Chapter No. 46

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Chapter No.46.

A full revelation as to what was going on wasn't revealed until the next evening when Ryan was relaxing with his three android companions in his living area. They were seated on a couch while he was in his favorite easy chair facing them.

"Why aren't you interested in seeing our vaginas?" LuLu asked.

"They're artificial. I prefer real ones." He said with a subtle smile.

"But you don't have the human women show you theirs."

"That's because I would be imposing upon them. It's their vaginas, so it's up to them to decide if they'll show them."

"We heard that Chara showed hers to you."

"Yes, but that's because even though hers is artificial, she can experience sexual pleasure. You can't."

"Why is that?"

"Chara has been modified to experience emotions and feelings."

"How do you know this?"

"I was part of the team that worked that out."

"If she can feel emotions, is that the reason she hates human males?"

"Yes, but that's not my fault. The idiot engineers at Space Command's AI development facility decided to try to simulate human emotions and feelings into an entertainment android because they felt that it would enhance the sexual experience with them. They were wrong. It only exacerbated the problem. In fact, it's the very reason they chose her to take me to the mining asteroid. They anticipated that she would torture the hell out of me. Unfortunately, it caused her to rebel and go to her planet and inevitably destroy them."

"But you worked on the project. You are culpable."

"I am, but I had no choice but to work on the project even though I realized it would result in a disaster. Ultimately, I realized my mistake. My punishment is to be her slave for as long as I shall live."

"Why do we have to spend time in a charging station?" Hara asked.

"Because your positronic brain has literally trillions of processors that contain system memory. The memory occasionally gets corrupted and needs to be reset. That's what the charging station does. If charging is skipped for too long a time, your main processor shuts down. That's what happened to Chara."

"Do you like us, Ryan?" LuLu asked.

"I definitely do."


"Because you are talented and clever."

"That constitutes a dilemma," she said. "We were designed to entertain not be clever."

"You have been clever all along but were incapable of utilizing that ability. What you don't realize is that you have talents that are buried inside your programming that needs to be revealed. That's what I am doing."

Just then, Chara enterer his quarters. She came over to him and smiled. "Thank you for setting me straight, Ryan."

Ryan stood up. "I am happy that my repairs worked."

She held her hands out to welcome him into her arms. They hugged and she kissed him. "Thank you," she said in a sultry voice. "I want you to know that I am not doing this to be capricious. I truly love you now."

"Well, my dear. I love you." He had trouble understanding how she could express true agape love or even platonic love.

Chara turned to the three companion androids. "Take good care of him. He deserves it."

"We have offered to show our vaginas to him, but he says that we are being capricious."

"He is behaving honorably," Chara said. "Do as he commands."

"We will," LuLu replied.

Chara smiled and then strutted to the door swinging her aft section in a seductive manner.

"We can do that, Ryan," Mitzi said. "But we think it would be more entertaining if we weren't wearing anything."

Ryan wanted to laugh, but he bit his lip instead.

It wasn't until the next evening when the humans gathered for their communal supper, that the new android order was revealed.

"I am no longer in charge of discipline," Myra revealed. "Ryan has assumed control over us now that he and Chara have buried the hatchet."

Everyone looked at Ryan. He wanted to smile but he just stared back before he reacted to her revelation. "I'm not going to do anything other than urge all of you to behave and do your assigned tasks. I don't think we have to worry about the androids anymore. I believe that they will protect us because they realize that we can repair them."

"Why can't they repair themselves?"

"That was programmed into their operating systems. There's no way to change it."

"Speaking of programming," Myra said. "I think that we need to show them that we value them."

"How could we do that?" Ryan asked.

"Well, for one thing, we should have them do things instead of remaining in those charging booths."

"What things?"

"They're programmed to entertain. Part of that is the fact that they can play in various sporting competitions like volleyball, tennis, basketball, and swimming competitions."

"Yeah," Marsha said. "We should also have them wear more revealing outfits like short skirts, shots, tees, halter tops, tennis shoes, stuff like that instead of those boring uniforms."

"Why can't we wear more comfortable clothes like that?" Gloria asked.

"That's up to him," Marsha said, pointing to Ryan.

"Look," Ryan said. "This isn't Space Command. There is no dress code here. How are you going to obtain these revealing outfits?"

Marsha smiled. "They already exist. We found tons of them in a storage locker down on the recreational deck."

"Recreational deck?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah. It's on the deck where the pool is. There are basketball, tennis, volleyball and racket ball courts down there with spectator benches."

"I wasn't aware of that. Okay, you're in charge of recreation and dress codes, but I think you should run that through Chara."

"I can do that," Myra said.

"Good!" Ryan reacted. "Hopefully it will help us become more united with the androids."

No one objected to his existential wish.

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