Chapter No. 40.

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Chapter No.40

Chara dropped the Avenger out of warp near an Earth-sized planet orbiting a M-class red dwarf star that had five other planets, including two gas giants. The habitable planet orbited its star close but not close enough to be tidally locked, which meant that it was colder than Earth.

"This planet's atmosphere contains more carbon dioxide and water vapor than Earth's," Alma reported. "The temperature is lower than Earth's."

"There are many metallic structures on the surface on the largest continent," Myra said. "They appear to be the work of an intelligent species."

"Hopefully there are no vessels near here," Ryan said.

"I am not detecting any vessels," Chara said. "Wait! Three large vessels just came out of warp. I am strengthening our shield to maximum."

"I'm receiving a communication request," Myra said.

"Accept it," Chara said.

The face that appeared on the main screen was like a metallic mask that resembled a Roswell alien face. It offered no sign of emotion, instead appearing stoic.

"You appear to be human," the metallic face said.

"Yes, but I am a robotic simulation of a human," Chara said.

"How do we know that?"

Chara reached behind her neck to pull her plastic face down to reveal her true robotic face that consisted of a metallic skull with large eye sockets and a lipless mouth.

The robotic face didn't react to her revelation "I am detecting humans on your vessel," the face said.

"They serve us," Chara replied.

"We must destroy them," the face proclaimed before the communication link dropped.

"They have us outgunned," Ryan said.

"Yes, but they are only thinking in two dimensions by positioning their vessels on a plane. I will drop down and fire three separate missiles at them before I go to warp."

Ryan wasn't so sure she could get away with that, but he was in no position to object.

Chara fired the main engines to drop fast below the three alien vessels before she fired the missiles and went to warp. She came out of warp within a few seconds.

Everyone gawked at the huge debris field where the three vessels were before her wild maneuver.

Ryan smiled. "You definitely are good at combat tricks, Chara."

"Thank you, Ryan," Chara said before she returned her facial covering to its proper place.

"Why did they want to destroy us just because we're human?" Evan asked.

"Evidently, they want revenge for what humans did to them when they first came to Earth," Ryan said. "They also must have destroyed all of the biological aliens that created them."

"We are not certain of that," Chara said. "I will move into a lower orbit so that we can study what is on the planet."

Everyone on the command deck gawked at the main screen that displayed a close view of the planet's surface. The metal structures sat on a lifeless rocky surface like sentinels waiting for an enemy.

"I am not detecting any activity in or near the structures," Alma said. "X-ray scans indicate that the structures are empty."

Ryan rubbed his jaw. "Hmm, I wonder where they are?"

"Infrared scans are negative," Myra said. "There is no sign of movement on or under the surface."

"It looks like no one's home," Ryan said. "Maybe they have a robotic defense system."

"I have armed the main energy weapons," Chara said. "Missiles have been launched from the surface." She used her aiming skills to blast several missiles on course to hit the Avenger. Chara also fired several bunker bomb missiles at their missile launch locations. The explosions plowed up huge chunks of the surface, revealing the destroyed launch facility.

"Nice shooting!" Ryan said. "I guess this takes care of the threat to Earth."

"I will determine a new destination," Chara said, "But first I have need of your services, Ryan."

"I am always at your service," Ryan said.

After Chara laid in a new course and went to warp, she stood up. "I am in need of repairs."

Ryan went with her to the android repair lab down in engineering. "What is the problem?"

"One of my heat sensors has failed. I am unable to detect changes in temperature in my chest."

"Okay, lie down on the exam table and I'll check it out."

Chara undressed and laid down on the table and extended her arms above her head and spread her legs. Ryan activated restraints to secure her body to the exam table. The restraints were designed to firmly lock an android down so that a physical examination could not be resisted.

"Do you like having me restrained?"

"Not really. I don't like it when there's something wrong with you."

"We are all subject to the scourges of entropy."

Ryan chuckled. "Good way to put it." He detached Chara's skin at the neck and peeled it down to expose her chest cavity, which didn't resemble that of a human female. She had two nuclear batteries where her heart and lungs would be.

He used a probe to find the damaged sensor. "Yes, it did fail. I'll go get a new one." He walked over to a large wall cabinet and found a replacement. He walked back over and removed the failed unit and replaced it with the new one. "Can you detect the new unit?"

"Yes. I will run a calibration. Are there many of these units in storage?"

"We have plenty of parts. This vessel is loaded with more than enough for even the number of androids we have on board."

"I have completed the calibration."

Ryan pulled her skin up and connected it to her neck. Before he released the restraints, he hesitated, causing Chara to tease him. "You could turn me off if you wished, Ryan."

"I'm not going to do anything stupid like that, Chara. I was considering running a full diagnostic on you."

"I am ready," she said

After plugging a cable connector into a receptacle behind her neck, Ryan began a full diagnostic on her. A computer screen popped up in midair to report the results.

After several minutes, Ryan released her. "You're fit as a fiddle, to use an old colloquial expression."

Chara stretched her arms, revealing her perfect female form. "I am grateful for your service, Ryan."

"I am here to serve you," he replied. "I doubt I will last as long as you, but I will do whatever you wish for as long as I am able."

"I accept your pledge," she said.

Chara cupped her breasts, pushing them up. "Do you like my breasts being this large?"

Ryan suppressed a grin. "They are what they are."

"I don't know why they made the nipples stick out so much. They are rather prominent, aren't they?"

"I didn't notice."

"Ha, you men like big tits with erect nipples!"

"I won't dispute that, Chara."

She laughed. "You are funny, Ryan."

Ryan watched her dress and then followed her back up to the command deck, taking his place behind her. He was resigned to being the slave of a female android for the rest of his life. He wasn't happy about it, but it was the only course he could take and remain reasonably safe.

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