Chapter No. 38

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Chapter No.38.

The Avenger dropped out of warp three million miles away from an Earth-like habitable planet orbiting a G2V main sequence dwarf star, much the same as the Sun. The alien solar system had five other planets, all but one of them were gas giants orbiting out beyond the habitable zone.

"The planet has an atmosphere with oxygen," Alma reported. "Its bolometric temperature is similar to Earth's."

"If that's the case, this is a planetary scientist's prize system," Ryan said.

"The question is, is anyone home?" Myra said.

"I am approaching the planet in full cloak," Chara said. "This could be a Space Command trap."

"Hopefully, we've solved the tracing problem," Ryan said. "They shouldn't be able to locate us."

As they approached the planet, it's image on the main screen grew to exhibit a blue ocean planet like Earth. The land masses were only twenty-five percent of the planet's surface, but they had mountains, an indication of volcanic activity. There were many more islands distributed on the surface.

"I am detecting what appears to be structures on the main continent," Myra said. "They don't appear to be massive."

Everyone's eyes were captured by her telescopic images of the surface. What they saw was reminiscent of Earth's bygone farming communities.

"Interesting," Ryan reacted. "They look like the work of humans."

"How the hell did humans get all the way out here?" Evan asked.

"Good question. First we have to verify that this is the result of human activity."

When Chara inserted the Avenger into orbit, it became more obvious that there was movement that would indicate human activity. Close telescopic views showed that the living creatures on the surface resembled humans, but it was also obvious that they were living rather primitive lives.

"Are we going to go down there?" Myra asked.

Ryan turned to Chara. "Do you think this is a Space Command trap?"

"My scans of nearby space don't indicate that. I suppose the only way we'll know is to go down there."

"Okay," Ryan said. "But let's go down with some muscle. I think a hundred androids should suffice. Evan and Gary will pilot fighters loaded with androids. You and I will go down in a shuttle with six armed androids. Myra will arm the ship just in case there's an attack from space."

No one objected to his plan. The participants went to the hanger deck to begin the process. Chara and Ryan, with six armed androids, were the first to exit the hanger in a shuttle and begin the journey to the surface.

Chara guided the shuttle on a leisurely flight over one of the larger settlements, which consisted of two dozen houses near an old Western style town. Outside the town humans were busy tending to various crops growing in neat rows.

After Chara sat the shuttle down, she and Ryan exited and waited for the expected approach of people.

"Let's try to avoid any sighs of threat," Ryan said. "Have the fighters stay away until we need them."

Chara nodded, but Ryan could sense that she was not too happy about the situation.

A group of people approached, both male and female, and some had dark skin but they were not African. The humans were clothed in similar outfits that consisted of shirts and trousers made from white cloth. Some were barefooted, but others had what appeared to be shoes made from plant parts. They didn't appear to be carrying weapons. However, three men came up behind them, each holding what appeared to be some sort of gun.

"Okay," Ryan said. "Have the fighters fly over low. That should convince them that we are ready for anything."

Chara communicated those orders without any action that she did.

Ryan raised his hand palm out. "We have come here to determine how you arrived here. We have no intention of conquering you or harming you."

The fighters flew over low enough to make the people cry out.

"They could easily destroy everything on this planet, but if you answer our questions, we will go in peace."

A man and woman came forward. Neither were carrying weapons. They appeared to be in their thirties. The woman had jet black hair pulled tight with a wooden pin. The man had a beard. His hair was peppered with gray.

"We are a peaceful people," the man said. "What do you want from us?"

"We are curious," Ryan said. "You and we are human. Humans live on Earth, a planet that is a long way from here. How did you come here?"

"Our ancestors say that alien creatures brought them here," the woman said. "They described them as being grey with large dark eyes and hands with only three fingers."

Ryan turned to Chara. "That sounds like the Roswell extraterrestrials."

"They were fictional," she said.

"Maybe they weren't."

Ryan turned back to the woman. "Do you have any photos or objects that would prove that?"

The man and woman conversed for several minutes, before the woman turned back to Ryan and Chara. "We have the remains of one of them."

Ryan's right eyebrow rose. "Really? We would be grateful if you would show them to us."

The remains are in that burial ground," The woman said, pointing to what appeared to be a cemetery.

"Do you know where these alien creatures came from?"

"No. Our ancestors said that they came from outer space."

"Okay, we will check out the remains. Thank you for the information."

When Ryan and Chara turned to walk to the cemetery, the people followed them at a distance.

"Have the fighters stay out of sight for now," Ryan told Chara.

She used her communicator to convey that order this time.

"If the remains are alien, then we're faced with a potential new enemy," Chara said.

"Maybe, but it's difficult to tell if they're still around."

"If aliens did come to Earth and abduct humans, why did they bring them here?" Chara asked.

Ryan rubbed his jaw. "That's a good question. Let's see if the remains are alien."

Most of the burials had simple stones on them. One looked like a sarcophagus above ground. It had a carving on the covering that looked like an alien face.

"That stone covering looks heavy," Ryan said. "I don't know if we could budge it."

"I can take care of it," Chara said.

Ryan watched her grab the stone cover and lift it off and to the side. He realized that she was a lot stronger than he realized. The onlookers had to be impressed. It would have taken at least eight strong men to do what she had done.

Ryan and Chara looked at the skeleton in the sarcophagus.

"Well, it's obvious that this is not human remains," Ryan said. "It has a large skull with a small nasal cavity and large ocular cavities. Even more significant is the three fingers and toes."

"I will record this and do scans," Chara said. She removed a device from her belt and began the recordings.

When she had completed her scans, she placed the cover over the sarcophagus before calling for their shuttle to come and land nearby. The people backed away when they saw it approach and set down.

"Thank you for the information," Ryan said before he and Chara boarded the shuttle. As it ascended into the sky, he watched the people looking up and he wondered what they thought about the encounter. No matter what, he was happy that there was no need for violence or an attack from Space Command. He was more convinced now that Space Command was not following them in their search for alien life.

After they arrived in the hanger, Chara and Ryan decided to go through an antiseptic protocol before mingling with the other crew members. They removed their clothing and began a thorough shower under UV light session.

"Well, at least that went well," Ryan said.

"I would not have had it any other way, Ryan," Chara said with a coy smile.

"I'm impressed by how you removed that stone covering. You're a lot stronger than I realized."

"I believe my strength is the result of the designers desire to build in durability; although, I can't imagine why that would be a desirable feature for an entertainment android."

"Maybe they assumed that you would be doing a lot of energetic dancing. Did you actually do any of that?"

"Yes. I was required to perform many times for the command staff."

Ryan constrained his reply. He realized that he had discovered the real reason that she was so angry about human behavior. He decided it was better to remain silent instead of picking an old scab.

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