did she know that Adrien was nervous as well and Plagg was doing the same for him. At times, Plagg could be extremely annoying but Adrien cared for the cat like kwami and Plagg cared about Adrien.

"So.. Are you ready Marinette?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Okay um how do you want to do this? Do you want to count to three or should we just go with it?"

"I think counting to three would be a good idea."

"So on the count of three..."


Together they leaned in slowly..


They were now a centimeter away from the others lips. They could feel each other's breaths and together they said the last number.


Their lips finally met. The kiss was sweet and innocent but they didn't feel any hesitation from the other. After about thirty seconds, Adrien broke the kiss, he regretted immediately, and tasted the flavor of her lips. He thought about it until he kissed her a second time to try it again, thought he already knew the flavor he just wanted to kiss her lips one last time.

"Is it Strawberry Lemonade?"

"Uh y-yeah. Since you got it right y-you get a p-

He thought it was cute the way that she blushed and stuttered but he remembered their little game and grabbed a random one and took the cap off. He applied it to his lips and instantly knew the flavor of it. To say the least it wasn't one of his favorites but if he was going to kiss Marinette, he would kiss her with any chapstick in the world. He felt a little of his Chat coming out and pulled Marinette towards so she can sit in his lap and just kissed her with no warning or nothing. It felt like the first on they shared but this one was more passionate and a little bit heated. Adrien had one hand on her back, pushing her more towards him, and
the other was between the back of her head and the back of her neck. At first Marinette was shocked and obviously flustered, but feeling her confidence slip out, she ran her fingers into Adriens hair and she felt instantly jealous when she found out his hair was so soft. She would have to ask him what conditioner he used. Sadly they needed air, so they had to break the kiss but not before Adrien pecked her lips, leaned his forehead against hers and just stared into her bluebell eyes. She looked into his gorgeous green eyes and instantly knew what flavor if was.

"Cherry Cola?"

"Correct. That makes us both have one point. Shall we continue?"

After an hour of kissing and playing the game, Adriens phone buzzed telling him that his fun was over and the gorilla was waiting for him outside. The young model sighed because he didn't want to leave just yet and spend more time with the girl who he just shared kisses with. He stared at her knowing that they both did not want this to end so he leaned in to kiss her lips one more time before standing up and telling her, "You know.. Today was fun. We should do this more often."

She blushed. "Are you asking me to be your kissing buddy or something?"

"Well I don't want to see you as a kissing buddy but.." He leaned into her ear and whispered.

"I want to see you as my girlfriend if that's alright."

He pecked her cheek before getting a piece of paper and writing something on it. After he set the pen down, he handed the piece of paper to Marinette and made his way to the trap door and opened it. His lower body was gone but before he could fully disappear, he flashed her a tender smile. "See you later, Mari."

He closed the trap door Marinette could hear his footprints slowly disappear. Her brain and body were still not functioning when she heard Adrien say that he wants her to be his girlfriend. HER?!?! She slowly looked at the paper he gave her and almost had a heart attack. It was his phone number with a little note just for her.

'Text me ;)' ~Adrien

She felt as if she could faint. In her chest, her heart started beating faster than normal. Her smile was as wide as it can be and her eyes lit up more than it should. But she couldn't help it. The boy of her dreams just asked her out and gave her his number. She just fell on her bed and help the paper close to her heart. And this all started because of some kissing challenge.

'Best. Challenge. Ever.'

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Next up is Ladynoir. I don't the characters or the artwork. Comment and vote for this story if you enjoyed it. Love you guys and hope you'll read the next chapter to this. Later my little Wolfs ~

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