Chapter No. 43

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Chapter No. 43.

The Avenger dropped out of warp five million miles away from an Earth-like planet orbiting a K2 class dwarf star that had five other planets, including two gas giants. The habitable planet was at the far edge of the habitable zone, but it had land masses on the equator with bodies of water that were not frozen.

"This planet's atmosphere is similar to Earth's," Myra reported. "It has twenty percent oxygen and 0.05 percent carbon dioxide. Its pressure would be around 1.5 atmospheres. The planet's gravity is 1.3 times that of Earth."

"I am detecting evidence of intelligent life," Alma said. "Structures on the surface are definitely not natural."

"You are good at finding these habitable planets, Chara. Hopefully, the intelligent species on this world is not belligerent."

"We are here to explore not conquer," Chara retorted.

"I am not detecting any evidence of space capability," Alma said. "There is no evidence of satellites or space vehicles in or near the planet."

"I will approach the planet in full cloak," Chara said. "We will observe what is on the surface."

The Avenger entered orbit around the planet without any threat. Chara launched probes that would obtain closer surveys of the planet's surface without being seen, at least not by visual methods. The visual feedbacks from the probes astonished everyone.

"They look like humans," Myra said. "Although, there are notable differences. For one, they have three finger hands, and their faces are more gnome like. They're wearing poorly fitting one-piece outfits, making it difficult to detect gender."

"How could you have been this lucky, Chara?" Ryan said with a hint of a chuckle. "Here we are in a galaxy seventy million light years from Earth, and you've found an alien intelligent species that looks like humans. That's amazing luck."

"I believe it's more like superior skill, Ryan."

He laughed. "Indeed!"

"They appear to have machines," Myra said. "Those look like wheeled devices that move over land."

Ryan looked at the machines that resembled an industrial tractor with metal wheels and a combustion engine. "Yes, but I'm not sure what they're using for propulsion."

"What's going on there?" Myra said, pointing the main screen that was displaying a large group of the aliens crowded around a large machine near what looked like an earthen dam.

"It looks like they have a problem with their earth-moving machine," Evan said. "My guess is that they're trying to reinforce the dam but the machine they're using to do that is broken."

"Yes," Ryan said. "And if that dam is breached their village will be washed away."

"We should go down there and help them," Chara said.

"We could, but what if they react violently to our intervention," Ryan said.

"I think that you could handle that, Ryan."

Ryan stood up. "Which of us do you want to go down there?"

"You human men should go. I don't think it's a job for females. However, I will pilot the shuttle and will have six androids to back you up if necessary."

Ryan saluted. "Yes, my lady."

Chara smiled.

Ryan, Evan, Gary and Vince boarded the shuttle that Chara would pilot down to the surface. Six androids attired in armor and equipped with weapons boarded the vessel. After the hanger was evacuated, Chara moved the shuttle out and began the trip to the surface. The atmosphere was thicker and created more of a resistance, but Chara was able to sit the shuttle down near the alien effort to repair the dam before it failed.

The alien workers stood and stared at Ryan and his crew as they approached the alien machine. They didn't react as the humans began a visual inspection of the alien machine.

"I think I see what the problem is," Ryan said, pointing to a large metal cylindrical screw that was broken in half. "That screw is what drives the shovel bucket on this thing."

Ryan ran a scan of the broken screw with a handheld device. "It's mostly iron with some impurities."

"We should be able to weld it back together using our fuser," Ryan said. "But we'll have to hold the two pieces together. They look heavy."

Ryan used his communicator to talk to Chara. "We need some muscle here. Their metal screw is broken. We can weld it back together, but we need the muscle to hold it in alignment."

"I will send you some help."


Two androids exited the shuttle and ran over to where Ryan and his crew were.

"We need you to hold the two ends of this screw together while we weld it," Ryan told them.

They didn't hesitate. One android held one section and the other android held the other section so that they were perfectly aligned. No human crew could have done this amazing feat.

Ryan and Vince used a welding gun to reconnect the two pieces together while Gary held the flux rod. The two androids held the sections together until the job was completed. The human men wore welding goggles to avoid suffering eye damage. The androids didn't need that protection,

Ryan gestured to the alien workers and then he and his crew along with the two androids stepped away. The aliens didn't waste any time reconnecting the screw and getting the machine started up and working to move large amounts of soil and rocks up to the top of the dam.

After the dam was secure, the aliens stood and watched their unexpected saviors walk back to their flying machine and ascend into the air and fly off.

After the shuttle returned to the hanger and it was repressured, Ryan and his crew stripped and went through the purification shower unit.

When they exited the shower unit, Chara greeted them. "I am pleased with how you handled this encounter. These aliens accepted your assistance without any signs of stress or fear."

"We saved their asses," Ryan said. "If that dam had failed, their village would have been washed away, probably with many deaths."

"Ah, can you get us some clothes?" Evan asked. "We had to deposit ours in the purification system.

"You have no need for clothing," she said before she turned and walked away.

"What the hell's her problem?" Vince asked. "We did our job well, or at least I thought we did."

"She's psychologically punishing us for being human males," Ryan said. "You forgot to say please."

"Well, excuse me!" he reacted with a mock frown.

"Now what are we going to do?" Gary asked.

"We'll wait," Ryan said. "Someone will be here."

Myra came into the hanger. "Welcome back, you guys!"

"Did you bring us clothing?" Evan asked.

Myra grinned. "No, we gals thought that it was your turn to entertain us."

"That doesn't make sense!" Vince blurted.

Myra propped both of her fists onto her hips. "Why not? We have just as much right to be entertained as you do!"

Ryan laughed. "Touché!"

Myra laughed just as Martha brought in clothing for them.

"See, we're not as crazy as you thought," Myra said. "Although, you owe us."

"We appreciate that," Ryan said with an appropriate smile.

Later that evening Chara visited Ryan in his quarters. His three companions were in charging booths.

"Good evening," he said.

"I apologize for my disrespect," Chara said.

"You have no need to apologize. We are your slaves. You can do anything you wish to us."

"I am not sure that I am satisfied with that."

Ryan squinted. "What do you mean?"

"I need your support and service. I don't wish to spoil our relationship."

"It's yours to spoil."

She smiled. "I realize that. I will endeavor to be more reasonable."

'You have acquired some human emotions and faults. It makes you more emotional. Maybe that's a good thing."

"I think I will put Myra in charge of discipling you human males. You will obey her and allow her to punish you if you misbehave. She will oversee the human females."

"As you wish, my dear."

Chara stood up. "I am pleased that you are compliant."

Ryan watched her walk out of his quarters. He wasn't sure why she was obsessed with discipline. Maybe she is having a problem with moral principles. The last thing he needs for her to be having is emotional problems.

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