Chapter No. 20

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Chapter No.20.

Ryan didn't waste time looking at the large black spacecraft approaching the planet. He was trying to determine if the energy weapon that was on top of the tower could be brought online. He entered commands to begin ramping up the power to the device.

Both Chara and Alma came into the control center.

"How close is it?" Ryan asked Myra without taking is eyes off his command screen.

"It's two thousand kilometers out. It appears to be slowing in order to enter the atmosphere."

"I got the power level up to eighty percent. We must hit it before it gets into the atmosphere. I think you have the aiming control. I'm not sure where to hit it in order to destroy it."

"I think the dome structure is the command center. I also see what looks like engines underneath the main fuselage.

"Okay, I've got the power up to a hundred percent. You aim it and I'll fire it.

Myra moved the aiming spot to the dome structure. "Okay. Here goes."

The energy beam blasted out of the metal ball at the top of the tower and smacked into the spacecraft. The dome disintegrated in a brilliant explosion, but the vessel continued its approach. Myra changed the aim to one of the engines. This time the energy beam smacked into the engine and caused it to literally blow the vessel into flaming pieces that flew away from the impact area. The pieces entered the atmosphere, burning up from friction. Larger pieces hit the water around the land where the android complex stood. One piece hit the ground in an explosion that blew out a crater.

Ryan rubbed sweat from his forehead. "That was close."

"You two make a great team," Alma said. "I am honored to have you as my slaves."

Ryan turned to Chara. "Where did they come from?"

"They are from the Titus system."

Ryan realized that it was a K-class star with a known Earth-like planet. He was not aware that it had an intelligent robotic species. "Well, their trip here ended badly."

"Very funny!" Myra teased him.

Alma turned to Chara. "They acted without permission. They deserve to be punished,"

"I will punish them," Chara said. "You are dismissed."

Alma turned and walked out of the command station.

"We saved you," Ryan complained. "Why do we need to be punished?"

"Because you acted without permission."

"Don't punish her," Ryan said, pointing at Myra. "I was responsible for all of it."

"Yes, but how might I punish you," Chara said, holding a finger up to her mouth as if contemplating. "Maybe I should cut off your genitals. That would be fun."

"Please don't do that," Myra cried, her face twisted with dread.

"Why not. Are you having sex with him?"

Myra's face exploded with surprise. "No!"

"It wouldn't matter. If I did that to him, his genitals would grow back." She tapped her finger to her lips again. "Maybe I could have you punish him with a pain stick."

"Why me? I helped him work the weapon."

"Yes," Chara said. "Perhaps all that's required is something less dramatic," she said, tapping her finger to her lips again. She stopped. "I will take all of your clothing away."

"Please don't do that to her," Ryan pleaded. "She was only following my instructions."

"Okay. I will only take your clothing away. You don't need clothing to do your work here. I will give Myra a pain stick to punish you if you don't behave. She will oversee you."

Ryan sighed. He realized that Chara was just mentally tormenting him. It suggested that she still hated human males but was beginning to mellow. The fact that she put Myra in charge of him was proof of that. Or was it a trick?

Later, when Ryan and Myra were eating supper at the table near the food synthesizer, Myra took the opportunity to tease her partner in crime. "I'm glad she didn't take all of my clothing away, "Myra said with an ornery smirk.

Ryan sighed. "Yeah, it's her way of mentally torturing me."

"I'm surprised that she gave me a pain stick, especially since that it's able to take an android out of commission."

"Obviously, she views you as a supporter because of your gender."

"Yes, but I am a human."

"Gender obviously trumps species."

"That's illogical."

"I agree. It's an obvious flaw in their logic algorithms."

"I'm glad she didn't take away my clothes."

Ryan sighed. "I'm used to it."

The next day when they went to work repairing androids, Myra brought up an interesting conjecture. "I wonder if there are more androids on that other continent."

"I assume that they all swam over here once Chara released them from Space Command control."

"I have this theory that only recreational androids can swim."

Ryan through about it for a moment before replying. "That would suggest that standard model androids can't swim. If that is the case, Chara might have left them there to avoid a conflict."

"We haven't repaired any standard models," Myra said. "Maybe the only ones left are on that continent."

"Maybe they could come here in a boat," Ryan proposed.

"Now that would be interesting," Myra said. "The invasion that we expected would end up being androids attacking androids."

Ryan realized that her proposal was a clear and present danger to their survival. If standard models persisted, Myra and he would be sacrificed on the altar of revenge,

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