Mtaps Chapter Twenty-Two Part 2 Teaser

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Hey jitterbugs here;s a teaser since i wont be able to post anything until Tuesday. So enjoy and yea hopefully on Tuesday ill do the rest of this chapter and then the next one. Anyways enjoy.

Btw - song doesnt mean a thing.. lol



He had known that Athiss wanted to be- He wanted to be out and proud. But every time that Athiss brought it up Vaughn, made sure to dismiss it. To tell him that no one would want a Gay surgeon working on them. That no one would understand Athiss preference. Biting his lip Vaughn now understood that he put Athiss is a shell. A shell that he would never be able to escape from without Vaughn telling him it was okay to.

Vaughn felt like shit. How could he do that to someone that  he said he loved. When they married shouldn't that have been Vaughn's wake-up call that he cant keep hiding behind the fact that he still considered himself Bi-sexual and not gay.

Taking a deep breath Vaughn allowed his eyes to scan the entrance of the hospital as he thought : "If i was bi-sexual why do i find sex with men so exhilarating, but when it's with a woman all I am thinking about is men."

" I guess i should just admit it to myself that I am gay, and that i love dick."

"Even if on the rare occasion i do like pussy. But to me cock is what i enjoy its where i belong."

"I love seeing the leaking head of a plump and round head as its leaking. "

"The way when i touch a man and there cock pulsates in my hand at the immense pleasure they are getting from me. It makes me so much harder and needier."

"It makes me want to taste everything they have to offer."

Licking his lips Vaughn slowly took a few deep breaths as he could feel himself hardening just from that thought alone. Why did the thought of sex always make him hard. Slowly gulping as his throat felt suddenly dry Vaughn, was questioning why he was even here. What would being here accomplish? Why did he think showing up unannounced at Athiss work place was such a good idea.

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