MTAPS_ Chapter 16 Teaser

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I know what i said, what can i say? Im a lying sack of Poo. Haha. I cant help it This story is always on my brain. Way its going i could have another update before nights out!

Anyways what you think?

song im listening to- My mistakes by:112

Bye bye-



Chapter Sixteen:Vaughn


Vaughn slowly closed his eyes as he caught the last glimpse of his husband walking up the walkway towards the front door of their home. How could he have been so stupid.


Why did he think that saying sorry and explaining to Athiss would make everything better? Who was he trying to fool?


Vaughn bit his lip as thoughts of what would happen if he lost Athiss started swirling around in his head. Why did he feel like this? Why did the prospect of loosing Athiss make him want to just call up Ezekiel and say I Quit, I cant do this anymore. I love the job but i love my husband and the life we should and could have even more?


But the last words that Athiss spoke to him were what did him in that if Layila, was that what her name was- ended up pregnant that he could kiss whatever they have or could have in the future goodbye. That was the first time that Vaughn ever even thought about what his actions could mean to him and to Athiss.


Why didn't he think of this before? He felt as if he was the stupidest person to ever live. Why had he thought that having sex with a woman was no big deal? Normally it wouldn't be- because he was able to be safe and not have to worry about anything. But now thinking back Vaughn knew he had fucked up and hed be lucky if Athiss even thought about allowing him to touch him again.


Vaughn quickly pulled his phone out and dialed his sisters number. He knew that she was going to be fucking pissed but he rather have her hear it from him than Athiss. And he knew how she thought of Athiss. Even though they were blood and siblings Athiss was her other half the only person she put above anything else and now that he is hurting and because of Vaughn he knew that he was in for some major ass chewing.

But he knew that he had to take it, if he wanted any help with Athiss he would have to sit here and take anything and everything that she would offer him.

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