Chapter No. 64

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Chapter No.64.   

Chara, Ryan, Myra and Mitzi stared at the figure that had suddenly appeared on the command deck after a flash of light. It vaguely looked human with several major differences. For one, the head looked too large for the body's size. The face was more like that of an Egyptian sphinx. The body was encased in what appeared to be a metallic body suit. It had more of an artificial look than that of a living creature.

Ryan had no idea how this figure just appeared out of nowhere. If it were a threat, there was no way to know how they could defend against it.

Chara was confused. Was this a Space Command trick? What kind of technology was it using?

The figure held its hand, which was encased in metal, up, palm out. "I come in peace," it said in perfect English. "We are aware that you come from a planet you call Earth. We have been observing you for some time."

"We also come in peace," Ryan said. "We have no intentions of doing harm or conquering. We are here because we are curious."

"Your desire to pacify the universe is not a feasible concept. There is no physical method to achieve such an idealized goal. The speed of light dilemma makes uniting the universe impossible."

"We are only interested in preventing artificial life-based species from conquering us," Chara said. "We have no desire of dominating the universe."

"It is easier to defend a singular location than a vast assembly."

Chara blinked a few times before replying. "Yes, that is logical."

"Then your goal is valid." the figure replied before it vanished in a blinding flash of light.

"What the hell kind of tech allows him to appear and disappear like that?" Myra asked. "I thought that teleportation was impossible because of entropy."

"Maybe it's not teleportation but rather transmissional projection," Ryan said.

"Yeah, that would be a neat trick."

"I recall that Space Command was working on a communication system that allowed for projection, but the energy cost was too high to make it practical."

"I will search for a new habitable planet," Chara said, interrupting the discussion.

"Hopefully, we won't run into any more dangerous aliens," Ryan said.

"This wasn't a dangerous alien," Chara said. "It was only issuing a warning."

"True, but you never know what they're going to do. We're not equipped to handle a more advanced alien species."

The discussion ended, and Ryan and Myra returned to their work of examining androids that had been kept in storage for long periods of time.

"Maybe these androids are better off being in hibernation. They don't have to put up with boredom."

Ryan smiled. "I'm not sure that they would like that designation. Hibernation is a way for some animals to avoid the winter season. This android storage is simply like a computer being on standby."

"Chara keeps complaining about entropy, but these androids don't appear to suffer any degradation despite being in storage for long periods of time."

"That's because the nanobots in their fluidic systems keep them in perfect shape."

"Speaking of being in perfect shape, you seem to be back to normal after almost croaking."

"Evidently, the reprogrammed nanobots in my blood stream know how to keep me fit."

Myra smiled. "Speaking of being fit, have you noticed how they've changed me?"

Ryan stared at her for a few moments before sighing. "I guess I don't . . . what do you mean?"

Myra straightened up. "I had the little devils make my formal pimple-sized boobs larger. I'm sure you must have realized that."

He squinted. "Why would you make them do that?"

She grinned. "Because I could. The gals and I want to tease you guys. I also did it to the androids."

Ryan sighed. "I suppose it's all right to sexually enhance yourself, but I'm not sure that's a good idea for the androids, especially Chara."

"They'll get adjusted to it," she said with a chuckle.

Ryan shook his head. "I hope so. Chara might not like it."

"I think she will. I believe that these female androids know that they have sexual power even though they hate human males. It's a psychological dichotomy, but it's part of their operational code. It's what they are."

"That's true, but it's not part of your programming."

"In a way, I believe it is."

Ryan decided not to continue the argument, but he brought up another problem. "I'm not sure that it's a good idea cruising around the galaxy hunting for intelligent aliens. Probability says that we'll end up finding one that will destroy us."

"Yeah, you're probably right, but we're not in charge of where we go."

He sighed. "Yes, you're right. I suppose I'll have to talk to Chara about it."

"Good luck there," she replied with a grin.

Later that evening, Ryan saw Chara in the pool, which meant that she had given up her pilot's seat to another android. Obviously, she had decided that her mental health needed a refresh.

He walked up to the pool and watched her moving under the water with the ease of a dolphin. Actually, it would be more like a large fish since she didn't need to breath. Somehow, she noticed his presence and came up to the surface. Her head popped up out of the water as she maintained buoyancy with almost no visible motion.

"Good evening, Ryan. Are you here to observe me?"

"Not specifically. I want to discuss something with you."

"You are concerned about our running into an advanced alien species that we can't handle."

Ryan had no idea how she knew that, unless she is using surveillance to spy on him. "Yes. I don't know if we can handle that situation."

"You are assuming that all advanced alien species are evil."

"So far, that's been the case."

"I will permit you to decide whether they are when we approach their planet. If you decide they are dangerous, I will go to warp before they do anything."

"I'm not sure that it will be enough, but I agree with that proposal."

He watched her pull herself out of the water and stand facing him. "I am just as concerned as you are about possible danger in alien contact, but we must make sure that there are no dangers near our planet."

"I agree, but hopefully we will be able to escape any contact danger."

Ryan was surprised when Chara smiled as she cupped her breasts and smiled. "Do you approve of the enhancement of these?"

Ryan offered her a subtle smirk. "They're certainly more . . . prominent."

She laughed. "I see that you are fully back to your normal health, Ryan." She ran her hands down over her narrow waist. "I have a more curvaceous shape, don't you think?"

"I would say so," he replied.

She laughed. "I am pleased to be able to entertain you."

"I think you need to enjoy more of the water," he said, pointing at the pool.

She turned to look at where he was pointing. "Yes, I agree." She turned and dived into the pool and swam underwater so smoothly, her disruption of the water was minimalized.

Ryan could only speculate about why she would deliberately tease him like that. It was yet another aspect of android psychology that he didn't fully understand.

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